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Obras de Merry Shannon

Branded Ann (2008) 88 copias
Prayer of the Handmaiden (2015) 22 copias

Obras relacionadas

Women of the Dark Streets: Lesbian Paranormal (2012) — Contribuidor — 25 copias


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I enjoyed the book - particularly the non-romance, angsty bits. Those were fine, too, but I really like the other parts the most.
amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
Writing a romance about pirates that has any sense of authenticity is a real challenge. Historical pirates were a brutal bunch, and creating a romantic lead who is also a pirate usually requires some sort of Count of Monte Cristo-ish backstory explaining how a noble person ended up in taking to the seas to plunder but manages to retain their honor in the midst of a life of villainy.

Merry Shannon manages to create a romantic heroine who is a pirate captain who has justly earned her fearsome reputation -- but who believably finds her hard character slowly undone by the beautiful, willful, stubborn young woman she takes captive. To Shannon's credit, their relationship grows slowly, and the obstacles arise naturally out of Captain Ann's choices as a pirate captain as well as Violet's unique background and natural fortitude. (In contrast to the too-frequent romantic plot devices of misunderstandings, the lies of jealous friends, or etc.)

Outside the slow-blooming romance, there are sea battles, boarding actions, scenes of life on board a ship, a sneaky naval officer, a Spanish galleon, rum, bagpipes, murder, treachery, mutiny, a lost treasure -- and a voyage into the Devil's Triangle.

There are a few explicit erotic scenes between the leads, but this is not erotica: more like an R-rated swashbuckling adventure.
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jsabrina | otra reseña | Jul 13, 2021 |
This book is so much in a bad way mostly. First of all the writing is unfortunately kind of boring. From the beginning I was a bit sceptical then by the middle I was kind of skim reading and then by the end I wanted to give up. I really hoped it would improve over the book but it doesn't. The character development seemed a bit tacked on after making us deal with the ridiculously annoying Shasta for more than half the book. Her turning point is only shown through a flashback which was really strange to me. Then unfortunately the sex scene was really boring. I didn't even feel any passion. It was kinda just flowery words in place of actual feelings. And then the ending. I think the author gave up and suddenly decided this was a fairy tale so they were gonna just explain what happened at the end in a very bland way instead for showing us the aftermath properly.

The plot is a bit ridiculous, but I was willing to put up with it if it was fun but it wasn't. We have some victim blaming for sexual assault which was the height of grossness. Then we have the ridiculousness of the King who decides to randomly hire an acrobat as a bodyguard??? Because obviously that makes total sense. And then there's basically the entire rest of the book which is also ridiculous but I just highlighted the main thing where the book shouldn't have even happened in the first place.

Yeah. This book had so much potential but really failed to deliver.
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Isana | otra reseña | Jul 7, 2020 |
This was one of two books I purchased when I decided I wanted to give Bold Strokes Books' f/f fiction a shot. Sword of the Guardian was my first choice – when I read that it starred a princess and her cross-dressing guardian, I knew I had to have it. It was a surprise to me that I enjoyed Jane Fletcher's Rangers at Roadsend as much as I did, and I fully expected to enjoy Shannon's Sword of the Guardian even more. Unfortunately, Sword of the Guardian turned out to be a disappointment.

My biggest problem with this book was that I could not believe in the world and its characters. Little things kept throwing me out of the story. For example, only a small number of people knew Talon's gender, and King Soltran specifically chose Talon to be Shasta's guardian because he felt he wouldn't have to worry about her virtue if she was being guarded by a woman. It was common knowledge that Talon even slept in Shasta's room, and Talon and Shasta sometimes went off, alone and unescorted, to practice fencing together. I would have expected more than just the King to be concerned with Shasta's virtue, and yet no one in court ever commented about the impropriety of a man spending so much unescorted time with the princess, even after Shasta began publicly flirting with Talon.

Lots of other things bugged me in this book. When Talon unwrapped her breasts, she had to “accustom her brain to the sudden rush of oxygen” (44) – there was no mention of relief from the discomfort of having her breasts squashed into invisibility. At another point, Talon and Shasta kissed, not long after Shasta threw up. Shasta “tasted of tea and a lingering hint of wine” (113) – no mention of vomit. I couldn't figure out whether homosexual relationships were accepted in this world or not – Talon's reaction indicated that maybe they weren't, but, when Bria found out about Talon and Shasta's relationship, she shrugged off her shock extremely quickly and was soon saying “well, as long as you're happy.”

By the way, absolutely no one who knew Talon's real gender made any mention of concerns about how Shasta was supposed to produce an heir if she and Talon remained a couple – Shannon wrapped this up neatly in the end (a little too neatly for my liking), but I had that question going through my head from the moment Talon and Shasta became a couple. I couldn't understand why not one person wondered what Shasta planned to do. Also, characters occasionally said things that, to my mind, would have fit better in a contemporary-set novel, rather than in a novel set in a pseudo-historical past – yes, this is a fantasy story, and characters can technically speak however the author wishes them to speak, but those moments just added to the list of things that threw me out of the story.

For much of the beginning of the book, I figured that Talon knew she was a lesbian (or perhaps bisexual) and was comfortable with this. I think I got that impression from the way she easily flirted with female audience members during acrobatic performances. I was surprised and confused when Talon started wondering whether it was even possible for one woman to be attracted to another.

I'm still not sure whether this book is better defined as a lesbian romance or as a transgender romance. When Shasta finally learns that Talon is female and sees her unclothed, she marvels at how beautiful she is. Just about everything in the book, however, seemed geared towards making Talon seem as masculine as possible. She didn't just say things – she growled them. She fought better and learned fighting techniques and strategy faster than any other man around. In my head, Talon was either a man who was ludicrously masculine, or a woman trying too hard to be a man.

I didn't really like or dislike Talon, but Shasta came across as a spoiled brat throughout most of the book. I suppose her concern for her whipping boy and the woman she witnessed get beaten to death was meant to make me decide she wasn't all that bad, but it didn't work. If injustices weren't happening right before her eyes, she didn't seem to think of them. Instead of avoiding doing things that would get her whipping boy hurt, she did them anyway and then gave him treats afterward to make it all better. When she got upset with Talon, she rode off in a snit, knowing that there were people around who might want to kill her. As a result, she almost got herself killed, and Talon was seriously wounded.

When Shasta found out Talon's true gender, she felt betrayed – that was understandable, but what was not was her thought that Talon should be executed for treason. She knew that Talon had only been following the King's orders. Thinking that Talon should be executed for that, just because she didn't like the results and was upset that the man she'd fallen for was actually a woman was, I feel enraged even thinking about it now. Later on in the book, she suddenly morphed into a mature, wise leader (who convinced farmers to part with their entire crop, offering them nothing more than an IOU she couldn't guarantee she'd be able to pay, but whatever). It didn't matter. All I could ever see her as was a selfish little girl who never seemed to understand how much danger she, and by association Talon, was in.

Bria was a moron, somehow thinking that an aristocrat would find her, a nobody, to be a more worthy wife than Princess Shasta. Lyris seemed to only exist as a convenient way to tie the Ithyrian priestesses more firmly into the story, so that they could swoop in when needed and save everyone with the Super Convenient Power of the Goddess. You know, except for the moment when it's decided that it's important for Talon to fight her battle on her own, lest the Power of the Goddess remove all suspense from the story and end things too soon.

I should also mention Erinda. She was one of the reasons why this book wasn't able to work for me as a romance. Prior to Shasta and Talon becoming a couple, Talon had lots of no-strings-attached sex with Erinda. In fact, it was spotting Talon having sex with Erinda that inspired Shasta's crush on Talon. I was never quite comfortable with this, even though Talon and Erinda's relationship ended before Talon and Shasta became a couple.

All in all, this book was not nearly as good as I had hoped it would be. Shannon has one other work published through Bold Strokes Book, Branded Ann, a pirate romance that sounds like it could be a lot of fun. However, I don't see myself taking another chance with this author at the prices that Bold Strokes Books charges.

Other Comments:

The e-book version of Sword of the Guardian had some confusing formatting. For example, some of the chapters began with stuff from the perspective of one of the Ithyrian priestesses. Then, with no visual cues whatsoever, the story switched back to third person, following the actions of Talon and Shasta. It was a little jarring.

(Original review, with read-alikes and watch-alikes, posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.)
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Familiar_Diversions | otra reseña | Sep 24, 2013 |



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