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9 Obras 45 Miembros 4 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Obras de Linda Joy Myers


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I will start by noting this was a very well written book. The characters are well developed and the storyline is compelling and the plot is page turning. Once I started reading it, I was drawn in and despite my desire not to enter the world of the Nazis in my reading again, enter I did.

Despite my pledge to myself not to read any more books based in WWII I still end up with them in my pile. Why I do this to myself is beyond me. This was a very compelling read and written by a very strong hand with a detailed knowledge of those harrowing times.

It’s not a story to read right before bed, but it is a good book.

I received a free copy for my honest review
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BooksCooksLooks | 2 reseñas más. | Sep 26, 2023 |
In a world where everything seemed normal, and the word "war" was just a rumor, to waking up the next day and you are fearing for your life. This novel was such an interesting story in following Sarah through her journey of never feeling safe or home while war rages on and the Nazi's just continue to take more each day. Sarah was sent to Paris, a city she dreamed of being in and now once again she has to leave and give up all her dreams and the comfort of having been living a somewhat normal life. Heading to south, with her father figure Mr. Lieb, they once again have to change their identity and fear every single stop and inspection of their paperwork. Once they have crossed into Marseille, the horrors they have been hearing about have a direct hit. Mr. Lieb was round up and taken to camp, while simply out enjoying an evening and Sarah, now known as Simone puts her talent of art to work in helping others escape while refusing to give up hope on Mr. Lieb. With the Nazi's are getting better at recognizing forged paperwork, Simone has to put everything into making her forgeries perfect and knowing this could be life or death for someone, she puts herself on the line with every one she agrees to complete. Such a fascinating read and based on true people during the war. It always amazes me the strength and fearlessness these people had to save others. Thank you to the author for the free novel and to Suzy Approved Book Tours for the invite. This review is of my own opinion and accord.… (más)
Chelz286 | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 6, 2023 |
This novel begins in 1938 in Berlin where nineteen year old Sarah, a Jewish art student lives with her mother. Her mother had been working with a family friend Mr. Lieb to get forged papers so that Sarah can escape to Paris. After a run in with a Nazi officer, they know that Sarah needs to leave immediately. She and Mr. Lieb flee to Paris where they live with a Jewish family. Sarah is now called Rosemarie and she's thrilled to be in Paris where she can visit art galleries and where she once again feels safe. She meets and begins to fall in love with Cesar who has escaped from Spain and is now working with the underground making forged papers for people who are trying to get out of Paris. Sarah's feeling of freedom in Paris ends quickly when the German Army occupies the city in 1940. Her artistic talent makes her a good forger so she begins to work with Cesar. Once the Germans arrive, they know that they need to leave Paris. Mr Lieb has friends in Marseille, so they get new identities and start towards Marseille in a small car. The trip is harrowing. The roads are crowded with people who have farm carts, animals and all methods of transportation as they try to get out of Paris. Plus, German airplanes fly overhead and even shoot into the crowds of people trying to leave. There they meet an American who is working to help people get to England and America and Sarah and Cesar start working as forgers for Varian Fry. It's only through the trust that they have with other people and the fact that there were many good people in the resistance that they were able to stay one step ahead of the Germans and the French police.

This debut novel was beautifully written and well researched. It was also exciting and a bit scary as the main characters often got close to being captured. Also the trip from Paris to Marseille was nail biting as so many people filled the roads while the German pilots often shot into the groups. I had trouble putting the book down once I started reading.

This is a book about the cruelty of war and the struggles people went through to stay alive. It's about the importance of trust and creating families out of the people who love and help take care of you. It's an interesting look at the importance of art in helping to save lives. It was so well written that it was hard to believe that this was a debut novel for Linda Joy Myers. I am looking forward to her future books.
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susan0316 | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 4, 2023 |
Follow Linda Joy Myers as she leads you through her life, sharing her path from abandonment, abuse, and emotional damage to freedom. You won’t want to put this book down, except to wipe away your tears.

This book provides a rare glimpse into the life and thoughts of a person who suffered immeasurable abuse and neglect as a child, also the ongoing difficulties and pain this creates as an abused and abandoned child becomes an adult. The book also explains how Linda found healing and freedom from the pain through addressing the demons in her life, providing hope to those also going through such pain in their own lives. Thank you, Linda, for your willingness to be vulnerable and share so openly about your life!
Ultimately this is a memoir about love and forgiveness. It became that because Linda Joy worked hard at it. She always hoped for her mother to acknowledge her and love her, and almost by brute force hope is fulfilled. Through years of therapy and becoming a therapist herself, Linda Joy finally found peace and forgiveness and learned how to be a loving mother and grandmother herself. (By Madeline40 she sums this up so well)

This is a first-hand description of child abuse and navigates the reader through the distinctive stumbling blocks encountered by adult survivors of abuse who are attempting to forgive. This thought-provoking illustration offers new hope to those who have given up at the prospect of forgiving. Many survivors of abuse long to forgive their abusers; however, many common approaches to forgiveness are not appropriate for situations involving abuse.

Forgiveness does not mean excusing. No one needs to forgive the acts perpetrated against them in order to let go of resentment and forgive the being who harmed them. Forgiveness is not an event of immediacy. It's not a bolt of lightning that brightens the soul and burns the pain to ashes. Forgiveness is a process that is transformational. When all is said and done, the final process is an act of love.
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MaryAnn12 | May 25, 2013 |



½ 4.5