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I'm afraid I did have some editing issues with this book, but nothing can alter the fact that this was an excellently conceived story set in the early 1900s in the harsh Irish wilderness.

A young, honest, hardworking farmer's son, Finn, finds a little more than a fistful of mud when he slips and falls during inclement weather whilst tending his sheep – a curious little bead with strange markings. An encounter with a prominent professor of archaeology during a dig in a nearby town triggers a chain of events which entails ruthless greed and ambition, deceit and murder. This little bead, it seems, is the key to a much greater and significant ancestral history buried beneath the land owned by Finn and his father. Unscrupulous characters seeking fame and fortune underestimate the intelligence and quick-wittedness of those they perceive as simple, illiterate farmers. Greed has its price.

This book was for the most part well-written: you could feel the hardship and simplicity of the farmers' lives, but the acceptance of their lot was almost endearing, no words of complaint ever left their lips; there was a smile-raising cosiness about the warmth of the family and their support of each other; the growing relationship of Finn and the innkeeper's daughter who was teaching him to read was heart-warming; the pompous professor's and his devious assistants' villainous intents were well crafted. Clearly, a tremendous amount of background research of Irish heritage was carried out and it was well integrated into the plot of this book.

The author has an engaging style, and very deftly brought to life the essence of Ireland – the rugged countryside was almost tangible, the use of Irish dialect was charming (though not always clear!) and I swear I could hear the strains of a merry little Irish jig in the background! The plot is original and compelling.

Although I can recommend this book, I do hope that it is put through a stringent editorial mill for the next reader(s).

This review was originally written for The TBR Pile
Librogirl | Mar 13, 2022 |
A Enciclopédia Visual é uma colecção concebida em moldes originais, de inesperado vigor gráfico e com valiosa informação sobre o mundo que nos rodeia. A variedade de assuntos transforma estes livros numa enciclopédia temática complementar dos estudos.
Jonatas.Bakas | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 24, 2021 |
On Parson's Creek, by Richard Sutton, is a story of mystery and intrigue, of myth and legend come to life, and of one boy's quest for the truth.

Jack and his family have moved to a small town nestled in forest at the feet of the Cascades. Being a curious young man, Jack goes exploring in the forest around his home and stumbles upon a long abandoned mining site. Intrigued by the history, Jack seeks to learn more, but what he finds doesn't at all match the 'official' story, gleaned from old newspapers, interviews with townsfolk, and his own knowledge of steam engines. Determined to discover what really happened, Jack digs deeper and deeper. What he finds is something that defies rational explanation, at least as we know it.

Jack is new to the area, a close-knit, rural community. Sutton did a wonderful job of portraying a young man trying to fit into a new school, and make friends when he's seen as an outsider. This doesn't get easier when he starts snooping in things the locals don't like talking about. In the end, Jack doesn't find quite all the answers he's looking for, but then, that's how life really works, isn't it? And we, as the reader, are left with a bit of mystery, and wonder, for we've brushed against something that is, perhaps, better left in shadow, and the dancing eddies of time.

Sutton's On Parson's Creek pulled me in right from the beginning. I couldn't put it down. I felt as if I were right there with Jack, as he went about his adventures. Great description helped flesh the scenes out, making it easy to 'live the story.' I enjoyed so much that I've added this delightful read to my class reading lists so my students have the option of choosing it for an assignment.

There were a few downsides. I typically rather look at story than nitpick mechanics. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention these few things for the more technical minded prospects. The formatting could be better. The pound sign demarcations could be better handled by being placed centerline, and possibly using a different symbol, such as the asterisk.

There are also several places with misspelled words, or grammatical errors. I found the story captivating enough that I actually skimmed over these at first, my brain correcting subconsciously as I went along. Many times, I had to stop and go back because I just had this nagging feeling something was amiss. For me, it was not enough to detract from the story at all. However, if these things, however infrequent, are likely to frizzle your sensibilities, you may wish to wait til a revision is released. The only exception, one that jarred me to a halt, is likely not one the average person would even pick up on- the word 'Gigantopithecus'. In all instances of the word, it is missing the 'h'. It stuck out because I am an anthropologist by schooling, and though palaeoanthropology is not my particular forte, I do enjoy learning about it.
PardaMustang | otra reseña | Sep 4, 2015 |
This is a very detailed book all about cars. The book takes a trip to the past and breaks down some of the oldest cars. It also breaks down more modern cars. This is very informative for someone who wants to learn more about cars.
hschmill22 | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 25, 2014 |
On Parson's Creek by Richard Sutton is a tale of a new boy and an old legend.
It's a coming of age story of a boy in a family that never stays put long enough to put down roots. It's the tale of a mystery that dates before recorded time and all the mysteries that followed in years past. Strange things happen in the woods but stranger things happen just being a teenager in an imperfect world.

This book is meant for mature young adults or adults. There are few "F" bombs and one messy groping scene which is why I took off one star, (I'm strict about that stuff) but other than that it is perfectly clean and a good read. I recommend it for older teen boys, but girls can enjoy the mystery too. My thanks to the author for an ARC of this book. It is a delightful read.
bookgirl59 | otra reseña | Sep 21, 2014 |
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