Fotografía de autor

John Anthony Miller

Autor de In Satan's Shadow

16 Obras 95 Miembros 22 Reseñas

Obras de John Anthony Miller

In Satan's Shadow (2016) 17 copias
Honour the Dead (2018) 15 copias
When Darkness Comes (2016) 12 copias
Sinner, Saint or Serpent (2020) 11 copias
All the King's Soldiers (2017) 10 copias
To Parts Unknown (2014) 8 copias
The Minister's Wife (2022) 4 copias
For Those Who Dare (2019) 3 copias
The Drop (2022) 3 copias
The Widow's Walk (2021) 2 copias
A Crime Through Time (2022) 2 copias
The Drop (2022) 1 copia
A Crime Through Time (2022) 1 copia


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Nombre canónico
Miller, John Anthony



This WWII thriller, by John Anthony Miller, is an edge of your seat kind of story about a female spy, working for French Intelligence, who is given a near impossible task. I immediately fell into this one and was captivated by the outstanding story telling of the author.

Camille is the heroine of the story. She along with her partner, Roger, in this operation are tasked with stealing industrial grade diamonds from a vault in Belgium. There is one catch, the Germany army has already invaded Belgium and the town in which the vault is located will shortly be overrun by Germans. These diamonds are not only highly valuable, but of the highest importance to the war effort since they are being used for advanced technologies. It will be a race to see who can get there first.

Camille and Roger beat the Germans to the vault, but only barely. They know that the German army is already in the city and hear them getting closer. It will not be long before they reach their location. They work quickly to open the vault and remove the diamonds. As they are making their escape the Germans arrive and Roger is killed. Fortunately, Camille is able to get away with the diamonds; however, her escape car is damaged by the gun fire and she is forced to abandon it along the roadside in a rural part of Belgium.

She must now find another way to get out of Belgium and to England, the final destination of the diamonds. To do so she needs to contact her handler, Nichols, in Paris. Fate seems to be smiling on her when she runs into Dr. Lucien Bouchard, a physician that once saved her life. With his assistance and the help of others in the French Resistance, she heads for Paris where the diamonds will be rerouted to England. However, there are others nefarious players, i. e. the Gestapo and a German spy who is married a high ranking French Official, who also want desperately to have the diamonds.

The plot is full of surprises and unexpected players. In addition, two other things are worth mentioning about the plot. First, is the complexity., There were lots of moving parts and everything had to work just right for Camille to achieve her goal. Also, the romantic development between Camille and Lucien added a lot of depth to the plot, and characters, that made the story realistic which, in turn, caused me to become further invested in the outcome.

Then the danger of what she, and later Lucien, were attempting took my breath away at times. I felt like at any moment some little something, or twist of fate could happen, and all would have been for nothing. This made the tension almost unbearable at times. Whether you call it “nail biting” or an “edge of your seat” suspense, this expertly executed story is one that will stay with me for a long time.

In summary, All That Glitters is much more than your average thriller. It also a story about love and redemption among other things. It will appeal not only to lovers of Thrillers, Historical Fiction, and Romance, but also to a more general audience that enjoys a complex plot and memorable characters. I highly recommend this to everyone.

I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review. Check out my book blog at for more of my reviews.
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purpledog | Jun 7, 2023 |
I was first drawn to The Minister’s Wife, by John Anthony Miller, because I was intrigued by the idea of a woman spy during the Revolutionary War. I love books that highlight strong women in unusual circumstances and this book delivered. I need more books like this!

Abigail, the minister’s wife, has just returned to Philadelphia from New York with her new husband. She comes home to find, in her absence, the city has been captured by the English and the redcoats are everywhere she looks.

However, some things have not changed. Ian Blaine, her former lover, still lives in the city and when he is accused of being a traitor to the crown old feelings begin to rise in her. Though he is able to prove he is innocence, the English are watching him closely, especially the English Commander Duncan.

Soon it becomes obvious that Ian still loves Abigail and he just can’t stay away from her. As Abigail is pulled into the web of patriot spies, there are lies and deceit that abound that will threaten both her and Ian.

This story is full of twists and turns you will not see coming. The plot is fast paced and the suspense was almost unbearable at times. I was on the edge of my seat with worry about Ian and Abigail being caught. They took far too many chances, in my opinion, and it made my heart skip a beat every time they took an unnecessary risk. Then the dramatic ending just sealed my love of this story.

Not only did I got caught up in the drama of the story early on, it was the character of Abigail that made me really love this book. She was so brave. She knew she was taking big risks; yet, she found the courage to do what she thought was right.

The type of suspense, and the characters, in this book are what I feel makes a good story great. Perfect book for fans of Historical Thrillers. I also think it will appeal to those Romance readers who enjoy a story that is not all fluff and has a bit of bite to it.

I received a free copy in exchange for by honest review. For more of my reviews, and author interviews, see my blog at
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purpledog | Feb 17, 2023 |
A Crime Through Time reads like a cold case murder mystery. The story line bounces between the mid-19th century and the 1950s in Normandy. If not for the setting, this plot could have been something straight out of the crime drama 48 Hours. A totally engrossing read.
In the past, an artist’s model was murdered not far from the studio of Jean-Pierre, a French painter known for his use of light. Then an attempt is made on the life of Elsie Lyon, the wife of a wealthy and ruthless Paris businessman, while she was leaving the same studio after a portrait sitting with the artist.
In the present (1956 Normandy, France) Zelie Girard has just inherited a house with 3 cottages, two of which are rented, from her mother-in-law, along with a mountain of debt. Not sure what she is going to do, Zelie starts to go through her late mother-in-law’s things. In the attic she finds a series of paintings that could be valuable. Her interest peaks she sets out to discover more about the paintings and the artist. What she uncovers is much more than she bargained for.
This book is highly atmospheric because the author did an outstanding job with the descriptive prose. The attention to the details of the settings made it easy for me visualize each scene. It is one of the reasons I was deeply invested with the outcome.
Another aspect of this book that had me captivated were the great characters. Some of them I loved and some I loved hating. The characters were definitely fully developed and I had no problem understanding their actions and motivations from the prickly and arrogant detective to the young postwar widow. In addition, the cast was varied and this added a richness to the story.
The pacing was good and the clues where doled out slowly as the story unfolds. Despite the clues, I never figured out who the murderer was. I thought I was paying attention. However, I was totally surprised in the end. The ending was not as all what I expected and yet it felt right.
A Crime Through Time is perfect for fans of cozy mysteries and lovers of historical fiction. It would also make a great book club selection. Highly recommend that you put this on your TBR list.
I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review. For more of my reviews, and author interviews, visit my book blog at
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purpledog | Sep 23, 2022 |
Set in Havana, Cuba just prior to Castro, this suspense/thriller The Drop, by John Anthony Miller, is a wild ride full of surprises. Written with great prose and meticulous attention to detail in both setting and characters, makes it a real winner.

A very interesting and diverse set of characters in The Drop. First there is, Jimmy Foster who is the uber wealthy Wall Street guy. He is married to, Darlene, who is gorgeous and a gold digger. He loves Havana, and he and Darlene come often to enjoy the sun, pool, music and sometimes the casinos in the city. They have everything going for them and should be the perfect couple. Yet some people are never satisfied, and the grass is always seems greener on the other side. So when Jimmy is kidnapped, she is not overly distraught.

There is another beautiful woman involved in this story, Ariana. She and her family where once wealthy until it was all taken away by Batista. Now she is out for revenge. However, revenge costs money, lots of money. Steal from the mob… no problem. Kidnaping, well maybe not so good.
Especially, when a wife has everything to gain from a missing husband and everything to lose if he is found.

Lastly there is the private detective, Harry, that has a mysterious air about him. Is he in Havana on behalf of a jealous husband or is there something else going on? He is definitely in the all the right places at the right times and seems better prepared than the police to find Jimmy.

So many little twists and subtle hints of what is to come as the story progresses. However, as I have mentioned in the past, I hate spoilers. Instead, I am leaving with this vague overview and hope that I have given you enough to peak your interest.

I loved the setting of this book; because, I am starting to feel worn out on historical books set either during WWI or WWII and this book felt like a breath of fresh air. Also, I am highly appreciative that the author took great care in the scene descriptions. It enhanced the story and allowed me to place myself in the characters’ shoes.

The characters were well done and there was a lot of subtly in their actions. I didn’t always understand their actions and that made the book more interesting. However, it all comes together neatly in the end and I got why the characters did what they did.

I can’t fail to mention just how good the plot was. There was a twist at the end that I never saw coming. Even after several days to noodle on the ending, I am still left shaking my head. It was alluded to; however, I never put two and two together, which is unusual for me. Well done!

This book had everything going for it and Miller has become one of my favorite authors. If you are looking for a historical fiction story in an unusual setting and a twisty plot, then this the book for you. I highly recommend you read it.

I received a free copy in exchange for my honest opinion. For more of my reviews, and author interviews, see my blog at
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purpledog | May 26, 2022 |



½ 4.6

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