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Elizabeth Lowham

Autor de Beauty Reborn

2 Obras 36 Miembros 5 Reseñas

Obras de Elizabeth Lowham

Beauty Reborn (2023) 35 copias
Astra Remade 1 copia


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I enjoyed Astra Remade! It’s a clever, gender bending twist on Rapunzel with a great redemption story. After reading Beauty Reborn, I was intrigued by Beauty’s sister Astra. She’s not the most likeable character and I was wondering how she would be redeemed. At the end of Beauty Reborn, Astra asks the blue fairy for a wish to be so beautiful that wealthy men will clamor to marry her. She gets her wish, but it’s not the boon she expected. When she has the chance to marry a King, Astra finds herself cursed and sent to a fairy realm.

The only other human in the fairy realm is a cursed prince who was sent there as a young child. No longer able to remember his name, he dubs himself Dust after the sawdust that accumulates from the wood carvings he’s learned to create. Unable to leave his tower, he bargains and trades with the fairies and other creatures to obtain what he needs. When at long last another human enters his world, he tries to find a way to escape while helping Astra as well.

I adored Dust! He was such a quiet, kind hero who finds the positive in his difficult situation. Though he desperately wants to escape his prison, he puts Astra’s needs ahead of his own. I loved the hot pepper truth game he plays with Doll and Astra. I also loved his carvings and the creatures like Bumble he befriends.

Astra grew on me as I got to know her personality and what happened to make her the way she was. I was surprised how much I enjoyed her growth throughout the story. The author did a fantastic job showing how her beauty became a curse, never able to fully express emotions while under the spell because of how they might mar her appearance, her unruly hair, and the unwanted attention. I loved how she came to love Dust and how his love & sacrifice caused her to really examine herself and want to change.

The world building was really fun. I loved all the different creatures and the magical realm. While it took me a while to fully understand everything, I loved the build up to the exciting conclusion and the way everything was resolved.

Definitely recommend to YA fantasy readers & those who enjoy fairytale retellings. While it can be read as a standalone, I suggest reading Beauty Reborn first to fully appreciate all the characters and magical setting. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided. 4-4.5 stars!
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Melissas-Bookshelf | May 1, 2024 |
Quite a superb retelling! Well written and beautifully tragic in places. The dynamics between the family members are unique to each person. I found Beauty an interesting character, with her despairs, hopes and intelligence. This story focuses mainly on her growth and success in overcoming her fears.
NatassjaEJ | 3 reseñas más. | Mar 22, 2024 |
“For all the thorns I’d faced, at last I’d found the roses.”

Fairytale retellings are definitely a favorite genre so I jumped at the chance to read this book. Beauty Reborn is a creative if darker twist on the much beloved Beauty and the Beast fairytale. It’s a story of the deepest hurts and struggles combined with second chances and hope.

The story begins much like several retellings. For me it most closely resembled Beauty by Robin McKinley and the Disney cartoon version. However, for all the similarities like the father picking the rose and Beauty taking his place, the magical castle, Beauty’s love of reading, and of course the Beast himself, there are compelling differences which drew me into the story. It’s a little confusing in the beginning because Beauty’s story switches back and forth between the past and her present circumstances, but I was soon drawn into the narrative and found I couldn’t put it down.

At first, Beauty comes off as somewhat unlikable. She’s the youngest of three sisters and thrives on her intellect. She’s often described as whimsical. But, what makes her unlikable is her personality when she becomes enamored with Stephan. All too quickly, she learns that he’s not what he seems. He leaves her so broken that she revels at the chance of going to Beast’s castle to be eaten by him. Little by little my attitude about Beauty changed as she reveals more of what happened to her. I soon understood her fears, melancholy, and distrust of not only Beast, but all men.

I absolutely loved Beast. His reason for being a beast is different than any previous retelling I’m aware of and I enjoyed the way his story is revealed through the stories Beauty reads to him. He’s extremely sensitive to Beauty’s needs and infinitely patient with her. I enjoyed the way the author portrayed Beauty’s healing process as she helps the Beast learn to read and write. I also enjoyed their play acting scenes. The ending was fast paced and I’m hoping that we’ll get Beauty’s nasty sister Astra’s story and that she’ll learn her lesson much like the Beast.

This author is definitely one to watch out for. I enjoyed her writing style and was impressed by the depth of emotion she put into the book. Just a word of warning, this book deals with some deep topics like sexual assault and the aftermath, including suicidal ideation. While the author handles this very sensitively and nothing is described in detail, I’d still recommend it for older, mature teens. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily given.
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Melissas-Bookshelf | 3 reseñas más. | May 8, 2023 |
A tale that never grows old!

Scintillating, heartfelt retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Lowham ensorcelled my heart with a story that’s creatively original in its telling, and lyrical in its execution.
Beauty has two sisters, a brother and a father whose fortunes as a merchant sank with his ship.
Forced to sell everything and live in a humble cottage near the enchanted Forest, the family endures
Beauty at seventeen is a whimsical young woman who fancies herself in love with the local Baron’s son. He asks her to marry him but she refuses due to having older sisters. They must marry first. He persists. The third time he asks and she says NO, is when he confronts her alone in the house, in her bedroom. I can say no more!
Beauty goes to cut down some wood in the Forest. She chops into a living tree. Alarmed by her own actions she bandages the cut near the root and covers it with dirt. This is her first momentary glimpse of something that looks like a blue fairy.
Her father returns from hunting in the Forest with a rose he’s taken from the castle garden for Beauty. Beauty knows her father will have to pay. She sneaks out and goes in her father’s stead, standing at the gate and calling on the Beast.
Now the storyline takes us on a journey of loss, of understanding and of wishing. Magical!

A Shadow Mountain ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
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eyes.2c | 3 reseñas más. | Apr 22, 2023 |


