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Tracy SumnerReseñas

Autor de Tides of Love

35+ Obras 437 Miembros 63 Reseñas


Low 3 meh. Basically just wanted to finish the series.
mimji | otra reseña | Apr 20, 2024 |
Don’t Give Up If You Like Stubbornness (But I Don’t)

This paranormal romance is rather confusing to start with but interesting characters (who pop up later in the series as well) make it worth reading.
UPDATE: Finished the series. Meh. In general, too much miscommunication and stubbornness between romantic MCs, which is just plain frustrating.
mimji | 6 reseñas más. | Apr 20, 2024 |
mimji | otra reseña | Apr 20, 2024 |
Rogue of My Heart

Six historical novellas to give you a taste of authors you may love or have yet to read ~ Am halfway through and posting as today is release day. I will write reviews for the other half as I read them.

TEMPTING THE SCOUNDREL by Tracy Sumner was a delight the first time I read it and just as wonderful when revisited last night. I loved this story of a young man who sees “the one” but leaves to apprentice to a watchmaker only to serendipitously find “the one” ten years later while repairing clocks for a titled gentleman. Love this author and loved revisiting this story.

LOVING MY WICKED ROGUE by Dawn Brower introduced me to a new author that had me scratching my head. This was a bit unbelievable and had me wondering how a young woman of the ton could so easily allow herself to be kissed (and more) without even knowing the man she was with. I did finish it but have to say that the main characters seemed mismatched but am glad they ended up with a HEA.

A LADY:S GUIDE TO MARRIAGE by Tabetha Waite was about mature love between a married couple given a second chance to rekindle their marriage. This had to do with lack of communication, miscommunication, assumptions rather than discussions and though it came out okay in the end…wanted to shake the husband and wife and wondered how they let those five years apart happen

Still to be read:
* A Marriage Most Convenient by Tonyn Frzhsty
* I Kissed an Early by Merry Farmer
* Passion’s Lasting Promise by Amanda Mariel

Thank you to the authors and BookSirens for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars½
CathyGeha | Feb 13, 2024 |
Mistletoe & Christmas Kisses by Tracy Sumner

Tracy Sumner writes wonderful stories and had collected four of hers that have Christmas elements within them to give you a sense of not only the season but introduce you to wonderful characters and stimulating romances that will no doubt have you looking for MORE of her books to read. I have read only one of the four in this collection and look forward to reading the other three as a Christmas treat for myself. Below find the review written after reading The Ice Duchess in October of 2021:

The Ice Duchess by Tracy Sumner
Prequel to the Duchess Society Series

Swept into the past, I fell in love with Georgiana and Dexter. These two were definitely soul mates, if such exist! They may have had a rough patch for a while but thankfully things came right for them in the end!

What I liked:
* Georgiana: duchess, widow, educator of women on the marriage market, guarded, loves her freedom, reputation of being icy, potentially wooable if the right man comes along and woos well.
* Dexter: Marquess soon to be duke, geologist, traveler, son, friend, responsible, aware of what he may have lost, determined to win the woman he truly wants for his duchess – the perfect book boyfriend!
* The way the past was covered.
* The setting
* The honesty between the couple – and their communication
* How well suited the two were for each other
* The romance, gifts, steamy bits, and that I knew they truly cared for one another
* That I was drawn in and came to care deeply about both characters
* The depth of feeling Georgiana and dexter had for one another
* The feeling that the two were well matched and equally yoked
* All of it really except…

What I didn’t like:
* Being reminded that marriage in this era was a business transaction and women were treated as a commodity up for sale.
* The reason Georgiana was married the first time.

Did I like this book? YES!
Would I read more in this series? Definitely!!!

Thank you to the author for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | Nov 28, 2023 |
Another wonderful story from one of my favorite authors ~ Loved Wilhelmina & Griffin together!

What I liked:
* Wilhelmina Wright: nicknames Mina and Willie, wealthy, father ran a race track, feisty, brilliant, good with numbers, started private investigation business, wants a husband to give her legitimacy
* Griffin Alistair Beckett, Viscount Kent: destitute, brother with gambling addiction, trying to get his estates back in order and the title solvent, related to The Black Widow – Bessie Dove-Lyon
* The reason that Griffin didn’t make it to the wedding arranged by Mrs. Dove-Lyon
* The way Willie and Griff had a second chance and that it proved to be filled with more possibilities than the first one
* The way Griff managed to get back in Wilhelmina’s good graces after he almost blew it
* That I could see living happily together as they respected and loved one another
* The tie-in to two other books by this author: The Brazen Bluestocking and Tempting the Scoundrel
* That it left me with a smile on my face

What I didn’t like:
* Can’t say that there was anything I didn’t like in this book

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Dragonblade Publishing for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | otra reseña | Sep 15, 2023 |
Another good Lyon's Den book. I'm late to the party with this series, but I thoroughly enjoy them. In this story, Wilhelmina goes to Mrs. Dove-Lyons for help finding a husband. She's looking for a man who needs her money enough to support her unorthodox activities. Mrs. Dove-Lyons has the perfect candidate - her late husband's nephew, Griffin. Neither she nor Mina expected Griffin to be a no-show on their wedding day.

Griffin's estates are debt-ridden, thanks to his younger brother's gambling. He agrees to the marriage, but he is kidnapped before he can carry out his promise. His abductors require him to work for them until his debts are paid off but allow him to become a partner and earn a percentage of the profits. So he rolls up his sleeves and goes to work.

Almost a year later, we find Griff hiding outside the Lyon's Den in the dark. He's injured and feverish, and Mrs. Dove-Lyons is the only one he can trust, though he knows he's still in her black books from the wedding that never was. I liked the conversation between Griff and her; she would not let him off lightly from the previous year's debacle. Neither has she given up on making the match and turns Griff over to Mina for healing.

I enjoyed watching this relationship develop. Mina is in no hurry to forgive Griff for his actions, even after she knows the truth. She has another possible suitor in mind. But she didn't count on the sparks of interest and attraction resurrected when they met again. She also didn't expect Griff's determination to marry her.

Despite his rakish reputation, Griff is a good man with a generous and protective heart. That protectiveness is aroused as he gets to know Mina and becomes aware of her activities. Their banter is fun, as Mina is a strong, independent woman who knows what she wants, and Griff intends to take care of the woman he's come to care for. The painting scene was exciting and showed how they began to respect and support each other. I loved Griff's grand gesture at the end and how it showed how well he knew, understood, and loved her.

The epilogue was terrific. I enjoyed seeing Griff's hint of vulnerability while Mina is as strong and confident as ever.
scoutmomskf | otra reseña | Sep 11, 2023 |
I hate to give Sumner such a low score, but I just didn't enjoy this one at all. The story felt unbelievable and like it was just cobbled together from other books. And the language was flowery and super repetitive, and felt like it was trying too hard to be clever. I'd liked Dash as a side character and Theo had definite potential, but Dash just didn't feel as clever and roguish as he had previously, and I ended up actually disliking Theo (she's kind of a goose actually). Their entire relationship seemed like 60% lust, 30% mistrust, and 10% rash choices and vocabulary. If it wasn't the 6th book I've read in this series, and an ARC, I could have easily just set it aside forever. I didn't expect this and am bummed.

I received an advance review copy for free from BookSprout, and I am leaving this honest review voluntarily.
JorgeousJotts | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 21, 2023 |
Kiss the Rake Hello by Tracy Sumner
Wicked Widows’ League #13

Short steamy novella that sees a man’s youthful crush become a whole lot more – a real treat to read today!

What I liked:
* Cort: one of three brothers, his older twin brother is the duke, mechanically inclined, retired from King’s Dragoons after the battle of Waterloo, suffers from PTSD, had a crush on Alexandra in his youth, charming, and perfect for Alex
* Alex: widow of Viscount Amberly, lonely most of her life, interests not common for a woman of her era, never happy or fulfilled in her marriage, uncomfortable with the ton, always considered Cort a nuisance until…he wasn’t
* The chemistry between Cort and Alex
* That they seem compatible and will add to one another’s lives
* That I liked and cared about them both
* The plot, writing, location, and writing
* Knowing that there are two books to look forward to that will include the brothers of Cort, Knox and Damien
* All of it really except…

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about the era and how few freedoms were available to many – women, younger sons in titled families, and the poor

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to the author and BookSirens for the ARC – This is my honest review

5 Stars
CathyGeha | Jun 4, 2023 |
Two Scandals and a Scot by Tracy Sumner
The Duchess Society #5

Splendid, scintillating, sensual story that was a joy to read! Slipping back into the Leighton Cluster, seeing how the couples are doing, and joining in vicariously as the family closer than one based on blood manages to continue to thrive was the perfect way to spend the day.

What I liked:
* Theodosia “Theo” Astley: raised in poverty, taken in by a sister that was unaware of her, trained by The Duchess Society, intelligent, dreams of having an education and teaching, tries to be what is expected – but is not, doesn’t trust easily
* Dashiel “Dash” M. Campbell: Scottish, difficult backstory, intelligent, lived by his wits, taken in by Macauley, beautiful, chick-magnet, doesn’t share or trust easily, true to the Leighton Cluster, an author, a bit of a surprise to himself and others
* The way Dash came to Theo’s rescue after what must have been a fiasco of an engagement party
* The kiss that changed the lives of Dash and Theo
* The strong bond between all in the Leighton Cluster
* The sizzle and steam leaping off the page when Dash and Theo are together
* That quiet Theodosia is not as quiet as most think she is – she might even surprise herself
* The way it all works out in the end – loved every moment of the reading of this story
* Looking forward to Jasper Noble’s story in book six of the series
* All of it except…

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about ton expectations and people trying to live up to them
* Thinking of the way the poor must have lived in this time and wishing it wasn’t so

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to Wolf Publishing and the author for the ARC – this is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 20, 2023 |
Another nice surprise within the historical romance genre. Am thinking I will def be checking out the last two books as well as I'm quite enjoying this setting and the backdrop of the Duchess Society.
The romance in this book was well balanced, just the right amount of banter, conflict and angst. Some might put Tobias and Hildy under the grumpy/sunshine trope, but I felt there was so much more to these characters that it feels kind of simple to just box them in like that.
The story moves along nicely and actually managed to deliver a few pleasant surprises. There was one thing that happens in this book that I've kind of gotten bored with in historical romances, but it was executed in such a clever way that I quite enjoyed it. (Trying not to spoil anything here.)
Both characters are strong, confident and forward thinking, and their chemistry just works. I was sorry to see the end of this book, as I def would have liked to spend more time with this couple.
KayleeWin | 6 reseñas más. | Apr 19, 2023 |
This whole series has been a pleasant surprise, and I don't know why I expected less from this book. Possibly because I'm not a fan of age-gap stories, and I didn't really see how Macauley was going to melt into a puddle for a woman, but Sumner made it work.
The main thing for me is that she made Pippa such a spirited, yet level headed character, which then made it believable that she would go after what, and who she wants.
I would have liked the story to be a little longer, as I do with most these books, so the tension between the two leads can build a bit more. Also with regards to more of a buildup for the ending, but that's me being nitpicky.
My one gripe writing wise is that I felt some of the Scottish dialect wasn't used correctly, and that took me a bit out of the scenes involving Dash.

I enjoy how Sumner is building up this world, and introducing potential future leads in upcoming books. The addition of small titles for the chapters is also a plus.

Looking forward to the next one.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
KayleeWin | 5 reseñas más. | Apr 19, 2023 |
As with the previous book I really liked the characters.
Helena and Roan work so well together, despite the walls they have around themselves. I was really rooting for these two.

I do wish there had been a little more to the backstory of when Helena and Roan first met and their initial disagreement, and as always I would have liked a little more of the ending. I tend to crave more of a look into how things have settled.

I did also enjoy the small glimpse into what the next book will be about. It shows that Sumner is really growing this universe, and that just makes me more invested.

A really enjoyable read, and once again something I thought would end up being a tropey plot point wasn't so another point to Sumner on that one.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
KayleeWin | 5 reseñas más. | Apr 19, 2023 |
Short and sweet.
I wasn't expecting much from this book, but it ended up taking me by surprise. The characters are good, and I could understand their motivations. The relationship developed at an okay pace, I can excuse the speed as they had history.
Also refreshing to read one of these stories where it doesn't end with a kidnapping. Would have been nice if it were a bit longer, but all in all an enjoyable little read.
KayleeWin | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 19, 2023 |
Sumner has done it again. I really am enjoying this series, and am looking forward to future installments.

As always I would have enjoyed it if the book was longer, maybe a little bit longer time to pass between the initial spark and things moving along. Also a little more time focused on their time apart.
Those are minor complaints though, as the story of Oliver and Necessity is engaging and you can't help but like them

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
KayleeWin | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 19, 2023 |
It’s always the quiet ones!

The Duke of Leighton’s sister Theodosia Astley desperately wants to fit in but underneath she’s a true radical. What she really wants is to go to University, encourage women to vote, teach, you name it. What she prefers for a present is books, not tiaras. The girl from the rookeries is now part of the Leighton Clan. She decides to marry so that she can have her independence, only her fiancés very pregnant mistress turns up at the pre-wedding ball! Unleashing a scandal!
What Theo does next is run! Right into the carriage of Dashiell Campbell, rookery pickpocket and renowned card sharp, and takes off. Dash is pretty sure who’s stolen his carriage as soon as he sees its missing. He grabs a horse and follows Theo. (Mind you his driver thinks she’s one of the legions of women who throw themselves at the sinfully handsome Dash.)
Dash, determined to rescue Theo from the ensuing scandal, catches her at his gaming establishment, (thanks again to his driver!) Theo calls in the marker Dash owes her from years ago. Oops!
Unfortunately the Leighton Cluster (Yes! Dukes, Duchesses, kids etc.) catch up with them at an inn just as they’re in a very public clinch. (Kissing!) Another scandal! Before you know it Dash and Theo find themselves about to be married.
The story takes off from there amidst very funny moments, awkward moments, frustrating moments, and dangerous ones!
Dash’s married a radical not a mouse (which he already knew).The road to their happiness is strewn with rocks and moments of mirth, not to mention Theo’s book reading which extended to sexual tomes that need a lot of practice! Dash loves her command of words and is always after an explanation of their meaning. He adores the scholarly side of her.
A chuckling, enjoyable read!

A Wolf Pub. ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
eyes.2c | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 12, 2023 |
I loved all the stories in this anthology! There was a great range of steam from sweet kisses to steamy encounters! I was able to read books from authors I have not had the chance to read yet and have added them to my Goodreads list.

Devil at the Gates was one of my favorites! The anguish, the mystery and the passion was just on point! They were both tortured people who desperately wanted to love and be loved! And I couldn’t be happier for them that they found each other!

I also really liked Scandal in the Snow! I think it is hard to make the romantic feelings real in a novella, so it is genius to start with the relationship with some history, so you don’t have to start from scratch! I loved the banter and the enemies to lovers trope! Very well written and cute story!

Miss Pageants Christmas Proposal was a unique story and I loved it! The ‘Big Lie Trope’ isn’t one I’ve see a lot in historical romances and this was really well done! Emary didn’t come off as a brat but someone who truly wanted his affections and thankfully, Donovan didn’t competent blame her for their weird start to their relationship. There was just enough angst to keep you on the edge of your seat but not enough to be frustrating!

I always love Tracy Sumner and Tempting the Scoundrel was a great read! Christian's obsession with Raine was so so sweet (not creepy at all) and because she was weary of him at first, it made it all the more sweet and real feeling!
Silcottfamily | otra reseña | Mar 27, 2023 |
Oh Pippa and Xander, I have been waiting for your story and it was everything I hoped it would be! I love how he tried so hard to stay away from her, but he just can't. He is drawn to her and to protecting her from trouble she constantly finds herself in. They have the best romance; her pining and his stubborn, holding back from her is just too good! When he finally sees Pippa from a real woman with big dreams to change the world, or at least London, he is taken aback and loves her even more for it.

The Heroine
Lady Philippa Darlington is bored. She grew up with just her brother, the Duke of Leighton, but now he was married and had children. She should be more fulfilled with family and friends surrounding her, but she was restless. She has no intention of getting married so decides to get through her first Season as a wallflower hoping no one will notice her. She wants her life to be more meaningful than to be a debutante, get married, bear children and be a wife.

The Hero
Xander Mccauley is the last of his friends to remain single and he has NO desire to fall into the Parson’s trap! He has clawed his way out of the East End rookeries and built a fortune and a name for himself. He is about to open up a new gaming hell with his friends, which is to be the crowning jewel of his many business endeavors. He has been in infatuated with Pippa for years and, when she comes to make her debut in society, he takes it upon himself to have her followed and protected from trouble.

The Steam
Their passion was a long time coming, so it made the steamy scenes even hotter. But they definitely couldn’t keep their hands off each other once they opened Pandora’s Box.

Historical Romance, Regency Era, Gaming Hell, East End London, Rake Hero, Tortured Hero, Illegitimate Hero, Best Friends Sibling, Working Class, Bluestocking Heroine, Virgin Heroine, Childhood Crush, Unrequited Love, Class Difference, Age Gap Romance, Carriage Steam, Dirty Talk
Silcottfamily | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2023 |
Regency Era, historical romance, House Party, Titled hero, Beta hero, Spinster Wallflower heroine, Working Heroine, Unrequited love, Second Chance romance, Enemies to Lovers, Fake Relationship, Married in Scandal, Class Difference, Rake Hero, Sudden Nobility

The Hero
Roan Darlington, Duke of Leighton was handed the dukedom at the age of 21, suddenly and out of the blue. He was not happy about the inheritance, but came to recognize his duty. He and his sister Pippa were forced out of their simple life, to one they were I’ll prepared for.

The Heroine
Helena Astley is the only daughter of a shipping giant, who gave her the company when he died, making her an instant outcast in society but incredibly wealthy! She is smart, witty and an amazing business woman. Her mother having died when she was little, she is lonely and has no friends outside of work relationships.

The Plot
Roan has been pining after Helena for over a decade. He would watch her by the seashore and try to gather the nerve to speak to her. When he finally did, he botched the whole thing and ruined any chance he had with her.

Now, it’s 10 years later and, although they still harbor strong feelings for each other, they are rude to each other and bicker every time they meet. But, when the opportunity presents itself, Roan invites Helena, and her newly discovered half sister, to his country house for the Christmastide so that her sister and his sister can get lessons from the Duchess Society. He offers to pretend a courtship with Helena so that he can help put aside rumors he accidentally when he punched a man for insulting her and save her from scandal.

Helena and her sister arrive at Roan’s house and she starts to see a side of him that she didn’t expect, a caring and responsible side. But when he dares her to a kiss, that simple kiss leads to more and they are caught in a compromising position. Thrust into a world she is I’ll prepared for, Roan must convince Helena that he wants and loves her and the rest will fall into place. And she needs to let her guard down and open her heart to the possibility of love and a family.

The Steam
A couple of very steamy scenes and lots of swooning! One particularly steamy scene on a pianoforte that leads to a compromising situation!

Final Thoughts
Once again, Ms. Sumner’s book gives me all the feels! Such a good book and, since, all three storylines in this series are so different, I know it is Tracy’s writing that can pull me into any romance she can put to paper!
Silcottfamily | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2023 |
Let me start by saying that I adore everything that comes out of Tracy Sumner’s pencil. I open one of her books with caution because I know I am going to be lost to the world she has created within its pages until the last page. The Lady is Trouble was difficult for me; for the first several chapters I felt lost to the plot and a little confused. I was immediately sucked in like I usually am after only one chapter!

BUT, I know better than to give up and I pushed through my confusion and about 40% into the book, I was able to understand the characters better and their background and was instantly invested in their HEA! The story, series actually, takes place in Victorian England around a group of people with paranormal abilities. All of whom are treated poorly by their families and society.

Julian Alexander, Viscount Beauchamp, has the paranormal ability to touch an object and be transported to the owners world. With his mother gone, his father tried to beat the visions out of him until he ran away to the gutters of London. He lived a dangerous life until he was rescued by a man who wanted to study his powers and help him understand them. He avoided his father until his death, when he was forced to take up the title.

Lady Elizabeth Piper Scott is the granddaughter of Julian’s rescuer and has the ability to heal people and soften the affects of others powers. When Julian arrives at Piper’s home, their chemistry is instant and undeniable. For years, they spend all their time together and develop a very close bond, even while Julian continues his education at university. However, when her grandfather is killed by intruders seeking his book of research, with his dying breath, he warns Julian that Piper is not for him. Julian takes up the mantle as Pipers guardian and immediately sweeps her and puts her in hiding in the country.

Three years later and Piper is bored and hurt and restless. Julian has shut her out and left her to solitude and she is much to lonely to stay that way. With the death of her guardian, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Julian and Piper are forced back together and their chemistry is still undeniable! Julian is determined to fight it to keep her safe, whereas Piper isn’t taking no for an answer.

And that’s where the story really picked up for me; I started to understand their backstory more and more which helped me invest in their HEA and I finished the book within hours! Although, I was a little disappointed at the climax of the story when Piper was in danger, Julian and Piper’s angsty romance made up for the lack. The side characters were great and I am so excited for the next story!

Historical Romance, Victorian Era, Country Life, Artist Hero, Damaged/Tortured Hero, Grumpy Hero, Orphan Hero, Protective Hero, Titled Hero, Aggressive Heroine, American Heroine, Damaged/Tortured Heroine, Hoyden Heroine, Orphan Heroine, Virgin Heroine, Angst Romance, Caught Between Duty & Love, Forbidden Romance, Second Chance Romance, Unrequited Love, Heroine in Danger, Suspense/Danger/Murder, Byronic/Brooding Hero, Outdoor Steam, Could-Get-Caught Steam, Desk Steam, Four Star, Three Flame
Silcottfamily | 6 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2023 |
Georgina Whitcomb survived a horrible marriage, been widowed and now runs a successful school that educates young women how to manage a marriage. But when she runs into Dexter Munro at a house party, all the feelings from her youth coming flooding back. Dex is back to find a wife as his father is dying and he will become Duke soon. Georgina refuses to marry again and lose her independence but Dex is determined to make her change her mind because he has always loved her as well. After spending several passionate days together, she is still determined to carry on…alone. Dex tells her to meet him at the museum in a few days if being apart makes her realize how much she loves him.

Tropes: Regency Era, House party, Titled hero, Widow, Experienced heroine, Damaged heroine, Unrequited love, Second Chance, fling to love,

The Plot : So much pining, angst, love and passion tossed into a short novella, but it was perfection! Their unspoken feelings for each other still smoldering after years apart and watching them realize the others feelings was too good! And his compassion for what she went through in her first marriage and his pursuit of her had me so in love with Dex. Some heroines who just deny, deny, deny bother me, but Georgie didn’t; I genuinely understood her hesitation with giving her heart away.

The Heroine : Georgina Whitcomb, Countess Winterbourne was in love with Dex, but left her behind to pursue his geology career, and with the death of her brother, she was married off to an old man, who treated her poorly. She morphed from a fun loving adventurous girl to the closed-off Ice Countess she is now. I truly felt for her and understood her heartbreak.

The Hero : Dexter Munro, soon-to-be Duke of Markham, left home years ago after a fight with his father, leaving Georgina behind. He traveled everywhere pursuing his interest in geology, but with his dad dying, he came home to pick up his place as the future Duke. It bothered me that he could leave her to her fate all while harboring feelings for her, but he redeemed himself by revealing his feelings for her and pursuing her even when she closed herself off to his pursuits.

The Steam : although a slow burn, when the spark finally does ignite it is hot since they’ve been pining after each other for over a decade!

Stand Out Moment : oh my gosh, my heart ripped out of chest when she did t show up to their meeting spot!

Who Would Like This : Anyone looking for a quick, steamy read that sets the stage for the rest of the series.

Final Thoughts : I adored watching this romance unfold and am eager to start the next book in the series!
Silcottfamily | 4 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2023 |
Hildegard Templeton and the Duchess Society are hired to facilitate the match between Tobias Streeter and Matilda. It’s a marriage of convenience so Tobias gets doors opened to him within Tom and Matilda can practice medicine. But when Tobias and Matilda see sparks fly, they realize this may be more complicated than they ever imagined.

Tropes: Working class, East End, Bluestocking heroine, kidnapped, Shipyard, danger/suspense, Illegitimate

The Plot : The story hooked me from the first pages; curious how Hildy and Tobias end up together with him already engaged. From their first meeting, the attraction was palpable. Oh the kisses and the dirty talk. Swoon! There was lots of things keeping them apart, pride, people, miscommunication, secrets, and of course danger! It had it all and it was all done well!

The Heroine : Hildegard Templeton is smart and witty and, having been left with a crumbling home when her brother and father died, she needs a good match to increase the Duchess Society’s business. She had an abusive father and left home as soon as she could. She refuses to marry and be under the control of a husband…that is unless she falls madly, deeply in love, like fairy tale love. She is confident is who she is despite how the ton treat a self-made spinster. But when Tobias sees her for her and not a pretty face with a title, she starts to fall, fast.

The Hero : Tobias Streeter is the bastard son of a viscount and grew up on the streets of East End. After sometime serving in the Royal Navy, he was given contracts with the East India Company and used them to make a thriving business. But he wants more; he has studied architecture and designed buildings but he wants to work with a famous architect and needs the credibility that marrying the Earl of Hastings daughter will bring. He is not sure he can give all that up for Hildy.

The Steam : The narration of the electricity flowing between them, the dirty talk, and the passionate sex is just so good!

Stand Out Moment : My heart still aches when I replay the scene of him kicking her out of his office

Who Would Like This : Do you like steamy historical fiction, then this will be an instant favorite for you too!

Final Thoughts : Oh. My. Gosh. This is an absolute favorite.
Silcottfamily | 6 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2023 |
Necessity Bryne lost her entire beloved family to cholera and was forced to set out on her own. Alone at the age of 12, she chose the difficult path, determined to become a famous gardener!

Oliver Aspinwall, Earl of Stanford is the legitimate brother to his half-brother, Xander. When their horrible father frames Xander for theft and forces him out of his house, Ollie is left to bare the abuse of their father alone. Scared, inside and out, from his fathers abuse and years of fighting for England, his Opium addiction got the better of him when he put himself in the path of a madman after his brother. He woke up with a nasty cut on his face and an Angel treating his wounds. Their first meeting left them both intrigued.

A few years later, Oliver is sober and a recluse at his country estate. Xander decides to send Necessity, now a well-known landscape architect, to live at the estate for a month and fix the dilapidated gardens. But he had ulterior motives as well; Xander hopes these two lost souls will find each other.

They dance around each other for a bit before Ollie can’t take anymore and then the real fun begins! A well and true love affair. One month before Nessie has to head back to London, but when their emotions get the better of them, the outcome of their month long affair is greatly altered!

I love everything that Tracy Sumner writes. Without exception. One Wedding and an Earl was a great edition to the Duchess Society and I loved her connection to Jasper Noble drawing him into the overarching storyline. I think I will LOVE his book!

Historical Romance, Georgian Era, Country Life, Byronic/Brooding Hero, Damaged/Tortured Hero, Disabled/Wounded/Scared Hero, Rake Hero, Soldier/War Hero, Titled Hero, Soldier/War Hero, Bluestocking Heroine, Dresses as Male, Experienced Heroine, Hoyden Heroine, Independent Heroine, Orphaned Heroine, Scientist Heroine, Working Heroine, Angst Romance, Class Difference, Fling to Love, Beauty and the Beast, Forced Proximity, Lessons in Seduction/Teach Me, Second Act Breakup Romance, Five Star, Four Flame
Silcottfamily | 4 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2023 |
Camille Bellington has been in love with her brothers best friend, Tristan Tierney, for as long as she can remember. She is eight years younger and was always the ‘little sister’ to him and her brother. Tristan grew up and joined the military to spite his father. When he returned several years later, Camille had turned into a woman and had decided to no longer chase after the duke, so she accepted a proposal for a marriage of convenience.

Tristan Tierney, Duke of Mercer didn’t know what he had until it was gone. Serving in the war and years passing by will change a persons perspective, so when he returns to England and sees Camille for the first time as a woman instead of his best friends little sister, he is wrecked! But he must prove to her that he is genuine and to give him another chance before she gives up on him.

This was such a sweet story! Camille has loved Tristan for years but he wasn’t ready for it and didn’t see it even when everyone around them did! He was so cute in pursuing her and I’m happy she didn’t put up a huge, dramatic fight! Their story just warmed my heart!

Historical Romance, Regency Era, Soldier/War Hero, Beta/Cinnamon Roll Hero, Damaged/Tortured Hero, Titled Hero, Botany Heroine, Orphan Heroine, Bluestocking Heroine, Scientist Heroine, Working Heroine, Childhood crush, Unrequited Love, Age Gap Romance, Best Friends Sibling, Enemies to lovers, Childhood Friend romance, Five Star, Three Flame
Silcottfamily | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 27, 2023 |

From a Scoundrel with Love

Great way to read favorite authors and find new writers that you will want to read again. This anthology of stories containing 1000 pages has only one author that I know well so reading all of the others will add to my author list, I am sure.

THE PIRATE’S DUCHESS by Katherine Bone, first in the book, has a villain to be thwarted and a husband and wife reunited, a happy ending and a hint of a romance that might take place in an upcoming book by Ms. Bone.

THE BRUNETTE WHO STOLE HIS HEART by Tabetha Waite, was the second book I read. A lady’s maid and valet are talked into standing in for their employers. A lovely story and a new author that I will read again.

CHASING THE DUKE by Tracy Sumner, is the story I had to read first as she is one of my favorite writers. This story is about a woman who has promised herself that she will NOT chase her brother’s best friend, the person she had a childhood crush on for so many years, but what happens if he chases her? I knew I would enjoy this story and was so glad that I did.

I look forward to reading and getting to know the other six authors soon.

Thank you to BookSirens and the authors for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars
CathyGeha | Feb 16, 2023 |