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Jessica O'Gorek

Autor de Gemini Rising: Ethereal Fury

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Obras de Jessica O'Gorek


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I received a free copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. What happens to people that destroy the environment when they die? Ethereal Fury takes an interesting look. Oliver Weldon, a rich oil tycoon destroys the environment over time with his oil drilling and fires that they’ve caused. He thinks money will fix everything, until his heart gives out and he ends up part of Gemini. Gemini is a group of supernatural beings that have begun a battle to wipe out the human race. This is an awesome and unique good versus evil novel with romance in the mix; it has interesting characters you’ll love to hate and those that you’ll fall in love with. Although the pace is a little slow, it’s fantastic first novel and I cannot wait for book two.… (más)
sunshine9573 | 7 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2022 |
I was given a copy of this book for an honest review.

I tried reading this book, and I really wanted to get into it. I really did. The writing is excellent and the storyline is well created. All in all this book was a good book. However, it just didn't catch my attention. I'm not exactly sure what is was, maybe it's just not something I'm into.

So with that being said, I don't want anyone to base my review on whether they should read this book or not. This book has gotten a lot of great reviews. I just couldn't get into it. On that note I would recommend you picking up a copy and reading it yourself, you'll probably like it, and you might not.

I just don't want this author's book being judged just because I could not get into it. It has great qualities, just not my cup of tea I guess.

Thank you.
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hixxup79 | 7 reseñas más. | Feb 23, 2020 |
(This review can be found on my blog The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl).

I thought the blurb to this book sounded super interesting and different. I was hoping this book would be interested, and luckily, it was.

When a human who polluted the Earth dies, they become a Gemini and belong to mother Earth. Onyx is a Gemini. His mission is to help destroy the human race. Everything is going smoothly until he comes across Violette, a 16 year old human girl. Geminis aren't really supposed to feel anything, yet Onyx feels drawn to Violette. He possess the body of an acolyte to befriend her. What follows will make Onyx question everything he's ever known.

I didn't know what to expect with this title. I figured it had something to do with Ethereals, but that was all I got from the title. After reading the book, the title matches what the book's about.

I'm not really a fan of the cover. To me, the cover makes it seem like the book wouldn't be good which isn't the case at all. I just think that the cover could've been made to entice readers to pick it up.

The world building is good, but there are a few things that left me confused such as how the book says that Geminis don't have feelings. However, a few of the Geminis had feelings such as worry and anger. Onyx seemed to have more feelings than all the Geminis. Hopefully, why Onyx is the way he is will be explained in the next book. Another thing that made me confused was the fact that Geminis are ethereal beings. However, they were able to move things, pick things up, etc in their natural form. Perhaps I just missed something along the way. Oh, and one more thing. I was confused whether these things were demons or something else. I get that they're Geminis, yet it mentions in the book about how exorcisms seem to work on the Geminis. I also don't really get why the Geminis wanted to start with churches first. I get that they wanted to start small, but why pick churches? Other than those things, I enjoyed the world building.

The pacing started off a little bit slow but quickly picked up. Before I knew it, I was quickly sucked into the world of Geminis versus humans. Every chapter ending left me wanting to know more, so I'd quickly start the next chapter. Even the ending of this book left me wanting more.

When it comes to humans versus something that wants to wipe them from the face of the Earth, it's been done before. However, Miss O'Gorek brings a refreshing twist on the common theme. I loved how it was beings who were angry at the humans for not taking care of the Earth that wanted them gone. It may sound like a hippie story line, and I thought it was going to be just that at first, but it quickly turns into a sound plot line.

The characters were written fabulously! I loved Violette. I loved her vulnerability and her child like innocence. She is a very naive girl, but this is only because she's been stuck inside an orphanage for mostly her whole life. The only problem I had with her is how she couldn't tell that something was up with Slate especially after what had happened to her. I enjoyed the character of Onyx. It was interesting to see how he wrestled with what he wanted and what he was supposed to do. I hated the bishop...not because he was poorly written but because he was just so mean! The author did a fantastic job of making us hate the bishop.

The dialogue was really interesting, and I enjoyed reading about all the characters. I especially enjoyed Onyx's point of view and dialogue the most. There are some sexual references though, so if that's not really your cup of tea, just be warned. However, the sexual references are mild.

Overall, Ethereal Fury (Gemini Rising #1) is an interesting read that will leave readers wanting more (in a good way). It certainly left me wanting more. I will definitely be reading the next book in the series.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16 who want to get sucked in to a great read.

(I was given a paperback copy of this title for free from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).
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khal_khaleesi | 7 reseñas más. | Nov 16, 2019 |
I have seen Gemini Rising making the rounds on the blogosphere and have wanted to read it ever since I saw the cover. I feel concerned about our exploitation of earth’s resources and the ME attitude that seems pervasive in our society today, so the synopsis jumped out and said read me. This fantasy romance is all I hoped for.

Oliver Weldon worked for Spot Petroleum. His rush to tap into one of the largest African oil fields in 1956 was coming back to bite him in the ass. The 2:00am call warned him, but he had his millions and no regrets. Lost lives and the environment devastated was just part of business to him, so he went back to sleep. Mother Nature is pissed and she is not going to take it any more and he wears a bullseye.

Gemini are the servants of the earth and since his death, Oliver is one of them. His name is now Onyx, for his black soul. They were an army of lost souls “living” in their own version of purgatory.

“Possess and destroy.” The means did not matter.

Their mission was part of Mother’s plan to fix the problem the human race had created. They spread plagues, famines, fires……Would she allow any human to remain? Was her goal to exterminate the human race?

The Gemini’s strategy was to enter the churches first, then slowly spread throughout the town.

Darius, seemed to be the only one who was aware of what was happening, but that was not so.

Slate idolizes Darius, but soon becomes suspicious. What part will he play as the humans fight back?

Violette holds a fascination for Slate and Onxy. She is sixteen, naïve and I feel something special is in store for her.

Onyx no longer knows the way of humans. He no longer understands their feelings of attraction and desire, their need to protect. He is a supernatural being that can take on any shape or form, has the ability to become invisible and reverse time, able to heal all wounds and move at super speeds. He is extremely powerful and can obliterate the human species.

What about Slate? Who would win the battle for his body – Slate or Onyx? Was he in love with Violette too?

Was Onyx’s attraction to her because he wanted to defile and corrupt a virgin child? His biggest surprise was to find he had no defense again the wisp of a girl.

I am leery of the Bishop. Does he have an ulterior motive?

Gemini rising holds a warning for all of us, but doesn’t preach. It does emphasize the anger of mother earth and her need to eradicate the pests who are destroying her. Think about it! Is the Earth rising up in our current time? Is it warning us through plague, fires, landslides, polluted waters…….to be more careful. After all, our resources are finite.

Gemini Rising reminded me of Host by Stephanie Meyer, when talking about Onyx’s possession of others, but he went from body to body intending ill will, murder and death. I feel there is much more to come.

I love Jessica’s bio and can see how she came up with idea for this wonderful fantasy.

I received the book in return for an honest and unbiased review.
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sherry69 | 7 reseñas más. | Aug 12, 2014 |


½ 3.4

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