Fotografía de autor

Chantel Seabrook

Autor de Cara's Twelve

17 Obras 180 Miembros 13 Reseñas


Obras de Chantel Seabrook

Cara's Twelve (2015) 35 copias, 10 reseñas
Chasing Payne (2015) 31 copias
Dark Vortex (2016) 25 copias, 1 reseña
The Wife Lottery: Fallon (2018) 21 copias
Turning Payne (2016) 13 copias, 1 reseña
Taming Kiera (2016) 8 copias
Untamed Virgins (2018) 8 copias, 1 reseña
The Wife Legacy: Huxle (2018) 5 copias
Untamed Lovers (2018) 5 copias
The Wife Pact: Emerson (2018) 5 copias
Untamed Fiance (2018) 4 copias
The Wife Gamble: Salinger (2018) 4 copias
The Wife Code: Banks (2018) 4 copias
Dark Tremor (2016) 3 copias


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I started reading this book thinking I would like it, I was so wrong because I absolutely loved this book!!! Cara's Twelve is one of the best books I've read in at least 2 years.

The characters were absolutely amazing, the detail put in to them made me feel like I personally knew them. This book had so much detail I felt like I could see everything in front of me, I could almost feel Cara's pain at different times throughout the book. I have to admit I cried at the end, not because it was a happy ending but because I felt like she chose the wrong person. I know it's only my opinion, and the author did a wonderful job of writing this story.

I would love to read more books from this author. She completely took me by surprise with this book. Great job!!!
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Irislover-4842 | 9 reseñas más. | Jun 3, 2024 |
This novel was a real surprise. It reminded me a little of Throne of Glass when it began, though it soon became apparent that there were hardly any similarities at all.
Cara is a beautiful young girl whose world is turned upside down when she suddenly becomes the future queen of Elbia. It's a title and a privileged life of service and duty she does not want, but it carries with it many benefits; twelve chosen consorts to the future queen accompany her on a two year tour of each of the their provinces. Along the way Cara becomes a woman and she soon discovers that she has to choose her lovers and suitors from among them, for one is the future King.
Cara's Twelve is wonderfully written and original; what starts as a traditional fantasy soon crosses genres into adult reading/erotica and back again with effortless ease. There is plenty of romance in store for Cara, intrigue in abundance as all twelve scheme and plot in some way for her affections, mystery and suspense as they jockey and compete for position, as well as a twist or two in the plot to keep the reader guessing as to who will be chosen. Cara makes her decisions and her mistakes, influenced by events and those around her.
Readers will connect with the characters who are well developed and have different characteristics. You will root for your chosen favourite, especially between the two who compete most for Cara's affection. You will also pity and loathe others. And to add to what is a great first novel, there is also a killer ending I did not see coming.
I have to say this was a departure from my main genres as it contained adult scenes I usually do not read but I thoroughly enjoyed it and believe female lovers of fantasy and erotica will find this book very hard to put down. M/s Seabrook has crafted an original, professional and engaging piece of work which bodes extremely well for the future. I am sure this is only the beginning of a wonderful journey for her and look forward to reading more of her work.
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MJWebb | 9 reseñas más. | Sep 22, 2022 |
liked better than the first book of the series.
ckelship | Oct 10, 2021 |
Full disclosure ... I only read about a quarter of this book, and what I read was good, solid fluff. However, when I was about a quarter of the way through this book, it devolved quickly into sex with a side of story. That's not really my thing, as I prefer more plot than passion in this venue, so I called it a day and deleted the ebook. If you're just looking for a cheap thrill packaged as a book, this may be more interesting to you than it was to me.
MamaJ2016 | 9 reseñas más. | May 4, 2021 |


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