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It’s difficult to write a review on a book filled with grammar tips for fear of making mistakes that are covered in the book.
Effective communication, whether verbal or written, is still important and this book is full of helpful hints. IThis book covers everything from parts of speech to punctuation to misused words ( is it there or their? When do you use I.e and when do you use e.g. (the answer actually surprised me).
A great book for anyone, whether or not you are in school.
wearylibrarian | Jun 10, 2022 |
The author tells the story of her open heart surgery. What happens when a healthy and active woman suddenly can’t do all the activities she is used to doing. Her diagnosis of aortic stenosis would take many women over the edge, but Michlea’s strength, which shows in her book RUTHIE: A FAMILIES STRUGGLE WITH ALS, is even stronger here. She is an amazing woman with an amazing story to share.
wearylibrarian | otra reseña | Dec 31, 2019 |
This is the story of ALS as seen thru a daughter’s eyes. Touching, heartwarming, and at times, very intense.
wearylibrarian | otra reseña | Dec 31, 2019 |
I read this book via an Amazon-US KINDLE Unlimited download.

Of all the books in the Sammy the Dog series I found this one to be the sweetest of the all. This is probably because this time Sammy has finally fallen in love, but does he fall in love with another dog, of course not, instead Sammy falls in love with a black and white kitten by the name of Muffin.

Sammy doesn’t care what any other dog might say about his being smitten by kitten, he still loves her without any reservations. Along the way these two get involved with the saving of young boy’s life the stroller he was in got away from his mother and wound up in the nearby lake; while Sammy was saving the boy from drowning, Muffin took off to get the help from Sammy’s “mother.”

Once again the author, Lynn Miclea, succeeds to communicating to her young readers an important life lesson, a lesson which deals with the unconditional love all of us should have with each other, without regards to the differences which any two people might have between them.

For having given her young readers an enthralling story of love and a story which can warm the cockles of the hearts of their parents, I happy to give this book and its author 5 STARS.
MyPenNameOnly | Sep 23, 2017 |
I read this book via an Amazon-US KINDLE Unlimited download.

Anytime you can teach a child an important life lesson, you’ve done a wonderful job. And this book succeeds in doing just that.

The life lesson, which the author, Lynn Miclea, tries to and succeeds to doing with this book, deals with the acceptance of others for who they are and not what they are. The young readers this book is geared for are influenced every day by what they see; and what they hear, especially from their parents.

In the storyline for the book we’ve got an adorable gray/white bunny, Penny, who because of a deformity has two hind legs that are not equal in length. This causes her to feel hurt, and be insecure about herself have self-doubt the brunt of cruel, insensitive jokes from the other bunnies in her warren, for her inability to keep up everyone else as they hop from one place to another.

Everything in Penny’s life remains the same until she meets a calico cat by the name of Cocoa, who like her had also been with a deformity, a crooked tail. Recognizing they each shared the same fate of being insecure with their self-image and pain of being teased, they came together to help each other as they strive to cope with their situations.

Can Penny acquire what she needs to overcome the trepidations of her existence, and finally feel she’s okay the way she is? This is aim of the storyline for this book, to treat others with compassion and overlook any disparities from the norm they might possess.

For wanting to educate her young readers about accepting the differences we might have regarding others, especially any flaws or individualities. I’ve given Ms. Miclea 5 STARS for her efforts.
MyPenNameOnly | Sep 9, 2017 |
I read this book via an Amazon-US KINDLE Unlimited download.

In this, the fourth book of the “Sammy the Dog” series by Lynn Miclea, Sammy goes to the neighborhood dog park where he meets his canine friends as well as some new ones. Once again, he winds up helping a dog for the sheer joy it brings him and in doing so, subliminally teaching his young readers about empathy, kindness, and the love of others, vis a vis a storyline fraught with lots of humor and happiness.

In addition, the storyline deals with and educates its young readers about the proper care and feeding of dogs.

For wanting to help her young readers grow with an understanding and compassion for others, I’m happy to give this book and its author 5 STAR
MyPenNameOnly | Sep 6, 2017 |
I read this book as a KINDLE Unlimited download.
After not reading/reviewing any books for over a week I allowed my inner-child to enjoy reading one. As an adult, and a senior citizen, I love reading the simplistic nature of children’s book, especially when there’s something being taught to its young readers; and reading them allows me to return to those days when I had been a young child beginning to read.
Having read the first two books in the Sammy series by author, Lynn Miclea, I wanted my inner-child to read the next book in this series. “Sammy Meets Grandma.”
Like the first two books in this series, Ms. Miclea has once again written a children’s book which manages to tell its story in two ways. The main one is that it tells an entertaining story for its young readers to enjoy; and the other one operates on a more subliminal level, by giving them an important lesson about life.
When Sammy is taken by the family which owns him to see Billy’s and Susie’s Grandma at her retirement home, he sneaks off and winds up helping two elderly residents there come alive again, something they hadn’t done in over a year. The nurses there were amazed at the change in these two individuals by merely interacting with Sammy, that they’re now looking to get therapy dogs on a regular basis.
Sammy had not intended to do what had resulted, he had merely been acting his usual self, by trying to have fun, and having others pet him, etc., while having an enormous impact on everyone around him; which in the end shows anyone who reads this book, including adults, how something relatively insignificant can make an enormous difference in someone’s life which is why this book, and its adult is getting 5 STARS from this reviewer.
MyPenNameOnly | Jun 12, 2017 |
I read this book as a KINDLE Unlimited download.

My inner-child had enjoyed reading the first book in the “Sammy” series, “Sammy and the Fire” by Lynn Miclea and I had appreciated the important life lesson the author had tried to convey to her young readers, that I’d decided to read the second book in this series “Sammy Visits a Hospital.”
As I’d said in my review for the first book in this series, the best kind of children’s books I love to read are those which operate at two levels at the same. First and foremost, they to entertain the young readers reading them causing to indicate their enjoyment by smiling. And secondly these books need to be able to teach its readers some sort of life lesson, such as the one in this book. And, once again, the author, Lynn Miclea, has succeeded in doing this here.

After being snuck into the hospital to see his friend Susie, Sammy sneaks out of her from to have one of his humorously crazy adventures. Loose in the hospital we find him continuously hiding from the nurses and doctors so he can joy to the children there by making them laugh, while being his adventurous self. Just remember how you felt being left alone in a hospital room with no friend or your parents there for company.

Hidden within the words of the story the author tries to impart to her young readers about helping those around them to feel good and smile, and how much fun they can have bringing companionship as well as happiness to others. And by doing this they learn about the importance of caring not only for themselves but for others, as well as being encouraged into becoming kindhearted, sympathetic, and considerate of others.

It is for the above reasons, I’m happy to give Ms. Miclea 5 STARS for the lesson she’s conveying not only to her young readers, but to their parents as well.
MyPenNameOnly | May 29, 2017 |
I read this book as a KINDLE Unlimited download.

Having taken a much need break from reading/reviewing books as many books as I use in doing; partially due to issues regarding my computer, where I’ve got my KINDLE APP, I’ve decided to allow my inner-child to read some books it’s interested in reading.

The best kind of children’s books I love to read are those which operate at two levels at the same. First and foremost, they to entertain the young readers reading them causing to indicate their enjoyment by smiling. And secondly these books need to be able to teach its readers some sort of life lesson, such as the one in this book, “Sammy and the Fire.”

“Sammy and the Fire” is the first book in the Sammy series written by Lynn Milcea, where Sammy smelling smoke decides to slip out of the confines of his yard and race to where the smoke is coming from. There he fines the neighbor’s house ablaze and immediately attempts to rescue two friends, namely an old lady and Mittens, her cat. He finds the task challenging, yet he knows he must save them before time for their rescue runs out.

The lesson which the author tries to communicate in the pages of her book here is one which deals with the importance of helping others when the need it the most and thereby making a change for the better in their lives.

For giving her young readers, as well as their parents, an entertaining and insightful reading experience, I’m glad to give this book 5 STARS.
MyPenNameOnly | May 28, 2017 |
I read this book via a KINDLE Unlimited download.

Like the author I’ve been through having open heart surgery myself, and wound up having the works: I had a quadruple bypass, value replacement and a maze to help control an irregular heart rate. But unlike the author I felt relatively fine with no visible sign of an inability to function without any problems.

Luckily I was saved by the paramedics, got taken to the hospital where I awoke ten days later with tubes connected to all three of my orifices, which I’m not going to mention individually as I know you can imagine where they were.

Of course I wasn’t allowed to get out of bed while I was in the CCU [Coronary/Cardiac Care Unit] for about ten days. I then got transferred to another hospital for my by-pass surgery. My entire time there, and even after my surgery, no one came to take me out of bed so I could stretch my legs and walk; so you can imagine what happen three days before I would be sent for REHAB, they got someone to take me out of my bed so I could finally work, my legs felt like they were a wet noodle for I couldn’t even stay on my own two feet.

After almost four weeks I finally got to go home and if it wasn’t for my dear OH staying by me I don’t know what I would have done. If there’s one person who can understand the experience what the author has gone through it would have to be me. This is a life changing experiencing which forces one to appreciate life itself, the good and the bad. So for having given her readers a poignant memoir I’m giving Ms. Miclea 5 STARS.
MyPenNameOnly | otra reseña | Jan 13, 2017 |
In this outing author Lynn Miclea takes her two young fish characters, Ray and Roxy, on new adventures fraught with new hard to believe dangers as they learn more about overcoming their imaginary boundaries of what they can and cannot do. They come across an older and wiser fish, a Master Healer, who takes them under his wing so they can learn how to release the inner happiness they possess.

Once again the author uses her characters to subliminally teach its young readers that they have unending possibilities they have regarding their lives. This book is about the inspiring revelation of what life can be like if we just allow ourselves to simply be ourselves, it is a book which anyone, adults and children, can benefit from; which is why I’m giving this book 5 STARS.

I read this book via a KINDLE Unlimited download.
MyPenNameOnly | Nov 1, 2016 |
Author Lynn Miclea has done a marvelous job in writing this metaphoric story about two fish discovering the new world they’ve been born into. Just like children today Ray and Roxy they learn the importance in self-esteem and assisting others in need although they might look different than themselves.

The author’s characters and what they have to go through succeeds in subliminally teaching its young readers about overcoming any fears they believe they might have as they discover the big world around them so they can ultimately grow as individuals. Ray and Roxy also learn about the importance of friendship along the way.

For wanting to help children grow in adults in an entertaining manner I’ve given this book and its author 5 STARS.
MyPenNameOnly | Nov 1, 2016 |
This book has received many amazing 5-star reviews. It is a dramatic yet informative and compassionate memoir about a woman’s experience with ALS, as told by her daughter, including multiple diagnoses, symptoms, deterioration, and progression of the disease. It also includes volatile family interactions and is a very personal view of this difficult illness. The story brings you right into their lives and hearts – it is easy to read, and it is hard to put down. In addition, the book offers helpful information and suggestions for coping with and getting assistance for a degenerative disease – it would greatly benefit anyone dealing with any type of progressive illness.
1 vota
LynnMiclea | otra reseña | Apr 5, 2015 |
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