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An excellent resource for the layman to begin to understand the LDS faith. Appears to have been written for the young reader (~ages 11-15 yrs). The origin story for the LDS faith is complicated, this is a good primer on the subject. Would highly recommend to anyone who wants to know more about the LDS faith without speaking directly to a member. I love learning about various religions, but don't necessarily want to give anyone my name. I just want to learn, not convert. This book lays out beliefs in a manner as easy as possible, which is not saying much - it is pretty clear early church leaders "explained" things, then were asked for clarifications, so things got more complicated with each is a very complicated set of beliefs.
mickeycat | otra reseña | Feb 29, 2024 |
The nation the Founders built is now in the throes of a political, economic, social, and spiritual crisis that has driven many to an almost frantic search for modern solutions. The truth is that the solutions have been available for a long time -- in the writings of our Founding Fathers -- carefully set forth in this timely book.

In The 5000 Year Leap: A Miracle That Changed the World, Discover the 28 Principles of Freedom our Founding Fathers said must be understood and perpetuated by every people who desire peace, prosperity, and freedom. Learn how adherence to these beliefs during the past 200 years has brought about more progress than was made in the previous 5000 years. These 28 Principles include The Genius of Natural Law, Virtuous and Moral Leaders, Equal Rights--Not Equal Things, and Avoiding the Burden of Debt.
StFrancisofAssisi | 16 reseñas más. | Sep 6, 2021 |
Having read many books on Communism including works by Karl Marx and Engels, bios on Stalin and Mao Tse Tung, and numerous history books about Soviet Russia and China, I was totally shocked by the information presented in "The Naked Communist". W. Cleon Skousen, author of over 20 books and formerly employed by the FBI for over 15 years, does a good job in explaining the Communist origins, philosophy, goals, and methods of operation. In fact, a good portion of this information corresponds with the content of J. Edgar Hoover’s "Master’s of Deceit."

Skousen also excels in telling the Communist history, revealing a plethora of facts and details. I never before realized that Soviet Russia was directly responsible and personally orchestrated the takeover of ALL communist regimes. Skousen describes the nightmare of how Soviet Russia got their claws into countries by using their highly trained secret operatives and agents, schooled in the Lenin Institute - The Russian Communist Academy to takeover Manchuria and mainland China, North Korea, Cuba, and the Belgium Congo, aside from all the Russian satellite puppet countries of Eastern Europe.

And even more shocking, the USA allowed and actively helped some of it to occur, turning a blind eye and refusing to give moral support or send arms to the struggling victims in desperate need of assistance to prevent the takeovers. In fact, the USA actively discouraged other countries from taking sides. After WW II President Roosevelt negotiated a flawed UN agreement that literally gave Soviet Russia the freedom to control the organization. Within a mere 5 years during the Democratic administrations of FDR and Truman the Communists managed to swallow up and enslave more than 500,000,000 people in China, and another 100,000,000 were trapped behind the Iron Curtain.

As early as the 1950s members of Hollywood’s elite were blatantly voicing support for communism, expressing encouragement to Castro. Does it come as a shock to you that Lucille Ball was a card carrying member of the Communist party?

Of even greater concern is the fact that Communists are still gnawing away at the United States: infiltrating our government, education system, civil liberty organizations, and the media, preying on well-meaning liberals for support, and trying to ruin our traditions, culture, and freedom in an effort to achieve world domination, all a part of their planned New World Order. The Naked Communist was written in 1958 and W. Cleon Skousen was labeled a conspiracy theorist, but all his predictions for the future have come true: the destruction of historical monuments, the degradation of our Founding Fathers, the censorship of free speech, attempts to destroy our confidence in the police, and denigrating religion.

I finally understand why there was a “RED Scare” in the United States. What is now portrayed as bloated exaggeration of Communist threats during the late 1940s and early 1950s was indeed a legitimate life threatening concern for the USA. In fact, today there is a more imminent danger than ever before.

The author offers many meaningful quotes throughout this work. One example:
“If America’s wealth were spread around the world it would soon be dissipated, but if her system of free government and free enterprise were spread around the world, nations would soon find them to be perpetual producers of wealth.”

If the public education system truly values our freedom, perhaps our teachers should be assigning "The Naked Communist" as required reading material instead of pure propaganda like "White Fragility".
LadyLo | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 21, 2020 |
150, political philsophical analysis based upon communisit documents
brendanus | 3 reseñas más. | Apr 13, 2019 |
The book is a very fascinating and in-depth review of the constitution, the influences of the time that helped to shape the Founding Father's thoughts as they wrote it, and quotes from the Founding Fathers to clarify, confirm, and warn Americans of their belief in the importance of maintaining the basic principles of the Constitution. The author rides a very fine line of guiding Americans in their implied responsibilities with the constitution, warning of the dangers of our not remaining vigilant in protecting the rights established for us through the constitution. It is, as one review on Amazon pointed out, "an incredible book that should be read by all Americans." (S. Peek, But I would take it one step further, and say that this is a book that should be read by anyone who believes in freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and wishes to protect their own freedoms in the countries in which they live. It is also a book which I feel is important to re-read as often as necessary to keep these precepts fresh in our minds. I do not know if I agree with everything the author says, but as a whole, this book is brilliant and really hit home for me!

As we enter yet another election year, I feel that it is more important than ever for people to read (or re-read, as the case may be) this book and consider these principles and take a close look at who we are voting for. We need to take our duties seriously, if we wish to maintain our freedoms. An educated people is a happy people, and sadly as Americans we have let our political education slip, not studying our candidates and their policies before we elect them. I am not promoting one candidate or another, and neither does this book. That is what I love about it. The point is not "who is right, the Republicans or the Democrats?" The point is that we as a people need to be vigilant in protecting our rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!"
HeidiAngell | 16 reseñas más. | Jul 29, 2017 |
This book is a must-read for anyone who loves their country and wants to understand what is being done to it. Points out the 28 principles of freedom our Founding Fathers said must be understood, and how the adherence to theses beliefs is what brought about more progress than had been made in the previous 5,000 years.
jessicajames | 16 reseñas más. | Feb 19, 2016 |
I love "signs of the times" stuff, and this book gave me more detailed information about such things than any book ever has before. Not sure how the dude got all this info but, whatever. It was cool to read and imagine. (Cool and scary). The first half of the book is better than the last half, which deals more with the law of consecration and how that will work--in detail--and that part was a bit boring.
KR_Patterson | otra reseña | Apr 28, 2015 |
This was great. It's a little scary, though, to see how far we've slipped as a nation when you become more aware of where we started. I was surprised to see how much of our freedom we've lost already.
KR_Patterson | 16 reseñas más. | Apr 28, 2015 |
I purchased this with the hopes of finding written documentation for the story of Arab invaders not daring to come any closer when they had the Israelis outnumbered but saw thousands of fierce warriors on horseback.

The israelis did not have thousands of fierce warriors on horseback that they had seen or knew of.

have not found that written anywhere yet.
Excellent recounting of the Arab/Israeli relationship and the abuses from many nations. amazing story.
Mikenielson | Feb 7, 2015 |
Summary: 26 principle that were the basis for the creation of this country and absolutely essential in maintaining the kind of government the Lord had in mind when he inspired the founders.
6boysandme | 16 reseñas más. | Jul 16, 2013 |
An abridged version of the Carroll Quigley book, Tragedy and Hope.

If you think Joe McCarthy was too soft, the Trilateral Commission guides world history and live on a militia compound in the Idaho panhandle, this book is for you.
1 vota
KidSisyphus | Apr 5, 2013 |
God was part of the creation of this country get over it. If you can't then where in nature in any other animals world does one have the RIGHT to have dominion over the others of its kind? It took 5,000 years for men to realize that man does not have the RIGHT to rule over any other man.
cwflatt | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 10, 2012 |
I found this to be a great introduction to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Before getting into the "meat" of the documents, the author goes step-by-step in the foundation - legally and ecclesiastically - of the reasoning behind the Constitution and our republican form of government.

The only criticism of the book I found was aimed at the author; either he is an FBI plant or some how illegitimate because of his Mormonism.
HistReader | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 7, 2012 |
5,000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen is actually a very quick, enjoyable read. I agree with its overall sentiments; nevertheless, it has some structural and grammatical issues. Skoussen's ideas are not fully flushed out, the piece lacks flow, and it is in dire need of some editorial tidying. Its issues detract from what is a really strong survey piece of American Constitutional History. How can things go to press with errors like the use of 'it's' where the author means 'its' etc.?
Voracious_Reader | 16 reseñas más. | Aug 29, 2010 |
The signs of the times have been the cause of this posthumous book, warning all America of what is ahead, and what we have lost through our government, and what we must gain in the future. A wake-up call for all members of the LDS faith.½
nolak | otra reseña | Jul 12, 2010 |
An outstanding book which covers the movement from its founders to the 60's. One might think that the book would be outdated or prejudiced considering when it was written but I found it refreshing and informative. Major points in the communist doctrine are presented and rebutted. The history of the major players, although short, were informative and there are many points of history up through the Korean war that were enlightened upon. One would wonder why it took so long for socialism/communism to nearly destroy America considering how infiltrated our society and government has been since the russian revolution took place. When you read this book and you will find out just how far America has succumbed to the plans of the communists, it is truly sad. Our forefathers must be rolling in their graves. But, with this book in hand, no matter how dated its action plans for people are, you will begin to be able to spot the infiltration very easily for yourself and perhaps even do something about it.
Loptsson | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 12, 2010 |
Awesome book for students that are doing research on benjamin franklin. Also great for teachers to read or talk about to upper grade elementary students.
mcdarden | May 3, 2010 |
Read it if you care about the Constitution of the United States and preserving our freedoms to life, liberty and property.
1 vota
jmecham | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 16, 2010 |
Finished The 5000 Year Leap. Loved it! It was more of a study-type read than a breeze through, so it took me awhile.

My favorites: All the excerpts from Cicero and the section on avoiding foreign entanglements. Now I have to read [The Republic and the Laws] to hear more from Cicero.

A basic primer on the ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers and how they are still applicable today.
nittnut | 16 reseñas más. | Jan 14, 2010 |
An interesting book that outlines 28 principles of freedom the author believes were understood by the founding fathers as they embarked on a new constitutional republic. Well worth reading whether or not your political views agree with those of the author - an easy read as well.
1 vota
ThorneStaff | 16 reseñas más. | Aug 29, 2009 |
This was a book club pick and I was less than enthusiastic about it, I'll admit. I would have been even less so if I had known Glenn Beck has been promoting it. But despite myself, I really enjoyed it. It is surprisingly readable given its subject matter, and pretty compact as well. It outlines 28 principles that the Founding Fathers promoted and integrated into the Constitution. As I have been pretty apathetic and willfully uninformed about politics for a long time now, I found it to be an excellent review of how our Constitution meant for our government to look and function. I highly recommend it.
1 vota
colleenharker | 16 reseñas más. | Jul 8, 2009 |
5,000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen is actually a very quick, enjoyable read. I agree with its overall sentiments; nevertheless, it has some structural and grammatical issues. Skoussen's ideas are not fully flushed out, the piece lacks flow, and it is in dire need of some editorial tidying. Its issues detract from what is a really strong survey piece. How can things go to press with errors like the use of "it's" where the author means "its" etc.? It's a good survey of American Constitutional History.
1 vota
Voracious_Reader | 16 reseñas más. | Jul 7, 2009 |
This is an excellent book about the American Founding Fathers and our Constitution. It is an easy read but also extremely informative. It should be required reading in all American high schools and universities! It gives the American citizen a better understanding and appreciation of the ideals and precepts upon which our great country was founded. This is especially important at a time when the foundation seems to be crumbling beneath us. I highly recommend this book to everyone who is interested in getting back to the basics which brought us the American dream. Someone should send 535 copies to the United States Capitol. They seem to need a primer.
5 vota
cranmergirl | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 24, 2009 |
This wasn't the easiest book to read, but deserves five stars for what it has to teach us. This should be a required High School class throughout America. I would love to attend a lecture series covering this book! I love a book that makes me think, and did this book ever make me think! Everyone should read The Five Thousand Year Leap and learn something about this great country!
I think I will donate a copy to our High School!
3 vota
LASMIT | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 18, 2009 |
This book should be required reading before citizenship and voting. Clearly ourlines the purpose of our government and shows how far we have gone wrong.
2 vota
sewingdervish | 16 reseñas más. | Mar 28, 2008 |