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I had great hopes for this book but was very disappointed. I was thinking that I would read new stories that I hadn't heard of before. While that did happen the ones that were new to me weren't that good if having to do with a president at all. It had the usual that you would expect, Lincoln in the Queen's bedroom, Washington at Gettysburg. Ones I hadn't heard which were first ladies were such as Dolley Madison who shows up to keep workers from moving the Rose Garden, Mamie Eisenhower putting her knick knacks back in place after they were moved by a docent cleaning the curio cabinet. There were also tales of a Jefferson and one of his slaves seen relaxing on the porch of his country estate and another who's son is seen in tennis whites who passed in the white house after getting sepsis from a blister on one of his toes.
ChrisWeir | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 19, 2017 |
Not a bad book but certainly not the best I have read on the subject. The writing itself isn't the problem. I feel that the author could have gone into more detail on many of the stories. I like my ghost stories to have some local history behind them and I feel the author could have written this book more from a historic standpoint½
wearylibrarian | Sep 22, 2013 |
Don't let the cheesy cover scare you away. This little book of spirited folklore is one of the better volumes I've read in this genre. The accounts are short, but engagingly told with a good-sized helping of local history and a dash of humor -- and none of the editorial failings of many such books. It's not so much a spooky read as it is a sojourn through Coastal New Jersey history and its alleged paranormal remainders. I really enjoyed this one.
tymfos | Jun 27, 2013 |
An interesting book about presidential ghostly appearances. It also contained some information about their First Ladies and administrations.
TnTexas | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 31, 2013 |
So in between Halloween and the 2012 Presidential Election, I was lucky enough to get this book for my Kindle while it was free. I have to say it was far and away one of the better free books I have had the pleasure to read. I hadn't heard hardly any of these stories before and while the author never goes into great detail I did enjoy the president by president history of their ghostly encounters while alive and also the rumors of some of them as spirits themselves. I couldn't believe that legions of soldiers all claimed to have seen President Washington during the battle of Gettysburg! Also I found the story of Teddy Roosevelt positively fascinating. I had never heard that he had been a firm believer that he and his sons had to be 'manly' men. This encouraged his son Quinton to become quite reckless and it led to a horrifying accident that Teddy never could escape from. If anything, this book made me want to know more than it provided me with. I have been researching the stories in this book to a greater degree online. The information is quite fascinating and I am very glad to have stumbled upon it.
pacey1927 | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 26, 2013 |
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