Fotografía de autor

Torrance Sené

Autor de Candy

8+ Obras 17 Miembros 4 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Incluye el nombre: Cassie Donoghue


Obras de Torrance Sené

Obras relacionadas

Best Erotic Romance 2013 [Anthology] (2012) — Contribuidor — 8 copias, 2 reseñas


Conocimiento común

Nombre canónico
Sené, Torrance
Otros nombres
Donoghue, Cassie
Biografía breve
Torrance Sené, a demisexual bisexual, resides in the southeast US and often dreams of living on the beach. When not writing, she can usually be found feeding her addictions to tea, planners, K-pop, and books.



3.5ish stars
I liked this novella but I was a little jarred how Candy pushed for Miles to go on cam with her without really having a discussion about it. I would have liked more push back from Miles about his boundaries and what he is comfortable doing bc it didn't seem like he enthusiastically consented to going on cam. AND like there is a lot of paperwork you have to fill out and have approved before any of these sites will allow you to be a participant - phot ID, release forms, etc lol like it is not as simple as pulling your bf onto screen to fuck you. I will say, I like that Miles was supportive of Candace continuing her camming once they became a couple. Too few stories with sex workers have the sex worker continuing their chosen career post-relationship - which is weird. Sex workers are in relationships and have families and what not. lol this is a rant for another time. … (más)
s_carr | otra reseña | Feb 25, 2024 |
By day, Candance is a baker in her family's bakery. By night, she's a camera girl called Candy seducing her followers. Gamer228, a favorite client on her cam girl site, makes a request of her. Next day when she drops a package off at Angie's, she runs into Miles, Angie's brother and an acquaintance from high school. They start seeing one another and secrets come to light. Will they continue seeing one another or go their separate ways?

If you like down and dirty, this one's for you! I loved it. I felt like I was in Candance/Candy's shoes. I was so realistic and hot! I liked Miles. I liked his gentle ways, how he listened, how he wanted to help others. I liked the chemistry between Candance and Miles. They were so good together. I also loved that neither would let the other hide their secrets. Each called the other out when something needed to be talked about and solved. I liked their solution.

I look forward to more from this author.
… (más)
Sheila1957 | otra reseña | Apr 12, 2022 |
This short story really felt like it was part of a bigger whole instead of standing on its own - it would have been interesting to read it as a full-length novel. This way, it felt more like a sneak peek to be honest. It was definitely hot, though.

Read this if you like vampire/werewolf f/f erotica?
runtimeregan | Jun 12, 2019 |
Quick hot read of domestic discipline when Kitten does not have her chores done. Liked the characters.
Sheila1957 | Jan 23, 2016 |

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