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Loved this - it snuck up on me. Daniel and Claire, the Roma doctor and the snobbish debutante.

I agree with the comment that there is a modern sensibility but - after the Bridgeton phenomenon - I feel I don't get to make that complaint. This is a new genre - the modern sensibility historical romance. It's surprising and shocking and against my fastidious devotion to the period drama.

But once I opened myself to the fun of it, I haven't looked back.½
Okies | 5 reseñas más. | May 26, 2022 |
A bookish spinster and an unrepentant rogue is the rough description but both have depths that they have to confront. When Miss Mary Cannings is brought to a lecture by her sister and retreats to the library for a break. Geoffrey Westmore follows her there thinking he has a chance with her but the two of them end up hearing about an assassination plot against the queen. Now they have to team up to discover the truth. No-one takes either of them seriously. She uses her book knowledge to help and he uses what he knows. they both have to work with each other to succeed and they both discover hidden parts that they thought they had got over.
A dun read with characters I enjoyed reading about.
wyvernfriend | 5 reseñas más. | Aug 5, 2021 |
Well, again the historicalness (is that even a word...?) of this one is questionable. Somehow it does keep me in it's grips though. Not sure if it's the quality of writing or my mood. Will finish the series though.
RankkaApina | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 22, 2021 |
Really... these "historical" novels should really stop thinking that being "ruined" was that you were slightly snubbed at some parties. They should rather develop a total fantasy world, like steampunk, then they can bend the rules if they will, but trying to set the novel to history while then actually doing no research into the time... I'm tired of it. Maybe this hit at the same point when I heard an interview of Courtney Milan, who said that writing contemporary romances is so much harder because you need to do the research on what cafes are where and stuff... I don't care if you make up a cafe, but I do care if you have no idea of the culture you're putting your characters in. This tells me pretty much everything I want to know of these kinds of historical romances...

I still like the way the relationships are developed in these books. I wish I could read something contemporary from this author and I might like it a lot better.
1 vota
RankkaApina | 5 reseñas más. | Feb 22, 2021 |
Well, I did enjoy this, but I was slightly annoyed at the modernity of what should be a historical novel. But I liked the characters and development of the romance, so I will look into the next part.
RankkaApina | 5 reseñas más. | Feb 22, 2021 |
Great premise that didn't quite deliver. The entire book was based on the hero and heroine falling for each other, but the hero feels responsible for his fiance's death 11 years earlier(but he wasn't), so he will not marry. I really wanted to like it more. 2.5/5 stars
mary23nm | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 27, 2019 |
Two words come to mind when describing The Perks of Loving a Scoundrel. Pure escapism. Ms. McQuiston created a romance as epic as the characters who lived it. Mary lives her dreams through the pages of her favorite books, but has yet to experience all the emotions that her stories evoke in reality. She unwittingly lands in the middle of her own adventure when she meets Geoffrey. Her reality becomes full of twists that could rival any of her novels. Jennifer McQuiston did a stellar job. "Truth is indeed stranger than fiction" and she played that plot line to the max. It's not often that a story is centered around a heroine who a love of books, that in itself appealed to me. With easily identifiable main characters and a thrilling story, it was a no brainer for me : 5 stars.

Copyright of Night Owl Reviews
Lashea677 | 5 reseñas más. | Feb 16, 2019 |
Diary of an Accidental Wallflower
2 Stars

Miss Clare Westmore is well on her way to becoming the Season’s sensation and landing herself a duke, when she ends up on the sidelines with a twisted ankle. Her one consolation, however unsuitable, is the devastatingly handsome Dr. Daniel Merial. Soon Clare and Daniel find their inappropriate attraction growing into something more. Will they be able to get past their social differences to be together?

A wonderful premise. Unfortunately, mine seems to be the minority view when it comes to appreciating Ms. McQuiston’s writing as her style is drawn out and her characterization unappealing.

Clare’s preoccupation with her social standing and that of others does not make for a particularly engaging heroine, and the fact that she conceals her intelligence from others to make an impression on the boorish members of the ton only add to her lack of appeal. Her behavior is somewhat reminiscent of Annabelle Peyton in Secrets of a Summer Night, but unlike Klepas’s heroine, there is no legitimate excuse for her self-interest and snobbery.

Being both a commoner and of Roma descent, Daniel is a more attractive hero. However, even he cannot compensate for the poor plotting and tedious writing. To begin with, there is very little foundation to the revelations of Clare’s paternity and all that evolves from this, and the lives of the secondary characters overshadow the romance. Speaking of, Clare and Daniel’s chemistry is non-existent and their relationship is devoid of emotional and sexual tension. Finally, the numerous anachronistic actions and references make it difficult for the reader to become immersed in the time period.

All in all, a disappointing read and I am unlikely to read another of this author’s works as the other book of hers that I attempted What Happens in Scotland was a DNF.
Lauren2013 | 5 reseñas más. | May 24, 2018 |
A delightful tale! In a few places the pacing was irregular, but it did not detract from the overall story.
LadyTi | 11 reseñas más. | Sep 5, 2017 |
Very nice story. Less description than I usually see in this genre, but it works!
LadyTi | otra reseña | Sep 5, 2017 |
I listened to the audiobook and it was great! The story was fun and the narrator did a great job. This was my first book by this author and I am off to look for more.
tiffsaddictiontobook | 11 reseñas más. | Jul 18, 2017 |
This is the second novel by Ms. McQuiston in her Second Sons series [for my review of the 1st book ‘What Happens in Scotland’, go here], and in this story we have a wonderful Prologue in which our hero meets a very young girl that saves his life. I thought it was such a poignant meeting and couldn’t wait for them to meet again some eleven years later and I wasn’t disappointed with their second meeting either as it was as much poignant as their first.

As a matter a fact, the care and pace the author took to develop their budding relationship was what I loved and appreciated the most in this story. It was important to me because Caroline is only twelve when they meet, while he’s already in his twenties and even though she is twenty-two as they reacquaint themselves with each other, both are aware of the strong currents and a thread that is pulling them to each other, yet the slower pace of their romance gives their story strength and lends more believability to it.

I also loved the setting of this story, which was Brighton. The author did such a great job of taking me through this wonderful place in all its Victorian glory.

This is definitely character driven story in which our hero David is a very complex man with inner demons that are overwhelming him and the only person that is capable of exorcising them is another complex and strong-willed woman such as Caroline.

If you’re in a mood for a solid, sweet and at times complex romance, this one’s for you. I highly recommend it.

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
bookworm2bookworm | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 30, 2017 |
‘Diary of an Accidental Wallflower’ is the first story in Ms. McQuiston’s new Seduction Diaries series and I loved it!

As soon as we meet the heroine of this piece, we know we’re in for a treat. She is outspoken, determined and a wee bit spoiled, yet I knew that I’d end up liking her because there was a lot of potential of growth in that character. It was hard to accept her actions at first, but the author made sure to fully develop her and with that, I could understand where she was coming from.

And as for the hero? I loved him right off the bat! Daniel was such a good man and had patience of a Saint when it came to our heroine.

When it comes to addressing social issues within the romance, I always find it hard not only on an author or a reader, but on the characters themselves and this story’s no different. The slow progression of their romance was a delight to read and vastly entertaining. It actually made the story feel more real.

I highly recommend this well written, very fun and sweet romance.

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
bookworm2bookworm | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 30, 2017 |
This short (only 208 pages) novella has probably been written for us fans that have hoped that a wonderful secondary characters, Pen, a sister to the heroine of Summer Is For Lovers and William, a brother to the hero of What Happens In Scotland, from the earlier two books, would be given a chance to get their own HEA.

From page one I was taken on a wild ride with these two characters. The story moved fast and furious, the plot was entertaining, and the story was warm while the dialogue offered wit and humor.

You don't have to read the other two books in order to enjoy this story, but I would really recommend you do because you'll get the dynamic of these characters as well as their environment and background.

If you'd like to be entertained and at times laugh out loud, this is a story that will make you do that from start to finish.

Melanie for b2b

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
bookworm2bookworm | otra reseña | Mar 30, 2017 |
‘What Happens in Scotland’ is a début novel of Jennifer McQuiston and despite a few historical discrepancies, an unbelievable plot and a couple that don’t even know each other’s names through most of the book, I found it very entertaining.

The characters of Lady Georgette Thorold and James MacKenzie were not as three-dimensional as I might have liked them to be, but they were fun to follow around and anticipate their actions.

If this author set out to make me laugh out loud, she’s succeeded. I actually chuckled my way through the book.

If you’re looking for a quick, lighthearted read with almost slapstick comedy in it, a predictable plot and witty dialogue, Ms. Jennifer McQuiston delivered on all. And sometimes we really need books and authors like her so we would relax and just enjoy the unpretentious writing and humor they’re gifting us with.

Melanie for b2b

*Book provided by publisher through Edelweiss.
bookworm2bookworm | 11 reseñas más. | Mar 30, 2017 |
I received this book from GoodReads. Brilliant story full of romance, drama, suspense and mystery. The characters are fascinating and the storyline is entertaining and engrossing. I couldn't put this down until I finished it, in one sitting. It's a must to be added to your TBR list.
duelalias | 5 reseñas más. | Oct 29, 2016 |
I really liked the heroine but the plot was crazy. I've found these have gotten progressively crazier as the series has gone on. An ok read but the heroine deserved a better book.
reesa00 | 5 reseñas más. | Oct 2, 2016 |
This book was just a whole lot of fun to read! I enjoy a good historical romance every now and then so when this book popped up on my radar, I decided to take a closer look. Once I read the summary, I knew that I had to read this book since the main character always seems to have her nose in a book. I felt an odd kinship with the heroine before I even started reading the book based on the books description.

Mary has spent her life safely tucked away with her books. She goes to London to spend time with her sister who is in the later stages of pregnancy. When she seeks the safety of the library at a crowed event, her life takes a sudden turn and not only is her reputation destroyed but she has overheard an assassination plot. West is scoundrel known for all of his ill deeds. When he sees the lady from the garden go to the library during the party, he follows her. Now he must deal with the ramifications of tarnishing the reputation of an innocent while trying to figure out the assassination plot that they overheard.

The characters in this book were great. Mary had a lot of spunk and was not at all afraid of saying no to others. I loved how she seemed so educated on just about every subject just from reading about it. West was fun. He didn't make apologies for his prior behavior and owned up to everything when questioned. He seemed like he was actually a much more caring man than he showed through his behavior. It was really nice watching his character develop throughout this book.

I ended up really liking this pair as a couple. West treated Mary with a lot of respect and honestly valued all of her opinions. I didn't feel a lot of chemistry between them at the start of the book but as their relationship developed so did their chemistry. I loved how each of these characters seemed so much stronger together than they did apart. There was enough heat in some parts of the book to keep things interesting.

I would highly recommend this book to fans of historical romance. This is the third book in the Seduction Diaries series but it really can be read perfectly fine as a stand alone novel. I have read any of the prior books in the series and had no trouble keeping up with the story. I definitely plan to look for more books from this author in the future.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Avon Books via Edelweiss for the purpose of providing an honest review.
Carolesrandomlife | 5 reseñas más. | Oct 2, 2016 |
I can't recall if I've ever read anything by McQuiston, but I quite liked her writing style here. By the end of the book I was in love with the whole family so I want to keep reading the series. There were definitely a few spots in the story that I felt required some big leaps of trust regarding the time period (aka some of the conversations, and the interesting issues that were raised considering legitimacy), but nothing too egregious. Daniel and Clare were adorbs and I liked that there wasn't any unnecessary drama in their relationship.

Looking forward to reading the other two books in the series now.
GoldenDarter | 5 reseñas más. | Sep 15, 2016 |
An enjoyable early-Victorian romance with some interesting family dynamics to shake things up a bit.
Amelia_Smith | 5 reseñas más. | Aug 28, 2016 |
Good story about a headstrong young woman and a man with a haunted past. Lucy is twenty-one years old and about to start her long delayed Season. The problem is, she doesn't want it. She has no desire to parade herself in front of a bunch of men who only want her for her dowry. She would prefer to follow in the footsteps of her Aunt Edith, who is a spinster. Then she gets word that her aunt has died and left her a cottage in Lizard Bay, Cornwall. Lucy takes this as sign that she's on the right track. She also receives a package with her aunt's diaries, a chronicle of her life on her own.

Thomas is living in Lizard Bay and was friends with Miss E, as everyone called her. When Lucy's father comes for the funeral, Thomas makes an offer for the cottage, which her father accepts on Lucy's behalf. The property holds secrets and Thomas is determined to protect them. He is stunned to receive a letter a few days later, from a furious Lucy, who has canceled the sale. He heads to London to convince what he's sure is a silly young girl to part with the property. That meeting isn't at all what he expected.

I had some trouble liking Lucy. She was sheltered, therefore completely inexperienced with the real world. She was a bit selfish, taking action without thinking how it would affect others. I understood her need for independence, rather than following the norms of the day. I even understood her desire to see the house for herself. But she was far too impulsive and proceeded without really thinking things through. Her meeting with Thomas was very confrontational, with her being rather judgmental and unwilling to listen to him, though she is also rather drawn to him. When she encounters him on the train, her stubborn attitude continues, even though he is obviously trying to help her.

I liked Thomas a lot. He had his errors in judgment at the start, by not telling her the truth about the cottage and why he wants it. But he is at heart, a good man. Three years earlier he had moved to Lizard Bay, trying to escape the memory of what he saw as his failure to help his sister. Friendship with Miss E and becoming part of the community helped, but he still carries a lot of guilt. He is intrigued by Lucy, who is nothing like he expected.

I enjoyed the development of their relationship, though I frequently wanted to smack Lucy. They arrive in Lizard Bay and Thomas offers to show her the property, but she is sure that she can't trust him. After two days of trying to get someone else to do it, she finally gives in. By the time they arrive it is dark and raining and the house is only partly habitable. Lucy still insists that she can't trust him, and sends him on his way, only to find herself alone in the house with no clue how to go on. I loved the bit of self-realization as she admits her own shortcomings to herself. An encounter with a rat brings Thomas (who hadn't gone far) running. His protectiveness toward her has him staying close, and attraction continues to flare between them. Her stubbornness gets her into a dangerous situation the next morning. A combined rescue from Thomas and her father also brings out one of the secrets of the property. Lucy's mistrust is stirred again, and she is left wondering which is the real Thomas - the one who keeps secrets or the one who helped her?

A little real soul-searching has her finally realizing that she at least owes Thomas the courtesy of listening to what he has to say. I loved this part, as Thomas opens his heart and shows her the real treasure hidden on the property. He also opens up about his past and his feelings for Lucy. But there are still obstacles, mostly his, that come between them and a future. I liked Lucy's realization that Thomas must make certain decisions on his own and how she leaves him to it. I also liked seeing her stand up to her father about her property, and their conversation after was pretty sweet.

A trip back to London for her delayed entry into the season puts Lucy back where she started. She still has no desire to participate, but will do so for her mother and cousin. A surprise arrival brings Thomas to her door, after a lecture from Lizard Bay's vicar (who had an interesting revelation of his own). The day brings additional surprises, as well as the happy ending that both Lucy and Thomas yearned for.

I loved the epilogue, back in Lizard Bay. Lucy has found a way to help the town that they love. There is another surprise waiting for them, one that I rather expected, but satisfying anyway.
scoutmomskf | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 28, 2016 |
A delightful historical romance to listen to. While it follows the typical formula for a HR, it included enough nuances, including a couple of plot-twist surprises, to keep my attention. Both the writer and the narrator of this book are new to me, and I would definitely read and/or listen to other titles by either or both.
Conkie | otra reseña | Mar 25, 2016 |
This is my first read from [a:Jennifer McQuiston|6163186|Jennifer McQuiston|], although I have had [b:What Happens in Scotland|14823850|What Happens in Scotland (Second Sons, #1)|Jennifer McQuiston||20477394] shelved for a long time. We are off to a good start with [b:The Spinster's Guide to Scandalous Behavior|25014182|The Spinster's Guide to Scandalous Behavior (Seduction Diaries, #2)|Jennifer McQuiston||44686432], so I will definitely try to move the other books up my TBR list. This is the 2nd installment of the Seduction Diaries series, and I obviously have not read the first, which featured the current heroine's sister. There were some mentions of the sister, but not to the extent that I felt lost without reading the first book.

Lucy Westmore is a 21 y/o eccentric aspiring spinster who has inherited a remote dilapidated cottage in Cornwall from an eccentric spinster aunt. Unfortunately, Lucy's father decided he could act in Lucy's stead and sell it to Lord Thomas Branston. Lucy renigs on the sale, latching onto the property as freedom from her family's expectations and the season they are forcing upon her. I empathized with Lucy's plight - it must have been very hard to follow societal dictates back then to be a mild and meek female whose sole purpose was to make a beneficial marriage, often to an unappealing stranger. I liked her impertinent impulsive behavior at first, as I would have probably been the same way in her situation. However he stubborn obstinance grated on me in the 2nd half of the book... I wish she could have gotten with a program a little sooner.

Thomas Branston is a broken and broody marquess hiding out from his demons on the Cornish coast. In the tiny town of Lizard Bay, Lucky's eccentric aunt (Miss E) had taken Thomas under her wing. So when Miss E dies, he wants to make sure her property is not sold off to the highest bidder. This has Thomas pairing off with the not-so-biddable Lucy Westmore. I loved that Thomas was a bit of a botany nerd and chose to live simply among the town folk instead of exhibiting his status and wealth in London (which he could have done despite the scandal). I really liked Thomas' character, and felt he truly had limitless patience to continue dealing with Lucy's mistrust and headstrong ways.

I really loved the snippets of Miss E's diary woven throughout the story. Her memoirs were humorous and somewhat sad at the same time. I wish Lucy would have finished the volumes sooner and learned the ultimate lesson her aunt was trying to impart, because it was very important. I look forward to reading the rest of this series.

I received an advanced copy of this book from Avon via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. 3.5 stars / 3 flames.
Bambi_Unbridled | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 19, 2016 |
I had such a difficult time getting into this book, more than 100 pages in, and once there, I only really finished just to see how it ended. There was a lot of back and forth with the POV which seemed confusing to me.
seanbata | 11 reseñas más. | Jun 14, 2015 |
The plot of this historical romance was interesting and it started out pretty good but before long they began to ruminate a lot. It seemed for every paragraph of dialog there was two pages of thinking about it and I began skimming. Julianne seeks out Patrick in Scotland and she wonders if he is really a murderer.
Dawn772 | otra reseña | Jan 29, 2015 |