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Sobre El Autor

Elizabeth Willard Thames is the founder of the award-winning Prior to following her calling as a writer and homesteader, she worked for ten years in the nonprofit sector as a fund-raiser and communications manager.

Obras de Elizabeth Willard Thames


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I was drawn to this by the title, but I didn't get past the introduction because I was left with the impression that it was an amateur production. Crazy, because when I picked it up again two months later, it was far from it. Narrator Ann Marie Gideon had added the right amount of 'personal' to Elizabeth Willard Thames' story. Yes, I use the word 'story', because this isn't the usual financial self-help book. It's more like a memoir.
Okies | 14 reseñas más. | Nov 8, 2023 |
“What would you do if you didn’t need your paycheck? What’s your passion in life? And what’s stopping you from making that a reality?” These are the questions the author and her husband asked themselves at very young ages, while transitioning from urban life to a life of independence.

I really admire the author and her husband’s tenacity of buckling down on their frugal lifestyle from an early age in life. I sure wish I could of had my hands on a book like this when I was in my 20’s. Any young person just starting out in life would really benefit and would be just as motivated to saving for their dreams instead of throwing their money away for instant gratifications. She opens your eyes to how consumer driven we really are, and the more money we make the more we slip into that “lifestyle creep” of spending and depending on however much money we make. It’s true! Me and my husband are there now, and I think we need to start thinking about where we really want to be in our retirement years, which is just around the corner. We’re both 54 years old! We make plenty of money and don't have a lot of debt to be able to buck down and fix it now.

I love her budgeting ideas. The only expense she enters into “fixed” expenses is her mortgage and maybe one vehicle. Everything else (utilities, extra car payments, etc…) goes into “discretionary” expenses. We are made to believe that a lot of these expenses are necessary. But, with utilities, for example, you have the option to turn on the heat and pay a higher bill, or you can dress warmer and pay a much lower bill. There’s a choice. The same with television, or having the latest cell phones, hair-styling and coloring, beautiful nails, the latest clothes fashion. It’s all about choices, and more than that really. We’ve become so wasteful as a nation, throwing out perfectly good, quality “stuff” everyday just because we are tired of the old and want something new. This is a good era for young people to consider purchasing used items because people are getting rid of like new stuff.

The author and her husband tested just how frugal they could actually be for one month before giving up their jobs for good, and her becoming a freelance writer and blogger. After giving up things little by little over a course of a few years, they finally gave it one month to find out how little they could spend and still actually SURVIVE. This gave them their base income needed. I would love to do this one day. This would tell me and my husband exactly how much we need to save up for a 6 month or 1 year emergency fund just to survive. Now see how motivated I am! I’m going to have to read this book to my husband so he gets on-board with the frugal lifestyle….haha…

To answer the question of “What would I do if I didn’t need a paycheck? What is my passion in Life?”: I would have to say I LOVE to write, but, I think what I like to write about (my genealogy, gardening, preserving foods, cooking, etc..), people aren’t that interested in and there’s already so much of it on the internet. I would have to create a unique way of presenting my stuff just to be successful, but feel like I don't really have it in me at this time. I have created two different Facebook pages to keep my “photography” and my “homesteading” stuff separate from my personal Facebook so my friends and family won’t feel compelled to have to like my stuff. Anyone interested can just follow on those other two pages. Now see, that’s the fear and insecurity in me! I’m afraid I’ll be embarrassed for writing something stupid.

Strange enough, this was exactly the author’s situation. She couldn’t even begin to write, so her husband secretly set her up a blog account, presented it to her one day, and told her to start writing, and not to worry about a thing because nobody’s going to read it anyway. And, at first, they didn’t. But now she has over 70,000 followers and is making money with her blog about ways to be frugal, at “” (), and she can also be followed on her Facebook page, where she currently has 25,000 followers.

Unfortunately, I have to give her book a 4 star instead of 5 because really the last several chapters seem to be repetitive. You know how if someone is trying really hard to press their point and they say the same thing over and over, but just in different ways in hopes that you'll get it. Yea! Otherwise, I was motivated and would recommend this read to all young people just starting out in life.
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MissysBookshelf | 14 reseñas más. | Aug 27, 2023 |
Meet the Frugalwoods Lessons and Key Takeaways:

1. Spend on what reduces your carbon footprint by doing things yourself.
2. Have a plan and work the plan with a deadline. A goal without a deadline is just a dream.
3. Cut out unnecessary expenses and only buy what is necessary or prudent. Save the rest.
4. See how much you can save by doing a No-Spend Year and saving your way out of your situation. Make it realistic but do not deprive yourself.
5. Abolish food waste. Use what is in the home before buying more. Do not waste food. Have leftovers from the meal made the night before.
6. Buy only what you plan to use that week or so. Then carefully use it to the maximum by spreading the meal or snacks out strategically.

Biggest Takeaway

Don’t follow the path other people are on in regards to money and having things. Go your own way. Do your own unique thing. Your way.

Quote in Summary

“Live way, way below your means and in a few years you won’t have to worry about catching up with anyone because you have enough to keep you content and happy on your own terms. Living your life on your own terms.”
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Kaianna.Isaure | 14 reseñas más. | Dec 12, 2022 |
davisfamily | 14 reseñas más. | Dec 11, 2022 |

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