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Obras de Rachael Pruitt


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I love the Arthurian legend. Any story surrounding the legend, whether it be about Arthur himself, or the other well known characters (to us that know the legend well), is always of great interest to me. While reading The Dragon's Harp, I found myself drawn to watch a favorite Arthurian film for the hundredth time. The film is "Excalibur" and I first saw it when I was twelve. It was the movie that hooked me on all things Arthur. I am pleased to say that this book has joined the ranks of my favorites surrounding the legend.

The Dragon's Harp is the first book in Rachael Pruitt's planned five books series, Era of Dragons: The Lost Tales of Gwenhwyfar. In this book, we learn the coming of age story of Gwenhwyfar (or Guinevere) and her relationship with Merlin. Yes, in The Dragon's Harp, Merlin is Gwenhwyfar's uncle and it's an interesting twist on the traditional legend. It is from Merlin that Gwenhwyfar learns about her power and how to control it. I much prefer the Guinevere character portrayed as she is here--strong, likable, humble, and honorable--rather than the religiously obsessed, bitter, and shallow character in another favorite book, The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley (sorry, that's just how I see her in that book). Gwenhwyfar takes center stage in this retelling and it is up to her to save her people from the evil bent on their destruction. I can't wait to continue reading the series to find out how it all turns out for her. What is great about this first installment is that there is no cliffhanger so we don't have to chew our nails while waiting for the next book.

This is a terrific first novel for Pruitt. She has outdone herself with the creation of a strong Arthurian premise with dynamic characters and writing that draws the reader with its descriptive and imaginative flow. Bring on the next book!
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TheTrueBookAddict | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 23, 2020 |
Beautifully written, enchanting, and heartbreaking.
jkrose | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 30, 2013 |
A five book series about Guinevere (or Gwenhwyfar, as she's called in this book) is pretty ambitious but Pruitt's first book is promising. Covering about fourteen years, the novel follows Gwenhwyfar when she's 8 through her early 20s. Pruitt's story is set very firmly in the 6th century world of Wales, and it's dirty and mucky and bloody. This isn't a clean, late medieval-ized version of the Arthurian myth, which I liked immensely. This book reminded me strongly of Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon, another sprawling, epic re-imagining of the Arthur legend. It's a favorite of mine and so I was a bit apprehensive if I'd be sympathetic to Gwenhwyfar, and thankfully, Pruitt's Gwenhwyfar is miles away from Bradley's. (I suppose she's closer to the Guinevere from the 2004 King Arthur film.)

Mixing gritty history and magic, Pruitt's novel had the elements I love in historical fantasy: action and magic, mythological creatures, atmospheric location, huge personalities and big plot drama. I can't attest to the accuracy of her research or depiction of 6th-century life, but there's an epic Author's Note at the end detailing her research for those who care. I was a bit surprised about how often women were involved in violent conflict, but otherwise, I didn't feel as if Gwenhwyfar was exceptionally anachronistic in behavior or manner. Pruitt's description of place was particularly good, very evocative, and despite being unfamiliar with the era, I could easily imagine what life in that fortified castle was like.

My only complaint would be the pacing. Clocking in at about 300+ pages, I felt the story could have been a bit tighter -- there were times when I skimmed and I felt some section could have been trimmed -- but otherwise, I ripped through this story.

I'm excited for Pruitt's next book, eager to see what happens with Gwenhwyfar. While I'm a bit impatient with multivolume historicals, I do like the idea of having a ton of space to really dig in to the legend, and I'm very curious about how she takes on the well known and well loved characters from Arthurian myth.
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unabridgedchick | 5 reseñas más. | Apr 11, 2012 |
Gwenhwyfar, the Princess of Dinas Emrys, grows up in a time surrounded by the mists of magic, the wings of dragons and the bloodshed of war. Gwen cleaves to the old beliefs, the beliefs of the Druids. Taught by her Grandmother, the Priestess Rhiannon and her Uncle Merlin, she tries to hold the evil at bay. When evil, magic, dragons and war converge on Gwenhwfar's family, she must do all she can to save herself and her family.

The story of the Welch Princess begins far away from the round table. I had always thought of Guinevere, or Gwenhwyfar in Welch, in relation to Arthur and Lancelot, so I was entranced the idea of meeting this incredible woman before her legend took shape. I was also excited to read my first book on Arthur or Pre-Arthur Legend. Upon opening the book, I was transported to Dinas Emrys, a rocky green land with still lakes and gorgeous trees. Looking at pictures, I know I have been there now.
Gwen is a curious girl, whose questioning nature often lands her in hot water. But for all her questions, she knows many answers. She is attuned to the forest and trees, as well as her family. She seamlessly goes from speaking to a magical benevolent fish to trying to mediate between her Druid Grandmother and Cristos Mother. Gwen is expected to be a strong woman, just as her mother and grandmother are. I loved how in times of trouble, the women band together and solve the problem without male assistance. Even though the solution was grisly, it added authenticity to the book.
The magic in this book, is well, magical. Talking fish and dragons are featured. But almost more magical that the magic itself, is the sense of peace that surrounds Gwenhwyfar, even during her most trying times. (Ok, during most of them.) The book was very dramatic and climatic. The upcoming sequel should be as good or better, if my predictions prove true.
This magical book is perfect for any lovers of Arthurian legend, lovers of Dragons, or any type of folklore. I can easily see this 5 book series becoming a "LOTR" type love for me!
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allisonmacias | 5 reseñas más. | Apr 9, 2012 |


