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Obras de Madeleine Somerville


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Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
This book appeared to mostly be a collection of home-made cleaning supplies recipes, many of which I had seen before, accompanied by editorials.
shawse | 12 reseñas más. | Oct 4, 2016 |
This review can be found on

"Tao of the lazy environmentalist"

This book is clearly based on a blog. I didn’t know this when I started reading, but the way it was written, with short chapters mostly filled with practical ways of living greener and the repeating of certain things (like that you should reduce the stuff you have), made that very clear. This does make for very comfortable reading, and a high density of information. I got this book as an e-galley, but would consider getting it in print, just so it’s easier to use as a reference, especially for all the “recipes” for cleaning materials in the early chapters of the book. I am certainmy going to use some of that!

I would’ve liked if the book was made a bit more bookish and a bit less bloggish; like creating a theme without repeating itself. Also, I would have enjoyed it if she nagged at her husband less. He is the butt of too many jokes. And although playful banter between couples is fine, it’s a bit different if the banter is all you see.

What I did enjoy, was the focus on doing what you can and are comfortable with, without being preachy (although the recurring mentions that she was not being preachy, felt a bit… preachy). I think this really is the way to go with greener living: just step a tiny bit outside your comfort zone, but without making it so uncomfortable you quit within a week.

I had one more point of critique: her endorsement of alternative medicine, with the reasoning that she trusts in the placebo effect, and that it can do no harm trying alternative stuff before going to a GP. I really disagree with this: sometimes, alternative medicine does damage. Also, funding people who make money with bogus treatments (even if you know it’s bogus and if you have the money to spare) that might lure others into spending more money than they might have on things that will not cure them (but they might not be aware of that) is not ethical behaviour at all.

But, if you ignore that bit if woo, and focus on the good advice she’s giving, this is a really useful little book. I’ll leave you with a quote, that sums it all up nicely.

Reduce, reuse, recycle and choose to give out instead of giving up.
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readingthething | 12 reseñas más. | Aug 7, 2014 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I don't normally read guide books, or if I do I just skim through for the ideas or recipes I am interested in. This one has been different, the authors approach is so light, non-judgmental and engaging that I have found myself reading sections that do not and probably never will apply to me (the odds of me owning hard wood floors or glass shower doors are slim to none).

I'm not going to lie and say I've implemented many, or any, of her suggestions and recipes but I can say I am going to try several of them and her advice and stance of things such as compulsive consumerism, organizing and what is really important in life and have definitely given me much to think about and I am hoping to apply at least some of her approaches to living in my own life. And I am definitely trying the shampoo and conditioner recipes...the toothpaste one I'm not so sure on.

This is a life guide book I am very glad to have found and read and even if I only adapt one or two ideas from it I think my life would be better.
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Kellswitch | 12 reseñas más. | Jun 6, 2014 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Madeline Somerville is young, very funny, and concerned about doing things naturally to save the earth and to save the health of our families.

In this book she addresses ways to simplify and "go natural" in every aspect of life. I agreed with her views most of the time. I must admit I haven't been able to find the time to make some of the things she suggests. For instance, she suggests wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets or fabric softener. She tells you how to make them, but I bought mine instead.

I really appreciated her advice on decluttering, and not buying too much for baby (and pets). I try to follow her advice when I buy things for my daughter (and our family dog!).

I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking to simplify and do things that are good for the environment. And did I mention she is FUNNY? I laughed out loud many times while reading this. :)
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BookAngel_a | 12 reseñas más. | May 19, 2014 |

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