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well storm tossed wasn't quite what i was expecting its very short and not very well developed but it has potential. not really my kind of para/rom but hey if you're open minded and can REALLY stretch your imagination to fill in a lot of blanks and pitfalls try it out. doesn't hurt to try something that hasn't been written about a million times before.
krissysbookshelf | Sep 25, 2013 |
Good book. I enjoy this time period - 1800's.
daisygrl09 | otra reseña | Feb 27, 2010 |
Caroline Clemens comes to a scandalous arrangement with Dominic Savage. Penniless and responsible for four younger siblings following the death of their debt-ridden father, she agrees to become the willing plaything of this darkly dangerous man who has saved her family from the workhouse—and in repayment, she will fulfill his every physical need. . . eagerly and without hesitation.

Rather than feel shamed by her long fall from innocence, Caroline finds her new life exhilarating—for Savage is a remarkably skilled lover who knows the secret places to enter, taste, and touch that will drive a woman to new heights of ecstasy. He would never falsely promise her a wedding—unlike her faithless fiancé, who betrayed, insulted, and abandoned her. And she will repay his honesty with night after torrid night of delicious erotic games, taking their passion further than either of them ever dreamed possible. But Dominic will not be satisfied with owning Caroline's ripe and luscious body, for he secretly desires the one thing that she dares not surrender to him. Dominic wants Caroline's heart. . . and he will not rest until she succumbs.
juntaobrien | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 22, 2010 |
The book is a collection of three novellas, each about a different couple going through some sort of estrangement/whatever. All of the stories revolve around the same house in Cornwall, a sort of “couples retreat”. All of the heroines showed some spunk at the start of each story, but quickly lost what backbone they had once the sex started. Two of the three heroes were complete asshats! The one I hated the most cheated on his wife all the time and when his wife shows up to stop him, he accuses her of “ruining his fun” then forces her to give him oral sex. After all the hell he puts her through, she realizes in the end that she never really hated him, she just loved him too much. It’s like the second he gives her an orgasm for the first time, everything is all forgiven and they go on to have lots of kinky sex.
anesthezea | otra reseña | Oct 15, 2009 |
The other book I’ve read by Leda Swann got a single-star rating, but this one, surprisingly, gets a bit of a step up with two stars. This was a full-length novel, whereas the last book was a set of three shorter stories. I think the author does better in the longer format, but not greatly so. The characters were a little more defined, there was a little more depth to their background, etc, but I still didn’t get the feeling that I was really getting to know them. I didn’t feel attached to them, almost to the point of indifference. The sex scenes were still rather crude, but not horribly so. The plot was pretty predictable, and the ending even more so. I think it should have been made more obvious that the hero and heroine were falling in love instead of just in rut. The ending was just a little too easy, like a last minute quick-fix. In all, the book wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t great either. At best, it was vaguely sweet, but in the end, unremarkable.
anesthezea | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 15, 2009 |
I enjoyed Mistress, I enjoyed seeing the characters from the Price of Desire again (as heroine in Mistress is younger sister to heroine in Price of Desire). Leda Swann is different from alot of other Historical Erotica novels...its not the HEA you were looking for, but its still an HEA. Not everything ends perfectly, which is okay every now and again. I would recomend this, as it is different from alot of other things out there (IMHO).½
celauer | otra reseña | Apr 2, 2008 |
**Courtesy of CK2S Kwips & Kritiques**

In the aftermath of her father’s suicide and the bankrupt state he left her family in, it is up to Caroline Clemens to see to the care of her younger siblings. Destitute and abandoned by her betrothed in her time of need, she agrees to an unorthodox yet advantageous arrangement with the mysterious Dominic Savage. As his mistress, she and her family will want for nothing, Dominic will see to their comfort and education. In return, Caroline must be available to him at all times, without question or hesitation.

Caroline agrees to give him her body readily – indeed, it is no hardship to surrender to his masterful seduction. She balks, however, at releasing her heart to him, even though it grows harder to protect by the day.

The Price of Desire is the first story I have read yet by Leda Swann. The author’s writing skill is without question – the plot was consistent, the writing fluid and descriptive. The characters were well-developed and real to me within the very first chapter.

My problem with this story came early in the story with one of the actions by the ‘heroine’, Caroline. She did something so abhorrent to me early in the tale that she was never able to earn my respect or empathy again. To be perfectly honest, I would have respected the story much more if Dominic had walked away from her with a “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn” type parting shot when he discovered what she had done. The only other way I could see myself coming to terms with this character were if she were suffering from mental illness and subsequently treated. I do understand she was under tremendous stress at the time, but her actions were just not redeemable in my opinion.

There were some other plot points later in the story that just didn’t sit well with me, but none quite as big as this early flub by the leading lady. Tying it all up was an ending that was, to me, pretty unsatisfying in its brevity. I really think another chapter should have been devoted to tying up the loose ends and making me believe why this couple could end up together after everything that had transpired.

After reading The Price of Desire, I won’t automatically shy away from another Leda Swann book, but it won’t be the first on my buy list.

nashjar | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 13, 2008 |
1st Story...Heroine drove me NUTS!
2nd Story...Hero was not even remotely likeable!
3rd Story...I liked this one, more explicit that the other two, but both characters are much more likeable, and Hero is rather sweet.
celauer | otra reseña | Jan 17, 2008 |
ereader ebook,headless woman cover
romsfuulynn | 3 reseñas más. | Apr 28, 2013 |
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