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"Attacked in her barn just before Christmas, Amish quilter Elizabeth Walton doesn't know why someone wants to harm her. But when gunfire narrowly misses Elizabeth and furniture maker David McKay, the Englischer fears his past has put them both in the crosshairs. David's determined to protect the pretty widow . . . but is his presence the real danger?b Or is there another motive behind the deadly threats?" I understand that the Harlequin line of series books limits the author's word count. This means the story advances quickly and sometimes without enough context for my taste. Regardless, the story is interesting and compels the reader to keep reading as the twists and turns are abundant.
Lcmcsr | 2 reseñas más. | May 2, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this romantic Suspense. I bought this at a local Goodwill store and I've given it a 5* rating. This got me at the beginning, a hold yourself to the seat kind of read. The action kept coming with an baby added to protect too. Lots of bad guys to watch out for and all wrapped up for at the ending. I really enjoy this author's work.
NancyLuebke | Mar 10, 2024 |
A quick and sweet romantic suspense, I requested this one on a hunch and am glad I did.

With an adorable toddler to make Guarded by The Soldier even more adorable this romantic suspense is a good rainy evening read.
abigailkayharris | 3 reseñas más. | Jan 1, 2024 |
I enjoyed these clean, Suspenseful romances. I bought this book at the local Goodwill store and I voluntarily chose to review these two stories for one book. The second author is Laura Scott. Both stories pulled me in pretty fast. In both, the female military person is in danger but different in many other ways. Both K-9's knew their jobs and played important jobs. Both are a little shorter but still packed with lots of action. I just love these K-9 stories.
NancyLuebke | otra reseña | Dec 28, 2023 |
If I ever thought that not much happens in the Amish communities, after this book I changed my mind. These books have a particular mystery and the simplicity makes them intrigued to read.
simonamitac | Nov 27, 2023 |
Tracked Through the Woods by Laura Scott will keep you on your toes. I thought the story was well-written with a fast pace. The characters are developed and realistic. Abby’s story is heartbreaking, but she is a strong individual. I enjoyed getting to know FBI Agent Wyatt Keane. Abby does not want to trust Wyatt, but she needs help finding her father and staying alive. The pair need to learn to trust each other if they are to survive. I loved all the action. The danger lurking around every corner. They did not know who they could trust or where to hide out. I enjoyed figuring out who was behind the leak. I like how faith was incorporated into the story. Wyatt and Abby will need God’s guidance if they are stay alive. I liked that there was no foul language or intimate situations (just kissing). This is a story that you will want to read in one sitting. Tracked Through the Woods is an active tale with an absent pater, a dreadful leak, a frightened daughter, flying bullets, fostering faith, and a steadfast FBI agent.
Kris_Anderson | otra reseña | Oct 2, 2023 |
Tracked Through the Woods is a fairly short read, but the length fits the story. I am assuming that the frequent references to previous events involving the lead female character's sister means that I entered into the middle of a series. That did not impact my understanding of this story. It worked well as a stand-alone read. Some books make me feel as if I am in the midst of the story with the characters. Others make me feel as if I am watching from the outside looking in. Tracked Through the Woods is one of the latter. For readers whom realism is important in romantic suspense stories, this story doesn't have a great deal of that. For those who are more interested in the suspense as the culprit's identity is being sought, this story supplies plenty of that. I would recommend this book to those looking for a quick read to fill a rainy day.

I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy from Love Inspired an imprint of Harlequin via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.
claudia.castenir | otra reseña | Sep 26, 2023 |
(3.5 / 5)

Derek wants nothing more than to be a father to his recently motherless daughter Lexi, but there are some seemingly insurmountable obstacles to that dream. As he tries to outrun some of those obstacles, he's in a car accident that forces him to stop his flight in Crystal Lake. There, he and his daughter are helped by ER nurse Julie, who has her own burdens to shake off. Will these three find what they're looking for in each other?

This story is about a novella-length, about twice the length of the previous one. And it did have more substance than the previous book, even allowing for a fairly serious storyline to be tied up. Unfortunately, even with the shorter format, there's a good deal of repetitiveness in the narration, especially involving the main characters' inner turmoil about their individual situations (as well as their joint situation). I appreciated Derek's characterization, but felt Julie left a lot to be desired, regarding having much of a personality.

Most likely because the story is so short, it has the unfortunate common situation where two characters who have only just met develop feelings for each other very quickly. This particular relationship moved to kissing more quickly than I prefer, especially for a Christian read. And so much of the romance we see them develop revolves around them admiring each others' looks.

I appreciated that Julie wanted to share her faith with Derek, and by extension, with Lexi. I don't recall it being wrapped up in the story, but it certainly wouldn't have to be, realistically speaking. I think there was a good foundation there for the future, though (their fictitious future that won't likely be in any future books, of course). There was one theology point I didn't agree with, but I won't mention it here.

As the second book in a series of similar stories, and both being decent, but not stand-out reads, I don't plan to move on in this series. However, if you are interested in a short, sweet, clean romance, this book can easily be read as a standalone in the series. I thought we might get a bit more of a glimpse of the characters (as a pair) from the first book than we did, since they all work in the same hospital. Please be sure to check out other reviews, as there are plenty who liked it more than I did.
Kristi_D | Sep 22, 2023 |
(3.5 / 5)

ER nurse Larissa and a doctor she works with, Gabe, unite in their concern for a woman who Larissa suspects is being abused by her husband. They also bond over their shared running hobby and a minor calamity that befalls Larissa. Though Gabe is determined to never date a colleague, will Larissa change his mind?

This novelette is a quick, sweet romance. There wasn’t a lot of depth, but that’s expected in a story this short. Even still, both characters had a backstory that came into play in the story in some way. There were a few things that were a little odd due to the shallowness, like a character in Larissa’s past that was apparently important enough to mention, but not to explain. And an action scene that was a little confusing, possibly because the author was trying to keep it short.

The Christianity in the story revolves around the theme of forgiveness, which leads to an apparent assertion that the reason to forgive those who have wronged you is because you have God’s love and they don’t. For one thing, to assume that anyone who you might be in a position to offer forgiveness to isn’t a Christian is bad logic. Then there’s the theological question about whether God loves those who have not turned to him for salvation, which I won’t debate right now, but I’ll just say the statement was odd.

This is the first in a series of novellas (from what I can see, the rest of the books are generally at least twice the length of this one). It’s currently free on Amazon, as is the 2nd book. There’s not truly a lot of substance here, but if you’re looking for a quick, clean romance, I would recommend this.
Kristi_D | 3 reseñas más. | Sep 22, 2023 |
This was my first read from this author and I am so glad I picked it up. I cannot wait to read more from the author. It was certainly a page turner and had my attention. There was a lot going on, the characters were great, and the storyline very good. It had a lot of thrills, mystery and a little bit of sparks between two of the main characters. It was also so enjoyable to read a great book without the F bomb and tons of sex. The story of the Russian Mafia, a nurse and security specialist who use to work with the FBI made an amazing storyline. With the main character, nurse Natalia Sokolova’s house blown up along with the death of a Russian deputy prime minister dying on her shift, Sloan Dryer, a former FBI Agent, is sent to save her from getting killed while trying to find out what is going on with the Russian Mafia. There are sparks flying between the two of them as they try not to get killed themselves. I highly recommend this book.
brenczkowski | Jul 31, 2023 |
This is such a powerful story about good vs. evil. The plot is fast-paced and suspenseful that drives the genuine message through its plotline.

I downloaded this book back in 2021 and finally got to it. Now I cannot wait to get to the follow-up story of these foster children and what has happened with them since their split thirteen years earlier.

Hailey' Haven is a touching story that brings out the good and the bad as she tries to stay alive from an unknown assailant. Then to trust a law enforcer officer or park ranger took it to a whole new meaning. With Rock's help, she escapes the assailant's clutches while learning to trust and shift her perspective to God. Being around Rock made her realize that good will always have an opposition and that not all people are evil. Once she grasped the truths, dod she trusts in Rock and the justice system to help her.

The supporting characters' roles were also beneficial in turning her viewpoint from being scared and alone to trusting and hopeful in a new season in her life.

"God doesn’t want us to compare ourselves to others. I think He wants us to believe in Him, to have faith in Him, and to trust in His plan for us.” Rock.

"But hanging on to those feelings will only hold you back. You need to let go of the past if you want to move forward and have a future.” Rock.

The romance was a byproduct of the healing process and I hope to learn more about them in the other books that follows in this series.

Both Rock and Hailey's characters were well-defined and honest. The companionship that grew from this ordeal, a beautiful testimony. A story I truly enjoyed from the beginning to the end. Thanks for the wonderful Freeby.
lynelle.clark.5 | otra reseña | Jun 22, 2023 |
I read this book over a month ago, but was pleasantly surprised by the quality of writing. Scott is a talent. The plot and characters were both solid, interesting and even unpredictable. Yes, the 2 primary characters are a little too "good" to believe. As Christians, we want to believe that we would be people of integrity and live according to God's standards, but on the other hand, it is so refreshing when the characters are not flaunting their immorality on every page! I will keep my eyes open for other books by Scott.
thedenathome | otra reseña | Apr 18, 2023 |
It took me so long to read this book because I just couldn't get into it. Suspense isn't my style and I failed to see the chemistry between the main characters.
Mandy_Helfer | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 30, 2022 |
It took me so long to read this book because I just couldn't get into it. Suspense isn't my style and I failed to see the chemistry between the main characters.
DanHelfer | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 29, 2022 |
Readable, and an interesting concept, but weak in its execution.

Characters could have done with more development and a lot less introspection. The Christian aspects felt shoehorned in, rather than being a natural expression of the characters.

The major plot twist was obvious to me from very early on and there were a lot of implausibilities which detracted from the overall impact.

I couldn’t believe the SEAL’s attitude to his K9 - that he would not take the dog into a dangerous situation in case he got hurt. Really? What did the (war)dog do whilst serving? Slouch indoors, waiting for treats?

I finished the novel, and I don’t regret the time, but I am not inclined to pursue this series.
Kindleifier | otra reseña | Dec 24, 2022 |
This book was amaizing would recomend 10/10. Both stories kept me itching to find out what is going to happen next. Love this book.
AshleyPelletier | Dec 7, 2022 |
Amish Holiday Vendetta by Laura Scott is a page turner. I was quickly drawn into the story. I liked the main characters, Elizabeth Walton and David McKay. They are characters that you will root for. There is mystery and suspense. I enjoyed all the action (you never knew what would happen next) which kept the story lively. There is romance (naturally). Elizabeth and David grow close during this challenging time in their lives. Elizabeth is a widow who did not have a happy marriage. The last thing Elizabeth wants is to marry again. Elizabeth works hard making and selling her beautiful quilts as well as doing the chores around the house and taking care of her deceased husband’s mother (who likes to be waited on). David is a woodworker who lives like the Amish (without modern amenities), but he is an Englisher. I like that we get to catch up with the characters (Shauna and Liam) from Hiding in Plain Sight. Amish Holiday Vendetta can be read as a standalone, but you are missing out on a captivating tale. Elizabeth’s faith is strong while David’s faith is new. They both trust God to get them through the difficulty. I like that they turned to God for assistance in their time of need (instead of taking matters into their own hands). I loved the ending which left me smiling. The author combined mystery, suspense, and romance into one fetching tale. Amish Holiday Vendetta is an engaging story with a demanding mother-in-law, a barn break in, perilous shots, a strongminded suitor, a caring community, and a dreadful discovery.
Kris_Anderson | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 27, 2022 |
Thanksgiving Target by Laura Scott is a 2009 publication.

Tara is watching over her friend and client, Melissa as she lies in a coma due to a vicious beating by her boyfriend. When Melissa’s brother, Max, an army Lieutenant on leave, arrives, he steps in to help Melissa when it becomes clear that someone has Tara in their crosshairs...

I’ve been a mission to find some Thanksgiving themed books this year. Surprisingly, I have stumbled across a few, after doing a deep dive at my Overdrive library- and this was one of them.

This is a romantic suspense novel, and though it is a few years old now, it hasn’t aged all that much. The story moves at a brisk pace, and the mystery is solid enough- though it was easy to figure out who the stalker was Still, it didn’t deflate the suspense.

Because these books are so short, some situations were rushed through, and not fleshed out properly, when they desperately needed to be.

Since this is a “Love Inspired” novel of suspense- which, (for those who don't know, is a Christian/ Faith-based/ Inspirational imprint), there was a strong Christian message included in the story.

While I expected the story to be clean, this one was chaste to the extreme- but that’s fine since the mystery/suspense was the big draw for me anyway.

As to the main reason I chose this book- the Thanksgiving theme…


Thanksgiving does finally come up- though I was beginning to wonder- and it was a sweet part of the happily ever after for Tara and Max.

Overall, this is not a story that will stick with me for very long. It was highly implausible at times, but was still a quick, easy, and enjoyable holiday diversion on a very cold, wet, dreary afternoon.

3 stars
gpangel | Nov 14, 2022 |
An interesting premise. Good work with the deaf characters.

Other parts of the story.... the constant prayers are a serious distraction. This might not be the case if you are religious, but if the character does something or is about to do something really stupid, praying isn't going to help much.

The h was rather... fairly close to TSTL for a lot of the book. I found the ignorance and lack of forethought etc to be very off putting. The H was little better (dude, if the bad guys see your giant SUV... then why the heck are you still driving it around? are you TRYING to get shot at???)

The chemistry between the H and h was inconsistent.
LadyTi | otra reseña | Nov 7, 2022 |
Once you turn the first pages of this read, there is so much action, most you won't see coming!

Now this is the second book in this series, but except for some recurring characters, this can be read alone, but you will probably be hooked, and want more!

We have kind David, and he has some hidden secrets that do come out, he lives among the Amish community adopting their way of living, and then there Elizabeth, a woman who had suffered loosing her husband, and takes care of her mother-in-law. Secrets fall, but you will be ducking as the bullets fly and attacks happen.

You don't want to miss this one, it will keep you guessing, and then changing your mind. Will you be right? I wasn't!

This is a read full of action, and add in some sweet romance, and then a page turner for answers!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.
alekee | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 4, 2022 |
I enjoyed this romantic suspense story. I bought this at a local store and I voluntarily chose to review this novel. I've given it a 4* rating. I found this a little hard to get into, but it was better as it went along. This survivor of a past attack, has found her attacker has escaped from prison. It expands from there.. Parts of it are more exciting than others but has a great ending.
NancyLuebke | Oct 26, 2022 |
Nate Slater is a detective who is working a case where a 3 year old girl is the only witness to her parents' murder. Her aunt, Willow Emery, is her only living relative. Keeping them safe is difficult when he is falling for both of them.
Karen Pressly is the object of a murder attempt and K-9 Officer, Ray Morrow, is determined to find out who is behind this all while losing his heart to Karenna.
Both novels were uniquely written with prominent characters and stark emotions that everyone can relate to. These stories are definitely worth taking the time to indulge in and follow the twists and turns in both.
Lcmcsr | Oct 18, 2022 |
Hiding in Plain Sight by Laura Scott is a captivating romantic suspense. I enjoyed getting to know Shaunna, Liam, David, and Elizabeth. I thought Hiding in Plain Sight was well-written with steady pacing. I loved all the action that propelled the story quickly to its conclusion. I enjoyed the suspense and intrigue. The story captured my attention. I wanted to know who was behind the attacks on Shauna. I thought the title of the book was spot on. Hiding in Plain Sight is a Christian story with no foul language or intimate situations (just a couple of kisses). Love, faith, courage, and family are the main themes. I liked Shauna’s faith journey. She needed to learn to trust in God and know He is always with us. I am glad the author included an epilogue that nicely wrapped up the book. Hiding in Plain Sight is a gripping tale with a murdered mother, disquieting gunshots, a car conundrum, a striking sheriff, a concerned uncle, accommodating Amish, an astounding discovery, and finding faith.
Kris_Anderson | otra reseña | Sep 11, 2022 |
I finished this read in one setting, it is fast paced and full of action.
The plot is almost like your are reading the headlines, or listening to the news, and of course, shaking my head. Especially, when you get to the end, possible, oh yes!
Why would someone want to kill her mother? Now they are after her! Why? Will she be able to hide in plain sight, dressing as an Amish woman?
We journey in this Amish community for answers, and found myself ducking, and wanting to take cover! Keep reading these people are serious, and you need to read right to the end for answers, I had no clue!
I'll be looking for more by this author!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was no required to give a positive review.
alekee | otra reseña | Aug 4, 2022 |