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David SandisonReseñas

Autor de Che Guevara

26 Obras 401 Miembros 5 Reseñas


Mostrando 5 de 5
Egyptian hieroglyphics in art
Docent-MFAStPete | May 27, 2024 |
Beautifully designed, although some of the design choices compromise the legibility of entire pages (e.g. black type on a dark gray background). The biography part is a little thin on substance, but it's the first Kerouac biography I've read, so I found it enjoyable and basically satisfying. I think somebody familiar with Kerouac's biography would probably be a little bored. More pictures and less text would have improved the book.½
gtross | Aug 18, 2018 |
This book proves the old adage that one cannot judge a book by the cover. I bought this tome over t'interweb and, when I saw it in the 'flesh', I thought that I had purchased a coffee-table book. It is what, in bookseller's speak, is referred to as, "liberally illustrated": i.e. it has almost as many pictures as words.

The text is, however, much stronger than one would expect. The story of Che, from cradle to grave, is told in a critical style that does not do, as so many biographies of the man and build the image. My only complaint is that, at the end, I do not feel that I know the man any better. Guevara's actions are, pretty much, all detailed but as to the man, he remains a mystery.

Despite this criticism, this is a good book, and one that I would recommend to anyone with an interest in the great liberation fighter.
the.ken.petersen | Nov 2, 2014 |
Beautifully illustrated with examples of helmets,shields,swords,and other artifacts and also with various pictures from the Book of Kells. The writing is perhaps slightly over-simplified,but none the worst for that. My complaint is that on certain pages the text is difficult to read because of the shiny paper combined with the dark colours used.My rating would have been a four had this not been the case.½
devenish | Jan 24, 2010 |
A comprehensive portrait of a Beat Generation Legend that attempts to demythologize the cornucopia of myths swirling around Neal Cassady. However, his life makes such an interesting read that it remains mythological.
NateJordon | May 19, 2009 |
Mostrando 5 de 5