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Diana Rubino

Autor de Destiny Lies Waiting

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Obras de Diana Rubino


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Around the World in 80 Meals: the best of cruise ship cuisine by Diana Rubino
TOC where recipes are broken up by ship they were served on-not in any specific order.
Intro about the history of cruising along with pictures of very first vessels of their times.
Each chapter is devoted to one ship and it's menus and recipes and bit of history and where the ship sails.
Sample menus are included from the ships.
Recipes start with a title and brief summary of the dish. List of ingredients and you should be able to substitute for your healthier dietary needs: low sodium, low sugar and low fat products.
Instructions are given. There is NO nutritional information. Some include servings.
Lots of seasonings and herbs and spices, tasty!
There are NO pictures. Very fancy.
Roasted vegetables would be my choice to make, sounds so good and healthy, colorful.
Tips for certain foods are included at the end.
Information from the cruise lines mentioned are given at the end of the book.
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jbarr5 | Feb 25, 2020 |
Title: Oney: My Escape From Slavery
Author: Diana Rubino & Piper Huguley
Publisher: Endeavour Media
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"Oney: My Escape From Slavery" by Diana Rubino & Piper Huguley

My Thoughts....

This story will leave one with so many emotions in this well told historical fiction story about Oney. These two authors really give the readers quite a read [escaping from slavery] where you will see good times and also horrible times that happened around Oney Judge as she seeks her freedom from a most powerful family of the United States. "Oney" is definitely one of those reads that will give you a lot to ponder over long after the read. I will also say this is one of those stories that you will have to be ready for because there is a little bit of it all as one can imagine from the title of the novel "Oney: My Escape From Slavery."… (más)
arlenadean | Feb 12, 2018 |
A Necessary End - Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat

Booth felt like going behind the saloon and blowing his brains out, so maybe getting it off his chest would help.

“The day after the election, I decided it was time to begin planning this capture plot we’d discussed in Montreal. So I went to Nettie Colburn Maynard, the Lincolns’ spiritualist, to get information on his whereabouts. Not for any other reason,” he emphasized sternly. “But during the very first visit, strange things started happening to me. She went into trance and conjured up what she believes is a spirit who’s been haunting me ever since, haunting me in the hotel room, backstage at the theater, everywhere. I’ve had this recurring dream where I’m in ancient times, Rome or some old place like that, everybody dressed in tunics, and they’re waiting for me so we can murder somebody. And in real life, I’m constantly looking over my shoulder, feeling someone behind me. It’s all very unnerving. Some days, I can barely get through.” He paused for a sip.

Sam hunched forward, anticipating every word.

Booth went on, "I began to think there was something to all the mumbo-jumbo. It even started to bother Alice. She feels cold drafts in the room and sees things moving about like I do. It’s not just me going loony. And now I’m convinced someone from the spirit world is after me to do this deed to Lincoln, and won’t leave me alone until I do."

This is John Wilkes Booth’s conversation with his childhood friend Samuel Arnold. Arnold, David E. Herold, Mary Surratt and a few other handpicked friends and acquaintances were all responsible for several failed attempts to kidnap President Abraham Lincoln. Most of their attempts were foiled by actress Alice Grey. Gray was solicited by Senator John Parker Hale to help protect the president by acting as a spy against Booth. What neither of them expected was for her to fall in love with Booth and even more unexpectedly was for Booth to fall in love with Gray. His love for her was so great that he asked her to marry him.
With all attempts to kidnap Lincoln failing, the surrender of Lee and the ending of the war, Gray knew Booth would give up his attempts allowing them to lead a normal life. But as history proves, that was simply not to be.

I’ve always had a fondness for certain eras of history, the 1800s being one. Reading the John Wilkes Booth story was like stepping back into time for me. A lot of what I read, I know from reading the history books to be declared as being true. I had read that Booth was an actor, that he was at one time engaged to Lucy Hale, the daughter of Senator Hale. Reading history books told me that Mrs. Lincoln was heavy into mediums and spiritualists in hopes of contacting her two deceased sons. And I may have even read somewhere that Booth kept a diary. So, the writing of A Necessary End was a pleasure in reading for me. I’ve always said that if the history novels written by John Jakes were to be made into history books, kids would enjoy history and learn more. I feel the same way about A Necessary End’s author Diana Rubino. She has made reading the history of this event enjoyable.

Now I leave you with one question. Did John Wilkes Booth really die in that burning Garrett tobacco barn or did he escape to live a ripe old age?

Find on Amazon

Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Moongypsy Press
ISBN-10: 1463557132
ISBN-13: 978-1463557133

Review Stir, Laugh, Repeat at Stir, Laugh, Repeat
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marthacheves | Jun 21, 2011 |
Fakin’ It – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat

“This is no whim, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because the man I want doesn’t exist out there – or anywhere – except on the pages of my books and in my mind. Now it’s finally feasible to… well, attain this dream I’ve always had of finding Mr. Right. You’re designing the perfect creature, but he’ll need a personality. You can make the prototype in the image of Race.” She knew she was talking too fast, so she slowed down. “Of course he’ll need someone to satisfy his needs, to take care of him, and to love him. I can take that on, help you to perfect him.” He leaned on the windowsill, palms flattened. “Judi, he won’t need emotions. He won’t have the capacity to feel love. He’s only going to resemble a human. He won’t be able to love. He’ll have no feelings.” Spurts of adrenaline rocketed up her limbs and into her brain. She paced around and then halted beside him. “But you could give him emotions if you wanted to.” She gestured toward her heart. “You’re the creator.”

Judi is the author and creator of ten novels featuring her character Race Parsec. Race is her idea of the perfect man. He’s loving, kind, understanding, and completely devoted to his woman. Oh yeah, he is also a space traveling hero that will protect earth no matter what it takes.

Felix is a childhood friend from Judi’s past. They had been best friends from an early age but lost contact several years earlier when Felix and Judi married… other people. Finding each other again after years is the best thing that could happen to either of them. Both are coming from bad marriages and their friendship is exactly what they need to complete their lives, at least that’s what Judi thinks. Felix is a world known scientist and has been commissioned to create the world’s first non-human space traveler. Judi’s idea is that he first create her the perfect mate. Felix’s “friendship” for Judi is so strong that he can’t resist anything she requests from him.

So, what would it be like to design your own mate? He or she would be perfect in looks and manners. They would be 100% devoted to you and any desire you might have. That person could cook, play the piano, sing and be the perfect housekeeper. And when it came to your more personal desires, nothing would be left unattended. When I first started reading Fakin’ It, I, like Judi, thought this would be the perfect companion. I’ve now changed my mind. I think I’ll take the imperfects of having an imperfect human as a mate. Judi realizes this too but how can she tell Felix that she no longer wants the creation he has created for her? And even if she does tell him, what will he ever do with the perfect man they have named “Leo?”

The Wild Rose Press
ISBN# 1-60154-710-2
261 pages

Review Stir, Laugh, Repeat at Stir, Laugh, Repeat
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marthacheves | Sep 11, 2010 |



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