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I enjoy mail order bride stories. Maybe because when I first learned of them I was fascinated with the concept of going to a new place and marrying someone you never met. I couldn’t decide if it was a grand adventure or the worst thing that could happen. I’ve been obsessed ever since. I enjoy the location of this one. I think it’s the farthest north and west I’ve read of them. I enjoy Kit Morgan’s sense of humor. The story has a love triangle going on. It presented a lot of opportunities to enjoy that sense of humor.
I wasn’t excited about the narration. He wasn’t bad. He just didn’t excite me. Over all it was a fun book for me.
Wulfwyn907 | Jan 30, 2022 |
A sampler of the first few chapters of 4 mail order bride novels. I liked the framing device of a new servant working for the matchmaker and (given my experience with another of the author's novels) I thought the samples were representative of her style.
Caramellunacy | Mar 31, 2021 |
Half a Day's Ride from Nowhere, Washington, March 1871

1 Largely Unnecessary Prologue with Characters Not Seen Again
1 Tragically Orphaned Heiress (Unbeknownst to Herself)
1 Greedy Lecherous Uncle
13 Years of Skivvy Work
1 Mail Order Bride Agency (Non-Sketchy Variety, to the Extent the Concept Can Be Non-Sketchy)

1 Romantically Minded Farmer Who Despite Being Popular Amongst the Local Womenfolk Decides to Send Away for a Mail Order Bride Rather Than Doing Any Courting
3 Overgrown Hoodlum Brothers Who Specialize in Dangerous Pranks
0 Comeuppance / Socialization
0 Farmwork

1 Conniving Hussy
1 One-Eyed Bandit (Non-Euphemism Variety)
1 Complicated Kidnap/Wedding Plan

The Short Version
A sweet (kisses/fade-to-black) romance about nice people believing they have fallen in love VERY quickly because the plot demands it. I would have liked a few more Little House in the Big Woods descriptions of farming life (as she didn't seem to be expected to do much other than cook and she had never experienced life outside of New Orleans). It felt more like an episode of Little House on the Prairie / Anne with an E (more soap opera than substance).

I got cranky at the sequel-bait brothers and their pranks - many of which are dangerous and none of which are adequately dealt with (I wanted Samijo to refuse to cook for them if they behaved this way). The only real conflict surrounds a conniving hussy with her wiles set on Arlan for the flimsiest of reasons - and then a complicated climactic scene with three different parties of ill intent showing up at the Weaver farm largely independent of one another... and all of this was so soon after Samijo's arrival that their affection felt incredibly rushed / unearned.

Sweet but insubstantial.½
Caramellunacy | Mar 10, 2021 |
I really enjoyed this Historical Western Romance. I bought this at a local store and I voluntarily chose to review it. This was a pretty clean but with some violence in it. There were a few twists and turns to this and I really liked how it ended. Talk about some dumb bad guys, and you get these bad guys to a tee. I've given it a 4.7* rating.
NancyLuebke | Dec 22, 2020 |
Loved it!! And I love that it is a part of series with holiday brides a plenty. Totally clean romance at it's best!
whybehave2002 | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 2, 2020 |
It is better than book 1 but still seemed a bit childish.
izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
How many ways can one write a mail order bride romance and how many holidays can one invent? I think this series has run its course.

What is a harvest moon and what makes it a "holiday"? Neither of these is addressed in the novel. In fact, the only two things I can remember reading about the harvest moon are that 1) it was coming up and 2) it was one of Finn's favorite times of the year (though we aren't told why).

The plot is equally uninspired. Apparently, Finn's friend Lorcan has found love with a mail order bride and desires the same for his friend, so he sends for a mail order bride for Finn--unfortunately, no one tells Finn this. So he is quite unprepared when he finds out the woman he rescued in his pumpkin patch is to be his bride--even though he already felt attraction for her.

At the same time, Finn's and Lorcan's pasts are catching up to them. There are two groups that want to find Lorcan--one hopes he'll have an idea where Brennan is and the other are Brennan's men.

The Dalton triplets seem to be at the center of most of the chaos in the town. Given their history, I have a hard time believing that their father gave them slingshots and didn't expect something to happen.

This was free at the time I got it from Amazon.
JenniferRobb | Oct 7, 2018 |
I always like to read a feel good, light Christmas read over the holidays. While this really didn't fit what I wanted, I did like it.

Positives: it's a clean read which I truly appreciate. Characters were well developed and story line kept my interest. Negative: Yes, it is the holiday season but that isn't dwelled upon and really could have been practically any holiday.

Plot: Summer James lives in an orphanage in New Orleans. She has two options: since turning 18, she can either become a mail order bride or be put out in the streets to fend for herself. She chooses to become a mail order bride Clayton Riley lives in Nowhere, Washington Territory (1870). His mother and brother send for a bride for Clayton without his knowledge. The first thing he does when meeting Summer is to accidentally shoot her in the foot!

I do recommend this book.
travelgal | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 20, 2017 |
The typical mail order bride story with a bit of a twist. Sarah arrives in Independence, Oregon on Easter Sunday. She's married the same day, despite her intended husband insisting that he knew nothing of her arrival. By the end, it's still unclear as to whether there is a mysterious matchmaker sending for mail order brides or if Jess did indeed send for a bride while he was out of town.
JenniferRobb | Apr 16, 2017 |
My first book by Kit Morgan. I enjoyed this lighthearted western romance. It was a nice clean fast read. Can't wait to read the others in this series.
Sandralb | 2 reseñas más. | Oct 11, 2016 |
Dear Mr. Weaver starts in an unusual way; not with either of the main characters, but in than Pettigrew mail-order bride office; where Mrs. Pettigrew is telling Fantine Le Blanc about her business and how working for her will change her life dramatically. She starts by telling her the story of the Weavers….this is their story.

Ebba Knudsen is alone in the world and in 1876 Denver, there is not many choices for a single women. Which is how she found herself at Pettigrew Mail-order bride agency. And even though Ebba had her doubts, Mrs Pettigrew said that she had the ideal husband for her, a Mr. Weaver, a farmer in the small town of Nowhere in the Washington Territory.

After a letter back from Daniel Weaver, Ebba made her to Nowhere, but little did she know just what was in store for her! Or what one harmless comment Mrs. Pettigrew added to her letter, could cause such a scandal!

I absolutely love Mail-order bride books! So when I saw Dear. Mr Weaver, I just knew I had to get my hands on it. And it if I suppose my expectations, in every aspect of the book. The writing was super line, and the plot inspired.

But I think the most enjoyable part for me was the characters. I absolutely loved Eva's character I love the way that a young women, who was raised by newly emigrated Swedish couple, that sadly died; had the gumption to become a mail order bride! I also enjoyed Daniel love for Ebba and the fact that he wanted a educated wife, not just a slave, but one that could also be independent.

I loved every part of this book, especially when Nellie was hauled into court! This is why I'm giving Dear Mr Weaver 5 stars! And can't wait for the next installment from the Pettigrew Mail-order bride agency!
Cara_Ross | Aug 16, 2016 |

This was really sweet. Just the right amount of angst and pining and miscommunication needed for a book of this sort. I thought it was a lovely story and would probably be up for reading the next in the series.
ViragoReads | 6 reseñas más. | Jun 23, 2016 |
I felt glad I'd read at least one other book in this series to know what was going on, because it was a bit confusing at first. I don't like all the gossip that goes on in this small town. I thought the author did a good job keeping readers wondering if they would or wouldn't get married.
JenniferRobb | Jan 17, 2016 |
I found this to be a predictable romance. I was able to guess the plot twists long before they were revealed in the book, and I'm pretty sure I know who the mail order bride will be in the next book in the series even without seeing any blurb or preview of it.

I grew to like the Riley family and Summer James, but I did feel that the characters in the book were not very fleshed out. I also thought that if they'd just communicate with each other, they might not have had all the problems they did.

JenniferRobb | 6 reseñas más. | Jan 17, 2016 |
I found parts of the book rather amusing. I could pick up on the different temperaments of the characters. I'm also curious about the sequel as it continues the story line, but shifting the focus to one of the other three couples mentioned in this book.
caslater83 | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 24, 2015 |
While the book is okay, I definitely would not put this read on my "favorites" list. It's not compelling or gripping. It doesn't leave me wanting to turn the next page. It's just...okay.

Sadie is a rather head-strong young woman who wants to find her mother (without her father knowing about it). She's seized by armed men who think of her as nothing more than a plaything to fool around with at their convenience.

Harrison is a man who wants to help her and also find the thugs who terrified her. He calls her Princess, obviously revealing his head-over-heels attraction towards her.

Throughout the story, the two do come to like each other. Harrison finds out who is responsible and Sadie is reunited with her father.
caslater83 | otra reseña | Jul 24, 2015 |
cute and pretty clean romantic suspense - not much depth but short enough that it was fun for what it is
jason9292 | Mar 20, 2015 |
Sadie and Harrison's story

Sadie is recused by Harrison Cooke who is Duncan Cooke's brother. It takes a bit to realize Harrison did indeed rescue her and not help the outlaws who kidnapped her. Harrison is trying to find a letter about his brothers who are in prison for things they did not do. He has a haunch who the outlaws are but needs more proof. As they are running away from the outlaws Harrison bumps into a tree with Sadie's head.

His stepbrothers are some nasty men who love to keep him busy. Sadie wants to find her dying mother. Since Harrison takes Sadie to the doctor they help her with her mom and end up finding her. She is almost dead when they take her back to the doctors house. While trying to tend to her Harrison comes to visit but also keeps his eyes out for his Stepbrothers.

The characters are good I liked Sadie from the beginning and Harrison grows on you. The story was a bit predictable but the story was still fun to read. I am enjoying this authors series and look to read more.
BarbsReviews | otra reseña | Jan 6, 2015 |
Penelope and her sisters are Duncan's cousins in England. He sends them back to be mail order prides which his sister in law Sadie helps with. She has 3 men already lined up for the woman and had the men send letters a while back.

The ladies arrive and are use to the ways of the English back home. They don't know what to expect getting off the stage coach. They wanted to know where the footmen were and have no clue how to cook. Which makes this a fun story.

Once Penelope meets August her intended she falls over hills but tries to hide it. Mrs Red as August calls her, pushes him away at times and then is mesmerized by him at others. The sisters make the storyline fun at times as well with their giggles and coming up with the western slangs.

There is a rooster that Penelope ends up calling Clyde that likes to attack people. Not to mention the spider scene towards the beginning of the book. You will find yourself laughing.

The book is very clean the only issue is it needs a bit more editing. Other wise the book is great and the ending leads you into the next book of the Prairie Grooms series.
BarbsReviews | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 6, 2015 |
Book Description....

Sheriff Clayton Riley asked for a pair of boots for Christmas, not a mail order bride! Unfortunately for Clayton, his brother and mother figured a bride would look better on him than a new pair of boots! After all, he'd been sulking around long enough after the death of his wife, and his family decided it was time to take matters into their own hands and see to it Clayton had a very merry Christmas!

Summer James was young, she was beautiful and, an impoverished orphan. Who would want such a woman? Obviously no one. For here she was, eighteen and now of age to set out on her own. But New Orleans was full of men with evil intent for one such as herself, and she saw no other choice but to take the only offer for survival she could find and become a mail order bride. What she didn't count on was becoming Sheriff Clayton Riley's Christmas present!

Title: The Christmas Mail Order Bride By: Kit Morgan Publisher: Angel Creek Press
Series: Holiday Mail Order Brides # 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean Rating: 4


"The Christmas Mail Order Bride"

What I enjoyed about this novel....

I liked this sweet romantic western holiday read. The author gives the reader a very well written story with characters that were for the most part well developed, captivating and believable. What a story this was...a brother and his mom finding a mail order bride for his a brother and her son. What will come of this? What will happen when Summer and Clayton's first meet? Now, to get that part you will have to pick up this good read to see what all happens with this heroine and hero. There will be some secondary characters that will really have you shaking your head and saying really? However, be really for some twist, humor and some suspense from this good read.
arlenadean | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 25, 2014 |
This book really had me going from the start. From shooting her in the foot to bringing in Red Ned. His bride to be was very real and believable as well as scenery was amazing. It had great usage of adjectives and verbs to make each scene so real. I loved every moment of this book. Cannot wait to read more by her.
Suzanne.Marble | 6 reseñas más. | Dec 9, 2014 |
A sweet mail order bride story that was not entirely predictable Our bride and groom both brought a lot of personality into our story. We have an orphan who.has never been in a home as our main character and a widower as the prospective husband. This story has depth to it as she deals.with fear of rejection and trust issues and his heart is closed to new love.
The characters are well developed and the storyline moves at a good pace. There are a few spots it gets a bit over the top such as the character wishing to steal the prospective husband. Initially it adds to the story but before long you are tired of her and have trouble fitting her antics into a believable story.
I loved the family relationship and home life depicted with our prospective groom. This gave a realistic look at the time period and was so endearing.
A sweet story. Grab a cup of coffee and get in your comfy chair. You will enjoy relaxing as you read this one!
Books4Nana | 6 reseñas más. | Apr 18, 2014 |
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