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Fun little profiles of some prominent rebels throughout history. As the authors are English, more than half of the rebels have their conflicts with whoever is in charge of the British Isles at the time.

The creators keep it light and throw in lots of jokes, but many of these rebels end up dying for their cause and the humor gets a little dark when it comes to outlining the violence of their deaths. Not to mention that the concept of the book has author Adam Murphy interviewing the animated corpses of the historical figures. Sensitive youngsters should be steered away, but those kids that like a little gruesome in the mix will probably find themselves enjoying history for the first time.


• Spartacus, Gladiator 111 BCE - 71 BCE
• Boudicca, Iceni Queen 30-61
• Thomas Becket, Saint 1118-1170
• Simon de Montfort, Rebellious Earl 1208-1265
• William Wallace, Guardian of Scotland 1270-1305
• Owain Glyndŵr, Welsh Ruler 1359-1415
• Jane Grey, English Queen 1537-1554
• Gráinne Ní Mháille, Pirate Queen 1530-1603
• Guy Fawkes, Conspirator 1570-1606
• Oliver Cromwell, Military Dictator 1599-1658
• Maximilien de Robespierre, Revolutionary 1758-1794
• George Washington, U.S. President 1732-1799
• Toussaint L'Ouverture, Rebel Leader 1743-1803
• Sitting Bull, Sioux Leader 1831-1890
• Emmeline Pankhurst, Suffragette 1858-1928
• Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi, Indian Activist 1869-1948
• Frida Kahlo, Mexican Artist 1907-1954
• Martin Luther King Jr., Minister & Activist 1929-1968
• Glossary
villemezbrown | May 7, 2024 |
I just cannot resist history graphic novels. This one zips through the lives of 19 remarkable scientists. The format is fun, with the author playing talk show host interviewing a string of reanimated corpses. Why corpses? Because everyone loves zombies, I guess.

Humorous and informative.


• Aristotle, Philosopher 384-322 BCE
• Archimedes, Mathematician 287-212 BCE
• Al-Haytham, Natural Philosopher 965-1040
• Galileo Galilei, Astronomer 1564-1642
• Maria Sibylla Merian, Entomologist 1647-1717
• Isaac Newton, Natural Philosopher 1642-1727
• Edward Jenner, Physician 1749-1823
• Mary Anning, Paleontologist 1799-1847
• Lovelace & Babbage, Mathematicians 1815-1852 & 1791-1871
• Von Humboldt, Explorer, Naturalist, Geographer, Etc. . . . 1769-1859
• James Barry, Doctor 1790s-1865
• Charles Darwin, Naturalist 1809-1882
• Dmitri Mendeleev, 1834-1907
• Marie Curie, Chemist & Physicist 1867-1934
• George Washington Carver, Botanist & Inventor 1860s-1943
• Nikola Tesla, Inventor 1856-1943
• Alan Turing, Computer Scientist 1912-1954
• Albert Einstein, Physicist 1879-1955
villemezbrown | otra reseña | Dec 1, 2023 |
Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher.
fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Corpse Talk: Queens and Kings and Other Royal Rotters
(Corpse Talk)
by Adam Murphy

I want to thank the publisher and NetGalley for letting me read this book. This is an awesome, informative, funny, and has extraordinary art work! So detailed is the art work in some pages and some are just funny! Middle grade kids and up will love this book! I loved it and learned a couple of things myself.

The book is presented as a talk show and a Royal person from the past is announced and the interview begins. During the interview we learn accomplishments and failures! Then there might be an extra page with more information about this time period or society.

One of those extra pages details how to embalm the Pharaoh's body after death. Another is the great terra cotta army. How to build a giant impenetrable wall! There was so much to see and learn! There were many more too!

The dozen or so "Rotters" are famous and from all parts of the world and from various time periods. It's a very clever way to teach history without teaching history! I can't emphasize enough how much information there is in here and how terrific the art is! This is something teachers should have in their classes!
MontzaleeW | otra reseña | May 15, 2021 |
Fun introduction to, or recap of 19 different scientists, written in the form of interviews and in full colour. Aristotle (how to study science through observation), Archimedes (curved mirrors to concentrate sun rays), Al-Haytham (camera-obscura), Galileo (motion of planets), Merian (life-cycle of Butterflies), Newton (laws of motion), Jenner (vaccination), Anning (dinosaurs), Lovelace (computer programs), Babbage (computing machine), Von Humboldt (ecosystem), Barry (hygiene), Darwin (evolution), Mendeleev (periodic table), Curie (radiation), Carver (crop circulation), Tesla (current wars), Turing (code machine), and Einstein (relativity).
AChild | otra reseña | Feb 26, 2021 |
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