Fotografía de autor

Nan Parson Rossiter

Autor de The Gin & Chowder Club

18+ Obras 508 Miembros 56 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Incluye los nombres: Nan Rossiter, Nan Parsons Rossiter


Obras de Nan Parson Rossiter

The Gin & Chowder Club (2011) 69 copias
More Than You Know (2013) 64 copias
Sugar on Snow (2003) 62 copias
Promises of the Heart (2020) 53 copias
Words Get In the Way (2011) 42 copias
Nantucket (2015) 35 copias
Rugby and Rosie (1997) 34 copias
Under a Summer Sky (2014) 33 copias
Firefly Summer (2016) 31 copias
The Way Home (1675) 25 copias
Summer Dance (2017) 20 copias
Christmas on Cape Cod (2018) 4 copias

Obras relacionadas

Making Spirits Bright [anthology 4-in-1] (2011) — Contribuidor — 129 copias


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The Short of It:

A heartfelt story about a family’s loss, their eagerness for happiness, and how their love for one another hold each other up.

The Rest of It:

I have reviewed many of Nan’s books. So many of them hold a special place in my heart. A Good Measure is book #3 in the Savannah Skies series and yet I don’t think you need to read the first two to really enjoy this one. But, you will still want to read them just to spend more time with this family.

Libby Tennyson’s husband Jack passed away less than a year ago and although her life has always been full, raising six sons into grown adults, her time alone in the farmhouse leaves her a little sad, and worried about what the future holds. Her son Chase has found the love of his life, but his relationship with Liam presents some challenges when Liam’s folks fail to show support for what they consider to be a non-traditional relationship.

Libby is surrounded by ladies her own age, ones who try repeatedly to get her to come out of her shell and join them for drinks and fellowship but Libby is reluctant. Her young grand-daughter, a vision of vitality and yes, energy, bridges the loneliness gap by providing much needed company and silliness. But can there really be more for Libby out there? At this age? Yes!

Pick up any Rossiter book and you will be regaled with food talk, a love for all animals, especially Labs and Goldens, and honestly just the love and friendship that result in close relationships. Reading her stories just FEEL good. Like a hug. These are the types of reads that you cozy up with and who doesn’t need that right now? I highly recommend her books. All of them.

For more reviews, visit my blog: Book Chatter.
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tibobi | 2 reseñas más. | May 27, 2022 |
A Good Measure is a beautifully written story about family, friendship and love. Families face changes constantly and this book looks at coping with grief at the loss of a spouse, changing relationships with children and how to love your children no matter how they live their lives. It's an emotional look at many parts of life that we all face.

Libby's husband has been dead for eight months and she is still trying to process his loss. She has five living sons and several of them are keeping the dairy farm running. She is have trouble facing the changes in her life and resisting help from her friends. She finally joins a group of widowed women who meet weekly. Her two best friends from childhood - Ames and Payton are part of the group and help Libby.

Payton runs a coffee shop with her 28 year old son who is on the autism spectrum. She is having a problem letting him learn how to live life on his own and feels like the only way he can get through life is by having her run his life. Ames is afraid to visit her daughter on the west coast because she doesn't want to leave her dog who has become her constant companion since her husband died. She also has to face an issue with her health that was very scary. Libby is worried about her son Chase and trying to keep the fact that he is getting married to his male partner a secret from her friends.

I especially enjoyed this book because the three female characters are older and facing issues about age and declining health. This is well told story is an emotional book about love, friendship and change. We all know the importance of female friendships in our lives and the long term friendship between Libby, Ames and Payton is a great example of friends helping friends through difficult life changes.

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of this book to read and review.
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susan0316 | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 11, 2022 |
Such a great novel about friendships, family, life and community! I really loved all of the characters in this novel, and that each had something a little different going on in their life, yet all of the women still had one thing in common - being widowed. I really connected with Payton's character as I have just gone through almost the same exact medical situation as her. Libby is staying busy with her grandkids but knows that her other friends do meet to try and help get through the loss of their husbands, but she always seems to find a reason to not go. Ames, although her marriage was a bit different than her friends marriages, she is still having a hard time changing herself to be free and do what she wants for once in life. The three are all in various stages of life and yet are grappling with this new life of being without their husbands. Told through the women as well as some of the children of these women, this story was a nice heart felt story that reminds us that we all have a lot going on, but sometimes we need to take a step back and do what is best for ourselves and that it's ok to ask or help and rely on others to get us through tough times. Thank you to the author for the autographed book and Suzy Approved Book Tours for the invite. I will be looking to buy and read more of her novels when I need light heartfelt read.… (más)
Chelz286 | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 10, 2022 |
I picked this up at a library book sale. As far as I know, I've not read anything else by this author. I think I saw the Kensington logo and thought it was a cozy mystery (rather than just fiction).

The book centers around two families: the Colemans and the Shepherds. The title comes from gatherings both families host that feature clam chowder (a combination of the two families's recipes) and the fact that the elder men of both families drink gin and have a toast that combines the two.

The negatives on this book far outweighed the positives for me, thus the lower than average rating.

I did like Martha (the dog). I liked the friendship between the two families and that Asa and Isaac used to visit Nate and Annie and were treated like their own children. Both boys seemed to have good memories of the house and their childhood.

Though painful to read about, I do think the author did justice to Asa's depression (resulting from a series of life events).

The negatives:
* everybody in the book tends to drink--some seeming to excess.
* Despite Asa's mother insisting he attend church and Noelle being a preacher's kid, neither seems to consider fleeing from temptation. I understand that to some extent, we may not be able to control who we're attracted to/who we have a crush on. But we can control our actions. We can choose to not put ourselves in situations where adultery will have a chance.
*Isaac juggles two girlfriends for a good part of the summer--not that he ever said he was exclusive to either one, but he also didn't tell either of them about the other.
*We're never really told what happens after Asa finds out Noah is probably his son. Is there a paternity test that proves it? Did Nate name Asa's parents as Noah's guardians (which would have made it easier for Asa to claim him or have a relationship with him)? Where did Noah live: with Asa, with the elder Colemans, with some other relative of Nate's or Noelle's?
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JenniferRobb | Mar 13, 2022 |



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