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WELCOME to the final volume of a series that had trouble deciding on a consistent tone.

So this is really just the wrap up stuff. Surprise amnesia! Also ok maybe Ranaef IV wasn't awful exactly. Maybe. Poor Eclipse.

I did like that this was a strong call back to how this all began as well as an indication on how clever Ranaef V has gotten.

Um but the entire town might now be gone and it does worry me that Ranaef doesn't seem bothered that his Thieves Guild buddies potentially died.

We also get an epilogue about what Erutis is up to (Krayon in tow as a lovesick puppy, I love it), and the fact Chris did not learn his lesson at all (that poor High Cleric will never get to retire).

WAIT WE LITERALLY NEVER GOT RESOLUTION ABOUT CHRIS REMEMBERING WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS TOWN. The High Cleric and god Rased both thought it would be a really bad moment when Chris regained his memories...but he never did.

And wait so what is Erutis' backstory???


Not to mention I don't want to remember that Ranaef and Eclipse (and Krayon) will live long loves past Chris and Erutis.

lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
WELCOME to the Fourth volume of what is sure to bring my heart soon.

Mild correction we had wrapped up how Eclipse and Raenef met (ew blood, ew gross) as well as met a new Demon Lord (Krayon) at the end of volume 3. Volume 4 is basically devoted to Krayon being a poor loser and Raenef getting his Edgelord in.

We get a good inkling of just how... dangerous Raenef is as he turns Edgelord, with a great deal of confusion since...why I'd the puppy so mean now?

Also I feel like Eclipse list the battle to make Raenef a great and terrible demon lord when they adopted two humans who constantly belittle their efforts.

AND BOOKS DON'T MAKE YOU DEADLY FOR NO REASON. even if it did warn Raenef first.
lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
WELCOME to the fifth volume of this crazy ride called Demon Diary - and to the actual plot doing plot things.

So a book turned Ranaef cold and evil (aka a "True Demon Lord")...which no one likes. Least of all Eclipse.

Sadly that Ranaef is AN ADORABLE PUPPY compared to the TRUE RANAEF that shows up at the end Apparently curses are difficult things to circumvent and instead of, yanno, actually killing Ranaef IV, they sort of summoned his son born 3500 years later to do the job for them. Sort of.

Look I don't remember this at all and if 34 year old Lexie is having issues you can be DAMN SURE 19 year old Lexie didn't understand.

Anyhow Eclipse looks Mondo unhappy, Erutis is confuzzled and Chris is just...conflicted.
lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
WELCOME as we embark upon volume 2 of this series. In this volume we meet Chris, the one day High Cleric of Rased who is one egomaniacal threat away from being the villain of the world.

We changed writers in this volume, though the tone stays pretty much the same. COMEDY, darkness, COMEDIC DEATH THREATS, horrifying realities of being a demon lord. So forth abd so in.

Erutis takes something of a back seat here since we spend a good chunk of the book watching Raenef fumble around and not get treated like a serious Demon Lord.

He's such a PUPPY. So happy to meet people and have new playmates. Poor Eclipse has become a den mother...(Eclipse's and Chris's master/adoptive father Hajem, current Head Cleric, spend some amusing moments commiserating over the fact they both have such DUMB guys to watch over.)

By the end Eclipse is stuck with another mouth to feed.
lexilewords | Dec 28, 2023 |
WELCOME to what is possibly one of my favorite Korean comics. Well top ten - in recent years I've started to read quite a few more. It's also one of those heel turn comics that seriously likes to pivot back and forth in comedy and darkness.

We have Raenef, Fifth of his name, Demon Lord and puppy. Likes: making Eclipse smile, sleeping, eating and sparkles. Dislikes: hard work, blood, terrorizing folk.

Eclipse, pretty grand demon with lots of power and some sort of bad luck. Likes: terrorizing mortals, smacking Raenef, being a badass Demon General. Dislikes: humans, clerics, knights, Raenef's puppy-ness

We also meet...Erutis? I honestly remember how to spell her name so we'll go with that. A Knight who attacks Raenef and nearly dies not because of him but from exasperation that HE is the Demon Lord.

First book is pretty much information heaven. Lots about what demons should be like as well as world background.

Two short stories are included, also drawn by KARA - Crystal Heart which dear lord it's dark and Terra which holy stars it's darker. They're not written by the same person as Demon Diary (tho...I think that person may leave after this volume?) but it does give you a good idea of how freaking dark Demon Diary gets.

Fun fact: Kelly Sue DeConnick, yes she of Bitch Planet and Captain Marvel, was the English adapter of this for TokyoPop back in the day (2003). How cool right?
lexilewords | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 28, 2023 |
WELCOME to the penultimate volume of Demon which this poor kid can't catch a break.

So things seem to be going well, shit happens, Chris is useful and poor Erutis is sidelined largely because let's face it she's too powerful and WHAM your previously dead father is like nah brah I'm just gonna kill you and take your place.

What do you do?

Well hopefully remember a lesson that will save everyone's life! And if not, just hope that your friends will save you.

Except Chris, who's two minutes of usefulness ends about how you'd expect.

I was rather surprised, Ranaef IV explained things fairly well and I felt for Eclipse's decision here. It's hard to know what's right when your choices are not WRONG either way by the standards you live by, but feel wrong by the standards you believe in.
lexilewords | otra reseña | Dec 28, 2023 |
WELCOME to the third volume and the first real inkling that holy stars this shit is messed up. So Chris is, more or less, settling in when BAM we meet Leeche.

Daughter of a lord and complete brat she takes it upon herself to go hunt down Raenef and defeat him. Except... she's a kid. And she likes how Raenef looks.

Plus let's face it what exactly makes him so BAD? He can't even reign terror down on those vowing to kill him never mind innocent folk.

So Eclipse ends up with YET ANOTHER mouth to feed. I guess Raenef is pretty rich...

We also get the first part of how Eclipse and Raenef met! Let's just say Raenef the Fourth was a dummy.
lexilewords | otra reseña | Dec 28, 2023 |
Fun manhwa within a well-developed world, but a little seemed lost in translation.
bookwyrmm | Sep 10, 2020 |
The spirit of Raenef IV has returned and charges Chris with the duty of battling the evil Raenef V in an attempt to reconcile to two halves of his personality. Unfortunately it soon becomes clear that the spirit of the former Raenef isn't as altruistic as he has let on and Eclipse must make a choice between his former master and the cuter, cuddlier current demon lord.

This is certainly a drama that just doesn't take itself too seriously. Just when things get too serious...we have a panel with floating kitties. I continue to enjoy both the plot line and the artwork. Although there isn't much to the backgrounds, it is the characters that I really enjoy (along with those floaty kitties). I continue to enjoy the relationship between Eclipse and Raenef. This manga left off in such a way that you really have to wonder just what will happen next. I'm looking forward to it!
Jenson_AKA_DL | otra reseña | Aug 13, 2009 |
In this third volume of the quirky series we get to see how Eclipse was finally convinced that Raenef is indeed, a demon lord. This is followed by a segment where the spoiled daughter of a lord takes the place of a sacrifice in order to try and destroy Raenef. Of course, Eclipse is afraid this is just going to lead to one more mouth to feed in Raenef's growing and unusual menagerie. We also get to learn a bit more about Chris and how he fits in to the prophesy rendered by his god, Rased, about a coming change in the demon hierarchy.

All in all this series has thus far been an entertainingly light fantasy. Both Eclipse and Raenef are wonderful characters, each at opposite ends of the personality spectrum although they do seem to compliment each other. I'm certainly looking forward to reading more!
Jenson_AKA_DL | otra reseña | Aug 4, 2009 |
the book is so funny. I love it.
novelandmangacrazy | 3 reseñas más. | Jul 20, 2009 |
Like many manga, Demon Diary, vol. 1, has multiple stories. The main story is about Raenef, a newly-made demon lord who is a bit slow on the uptake, as well as having a generous nature unbecoming of a demon lord. However, Raenef is "blessed" to have Eclipse as a tutor. Soon their relationship becomes closer than that of teacher to student and Eclipse becomes more of mentor, surprised to find that he truly cares for Raefnef. The story ends with Eclipse returning to the stronghold to find that Raenef, after being left alone for only a short period of time, has all but welcomed a knight as a henchman.

This volume contained two bonus stories. In "Crystal Heart" the author takes a look at the delicate nature of love, especially when true love is only one-sided. The reader finds a certain horror in learning the extent that Mano will go to in order to give Monika what he wants. In the second bonus selection, "Terra", there is a goddess whom has been sacrificed in order to bring back balance to the earth after all the destruction and pollution has brought death to the planet. However, the keeper of the goddess, Terra, falls in love with her and frees her so that they may be together. This once again threatens the safety of the planet. This story is about how this crisis is resolved by a mage and his young guide.
2 vota
Phoenix333 | 3 reseñas más. | May 18, 2009 |
I read the first volume so far and it's pretty good.
SilentAngel | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 18, 2008 |
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