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Audra NorthReseñas

Autor de Second Chance

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First and foremost, thank you Audra North and netgalley for my advanced copy of Two Timing. I had no clue when I picked this book up that it was the second in a series. So pick up the first one! I loved Alden/Derek/Toni. There is lots to be said about office romances and you will get lots of that with this one. Derek Brewer, a detective working with Warren Davis (from Giving It Up), (I already bought to read)is standing in for his recovering addict brother at his new job, a janitorial position with a firm hiring him. The heat that is between Derek and Toni is undeniable. I love how the both are two jagged people that come together to form perfection. There’s tender moments there are dark moments all and all a great romance.
b00kdarling87 | otra reseña | Jan 7, 2024 |
Short And Sweet. As always too short, but well written, developed stories for the most part. They run the gambit from breathless anticipation to graphic sensuality, each of these stories hits the spot and leaves just enough room for dessert. Moments of imperfect romance with flashes of humor, wrapped up in a heart-warming holiday theme.
Ireadwhatuwrite | otra reseña | Jun 23, 2022 |
A great contemporary femdom erotic romance.
bit-of-a-list-tiger | Apr 3, 2020 |
This is my first Audra North book. I received an ARC of The Stanton Family Boxed Set in exchange for an honest review. That it turned out to be a set of four romances proved to be a pleasant surprise. Full of personality, blessed with money and sex appeal, the Stantons are an interesting lot. Sensuous, entertaining stories.

Falling for the CEO - Meredith and Andrew were my favorite couple. The sentimentality of the holidays was a beautiful backdrop for this adorable story.

One Night In Santiago - Bruno and Lily were the surprise. One Night In Santiago started out blah and ended up being an unexpected joy. There was mystery, a little adventure and a whole lot of attitude. Made for a hot read.

A Lesson in Temptation - A Lesson in Temptation was a sexy yet comedic look at the dance of love. Julie and Adam were used to hard work but not how to cut loose. A little relaxation goes a long way with this uptight couple.

Healing Her Heart - I was not a fan of Healing Her Heart. Having been moved by Andrew and Meredith, intrigued by Lily and Bruno, tempted by Julie and Adam, Greg and Carrie came across as an afterthought. I want more than sex appeal. The blueprint was there but the emotions felt forced and for me the story itself fell short.
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
Two Timing by Audra North
Pushing the Boundaries #2

One brother has always been squeaky clean
One brother has spent half his life doing drugs
One brother is “good”
One brother is “evil”
One brother is resentful
One brother feels the resentment
The brothers are identical
A woman sees the “good” brother filling in for his brother
A romance based on mistaken identity begins
Can the romance be salvaged or will the lie destroy all hope of happiness?

Identical twin brothers swapping identities might happen from time to time but it is usually female twins in romances that do the swap-thing. In addition to the swap thing there is a missing baby-mama, a toddler to care for, another addict causing problems, a man trying to keep his two identities straight, steamy moments aplenty and an action-packed ending.

The story was well written but I had trouble believing there was a need for the identity swap in the first place and didn’t like the idea of two people being intimate with one believing they were with one person when they were really with another. That said…it was an entertaining story and a fun read.

Thank you to the author who provided the ARC through NetGalley. This is my honest review.

3 Stars
CathyGeha | otra reseña | Apr 7, 2017 |
Luck Be a Lady by Audra North
Lucky in Love #2

Michael Faraday and Aoife Fitzpatrick were childhood friends that loved one another until something happened to break them apart when they were fifteen. Given a second chance to meet and clear the air the two find they still have common ground as they get to know one another again. This is a sweet easily read somewhat predictable second chance at love story that provided a bit of the flavor of Ireland and provided a relaxing escape this afternoon.

Thank you to NetGalley and Barclay Publicity for the ARC. This is my honest review.

NOTE: The reason I requested this book was that I have read and enjoyed the author’s Hard Driving series and enjoyed it immensely. I think I was expecting something different based on what I have read before but I was pleasantly surprised to find that Ms North’s writing is diverse and smooth in both types of romance.

3 Stars
CathyGeha | otra reseña | Jan 17, 2017 |
Received an ARC for my voluntary review for netgalley. This is your love story of second chances. Michael has missed Aoife for about fifteen years, but when he first thought of her, his thoughts were of anger. Aoife has not returned to Ireland for fifteen years, when she left heartbroken, and she never wanted to come back, but she also missed Michael. They reconnect and ended up discussing what had happened, which turned out to be a misunderstand. They start spending time together and it was as if they had never been apart, their friendship is stronger, and they re-fall in love. But, there is a ticking clock, but she lives in New York, he lives in Ireland, what will they do? Who will give up there livelihood for the other? Or was it just a brief affair? Of course while they are wondering how to broach the subject, something occurs. But was a misunderstanding again? Or did Michael lie to her. Cute love story.
NelisPelusa | otra reseña | Jan 15, 2017 |
This was an enjoyable romance. I enjoy reading stories set around or in Ireland. Brid Gallagher and Gavin are great together. How can Brid leave Gavin and go to marry her fiancé. I received an ebook copy from the author for a fair and honest opinion.
Virginia51 | Aug 30, 2016 |
If you are looking for a quick, easy to read, contemporary romance with a car-racing/journalism theme then this story is a good pick for you.

Cori Bellowes, a recent graduate with a journalism degree, is sent by her online news company to do an in-depth story on racer Ty Riggs. She is supposed to do “anything” to get the “dirt” on him, his company, his father and anything else she can find out. Wanting to do well but not wanting to be unethical she is in a dilemma – even more of a dilemma when she and Ty begin to fall for one another.

This, to me, felt almost like a NA genre story. The plot was rather predictable in many ways. It was a quick fun read that took me away for the evening and I would like to thank NetGalley and Saint Martin’s Press for the copy to read in exchange for my honest review.
CathyGeha | otra reseña | Jun 11, 2016 |
I loved it! Cori is a sports journalist, but her boss is not taking her seriously, (journalism is a mans world) until she's told to interview the hottest new driver on the racing circuit, Ty Riggs, she's ecstatic. Finally she has a chance to prove herself, but when she meets the handsome racer Cori is more interested in Ty then talking racing, very unprofessional Cori, and Ty's smouldering looks don't help. This is going to get very interesting.

Ty is doing what he does best and loves, racing. His father's health is not good and his past could hurt Ty's career, but he tries to put that behind him and just race and win, he also is putting together a program for underprivileged kids so they may have a chance racing. Ty's life is full and busy but when he meets Cori, well, he can tell she is going to be something different.

This was a relationship neither of them saw coming. Great chemistry between Ty and Cori, would have like a few more love scenes, and a nice story. Over all I enjoyed this book. 4/5
JulieD2 | otra reseña | May 29, 2016 |
Cute. Flirty. Fun. Sam had her head in a good place until she runs into Riordan. Cranky, stick in the mud, artist with deadlines to meet and a sexy Irish brogue.

He sees Sam as "One of those Americans". Sam just want a few answers to move on with life. I found both characters to rich and engaging. They pulled off their perspective roles excellently.

Audra North did a good job in making Riordan breathe the artist type. I could feel it in the words and see it in the actions. Sam had her own kind of depth going on. Both together gave me a moment. A moment when I decide that I must know what is going to come next. I look forward to more from this series.
**This ARC was provided via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
thebookjunkiereads | May 9, 2016 |
Short And Sweet. As always too short, but well written, developed stories for the most part. They run the gambit from breathless anticipation to graphic sensuality, each of these stories hits the spot and leaves just enough room for dessert. Moments of imperfect romance with flashes of humor, wrapped up in a heart-warming holiday theme.
Ireadwhatuwrite | otra reseña | Mar 23, 2016 |
This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & MoreReview
In the Fast Lane is a fast paced book that will have you flipping the pages.

The story line takes place over a couple of months which makes for a quick and fun romance. I loved the idea of a race car driver and owner forming a relationship. They both have their issues with the other, but there are soooo many sparks that make it an awesome journey.

Kerri is now driving stock cars after racing in the indie league. She has many obstacles to overcome since she's the only female driver. She's not pleased with the person who bought over half the share in her racing team. She has to fight hard to show those in the racing world that she's as capable as them behind the wheel, while still remembering that she is a girl, and wants a family, and all the other things. I had a love hate relationship with Ranger. He's sweet sometimes and has a connection with Kerri. He's got things that happened when he was young that he has to get over, and a hate of his father.

Both Kerri and Ranger have to overcome their dislike of each other amidst the chemistry. I love books where sparks fly, and the characters can't stand each other in the beginning. It's always awesome. And the racing story was amazing too. I loved everything about these characters.

BookishThings | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 23, 2016 |
Annabelle has always wanted to be a part of the Hart team. Her longtime crush on Grady Hart is all coming back to her now, especially when Grady is still as handsome as ever. Grady is so glad sexy Annabelle is back in town. He’s always had a thing for her, but will he be able to work up the nerve this time around?

I loved Shifting Gears! The hero and heroine played off each other’s strengths and that was so appealing to me. They made the perfect team, even though they each had self esteem issues, but they totally complimented each other. The racing aspect for the plot added fun and excitement to this romance and kept me speeding through each page (lol)! I loved how comfortable Grady and Annabelle were with each other sexually, even while they lit each other’s bodies on fire. Grady’s protectiveness was sexy and always makes for a great hero in any romance. Ms. North has brought us an awesome romance series and I’m all for more, more, more! 5 Stars!
Bookshellz | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 28, 2016 |
Making a list, checking it twice …

Meredith Klaus is thirty-one years old, klutzy, socially awkward and she's in lust with her boss, Andrew Stanton. A problem with missing funds for the Christmas bonus is the perfect excuse for Andrew to work closely with her for the week leading up to the gala. In that short period of time, he learns a few things about his shy CFO.

“Hasn't anyone ever done something for you just because you're a human being? You know, simple kindness?"

He had meant it to be flippant, but the answering look in her eyes said everything.


Andrew and Meredith made a really cute couple. I liked that her intelligence was what drew his attention. Yes, her other assets didn't go unnoticed because he was a man after all, but I felt there was more emphasis on less superficial attributes. As far as CEOs go, he was probably the kindest one I've read about so far this year. He wasn't an entitled, nor was he arrogant. The one love scene was both awkward and sweet and set Meredith up to finally break out of her shell.

This story felt much longer than a standard novella, and I was surprised by the amount of information the author managed to pack into this little story. The character arc of the heroine was executed quite well, even if I didn't quite understand how she managed to never let anyone get close enough to remain a virgin. Regardless, it was refreshing to see the heroine contemplate her life and take the reins without someone telling her that she needed to change if she wanted to be happy.

The ending felt a little rushed, and I think this story would have worked without the mystery of the missing funds, the quick resolution and the fact that Andrew picked her to run his second company after having had her in his employ for only “a couple of months”.
If you're looking for a Cinderella type of story set around Christmas with likeable characters and a splash of humor, then pick this one up. I would read this again just for the fun of it.

Rating: 3.5 to 4

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the publisher for the purpose of an honest review.
MsRomanticReads | otra reseña | Jan 22, 2016 |
Each story in this romance anthology offers the adventure of a week spent in Hawaii—whether for a wedding, a business offer, or a well-earned vacation— and the magic of romance.

The Wedding Week by Julia Kelly tells Annie's story. She's a wedding planner for an upscale hotel and prides herself for always being on top of things, always having control. But her control snaps when she meets sexy Chris, and indulges in a passionate affair with him, even though mixing business with pleasure could mean the end of her career. I had a lot of sympathy for Annie as much of her need for control stemmed back to a difficult childhood and a constant need to prove herself. Chris was sharp and ambitious, but his desire to be with Annie trumped his career goals and made him a worthy romance hero.

Kissing Rebecca by Alexis Anne was a cute and funny friends-to-lovers tale. Rebecca and Luke have known each other and worked together for years in a successful film franchise and have always been "best buds." But during that time their feelings have grown, though there's never been a right moment to express those feelings. Now they're both free, but neither is sure the other is ready for, or even interested in, taking that next step. Luke's a real doll and I couldn't help but love him for all caring ways he tries to woo Rebecca. The poor guy can't catch a break, though, as bad luck dogs his every move. His refusal to give up is what makes this story so sweet. Both characters were extremely likeable, which helped make this lighthearted story a real charmer.

After the Fall by Alexandra Haughton featured two complicated people, both trying to "come back" after difficult circumstances. Joss is a successful businesswoman but her family won't let her live down an embarrassing incident from her wild child days. Drew was a photojournalist who turned his back on his career after a devastating experience overseas. Drew and Joss are "strangers in the night" when they meet, but offer each other comfort and acceptance (not to mention awesome sex). I wanted these two to get together, but complications from Joss' business woes and secrets from Drew's past kept getting between them. I really enjoyed the tenderness between the two characters and the support they gave each other, but sometimes felt as though there were a bit too many complications involving former spouses and lovers. I also wished there had been a bit more explanation about why Joss had acted out so much in her younger days. This story is for readers who enjoy an angsty, intense romance.

Blinded by Audra North introduces us to Mike, smitten with his buddy's younger sister. Chelsea, however, only has eyes for a different friend, a slick attorney. Mike is a down-to-earth, fun-loving guy with a good heart but Chelsea finds him annoying. He always seems to be around when she's trying to flirt with Brandon. When Chelsea suggests to Mike that the two of them act like a couple to make Brandon jealous and pique his interest, Mike reluctantly agrees. It becomes a case of "be careful what you wish for" when Brandon starts showing interest in Chelsea as she realizes that Mike is the man for her. There's a lot of humor in this situation, and plenty of frustration for the hero and heroine. I cheered when the main characters finally gave in to their passion. But there were still bumps in the road ahead. I really enjoyed this story and how the author took the trope of "girl loves brother's best friend" and put a twist in its tail.
nonaraines | Nov 29, 2015 |
Self-esteem and success are what both Annabelle Murray and Grady Hart want and they will have to overcome their insecurities, be assertive, take on people that are difficult, and move forward with purpose to create the future they desire both as individuals and as a couple. While working toward their goals both Annabelle and Grady will have to deal with the steamy hot attraction they feel for one another – an attraction they both felt but never acknowledged years before.

Thank you to NetGalley and Saint Martin’s Press for the copy of this book to read and review.
CathyGeha | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 24, 2015 |
Interesting story. Annabelle has always done what she was supposed to do, she was a good girl, perfect wife. But she still ended up divorced, not a cent to her name and living back at her moms. She needs to get her life in order and not have to live by her parents standards anymore, do what she want's to do. Then she meets up with Grady again and her secret feelings for him have not changed one bit.

Grady Hart has great respect for his mother and when he arrives at her home for help and finds Annabelle there he's surprised, he'd not seen her since she got married, but his feelings for her hadn't changed at all, and when he discovers she's a great mechanic, Grady decides that Annabelle might be just right for Hart Racing and for him.

Great entertainment. Interesting characters and great racing action.
JulieD2 | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 23, 2015 |
Loved this book!! A fabulously strong female lead character and great writing made this one quite enjoyable. Kerri Hart is working hard to get the respect and recognition Hart Racing deserves, but every sponsorship deal that is offered want her to play up her sexy side rather than her racing abilities. Since Kerri won't play that game, Hart Racing is in serious financial shape. When, unknown to Kerri, Colt Hardware makes a large financial investment in Hart Racing, Kerri is left to find a way to deal with Ranger Colt. Their relationship gets very interesting very fast!!

This book has a great fresh storyline that makes it one you don't want to miss. I highly recommend it.
Bette_Hansen | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 3, 2015 |
This is a fantastic novella showing how important it is to live everyday to the fullest. Great characters all around but the main two are Greg, burned out cardiac surgeon and Carrie, ever hopeful head of the local assisted living facility. This story reminds us that every relationship has moments of give and take and how important it is to experience those. Highly recommend this one!
Bette_Hansen | otra reseña | Nov 3, 2015 |
I really enjoyed this story. An unexpected meeting and instant attraction. Neither was looking for love but sometimes love finds you! Well written with interesting characters, a perfect quick read. I highly recommend this one.
Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
A fun sexy read that was completely entertaining and reminds us to enjoy life. Julie has learned from her past how important it is to step back and enjoy a bit of life. Adam believes the only way to get ahead and have the security he desperately craves is to stay focused with no distractions. He finds that hard to do with Julie around though. I highly recommend this one as well as the other Stanton Novellas. Great reads, well written with great characters.
Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
A fun sexy read! A story of finding love when and where you least expect it. Well written with good characters, would have like to gotten to know Andrew Stanton just a bit better but overall a great story. Nice, quick, entertaining read that I highly recommend.
Bette_Hansen | otra reseña | Nov 3, 2015 |
What an exciting story. Kerri is a feisty, race track driver, with a very strong character, she is very talented in her chosen career and is a fighter. When Ranger is given the opportunity to give Kerri a hand and boost her company he can't turn it down, and in the process learns more about his own life and family. This was a hot little story, the chemistry between Ranger and Kerri is off the charts and race track action was thrilling, is was interesting to learn what goes on in a race on the track.
A great read, 5/5 from me!
JulieD2 | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 28, 2015 |
Healing Her Heart by Audra North is an engaging novella that I was able to read in just a couple of hours. The characters are likeable and the plot is complete with emotion, friendship and heat. Ms. North is an excellent storyteller and I will continue to seek out her new works. In addition, this book has a wonderful and charming ending.

Carrie Jankowski loves her job as the Director of New Beginnings, an assisted living facility for the elderly. She enjoys spending time with the residents and does everything in her power to create a warm and inviting environment for those entrusted in her care. Handling the death of a resident is always sad, yet Carrie realizes it is a part of her job and life. Carrie is a giver and always puts the needs of others ahead of her own.

Greg Stanton is a cardiac surgeon and his job has recently become even more stressful than he can deal with. After suffering another anxiety attack, he realizes that he needs a break to regroup. It was just a stroke of luck that Carrie was around to help him come down from this latest attack.

Greg and Carrie met about a year ago when one of Carrie's residents was brought into the ER. Since that time, they have developed a friendship that has now become a little more flirty. Since they both are not looking for anything serious, they embark on a temporary, sexual relationship while Greg is on vacation. In addition, Greg agrees to help out at New Beginnings, since he has some free time to spare.

I enjoyed this novella. Carrie and Greg are good together. Spending their days working together and their nights sleeping together may be a winning combination. Their sexual chemistry is off the charts, while they tread very lightly where their emotions are concerned. If you are looking for a nicely written novella, check out Healing Her Heart.

Complimentary copy provided by publisher.
ljtljtljt | otra reseña | Sep 5, 2014 |
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