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This book by David Rooney is quite a good book. David Rooney has slanted the book in favour of Orde Wingate. I assume that this is fair, considering the shabby treatment he has received at the hands of people like Field Marshall Slim, and some others.

The book runs through Orde Wingate’s life, from the early days to the military campaigns he was involved in. David Rooney does not go into the details of the campaigns but gives us a good overview of the activities, and Wingate’s contributions to each.

Wingate’s contributions to developing innovative techniques in war have often been underplayed by people like Field Marshall Slim. I would advise anyone who wants to learn more, to start with this book, and then read others. Israel has, however, honoured Orde Wingate for his contributions to their country.

My suggestion, for people interested in studying the war in Burma and Kohima is – start with this book, and then dive deeper into the subject.
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RajivC | otra reseña | Jun 21, 2020 |
I like this book. Over the years, I had read about the Japanese reaching the borders of India during World War II but never did get the chance to learn how they were defeated.

David Rooney has written an excellent book that brings the events of the times to light. David has written this book for the lay public, and not for military historians.

The writing style is concise. He has done justice to a gentleman who went named Wingate. His book inspired me to get another book called “Wingate and the Chindits.”

The only thing that I will ask for, in a later edition of the book, is that the author includes some maps. This will help to bring the events to life, as will some photographs.
RajivC | May 24, 2020 |
A great read, bringing a long and fascinating story to life. If it was fiction it wouldn’t be believed. Part love story, part military and empire history, In Love & War tracks the life of Harry Smith, a 25 year old Captain in Wellington’s Peninsula Army, and his young Spanish bride, Juana, rescued from the charred remains of Badajoz in 1812 after a bloody assault and drunken rampage by British troops. Smith was a favourite of Wellington and the Iron Duke consented to give the bride away at the wedding, a mere two weeks after the battle.

Juana followed Harry to war whenever it was allowed, sleeping rough and coping with the rigours of campaigning. His was a stellar army career. He survived Waterloo (where Juana searched among the dead and wounded of the battlefield for him after being mistakenly told he had fallen...) and fought with distinction in America, South Africa and India. He was divisional commander at the battle of Aliwal against the Sikhs, seen by many military historians as “the perfect battle”. Lauded by Queen Victoria and the British press as “The Hero of Aliwal” Sir Harry and Lady Smith returned to South Africa as Governor of Cape Province. The cities of Ladysmith and Harrysmith are named after them. His later career was more controversial as political decisions were often more complex than those of the battlefield. Juana became the inspiration for Georgette Heyer’s novel “The Spanish Bride”. Harry Smith is believed to be the model for Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Modern Major-General”. Five stars.
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KDGeorge | Feb 4, 2009 |
A biography of a fascinating man, one of the most determined and unorthodox military leaders of WWII, who to this day can inspire extreme love or loathing. While intersitng to read about, he would have been very annoying to work with.

This book covers both his upbringing and the miliary campaigns he was involved in. (I especially found the influence of religion interesting - he was instrumental in the early ideas on the founding of Israel) Fascinating topic, not so fascinatingly written - could have done with much tighter editing and explanation of many miliary terms and acronymns.

Still, i am pleased i read it to learn more about Wingate, and the interesting story about his reputation, and like T E Lawrence, how it was shaped before and after his death
ForrestFamily | otra reseña | Nov 18, 2008 |
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