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Ann Roth (1)Reseñas

Autor de Another Life

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Montana Vet
3.5 Stars

Emily Miles and Seth Pettit both have their hands full - Emily running a small dog shelter and Seth reconciling with his estranged family and coping with a sullen teenage ward. Neither is interested in a long-term relationship, but the heart wants what the heart wants, and neither can deny their intense attraction. Can they make room in their lives for each other?

Emily is a wonderful heroine and her passion and dedication to the shelter make her particularly appealing.

While Seth is a likeable hero and his willingness to take responsibility for his ward, Taylor, is admirable, it is more difficult to warm up to him. This may be due to the fact that the emotion behind his words and actions seems forced and manufactured.

The romance is believable as Emily and Seth are more than compatible. However, the final chapters feel rushed with Taylor's transformation from angst ridden teen to happy daughter coming out of the blue. It is not clear what led to her change of heart.

In sum, a sweet romance with charming characters. Thankfully, the teenage rebellion does not overtake the story and the dogs are an added bonus.
Lauren2013 | otra reseña | May 24, 2018 |
Adam Healey is a firefighter for the Guff's Lake Fire Department and is also Mr. January. When he's injured on the job, instead of taking it easy, he studies for his Lieutenant’s exam because he wants a promotion and make his father proud of him.

Samantha Everett is a single mom with a young son, William. She's working hard to get her new baking business going when she meets Adam. She doesn't have the interest or time for romance but William is quite taken with his new friend, Adam, so Sam doesn't think she has a choice but to let Adam into their lives. Everything is going along smoothly until Sam's ex emails that he wants to visit William. This scares Sam since he hasn't had anything to do with William for years.

I really liked this book. The smooth writing style made it easy to follow the plot. The characters were great too. Who doesn't love firefighters? Adam wasn't just a big, handsome man who was great with kids but he was also insecure about his father's feelings toward him. This made him a more human character. I admired Sam because of everything she had gone through with her ex and that she was starting a business while building a life for herself and her son. William is a cute little boy that I couldn't help but like. My heart went out to him because of his father's lack of interest.

I love stories about firefighters though this one didn't have any on the scene action in it. It's a good romance with likeable characters and a good read.
JoAB | otra reseña | Aug 9, 2016 |
A Beautiful Story and Sizzling Romance

The cover of this book piqued my interest, and when I found out it was a firefighter hero romance, I knew I wanted to read it!
Samantha has to decide if she's willing to take a chance on the very sweet, tortured, and handsome Adam. Samantha had a smart and warm persona. She and Adam were a great couple and worked well together in finding a solution for what has the potential to tear their love apart.
William, Sam's son, was adorable. It broke my heart how his biological father didn't care enough to stick around or at least put forth an effort to be a responsible parent.
Adam's yearning to make his ailing father proud was frustrating, but both Adam and Sam learn how to move past their misconceptions about themselves and those who have hurt them.
Mr. January is a terrific book that focuses on the characters growing relationships and embracing love and forgiveness. It is a beautiful story and sizzling romance.

~ Laurie Kozlowski
Book Escape Reviews |
LaurieKozlowski | otra reseña | May 4, 2015 |
Good book. Emily desperately needs a vet for her animal shelter and Seth Pettit will do nicely. What she doesn't need is an inconvenient attraction to him. The last thing she wants is to risk losing him as a vet, thereby putting her animals and the shelter in danger. Seth doesn't have time for a relationship either. He's busy trying to get his practice set up and taking care of his ward. But staying away from her is getting harder every day.

I really liked both Emily and Seth. Emily has a passion for rescuing dogs that takes up most of her life. Someday she'd like to have a family of her own, but she's still recovering from her last relationship. She tries to convince herself that what she's feeling for Seth is simple attraction and appreciation for what he's doing to help her. But the more she sees of him and what he's trying to accomplish with his family and with Taylor, the deeper her feelings grow. She's just not sure if she can trust enough to open herself up to the possibilities. I really liked the way that she understood Taylor and tried to help her adjust to Prosperity. I also liked seeing her try to help Seth and Taylor come together as a family.

Seth has returned to Prosperity after seventeen years away. He and his siblings had lost their parents early, with Seth and his brother being sent to stay with their uncle. His uncle was abusive and Seth learned to wall off his feelings in order to survive. After his uncle's death, Seth's older brother tried to take over as the one in charge, but Seth rebelled and left home. It was only after a friend urged him to make peace with his family that Seth decided to return. He had also become the guardian of an old girlfriend's teenage daughter, and needed a stable life for her. He traded his services as a vet with Emily in exchange for her help with a website and a volunteer opportunity for Taylor. He's incredibly busy with his life and feels that he has no time for a relationship, but he can't seem to stay away from Emily. He's impressed with everything she does, and her care for the dogs seems to extend to him and to Taylor. I really felt for him with his struggle to connect with Taylor, and his attempts to make peace with his brother. It was a slow process for him to learn to express his feelings, but he survived the struggle. I loved the ending and seeing how both Seth and Emily were able to love again.

I liked Taylor also. She was pretty surly at the beginning, but as the story went on we learn why she has the attitude she has. I really ached for her and her feelings of guilt and abandonment. It was very nice to see how the love of the dogs started to change her outlook. I also enjoyed seeing that she also had typical teenage behavior. It was great to see how Seth's and Emily's influence helped her overcome her problems.
scoutmomskf | otra reseña | Jan 22, 2015 |
Good book. Lara is recovering from the news that her ex-husband and his new wife are expecting a baby. He had divorced her because she had been unable to have children. She met Sly while she and her friend were at a local bar. They had an instant connection but as neither wants a relationship they agreed to one night only, then part the next morning.

Lana hasn't been able to forget him, but she has other things on her mind too. She is trying to adopt a baby and a fling just isn't practical. She's surprised when he seeks her out, even though he has said that he doesn't do relationships. They begin a tentative relationship that is leaning a little more on the friendship side as she discovers Sly is very supportive of her plans to adopt. Things get a little complicated when she discovers that he is involved in a lawsuit with his next door neighbor, who is also her cousin. She is torn between her growing feelings for Sly and her need to support her family member. Family is very important to her and she is nervous about telling them who she is involved with. It gets even more complicated when she discovers she is pregnant. Sly has made it clear that he doesn't intend to have children and she worries about how he will react. She wants him to be involved but she's willing to do it alone. I liked seeing her patience with his fears and how she kept him involved without showing any expectations. I got a bit frustrated with Lana's constant worry about pleasing her family. At thirty-two she should be at the stage where she can stand up to them in regards to her own wants and needs. She didn't cave in to their wishes at least, but she didn't speak up either. In the end, Lana had to decide what was more important to her, her love for Sly or the approval of her family. I really liked what she did with her decision.

Sly has never been good with relationships. He keeps things very superficial which drives women away after awhile. Sly doesn't like to risk his heart because every time he does, things go wrong. His parents died while he was young. His uncle took custody of him and his younger brother but not his little sister, who went into foster care. The uncle wasn't good to them, so Sly tried to do his best for his younger brother. Unfortunately, Seth went down a bad road no matter what Sly did and ended up dropping out of school and disappearing. Sly blames himself and swears he will never inflict his poor parenting skills on a child of his own. He also had a bad relationship in college that soured him on love. His night with Lara was incredible and he hasn't been able to get her off his mind. He wants to get to know her better, in spite of his misgivings. Even though he tells himself to stay away, he finds himself getting involved in her life. He supports her through her nerves about adopting and helps her assemble furniture for the nursery. He likes talking to her and discovers they have a lot in common. When she tells him about the baby he is stunned and not real happy, but he promises her his support. He can't stay away from her and finds himself growing closer to her and more comfortable with the idea of the baby. I loved the scene in the doctor's office. He also starts thinking about what it would be like to have her in his life permanently which really scares him. He doesn't want to risk getting his heart broken again and when something happens regarding the lawsuit it looks bad for the two of them. I loved seeing Lara's influence on what he does at the end to help resolve it, and how he finally is able to open up his heart.
scoutmomskf | Jun 6, 2014 |
Good book. Gina has come back to Montana to sell the ranch she just inherited from her uncle. She has no interest in staying there, she wants to get back to her marketing job in Chicago. She's not happy when she gets snowed in by a blizzard. Plus, the ranch foreman promised her uncle he'd try to get her to stay.

I had a hard time with Gina for most of the book. I understood her desire to get back to her job, that wasn't the problem. What I didn't like was the way she was looking down on Zach because he was a ranch foreman and didn't seem to have the ambition to do anything else. She realized she was attracted to him right away but since she'd only be there a week she didn't plan to get involved with him. Plus she figured he wasn't her "type". She also didn't really appreciate the way he kept trying to talk her into keeping the ranch. After getting snowed in together she realized that they had more in common than she thought and the attraction between them was growing. She sensed that he was keeping some secret from her since he wouldn't talk about his past. This frustrated her but since she was keeping her own secrets I didn't have much sympathy for her. I did like the way that she started to think more about keeping the ranch. I thought the solution she eventually came up with was great.

Zach had promised Gina's uncle that he would try to convince her to keep the ranch and stay in Montana. He and Zach had come up with an idea for a dude ranch that would make it possible. But Gina was so determined to go back that Zach could barely get her to listen. He understood her attitude since he used to be the same way. When one of his deals had unintended consequences he sold his business and looked for a new direction. Eventually he ended up getting hired on the ranch and found that he really enjoyed it. He gets a lot of grief from his family about his decision which just adds to his reluctance to talk about his past. His attraction to Gina is getting stronger the longer she stays but he doesn't want to get involved with someone who doesn't accept him for who he is. I thought he was a really nice guy and loved his non-judgmental reaction to her secret. I liked the way they finally got together and his part in the ranch solution.

I liked seeing some of the characters from previous books. I also loved the portrayals of Gina's relatives, especially her aunts. The two of them with their bickering were so realistic I could practically hear them. I also loved their obvious attempts at matchmaking.
scoutmomskf | otra reseña | Oct 19, 2013 |
I was somewhat annoyed at first with the heroine, but as the story progressed I really came to like her. This was a light story, quickly read and enjoyable. The characters were sweet and I liked the town it was set in. I'd recommend it.
cranberrytarts | Sep 22, 2013 |
By: Ann Roth
Published By: Harlequin American Romance
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
Book Blog For: NOR

"A Rancher's Christmas" by Ann Roth was a wonderful well written western romantic contemporary read. This author's writing style was very smoothly done. The descriptions of the surrounding of 'Saddler's Prairie, Montana were drawn out beautifully with the snow and animals. The characters were all well developed and so very colorful...especially those cousins. This was a sweet love story and how Gina and Zach would finally be drawn together. When the story opens we find that Gina's uncle has died and she leaves her high paying corporate job from Chicago to come back to her hometown to say her final goodbyes and to 'sell the family ranch she has inherited.' However, Zach had promised Gina's uncle that he wanted Gina to have it. Will this ranch foreman be able to change Gina's mind about selling the ranch? Will Gina and Zach develop feelings for each other? Now, this is the time that I will say you must pick up the wonderful read "A Rancher's Christmas" to see where and how this author will take the reader. Also, you will find out what Gina will do in the end and even more surprised of what Zach will do. What a Merry Christmas for all. I thought this was a good novel with a good plot and some wonderful characters that helped make this read a good novel to read. Would I recommend? YES!
arlenadean | otra reseña | Aug 22, 2013 |

Her Rancher Hero is entertaining. The kids you just want to hug them. There are so many boy ranch stories out their because there is so many trying to help kids. Their are so many kids that need someone in their lives to teach them by good example.

I know in my are their are three that I know of. We all can take lessons from Hope Ranch. !. Hard work Is rewarding. 2. Too get respect you have too give it. 3. Good parenting is important bad parenting causes heartbreak.

Autumn comes back to her home town and gets a ticket for speeding again. Her mom's car has no tags. Autumn owes money to some stores in town. She is sentenced to 60 days community service as a housekeeper for Hope Ranch. It pays and has own small apartment included. It is either that or 60 days jail.

Autumn likes to clean but she can't cook. Nobody asked her if she can. Their are no beginner cookbooks on the ranch. The meals are rough. But she relates well with the boys. She also came from a single mom who was not interested in being a mom.

Cody Naylor the owner of Hope Ranch has taken on four teenagers who is on their last chance. two are 16 and two are 14. They are from big cities like New York, Chicago. Cody was a runaway too. He was lucky when he was got in the barn stealing a chicken. His foster father that found him and turned his life around. He built a successful business and sold it to come back and take care of his foster father when he got sick.

This is a character driven story. Their is some action, drama and romance. A couple of sex scenes I skipped over. I liked it. Made me glad for coming from a two parent home and sad because I know that my girls really missed out on having their father around.(He died before oldest was 3)

I won this book from Ann Roth,
Published January 2nd 2013 by Harlequin American Romance 224 pages (ISBN13: 9780373754403)
rhonda1111 | Aug 11, 2013 |
I really liked both Sarah and Clay. After her mother's death, Sarah was stunned and hurt to discover that she had been adopted but had never known. The private investigator she hired discovered that her mom had grown up in Saddlers Prairie, so Sarah headed there to see if she could learn any more. She was shocked when Clay opened the door of her mom's old house. She had known Clay three years earlier while doing a magazine article about him and had been attracted to him. After hearing him talked about as a player by other women she finished her interview and left, writing a less than flattering article about him. At first he is quite rude to her, but soon she finds him being nice. I really felt for Sarah and her search for her birth mother. She has no family left and is feeling pretty lost. I liked her determination to find out anything she could. During the emotional upheaval Clay is by her side. The more time she spends with him the more she sees a different Clay than the one she saw before. I really liked the way that she started to wonder if she'd been completely fair in her article about Clay. She also worried that she was falling in love with him because she wasn't sure if he was still a "no commitment" type of guy. Sarah also had some issues of her own to face before she could fully open herself up to a future with Clay.

Clay had been a champion bull rider before he got hurt. Now he is getting his ranch up and running in Saddlers Prairie. Seeing Sarah at his door brought back a whole bunch of memories, many of them bad ones. It also made clear to him that his attraction to her hadn't died. He found himself wanting to help her and support her in her search. He could see the pain in her eyes when she talked about her adoptive mother and why she had kept the secret of her birth from her. He tried to fight the attraction but he found that she was constantly on his mind. He tried to tell himself it was just physical and that he couldn't allow himself to have feelings for someone he couldn't trust not to trash him again. I really liked the way that Clay was so good at being there for Sarah when she needed him. I also loved the way that since his accident he has admitted to himself that his old lifestyle doesn't fit him any more and he's ready for a change. His final admission of his feelings to himself and his approach to Sarah at the end was wonderful. I loved the epilogue.
scoutmomskf | May 13, 2013 |
This is a good book for those of us who have sisters to read. My Sisters is the story of 3 sisters who 'find' themselves during a weeklong journey through the memories of their childhood and growing up in a less than loving environment provided by their mother. Each sister recounts in some way the problems of their years together in a household that was definitely not filled with love from their mother. When their mother is killed in an accident, the girls come home for her funeral and to settle her affairs. With many trips down memory lane during late night talks, the girls are able to establish loving relationships with each other. I highly recommend this book.½
CandyH | Jan 18, 2012 |
The magic of the holiday season is captured in Ann Roth’s All I want for Christmas. It’s an extremely heart-warming and lovely book full of fabulous characters and set on an island in Washington State. What more could a reader ask for than the warm residents of Halo Island.

Tina Morrell lost both of her parents at a young age and her beloved Kindergarten teacher GG along with many neighbours have raised her in a loving environment, sent her to college, believed in her ability to someday run her ad agency and loved her to death. Tina is now a very successful advertising exec and up for a promotion at her Seattle firm. However, she has taken a leave to take care of GG who is recuperating from hip surgery.

Ryan Chase, left Los Angeles as a successful business man and has taken his captivating five year old daughter Maggie and moved to Halo Island, to give her stability and a home in a wonderful neighbourhood. Ryan’s wife died when Maggie was young, his fiancé left them for a “high powered” career and then his nanny also had to leave to help raise her grandson. The loss has affected both Ryan and Maggie. Maggie longs for a woman or mother figure in her life and Ryan wants no part of any sort of relationship, especially a permanent one.

Yet when Ryan and Tina meet, his daughter is immediately drawn to Tina and does everything in her power to spend time with her and GG. Maggie longs for a mother and adores Tina……the feeling mutual. Ryan is extremely protective of Maggie and doesn’t want her to become attached to Tina. Every step of the way, Ryan fights his attraction and puts up a protective armor.

Both Ryan and Tina are attracted to each other immediately and fight their attraction for each other every step of the way. Their journey in finding love and each other will melt your heart. However, the entire story, it’s marvellous characters, the warmth I felt while reading this story……well let’s just say, it made me believe there “really is a Santa” and reminded me of the miracle of Christmas.
MarilynS | Dec 7, 2007 |
With college and high school graduations just around the corner and alums planning reunions for the year, this book is perfect and also a great summer read! The Novella is set in the Colorado Rockies and all three stories center on coming back home, to the high school and friends they all grew up with and how they would deal and face their past loves? Would they be married, would they still feel the same? Would the spark or the attraction still there?

All three heroes were well portrayed……bad boys, strong, sexy and a hidden tender side and all came to this reunion not knowing what to expect and in the end found love, peace and a place to call home.

The heroines, definitely lovely, strong, smart and spirited and brought out the best in their “men”……..made me remember my first crush, my first high school boyfriend and brought back a flood of beautiful memories, especially that “first kiss”

In the Preacher’s Daughter, Jake is the true bad boy in every sense. Left his hometown in the dust, only to return a successful millionaire and never forgetting for one moment the only woman who ever took a chance on him, of course, the preacher’s daughter, Amanda. Neither had ever married and their story is sweet and gives the reader hope, that in the end, all can be overcome.

A Baby on the Way addresses other issues. India is seeking to establish roots as she’s never really had a home. She arrives in town to start a new job and settle down with a baby on the way and no husband. Upon arriving she discovers a reunion going on at the hotel she will soon be working at and meets the strong and sexy snowboarder, Graydon. Of course, he has a lot to prove, his ex-wife is there with another man and he, well let’s say, approaches India and plants one hot kiss on her lips. From then on, they are attracted to each other, a friendship begins and then romance takes over leaving them both to discover the meaning love, home and future.

A Reunion Romance was just that for Brady and Holly who just before high school graduation had broken up, never to see each other again. Now Brady returns to his home town and because he is part of a team to take over a building which will displace Holly’s gift shop their journey begins on rocky ground. I particularly loved this story, it reminded me of a similar situation I once faced and of course, everyone loves happy ever after. Lots of lessons in this story but the most important one was finding what’s important life……respect, making the right decision and most important the meaning of love.
MarilynS | Dec 7, 2007 |
Ann Roth has penned a warm and charming read in It Happened One Wedding. It made this reader believe again, in happy endings and promise to come.

For some reason when a bride and groom and their families become involved in the planning process of an event that should bring joy and happiness, the wedding plans can sometimes turn into a not so pleasant process. Kelly is planning her wedding with the help of her friend and wedding planner Cammie. Will she be able to keep peace between Cammie and her overbearing father who has ideas of his own? Throw into the mix, Curt, the wedding photographer who is at odds with his former friend the wedding planner! Will this wedding take place “peacefully” in six weeks time?

Cammie Yarnell came from a family who loved and supported her. The previous year she had been engaged to Todd who betrayed her at his bachelor party. She was hurt and never forgave her friend Curt who had introduced them. She blamed Curt for not telling her the sort of man she was marrying.

Curt Blanco at one time, considered Cammie his friend. In fact, she was his first kiss. He was responsible for introducing Cammie to Todd but did not realize what a “player” Todd was or that he would hurt Cammie. He did not believe in love or happy ever after. Why? Because all of his life he had watched his father move from woman to woman and never respecting his mother. His brother’s is also suffered from “failed” relationships so for Curt, he believed he would never travel down the path to matrimony.

I so enjoyed reading this story and watching the interaction between these two very special people Curt and Cammie. It was heart-warming to see them “mend fences”, fighting their attraction for each other and finding love. This was such a romantic story and one I will long remember thanks to this author. It was a book I read from cover to cover and could not put it down once I began Cammie and Curt’s journey in a renewed friendship and finding love.
MarilynS | Dec 6, 2007 |
Is it possible to lead a double life? After reading Ann Roth's debut into women's fiction, I actually think reads about it all of the time, a man who travels, has wealth, prestige, and comes with a "Knob Hill pedigree"? It makes a believer out of me!

Picture this, a hospital waiting live in San Francisco and think your international lawyer husband is in China on business and you get a call he's suffered a heart attack. How would you react? So you make arrangements for your teenage daughter and fly to his bedside in Seattle. While in the waiting room this lovely woman feel frumpy as she's dressed in evening wear, is younger and seems to have it "together" but she's distressed as well. You both talk about your husbands, your family and feel a bond due to the fact that the "men" you both love are in critical care. Then the doctor comes and says "Mrs. Mason and both of you answer "yes"? "I'm sorry but your husband has passed"......and the nightmare begins.

Another Life, what an appropriate title, is a wonderful book and I honestly could not put it down once I began reading the story of Beth and Caroline. Even though in the beginning they bonded at the hospital, they both have a lot to loose......not just the man they both loved, but two girls from each marriage could be badly hurt, their finances in serious trouble, reputations marred and gossip a plenty!

Were they both angry? Of course, did they resent each other? Yes! But who would think that months later they would turn to each other because they were both going through the same thing and could relate to their horrible loss and financial situation! What a message this book gives the reader. I suggest you read the book and learn from the experience and you might ask what that would be? If you're married, in a relationship, take the time to get involved, ask questions of your partner, plan ahead and protect your family. Being a partner is just that, an equal in all aspects of your relationship.

I'm very passionate about this as I was blessed with a wonderful marriage and it ended suddenly with my husband's unexpected passing. Thank God we had incredible years together, shared everything in our marriage and planned ahead. If you haven't or even if you single, take a look at Ann's website. She has a guide for women that is so worth taking a look at, I promise.

And if you want an entertaining read, one that delves into who you are, what you can be, how to make lemonade out of lemons and most importantly friendship and understanding, then Another Life is for you! Ann Roth, excellent and entertaining book!
MarilynS | Dec 6, 2007 |
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