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Obras de David Rohl


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I really don't understand why Rohl isn't believed. His slotting of the greater Exodus story, from the Sojourn to the Exodus to the Wanderings to the Conquest, into Egyptian and Levantine archaeology fits so perfectly. Joseph and the Hebrews fit in with the ruins of Avaris. The excessive floodings of the Nile in the time of Amenemhat III square up perfectly with Joseph's career in the Bible. Pharaoh Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV is the Khenephres that Artapanus says adopted Moses. Dudimose II is (via Josephus) Manetho's Tutimaios, pharaoh of the Exodus. Israel's conquest of Canaan under Joshua fits in with the widespread destruction of cities like Jericho, Ai, and Hazor in the Middle Bronze Age. The archaeology fits the biblical narrative so perfectly. For instance (pp. 315-319), the Bible implies Shiloh, the site for the Ark and Tabernacle (before the building of Solomon's Temple), was built anew on virgin ground. Well, in the standard archaeology, the site was built in the Middle Bronze Age II period, when the Israelites should only show up in Iron Age I. In the standard archaeology, this is more proof that the Bible is a failed document of myths; in Rohl's revision of chronology, it fits perfectly.

So, what gives?

Rohl's downdating of Egyptian chronology amounts to this in two short nutshells: (1) Ramesses II is moved from the 1200s to the 900s, becoming the biblical character known as Shishak, so the 18th and 19th dynasties move down about 300 years; (2) before the Second Intermediate Period, dates are only down-dated by about 150 years, so, for example, the 12th Dynasty starts about 1985 BC conventionally and 1803 BC for Rohl. Rohl believes that this down-dating gets rid of some anomalies in Egyptian chronology and history, with the added benefit of making Bible history all of a sudden work (Exodus, Conquest, etc.).

Frankly, reading all of Rohl's corpus, as a historian and a Bible believer, I wholeheartedly believe he is on to something. Everything fits so perfectly. This book is another that shows how with just a couple of downdatings in Egyptian chronology, the Bible and archaeology match up.

This book is written in Rohl's signature accessible style, though it seems a tad more explanatory and long-winded because it is written for a wide American audience and links with a movie called Patterns of Evidence about the Exodus and Bible. It has fewer chapter endnotes and no bibliography. No index either. It is copiously illustrated with tables, charts, and images. For readers of other Rohl works, it mostly rehashs old territory, but in a fresh new way. It does cover some new ground (especially on the route of the Exodus and Wandering in the Wilderness). It also spends several chapters demolishing the Ramesses theory of the Exodus (held by many scholars, if they even believe an Exodus happened, as many such scholars think it a founding myth) and the 18th Dynasty theory of the Exodus (which many Christians hold to, based on the 480 years of I Kings 6:1).

A good book.
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tuckerresearch | Jun 17, 2019 |
The author makes a persuasive case for re-setting the Egyptian sojourn and the Exodus to a date far earlier than the "orthodox" chronologies, which place it in the time of Ramses II the Great. Based on archeological finds that match the Biblical record, Rohl discards the time-lines derived from (in his view) a mis-identification of place and person in attempting to match Biblical names to actual locations and people.
My biggest complaint is the organization of the book, and the jumbled way in which evidence is presented. Rohl (among many, many others) gives us maps which don't show the places he talks about (some are better than others), assumes the reader has a knowledge of Egyptian dynasties and timelines equal to his own and doesn't present any "grounding" data before going off on his own hypotheses, repeats himself and loops back and forth among chapters, asserts the thing to be proven before assembling all the evidence, etc etc etc.
Nevertheless, I think he has some good data in his favor, and the pictures are superior.
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librisissimo | Mar 5, 2018 |
This is a very interesting book on Egyptian archaeology. It contains many beautiful illustrations and charts. Rohl did extensive research on a group of mummified Apis bulls. From the hieroglyphics on their coffins, Rohl was able to connect which pharaohs reigned when the bulls were alive. From his work, he realized that much of Egyptian history has been misdated. He provides a more accurate chronology, one that intermeshes with Biblical events much better than the previous chronology. He pinpoints a correct date for Joseph's arrival into Egypt and for the Exodus. He discovered Joseph's tomb and a statue of Joseph near the tomb.

He continued on the speculation that Egyptian history is misdated that was first proposed by Immanuel Velikovsky, but added a lot more detail and added his own impressive credentials as a well-known professional archaeologist.
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MauriceAWilliams | otra reseña | Jan 17, 2015 |
Move some things around and the Bible becomes a history book? Velikovsky tried it, but engaged in silly flip-flops and dual-named kings, not mention the weird cosmic catastrophism. Rohl, who has some credentials in history, makes an excellent case that the chronology of Egypt is fouled up, and when set aright, suddenly snaps the history of biblical Israel into place. An excellent book whose ideas need to be worked upon.
tuckerresearch | otra reseña | Feb 9, 2013 |

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