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The Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers is senior minister of Mayflower Congregational UCC church, Oklahoma City, and Distinguished Professor of Social Justice in the philosophy department, Oklahoma City University.

Incluye los nombres: Robin R. Meyers, Dr. Robin R. Meyers

Créditos de la imagen: The Paula Gordon Show.

Obras de Robin Meyers


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“The mind of man, once it has been stretched, never returns to its original shape.”
~an important man from the age of men

(Child Hermes explains) What I think happened is, Jesus hurted the children.
(female voice-over) Hermes!…. Jesus did NOT, hurt the children!
(confused) Who hurted them, then? It looked just like that man Jesus….
—I don’t—I don’t know; look: it’s complicated, ok.
(irritated and sarcastic) Oh, ok: thank you many times—now I feel explained, also safe.

Oh yeah: and I imagine the girl for some reason as being Cara from the pagan-perspective YouTube collaboration: …. Yeah: I’m weird….

So yeah, once upon a time I definitely a Christian: I was loyal, right: I was the new wave of tolerant Christians bearing the Cross through stormy seas. And I was not just holding peace for the enemies: I was really holding the warring Christianities inside me, right. Rachel of the Sundays wrote about that, although what it seemed to lead to a founding a church that died and smugly name-dropping a book into the bibliography about churches that fail (…. Like, yay! We win! We…. Fail!), and I guess Brian of the Denominations was most famous for that: religion as the warring Christianities within you…. Minor problem: felt miserable, right.

But yeah, before my Episcopalian era, I was a Wiccan, out of a desire to be loyal to un-my-dad religion, right: and that’s was kinda a fuck disaster, basically…. Since September when I’ve been a witch again, I’ve kinda taken aboard that idea (expressed quite well by that old wise man that one time), that when society—I mean, he said ‘the mind of man’, but the many are the one, basically—changes, you don’t ever get back the exact form that was lost when the wheel turns all the way back: you don’t need it, basically…. And although the actual persecution was irreputable, widespread, and influential, whenever an idea is successful for many generations, there almost has to be something at least wrapped up in the deal that has value, you know…. So yeah: now I don’t feel like if I crack a book I’ll end up like Thomas Aquinas (I was so, SO weird, you know….); I don’t mind learning about angels; I’m not allergic to Christian symbolism in the tarot; I understand that pagan and occult cultures like the Ancient Greeks and Masonry can be just as sexist at times as the most vanilla Christian religionist; I mean—there’s no pure witchcraft, right. There’s no pure ~anything~; certainly there’s no pure witchcraft.

(Hermes dancing) And then they said to me, Play that funky music, white boy— (straightens, suppresses laughter) I’m sorry. That wasn’t relevant.

…. But yeah, I don’t know if I’m a Christian now; it’s not the most interesting question, you know, or the best use of brain cells. There are stances towards life that work, and there are others that don’t: but what’s “Christianity”, you know?…. I know I’m not ready to practice Wicca with others yet, and it’s not really so great not to have community….

So yeah: I’m gonna read this guy again, because his other book I read by him was okay, and I want to read what is probably an okay thinker without having a screen of what my feelings about my old church was doing to me: I didn’t really blame anyone—almost to a fault, but there was a screen; when I think of that one book I read by this Robin guy, I just remember my pain of being in that church…. It felt a lot like loyalty to a form of Christian music and church worship that is dying, and I was afraid to withdraw that loyalty out of fear of what would become of the world or whatever, right: but when they ran a little late, it felt like I was pounding on the top of my coffin and screaming, using up my air, right…. My new church is post-Baptist, and the sermon is the same, if not better, albeit not so much in words: but yeah it’s funny because it’s not a monochromatic space—probably no American cultural space is perfect about race and things like that, but it doesn’t feel like a purely/unusually pure form of anglicism, right: and it feels more native somehow despite how we think of ourselves as being Anglos, right: it feels like a “normal” space in terms of race, with people mingling, the difference being that people actually chose to be together, instead of tolerating each other out of need, or being thrown together out of some form of compulsion, right: ironically the compulsion not to crush people into the dust and grind them into powder~ but still, right; it’s a very different vibe…. And yeah: I showed up and I had to wait to talk to the pastor, so it almost was like it ran late, and it wasn’t until days later that he talked to me, and eventually then he couldn’t give me money, he basically just helped me remove a mental block about being in debt, basically…. But yeah, I had to wait around because I had a problem, and it was better than being at the other place and waiting around with nothing else on the schedule the rest of the day, right….

…. And you know, I thought a lot about that quote, ‘the mind never takes that old form again’, and I thought about it re: old age, right; people talk about a ‘second childhood’, right—but say you’ve never driven and then you get a car but then something happens to it and you need a ride again: I guess resentment is possible for some people, but really, now MUCH more gratitude is available to be felt, than you ever could have felt before, when you didn’t know, right…. So really there is no second childhood. There could be a second feebleness, but the second childhood is not like the first. The old form of religion, once it dies, never returns in the original form….

But yeah, I guess I kinda read general religion books now ~as if~ they were general interfaith, and this book has the ~sound~ of that, given the subtitle, but I don’t quite think it’s Christianity and secularism, you know. The-new-way-to-be-Christian, and ordinary Christian outreach to atheists or non-Christians, isn’t quite the same genre as Christianity and non-Christians/secularists in dialogue, even if certainly a Christian who primarily reaches out to atheists or science-y types or other kinds of relatively “plain” Western non-Christians, because he’d be a scientist or a secularist if he weren’t a Christian, is certainly different from a Christian who reaches out to meditators and Buddhists and Eastern philosophers, because that’s would be what he would be, if he weren’t a Christian, right.

Neither of which is quite me, so I guess that’s a long-winded way of saying that this book wasn’t ~quite~ written with me in mind; however, I think I’ll be able to learn from it, probably more than I did from the similarly named book from a subsequent decade that he wrote, where because of my “hold the warring Christianities inside me/dual loyalty to both Christianities” I had, I couldn’t never quite appreciate just how differently one sort of Christian wants to experience his/her faith from another sort of Christian…. And not just scientists and Buddhists, right.

…. I think I’ll borrow this book on my next day off, because: (a) I guess I’m ready to throw-down with Christianity, again: I know that I don’t want to tell that story that some ‘pagan’-sympathizing authors tell, where it’s like, We became corrupt, and then the fruit of the corruption was to be destroyed by the lowly tyrants, you know…. Ie, the it was Just Bad, theory, right: but also, I don’t want to underestimate the extent to which it was like, “We know that humans have assumptions they never know that they have, and that some mistakes I’ll never know that I’m making: therefore, dog, if I keep making the mistakes I KNOW I’m making, it’ll be more, consistent-like 👌”…. You know, like…. It’s like, it’s why you watch Old Hollywood movies; it’s like, the societal grotesqueness is so undisguised, right, and you’re like: shit, I’ve spent my life actually believing these bird turd ideas, right…. And God, can you imagine the average preacher of the Jazz Age years? They thought that Old Hollywood was communism, right; I once actually spent a long time listening to old early radio recordings of this preacher, these soporific folk dronings of the worst kind, right—a contemporary liberal Christian passed the name along because It Is Our Obligation To Eat Bird Turds Out Of Liberal Toleration & Christian Love, right…. Yeah, and the Big Names From Long Ago, it’s like…. But don’t you see? He put the enemies list/execution/proscription lists In Verse: In Verse! People don’t do that anymore!!…. It’s, LOVE!!…. and (b) It’s time to save money to pay back my father, so that means the library, which means, Christian books! (Or art books! Or continuing series that I borrowed some books of already!)


…. Liberal Christian Hermes be like:

(holding bird turd) This came from a Creature of Glory, a Creature of Love. Its beauty is, From Beyond. We must honor his love, in pious loyalty, and holy fear. (eats)

~Yeah, and I deleted that Sarah Bessey book: Christian Feminism, Kinda; I think it was called. It was like the most childish punk whining that dissolved into surrender at the first deception-skirmish, you know.

—You say I’m a table; God says I’m a person. You are not a patriarch, of, love!
—(playing video games) So like, if I’m polite to you, you’ll be my slave, right.
—Awww…. 🥰 Christian Man of God…. You don’t even have to ask that….
—K. (wipes snot from nose with hand, then, wipes onto her)
—(hostile/without preamble) I said I was sorry! (radio) Oh shit: turn it up! “I don’t respect girls, But I want them in my bed; not a coin in my pocket; not a thought in my head…. But I loooove…. West, End, Girls….”
—Fine, let’s go to church. You know the Bible says, you know? You know—the Bible!
—That is true. 🤗

Out of a combination of altruism and selfishness, I guess I care more about “the girls”, than queer people, but maybe the next Christian sociology book I read should be like queer-Christianity, right. They’re dividing over queerness, not straight white girls who go to church, right—a population that seems to have an almost limitless capacity for self-lynching, right.

Christian girls be like: You know the part of the ritual where we take the Knife of God and shove it through my ribcage all the way out to the other side: well, there’s a lot of Blood, right: I was wondering…. I mean, instead of such a Deep wound, maybe—Oh, ok. Well, thanks anyway for answering my question; I hope I didn’t offend—I mean, bother you, right, by using my lips…. You know, I’d sew them shut so as not to bother the men, but you know, it’s the darnedest thing: I never learned how to sew! The world is, so different, now, right….

~You kinda have to give them an ally that they can’t betray (theoretically, lol), if you want them to fight, lol….

But, yeah: I do feel like the Liturgy clears up a lot of this shit for me, right: Christianity is totes the BEST religion, right…. 😹

…. (checks out book) (chapter titles)

I’m right there with you buddy—I feel like the Truth will come to you, when your car has broken down at night when it’s raining, and your cell phone is dead, and you have no money in the bank, right. I don’t want this life to be easy, and productive/healthful/generosity-enabled for you: I respect you too much for that.


Christian book, borrowed, authorial support given: $0.00. I’m with you, bro. 😎

You know: like, literally not about how you made the money—just venting about like, pleasantness, and an easier happiness. It’s like discrimination: not against a group of people, or a background, no no: it’s like, discrimination against ~~happiness~~, you know, against pleasantness.

Salvation and truth will come when you renounce happiness: it comes, not to the happy—but the elite; the Elite Knower. (TM).

(gasp) Why, don’t you realize: without any intellectual elite, there wouldn’t be…. Why, there wouldn’t be, Justice! 🫢🫨

(sigh) Such good times with the Christian church, right…. It’s like, just gimme a cool twenty for every Left-Christian Un-Chauvie motherfucker preaching the same garbage shoot of misery and pain people have been dealing with for millennia, right…. I mean, c’mon: these people have put me through shit—I spent, years of my life, believing this garbage, right….

You know: the way to God is never to grow up, basically—never grow up, never feel anything; because when you feel nothing, and know everything…. You’ll be the only one who escapes. 😁

…. (reads dedication) It’s like, with mainstream liberals, the church is either the plague-ridden zombie that needs to be taken down, or, as with Robin, it’s like: the only thing that can save us from this disgusting, evil, conservative natural world…. (growls) The only thing that ~matters~.

~It’s like…. I know you’re not going to agree that YOU are a tyrant, but I mean, were you Raised by a tyrant, or something? Anything you want to talk about?…. It’s like somebody who raised him, like his dad, or his Victorian-activist/prisoner-of-the-family aunt or whatever must have been like, “Church is the only thing that can save us from this disgusting, evil, liberal natural world…. (growls) The only thing that matters.” ~And little baby Robin used his spoon as a drum because that him happy, (or, something), and then after a beat, he was like: “I’m gonna change one word: now, don’t get upset with me….”

…. It’s like: the test question—“I am a (conservative/liberal) Christian, and I feel guilt because (blank)”, right….

If he likes Arabs/Iraq War civilian victims, does he do anything for them, you know? And if he adopts one and brings him back to the States, and he goes into therapy and comes out healed, and decides to get a good job so he can send money back to his cousin Mohammad in Mosul, right—is that then a betrayal? “A WHAT job? A ‘good’ job? EYE am the one who has a good job—a bad paycheck is an important part of it!”

If you spend your day off cleaning up plastic debris from a local park/wood, and then meditate peacefully under the trees, does Robin burn with envy at the pagan whose days and nights aren’t haunted by wicked dreams?

~I mean, don’t get me wrong: we need politicians; the more politicians who aren’t undiagnosed crazies, the better, right…. But is this the mindset you’re going to get in, to support a better world?

…. He just sounds very confused and angry: angry at the people who made him confused, confused that only 98% of the population is angry, not 100%, right. Maybe this is just how it is for the Christian, you know: even your historical-tolerant (like, what? I mean: that’s what I call them, right; it’s meant to be a contradiction, lol) “liberal” Christian, right. I suppose it’s marginally less toxic in that the conservative Christian literally wants to kill people to spread love and sobriety; the liberal Christian just stands up and says, “I’m angry and confused: and I shouldn’t have to be the only one”…. Right? I guess that’s, understandable, almost….

I certainly was angry and confused when I picked up Robin’s newer book at Barnes & Noble and read it, you know. “I have to be a ~loyal~, historical-tolerant, ~liberal~, Christian…. (gritting teeth) But it doesn’t make sense…. Life is pain…. 🥵”

…. And yeah: being in churches like this, definitely made me feel like I was trapped in my own coffin, using up my tiny air supply, right…. And I was like, “But some of these ideas make sense: they’re logical…. This must be the right place to be….” ⚰️

…. And yeah, it’s curious: Oklahoma, he tells me, is the most Republican state in the USA; I’m also pretty sure it has the most Native peoples, or close to it—I guess, in our society, that creates a certain frontier-fighter sentiment, you know. And yet Indigenous culture doesn’t exist for him, Oklahoma or no Oklahoma. The only people who exist for him, are white people who are good, =rationalist, and white people who are bullshit: like, NO. Bam! Maxwell’s silver hammer, came down upon his head; Maxwell’s silver hammer, made sure that he was dead. Like, he talks about not dumping conservative influence—but what he means is, not transforming/revolutionizing their cultural baggage, but just reforming it with rationalism so that it will seem alien to them—he kinda dumps the “don’t believe”’s on them; and he doesn’t care, doesn’t try to sit with by the body of the belief, right—but which he can represent as being, you know, what they would be if they were proper, right.

Basically: he hangs onto their influence, and uses the hate that that generates in him, as a tool/weapon to punish them with, right.

🫣😰 …. ✝️

…. I wonder how many pages I’ll have to read before we reach the single sentence about women enduring Christian patriarchy, right. (Will that sentence come, indeed?) Lay the scrolls in the scales, Holy Ma’at: here are the scrolls he wrote about the faults done to his own person, the Chief of All Scribes…. I think he may have also written one sentence about the faults done to the Mother…. Now, let us weigh the scrolls, and Thoth will carefully record the result….

…. He literally lectures you about what he’s like, basically: you know, like your father. “I am not an elitist. I am not—Thomas! Thomas. Thomas, I am not an elitist. (grabs his jaw) I am a white man.”

…. God, what garbage, right.

(sick cartoon character with eyes of unequal sizes) I know so much!! I Know, So! MUcH!!!

Right?…. When I think of Christians, in the abstract, I think of lowly tyrants, lead on a mission of violence by a demented snob, you know.

~So yeah. That was how I was trying Not to feel, right…. 🤗

…. (considers) I should really use gloves when doing this: next time I’ll have to pack those thin cloth gloves my mom gave me—they’re not really useful for protecting my hands from the cold of the produce coolers at the grocery where I work, (I use winter gloves for that), but they’d be ideal for picking up random shitty shit dissolving into microplastics or whatever else, in the local area near the stream by the library…. It’s unfortunate I can’t thank my mom; she doesn’t really believe in good deeds, you know. Her eyes would get all big and she’d be like: Don’t do good deeds! I only care about you—fuck the forest!…. Oh, I watched too many shows with mothers to believe in anybody having a mission….

(shrugs) So yeah.

…. (chuckles) Maybe that’s what the aliens say about us, right: “They make violence, and complaints, and random, shitty shit…. Sometimes music, as well….”

…. (children’s movie)
(8 year old white thug) Why ya gotta do pro-social shit, Howwie—it’s not normal!
(Howwie) Oh, this is going in my “Success” magazine article when I make my first billion—that I do stuff like this, you know.
(howls of demented laughter)

…. “I Think A Lot, About How I Don’t ~Really~ Overthink Shit, Part Deux”

I think it was Milarepa who said, “To live without hypocrisy is joy.”

It’s so tear-inducing funny how he tries to emasculate the conservatives for considering religion doctrine/head shit to persecute people over, even though all Robin has is his theoretical ideas about, “What God means…. For politics”, (even though ZERO politicians run ads or even give boring speeches based on the ‘liberal Christian’ ideology you’d think is so goddamn IMPORTANT, based on how liberal Christian ideologues sell it in their books, right…. I mean, talk about alienating the internet and the 49th percentile Democratic voter, right: getting God in politics, right? Yeah: it’s happening, bitches; we’re running Congress now 🐲🐉🕊️)…. But all he has is this theory, about how the OTHER white Christian male intellectuals theorize too much, right…. And he’s actively hostile towards people using Christian ideas to meet their psychological needs and live their practical lives, right—or indeed, equally to do that Without, Jesus is also problematic, right…. (Should I not pay the rent….?)….

You know, like: it’s almost like he’s full of shit. Op, but he won a prize: most liberal person in Oklahoma; ok then…. Melt Planet Earth down for scrap metal then: we have no rights, because you won a prize, one time…. 🦥

…. And it is funny how quick ‘liberals’ can be to assume that ‘things used to be better’, right: in the Middle Ages, it wasn’t violently enforced right belief…. It was violently enforced religious practice…. (bangs head) Oh, oh, the world we lost…. Oh, to have the chauvie patriarchs of the second century back, OMG…. 🦖

…. “Jesus can only be understood through 1st century Jewish eyes.”

(guy sweating in front of two buttons)

(tell them about Cabala)
(inform them I’m not a 1st century Jew)

~You know, like: there’s always that moment where it’s like, (shrugs) Bible’s over. You’re 2,000 years too late. Maybe if you can track down Doctor Who, though…. 🦉

…. I wonder how much classic Christian racism—not that ethnocentrism isn’t common in most cultures—but how much of the hyper-racist Christian colonialist burning down five continents to the ground, basically, isn’t a sort of undigested trauma from being told that their own people/culture/family stories didn’t matter: only Jesus the Jew mattered, which meant that he had to be spirited away, out of the control of the shtetl Jews at all costs, and then, having done that—well, now they were crazy enough to burn the five other continents to the ground, in an age of sword and fire, you know…. (shrugs) Of course, the Greeks and Romans have a place in this psycho story, too, as the people who got the ball rolling colonizing Europe, basically, and they didn’t start out as Christians, of course…. Who knows…. 🤔

…. “Personal” good; “individual” bad:

There is a personal element to life…. But it has nothing to do with you. Now, give me your money: not much, not much; it’s not worth it to look bad; but I need rent, and I need book money…. Some people even think that I need food….

…. It’s amazing how he drops all these names he cares nothing about, right: he throws in Janis Joplin, but only to criticize her—implicitly: not detached-masc-y enough, like Dylan: too much a woman; and quotes something about Freddy Nietzsche, neglecting to mention that he would have frothed at the mouth to be seen propping up church-stooges, right; throws in Shakespeare, even though Willy was all about the interplay of individuals, and for Robin, that’s not dignified enough—unless it’s Jesus, or Shakespeare, etc—and Thoreau…. Thoreau I’ll let him have. It’s not clear he’s actually read him—all these quotes were actually the common knowledge quotes, even though they’re meant to create a shock and awe effect, right— 💫—but yeah: maybe he would like Thoreau…. Talk about how dumb everyone is, then swing by mom’s house, have her cook and clean for you, her little prince, right…. (Are you taking notes, Janis? LOL)….

…. And yes: I do think that the judicial murder of a good god was “futility”, not grandiosity-at-work, you know…. Just, restless evil, you know. But somehow, he’ll make that chapter bad, too. He’s just…. He’s, something, you know.

…. Yup, same old crap, new chapter.

It’s like: if the cross is “futility”, as it seems to be to me—“state terrorism” is not something to celebrate, regardless of which end of the bayonet point you’re on, right—…. Then why, after just, generalized musings about how the mind is, bad-yet-the-only-thing-that-matters, is “futility” the first thing on the agenda?

I guess because of the importance of mocking the wearing of jewelry, right. He never considers—after all, women and rappers are the enemy, here—that maybe the jewelry-wearing public has been wronged by making a state terrorism artifact the most “proper” and least (before Robin came along, lol) mockable necklace to wear, right…. I mean, if people can’t celebrate life, they’ll have to celebrate death, I guess. But some people want something to celebrate—women and rappers, and so on, right.

…. Christian books can be so boring: often they just repeat the same details of the same familiar story, without any creativity or even special insight, just to impress upon the audience the wisdom of this great man, author Bob, who remembers the relevant details of the enormously familiar story, right. (clapping in the Star Wars Senate) This is how religions die: with bullshit journalism….

But yeah: it’s curious that the Roman guy calls Jesus the “Son of God” because of his acknowledgment of Jesus’ power at his death, right, (not that his power couldn’t have been utilized in ways other than an early death, lol, but anyway)—and you know, good Christian, good believer, good faith: often, implicitly, good Gentile, right…. Even though he obviously wouldn’t have been denying that Hercules was also, the Son of God, right….

…. But yeah, if you’re going to use the word “sin”: yes…. Although, actually the way I would phrase it is: Jesus died because of sin. I didn’t kill Jesus…. It is possible to be involved in a collective travesty of justice, right—say what is often dismissed as “white guilt”, but while I can sorta see myself as bound up in the sin of the 21st century, I don’t see myself as bound up in the sin of the 1st century: religious lies still inform aggression in a broad sense, but unless Jesus is an ahistorical figure, we have to acknowledge that we do not burn witches and itinerant preachers anymore, you know…. Christians, loyalists, don’t know what they think of Jesus, right: he’s a fact, historical fact—but the bearing of the fact has 0% to do with other facts, or with actual ordinary, factual reality and other facts generated by it, right…. It’s sui genesis, you know: One God, One Fact, One Faith….

It’s like: it’s fact-emphasis in that it encourages dampening creativity, basically. But it has nothing to do with recognizing ordinary reality, you know.

…. (smoking Gandalf pipe like typical midcentury guy) I think that there’s nothing in the Jesus story that isn’t Capital N, Normal, right…. The golf ball goes into the hole, and then you take it out. That’s all. It has nothing to do with the legends of red men, from the days before our Empire.

~It’s like, they say that the white man is the one who put out his spirit-eyes, right….

…. Blah blah, OMG, they were creative: OMG, they weren’t true crime writers, OMG OMG…. 😰…. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be for whitey.

~But yeah, you also find out that an angel might “look like lightning”—a more relevant glimpse into non-ordinary reality than the books of the lords of the paleface project, right—whether 16th century slave traders, or the people for whom: ironically, given Robin’s upbringing, music is part of the past, our half-monkey half-red-man, obsolete humanity, basically…. Before the rise of the Machines, lol…. 🤖

…. Maybe I could write a Wiccan novel and call it “Obsolete Humanity”, lol—you can’t promote things, anymore…. You’ve gotta fake like you’re forcing the thing that is the opposite on the cynical, negative people: and when they freak out, you relent—and offer an alternative, lol…. 😺🎃

…. 86 pages in, and we have the token sentence about Christian patriarchy.

I wonder how many sentences there are about rationalism….

…. “I believe in ordinary kindness.” (motions for standing ovation, which he gets)

(The Child Hermes) (eyes narrow) He’s lying….
(Cara) How do you know he’s lying, Hermes—when your Universal Translator fell out!
(The Child Hermes) It’s the look on his face, you know. It’s something about him….

…. “Original Blessing”

Let’s see how he goes about mauling this one, right. I mean, I admit: I was too hard on Matthew Fox when I was a loyalist. Matt was just a fighter because he was full of passion, full of life; if someone was going to get in between him and life, they were going to get a kick in the pants, right…. But Robin is a fighter because he thinks that “Fist Stick Knife Gun” didn’t have the theological hate that it needed, right….

…. Basically just ranting, you know. Theology Team A (beating head with hammer: we need more love! And joy!) vs Theology Team B (but a mother is something that should not have been! ~ironically how I feel when family holidays roll around, lol…. Although Augie was a terrible sexist, you know: well, maybe the ~women~ should be part of families, not everyone can be part of the male elite…. (waves hands) I can’t allow myself to get distracted by this crap)—you know, like in between a football game between the USC Trojans and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish, right…. And like a cycle of IRA/UDA retaliation killings, in the old days, right….

…. I’m not sure what he was trying to accomplish with the stereotypical Elizabethan Protestant confession script, but it reminds me of what they still use in the Episcopal church, where I used to go. The script just assumes that everything you do is sin no matter what. Matthew Fox is an Episcopalian now, but Original Sin, not original blessing, is still in charge, you know…. Such denial. It’s like half shame, half bullshitting: and no blessing. Historical-toleration Christianity is like, you change, and you say: but this is how it always really use to be, only George W. Bush messed it up: and then you wait awhile, and then, when nobody ACTUALLY changes, you change it back to the way it always was—the shame way—when nobody is looking …. who works for a newspaper, lol. Look, over there: an election in Southern Zulustan; a shooting; AND economic policy! (shames everyone who walks into church) (strolls away, whistling suspiciously)

What was it Milarepa said? To live without hypocrisy is joy!

…. This is gonna be funny; Intellectual Christians staring down condemnation/promoting compassion, etc:

(The Child Hermes) (hands to head) My mind is making funny noises again, Mom!
(Mother Maia) Just go into your room and do a meditation. Listen to fairy music.
(The Child Hermes) (head snaps up) Or, I could go to my room and read about my enemies, the people with lower STEM scores than I find acceptable! (skips off)

~It’s like, classic “objective point of view” BS, right. Like, I am not part of this conversation; I’m not really here right now….

I mean: I’m just here to observe. 😉

~Right, like. “Science Technology Engineering Math (STEM). Oh, a good place to leave the kids when they’re not in church—bleach them right out…. Ah, but what’s this: Science Technology Engineering Art Math Energy-work Religion? (STEAMER). Fucking heresy! Time for small-government-local-government, and bleached-to-shit atheists to join forces! Against heresy, comrades! Once more, unto the belief battles!….”


…. I encourage you to reject both faith healer peasants, AND Gucci girls. The solution is to be like me: be an über-intellectual who talks about the worthlessness of words….

And never look back. 😎

…. God, I thank you that I am not like these others: conservatives, militarists, Gucci girls, or even this primitive fucker.”

Meanwhile, the primitive fucker was like: God, I need it to rain on my corn field. When is it gonna rain on my corn field?

God said, I got you, homie. It rains tomorrow on your corn field. Just go home and make love to your wife; release all this stress you homies been feelin’. I got you covered. 😎 🌞

…. Imagine if he was having his Jesus Feast with the Poor, and a Gucci liberal or whatever showed up, dressed-down, but somebody would figure it out: and then one of the poor guys goes up to him and asks him how to change his financial future, right—Robin is like, woh woh woh, You’re here to make Me look good; not-him. “But I want to be faring well, daring well: not on welfare for the rest of my life. I want to be able to give money away and still go on vacation every once in a while.” “You have gone astray, my son…. Sex…. Comes from girls.” “Um, screw you: it’s not even just about the sex—it’s about dreaming bigger.” “This is what causes wars! This is what causes poverty! This is what makes for poverty—Betrayal!” (picks up wooden board and start beating the poor guy, lol)

…. And then he quotes like, Jesus’ anti-femme mystique quote. It’s like, bro: you might as well bring bug spray to the fucking frozen tundra, right. It’s like, bro, you’re not gonna need it. You might not need the Hawaiian shirt, either. “Hawaiian shirts are important in my philosophy. I don’t think we should compromise with the conservative, capitalist world of materiality. If bug spray and Hawaiian shirts are important anywhere, they’re important everywhere: even the frozen tundra.” …. Ah…. O-kay….

…. It’s like: he ~hates~ conservative Christians, but he also wants to alienate BOTH right and left-wing Christians as much as possible, right. He’s independent-minded: the only believer he’s not embarrassed of, is himself, right! It’s like: dude, I’m a fucking witch, you know: with like, Isis and everything—and even EYE do not hate Christians like you, bro…. That was actually one of the perks of Wicca for me, right: I won’t have to rent space in my head to these people—or, at least I’ll get SOME kinda distance from them, lol. And then, I won’t feel such hostility to them, right….

And, even better, I won’t feel ~implicated~ when some Christian dog starts munching on household trash in a book, or whatever, right…. It ends up being attraction to the ugly, you know: the mind running wild….

~And you know, not that “dog” is like: I mean, dogs are okay; they don’t crawl around on 400 legs, right—but there is something bestial about the mind, you know: maybe Robin should hang with…. I mean, not a dog, ideally: the American ideal would be for Earth to be like 8 billion humans or whatever munching on meat and 8 billion dogs munching on meat, or, I don’t know—2 billion dogs, maybe…. But it’s like, you know, that’s a lot of dead chickens, right; there aren’t only 500 million of us anymore…. Maybe get a pet rabbit? It takes courage to do that, because a fox might get it or something: but at least you don’t have chicken blood (and super-oppressed immigrant-from-gangland-countries trauma) on you, right….

…. I wonder what the Jesus-as-prophet and prophecy-as-exclusively-condemning-and-judging-oppression (even though that’s clearly not all that Isaiah and Jeremiah did: they also predicted rebirth and blossoming at times when it was considered fashionable to say that life was shit and would only get worse, right), would do with, “God sends the blessings of the Sun on the righteous and the unrighteous”, you know.

But this is why I don’t like Christianity: I don’t know what Jesus meant, or how to reconcile his opposing tendencies; all I know is that Christian leaders tend to be mentally aggressive people who cut up and chew people who have different biases from their own: and it makes no difference if you support your own makeup with quotes from the Bible, as opposed to Marx/the Tao/the Young George Washington Adventures/true-crime-real-blood, you know: if it comes from the Bible or whatever but it’s not that leader’s bias, it’s garbage; so what use is the Bible, right?…. Nor can the Christian, the loyalist, admit this state of affairs, right. He has to deny it.

…. (Conspicuous consumption rage quote number 3,126) And yet, didn’t Vernon Johns, MLK’s predecessor, sell local produce out of the church, much to the displeasure of the village elders? Indeed, what is the Point of getting your rights, if Not to enjoy, you know: the fruits of Creation, right?…. And the old school tribal elders, the Christian village elders, didn’t see the need, right: the gospel is about suffering in silence; wealth is ugliness, and temptation, and the Scarlet Woman: Sin!

(The Scarlet Woman’s mom) Oh, look at what I found in HomeGoods! 🧓

Not that HomeGoods is perfect, right; ironically at the time, it was my duty to serve—and my duty to hate, lol…. But I don’t think I’d like it now; I’d just dislike it less. It was a very, nervous, place…. It was like the one place where it was safe to be a woman, or whatever: but it attracts and does not heal nervous women, you know….

But yeah, male preachers are like: just kill and eat girls who like decorative accessories, and be done with it! 🐉 💀 ✝️ …. And it makes so little difference, left or right. I guess the left is more honest, you know. The right despises women for that, but considers it all that they’re fit for; the left is also dishonest, though: women are fit for liberation, they can be like men and be free—hang on, bitch; I’m talking, you can talk later: you know, men are very special and very wise; the popular culture just doesn’t appreciate us…. But yes, women are 5% as oppressed as Wise Men: of course; of course….

…. ~the famous preacher Joseph Sittler….

Wow, was he in WWII—what side was he on…. 😹 “Grace Notes and Other Fragments”…. Yeah: and this is the name most relevant to making-faith-real, you know…. As long as you’re NOT making it practical, OMG…. “Gravity and Grace”, yeah, yeah, so yeah: tell me, Meiner Komarade, (laughing), Jews to the Gulag, am I right?…. (laughing) I’m sorry, I realize this is not like a serious argument, but it’s like: …. You know, Loge made a joke, a practical joke, to play on the human race, right—because Loge is a good god, fundamentally, right~ but he thinks a lot, you know: and sometimes that makes him a little ill, right…. But yeah: Loge played a joke on humanity; it was the Christian Church, right…. (dying) And its obscure leader, the great Gedenker, (thinker, if I can pretend-German, lol), Meiner Grosserfreunde: Joseph Sittler. (scattered applause)

(he takes podium) Greetings: Racists, commies, the Stalin’s Special, Brigade (SS), whatever kind of Christian you are: as long as your wife gets all frumpy the day after sex…. Some days, I ask myself: is it gravity? Or is it grace? Ah…. (raises hand) But, it could be BOTH. (I-think-I’m-intelligent look)

~I don’t say this in a hostile way: but sometimes, fuck Christians, right…. 😹

…. Yeah: I find a lot of things funny: but that was so funny, it was Disruptive, right: JOSEPH SITTLER, OMG…. I almost didn’t like how much joy that brought me, it was so disruptive…. It was more pleasurable than an orgasm (generally is), and only slightly less embarrassing, lol…. 😂 ⚰️ 😂….

Ok. ✅ 🙂

…. I just don’t understand the whole ‘Christian Right is a new phenomenon’ thing, you know. How did they deal with women as equal partners with men in religion “back before the Christian Right”, you know? What if some chick named Sally had decided to write a gospel, right? The only way for a woman was to (a) be a mother, and (b) concede that that wasn’t important. That wasn’t Jesus’ intent, but that’s how it was for the church, WAY before 1980, right…. And the church never encouraged the slave raiders, “to make converts”, or encouraged nativism and all the rest of it, right. He himself points out that they hated science, right. Like…. Where does this come from? I mean, it gets repeated, right. Does that make it, you know, valid? Religious oppression changes over the centuries, it’s true; everything changes. But was there some magical time for the church, when being a priestess of Isis, right—or, just a woman, right; a woman with ideas, especially if not her father’s. But sometimes, even if they WERE her father’s!

…. You know, these bloodless-liberal-moderate Christians from the 50s—which for some people lasted until at least the 70s, lol, probably, although it was slowly, slowly contracting: you know, the bloodless rationalist Christian Man of Progress (man of science! Man for all men!), you know—those were the guys who told MLK that striking the laws from the books making racism a ~~requirement under law~~, basically: they basically said: Good idea, wait until we’re dead.

You know: to strip the politeness away.

Like, I’ll just never understand these fucking crazy far-left radicals, who lionize and romanticize the goddamn Fifties, you know. Maybe it’s a generational issue, you know, and I don’t feel their pain or whatever. But it’s like, you’re a far-left crazy person who thinks that conservatives are the Missing Link in human evolution, right, (apes, I mean): but the ideal society for you was the one that made racism a requirement of law, de rigeur, and sexism an expectation of society, not just permissible, but like, encouraged and expected, right…. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you, you know? It’s like, you’d be a far-left loony in fucking Mussolini’s party, you know. I guess that’s has to count for something! We should throw you a party! 🎉 ….

We’ll invite Jesus!

…. Like, I hear about radical Catholic clerics, I always wonder if they’d support, you know: I realize it takes the RCC 500 years to change the menu on the fucking Knights of Columbus planning meetings, right—some people don’t think we should serve so much cod; they want Alaskan salmon ~we’ll have to ask the Pope, but first we have to ask the bishop to ask other bishops~ but like, is one of the crazy-destroy-all-hoomis Catholic leftist things, like: they could seriously look into having a committee, to debate asking the Pope to begin the process of thinking about making women priests? (“Just look at the Episcopal Church, holy father: we can still be just as corpse-friendly in our demeanor with women priests.”) Right? Like, first they could have a subcommittee: do women really have brain cells, the way that men do? Are the brain cells similar, or dissimilar? Were they affected in the same way by the Fall, or differently? Take five years, write a report, right.

Just as one of your rampant destroy-all-hoomis leftist things, right.

Like, son of a bitch, right: the dishonesty!

…. You know: Catholic leftism: BUSINESSES should be leftist.

WE are gonna sit over and you know, do our thing. We’re special; we don’t gotta do shit. But you: YOU, you should fucking be leftists, okay. Because Jesus. Jesus is gonna get angry at everyone who’s not on the far left. (Except for us: we get an exemption. Stamped, in triplicate.)….

And that, I guess, is the separation of church and state, lol.

…. And I guess I just don’t understand how the new age and even other religions, certainly other philosophies, don’t fit inside “inclusivity”, you know. He talks about new agers the way you’d talk about mentally ill children if you worked at a daycare, and wanted to lose your job, and maybe get investigated/go to jail, right. He respects who he WANTS to respect, and that’s “inclusivity”, right…. Like, how did he decide that the Christian Right thing about economics is wrong: but the Christian Right thing about “idolatry” is right, you know?…. Did he like, bother to make some argument about that, or is it like: Paul and “women should have long hair: it’s just godly shit I’m telling you people; women = long hair. Judge for yourself.” I think you’re full of shit. “But you are not walking the path of Jesus Christ!” You’re right: I started taking another path to get away from you! ~Ut oh, now you did it. Paul turns into a werewolf when he gets that angry: you really set him off. I’ll try to slow him down: run! “Thanks Ann: you’re a good person!” 🏃‍♂️

~Like, he talks about the new agers the way that Peter Kreeft does, right. With Peter it was at least consistent: “I support the violent European Spanish takeover crimes/rule over the indigenous Mexicans; new agers might show some sympathy to those lesser breeds. Gotta push the military unit’s line out farther until we can reach a defensible position. No brainer.” Robin though isn’t just mean, he’s…. Dumb. I mean, they’re both dumb, but…. I don’t know. They’re the same.

…. I agree: the original Christian colonists who created America, well, they weren’t about darkies or broads, they were about white men: but they weren’t for the individual. They were for white men: ALL white men, like in a Frank Capra movie, right.

“As long as you insult your dick of uncle, Uncle Dave, then you are a True Christian—and a bold liberal. Forward, white men: against the uncles!” This is the message the world needs today. I’m on board. 😉

…. It’s like on the same page—literally the same page—he excoriates individualist-America racism while basically excusing collectivist-America racism, you know. I guess slavery was okay: it’s white fragility about slavery you’ve got to watch out for! I’m not trying to comment that there isn’t almost universal racism today, but it’s like: this is what racism theory means to the average liberal—it’s a convenient hatchet to wield against whatever I ALREADY don’t like, ANYWAY, you know.

Racism theory as a tool in the hands of white men, to fine tune white supremacy, basically.

…. And yeah: even the Bible can be problematic, too. Opposition to divorce was like, “honest” Christian legalism, more so than anti-homosexuality, which never appears in the reported biblical teaching of Jesus, right. But opposition to divorce was Incredibly legalistic and negative and hurtful to people, you know, incredibly infantilizing and just, bad, really: and extremely widespread and entrenched for a very long period, right. Being an honest legalist, a tough legalist, an ascetic Christian who isn’t a wiffley-waffley gluttonous contradictory mess, you know: one isn’t always obviously better than another, you know. Many people in history have Literally Died, in large numbers, because of honest, tough, ascetic legalist Christians who were following complex systems of rules and morality that they applied every bit as harshly to themselves as others. Some of them were even enormously intellectual, right. Not wise—but intellectual, and not soft. Not safe, either, though…. His understanding of history is just incredibly narrow and recent and self-serving, you know. Like fucking Wal-Mart employees are worse than—I mean, he wrote the book less than ten years after the bombings stopped in Belfast, right; in some other parts of the world that don’t matter, Even Less Matter-y than Belfast, right, shit like that could Still be going on, (and don’t think that the Christians don’t retaliate against the Muslims—grow up, ok), you know…. But he had to go to Wal-Mart and the sign was filled with misleading advertising, right. He is fully as oppressed as like a lady whose pregnant belly was hacked open in a religious war, or whatever, right. And not only that: he has more education than that fucking broad. 👌

…. He’s extremely critical of both femininity in general and many individual women in particular, and seems to get a hard on about male experts but almost never women experts, right—like so many straight men, right! He’s very set on all that for someone who trots out vague anti-sexism as part of his self-glorification campaign, you know. It has absolutely no substance: ironic, given his implicit views of women.

…. In terms of honesty, he should just file for bankruptcy, you know.

…. To try to take him seriously, even though I can’t imagine him about to do anything but rant and rave, and about himself, without the Real courage to admit, right, that HE is for HIMSELF, you know—

I think a lot of people avoid business because they’re afraid that they won’t make more money, and that’s this will make them a “failure”, right. There are obviously other factors in play: for example, worker dissatisfaction surely IS one reason why the system doesn’t work well—although even the managers don’t get it, really, since they think their job is to be a computer programmer, or perhaps an auto mechanic, right; and how can the workers get it, that they are a factor of importance in the system, with their education in disempowerment starting in kindergarten, basically, if not before?…. Yeah, but it’s obviously not all on the “workers” or “socialists””—beyond credulous, Ludicrous, right! As if the socialists were the only racists! No, and I suppose it would be: racism doesn’t matter, not to “most people”….! (Which means most people ARE racists!!) In the past it wasn’t even a controversy like now, it was the settled doctrine of society, that the market was an important way to solidify the ideas it had about things like race, and gender (and other ideas, like, sexuality-based ideas, familial stuff—neighborhoods, of course, although it’s strange to think about, right!—and yeah, even ideas about church, or science, or, however racism makes sense for you, right!).

But even part from that—and that some socialists have been and even continue to be, right, the most bright pink racists you can imagine, right; surely that shows that it cannot be Reduced, the problem, even into its most obviously constituent ideas—but yeah, there is also the issue of, “Suppose I enter the Arena, and I try and fail: I have thrown away my aloofness, and for what?”

And there is of course the issue that that is stigmatized: poverty is stigmatized; it’s seen as a threat: not as the un-realization of potential, right—I mean, even say someone dies “with their music still in them”, right; there’s always the next life, simply begin to be open to experience, right: begin your journey…. But if someone “refuses the call of adventure”, right: how is that offensive to you, right? Is it your life?

And, not equally, of course, but also: the rich are also stigmatized, although not to their face, right; the rich are usually considered to be the undeserving beneficiaries of fraud, or else luck; probably many white men take this stance towards their successful brother, right. And then: you put those two things together, we have the “middle-class society”, afraid (if not equally afraid) of both the poor and the rich, right…. The lie of this ideology is traffic and lines, right. If we are all brainwashed to want the same things—to live the same life—then it is equally difficult for the majority, either to get it, or to go without, right….

But yeah: the thing about ordinary people is that they are afraid, you know: easily startled, right. And I suppose I must view that as understandable, since I am also that way, despite whatever else, I also am, right….

But yeah—re: “what if I fail”, you know: business is a sort of excellence, and it can give you things, that sort of thinking, even aside from, it without, actually, the actual change in income, you know. Because you might not seem-to-succeed—and seeming to succeed and ~actual~ success are not at all identical, right—, or else not for a while: and in the meantime, the two possibilities, are, in terms of physical science or whatever (not physics, you know, but: the whole material science, right), cannot be separated, right…. The most obvious thing is, since I became interested in prosperity, I became more interested in relationships. I became friendlier: you know, to strangers, acquaintances, people who weren’t experts in things I was studying, right. (And even in that phase of my life, that previous phase, I always had trouble with the idea that study wasn’t all book-reading, you know. lol.) I don’t talk like this in public, you know: you don’t explain the world to a stranger in public. If someone doesn’t want to know, it’s hardly considerate to “force”, you know, to inflict, your “knowledge” on them, right…. You know: to try to force people to be wise, right…. When has that ever worked? There you have your list of psycho rulers, right: the ones who force you to be wise, the ones with no consideration of the weak; though these tend also to be devilishly jealous of the strong, as well!

But yeah: I have accomplished a few non-monetary “business”/prosperity goals, mostly around sociability, and it has made me mildly happier, you know, even in a mere handful of months, you know…. So why stop there, right?

I mean, Abraham Lincoln was considerably less racist than many of his contemporaries, a considerable portion of whom were concentrated in a certain very loyal, patriotic, and Christian region, that shall remain nameless, right: and he also famously commented that most people, at least, are about as happy as they make up their minds to be, right…. I see it myself: most people have a level of mental wellness or whatever that they’re comfortable with—you know: deviations above or below the norm are compensated for, sooner or later….

Of course, different excellences are not, you know, directly exchangeable in the world of form: you can’t even directly exchange money for health, physical health, the way that you can exchange it for a banana. But then, things are related, the excellences not least, you know…. Why would anyone ever resent someone else’s unrealized potential, or someone else’s benefit? 🤷‍♂️

I remember I saw an Air Force ad, you know: “We own the skies”. It made me a little afraid, you know. Like, I barely trust my neighbors to obey the traffic laws: now they’ve awarded themselves the ability to rain death down from the skies on the evil-doers, right…. You know, like: think of the ducks. “We used to be able to get away from the hoomis, in the sky—now….” (Air Force ad)


Some human beings achieve excellence. Those who don’t, should be encouraged to achieve, whatever THEY wish to achieve, right: they should be watched for positive developments for society to reward, right.

But does anyone imagine that this is what takes place? It is almost the opposite. People are punished for not knowing who they are and what they want, and they are discouraged from achieving; any subsequent achievement being, as like as not, resented, you know.

The song of the hoomi.

…. Someone who was born in 1924 thought that “only money is put on a level with God, not knowledge”—you know, by the idolaters that it is my job to crush, for not being knowledgeable and scientific, and perfect, basically, right? I guess he never saw a BBC documentary made in the 50s, right?

Or else, maybe, he’s just a liar, lol?

It’s like: it is funny, that people wanted to be—well, they Did NOT want to be Shakespeare, first, right: they wanted to be beautiful, basically, to be sexually successful. That is the first longing of the human heart: love, pure love, taken directly, and not by a roundabout way, right.

And so obviously, the people who gain this—or appear to, at least….

You know, I am certainly religious, in that sometimes I think I am an anti-humanist, you know. Not in the Christian way, you know. I don’t want a profoundly alien God to punish the hoomis, right.

Surely what they do to themselves, is bad enough.

I mean, just think: a hoomi has to sit around all day, listening to his own lies, right….

…. (reading the chapter, although he’s basically said all this before, in one-liners: the whole chapter is given, basically in the spirit of a one-liner, right: it’s like, if it were a popular movie, he’d say one of these lines and then shoot somebody, or blow up a building, maybe) It’s like: why does people being curious about materiality spark such a wildfire in him, you know, such a red bonfire, you know: if he’s so pure, and secure? Right?

I mean: he basically equates conservatives with, dangerous baboons, you know—he doesn’t come out and admit it, right; but that’s the message, just delivered without courage, right—but if money is the topic, he’ll direct you to read Spurgeon, you know, the Arch-Conservative Victorian, right.

I don’t like saying, “Make it make sense”, right. I just like to observe: that that is not a priority, for some people, right….

But yes—businesses: they can be deceptive…. (sniggers)….

Yeah: just think—a hoomi has to sit around all day, listening to his own lies, all day, every day…. And people don’t think that’s enough! They want to punish him! (chuckles) Oh, my….

…. “If you don’t accept the reality of Communist Hell: hell for happy people, right—you might experience…. Anxiety!”

Hard pass. Have fun trying to bludgeon the world into the service of your peaceful god, though. Let me know if you have any manpower issues, right.

“Gosh, maybe if enough people were POOR, they’d go to church.”
~medieval leaders, etc.

Beautiful, merciful god they serve, right!

…. And you know: he obviously spent a great deal of money on his education; and he has a job preaching that he obviously gets paid for, (from the church he works for: Joel Osteen supports himself with book sales, but, 🤷‍♂️), and wears a funny clerical costume that obviously cost somebody something, and is probably subliminally meant to evoke the Middle Ages, you know: what was that line from that Michelangelo Antonioni movie, right; “We don’t have wealthy people anymore”, right—like, in the Middle Ages, there were cathedrals! There was wealth! Today, I have to shop at Wal-Mart: all the wealth is gone from the earth!…. Right: that’s what people think, you know. And intellectuals always think that the Great Books came from Before, too, right…. They were written by the Romans! All of Europe were their slaves, right!…. But then, the elitist can’t encourage people to succeed, he wants them poor and hating themselves, and he doesn’t have the courage to admit, even to himself, maybe, how insecure he is, how much he wants a gatekeeper, right…. The perfect solution: Christianity. (chuckles) Gatekeepers, self-hatred, right…. What more does anyone need?

But yeah: how much did you spend on your education. Your education—it’s the kind generally available to real salt of earth Oklahomans who don’t benefit from the American Empire, or whatever….?

Well, no. It was very expensive…. But EYE spend money, on things that. Matter.

~(chuckles). Ah…. Jesus, how COULD a white boy EVER be saved, right…. It’s like: if you’re just going to join the “white dead” of America, you know—those old white men that existed before, the polluted ancestors, you know, “the white dead”…. If you can’t avoid becoming that, you know—I mean, you could at least have the courage not to set yourself up as the goddamn professor of ethics, or some fucking thing, right?

The many-facéd lie of whiteness, you know. We are white because we lie, basically. It wasn’t how men and women and children were, you know, at one point in history.

Christianity plays no small part in the lie: making us into “the white dead” at the end of our lives, right…. What was it that Malcolm X said? “The white man’s religion, Christianity, is the white man’s love of himself, and his race”—something along those lines, right….

~Character limit, lol. It’s a generous character limit. 👍 I said most of what I needed to say: a GOOD cut-off point, really….
… (más)
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