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Peter Levenda is a well-known author of many published works on esoteric subjects, including the Ibis Press titles: Tantric Temples: Eros and Magic in Java; The Dark Lord: H.P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic; Tantric Alchemist: Thomas Vaughan and the Indian Tantric mostrar más Tradition. mostrar menos


Obras de Peter Levenda


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I Love Peter Levenda. The man has a practical working knowledge of the occult yet shows no signs of gullibility or touchy feely mysticism. He understands that occult conspiracies are really not important until you understand the players who believe in them. Great book.
aeceyton | otra reseña | Aug 18, 2017 |
Lovecraft Code by Peter Levenda is an occult thriller that features mystery, suspense, action and more.

Like a roller coaster, Lovecraft Code starts out at a steady pace laying the context for the book, picks up speed as the mystery deepens, changes directions through different historical narratives, and just when one thinks things are likely to slow down the book then spirals off into a new direction.

The attention to detail the author features in making this book feel realistic is superb. With a story woven through different time periods but which ultimately coalesces in the present, Levenda merges many seemingly disparate subjects into his first fictional opening salvo that leaves the reader wanting more.

If you enjoy topics such as H.P. Lovecraft esoterica, secret cults, spycraft, necromancy, and all of this with a dash of remote viewing, Nazis, ancient archaeology with additional topics to boot, then this book is for you.

If you've read Levenda's gamut of work, which admittedly encompass many various disciplines, then you should appreciate this.

Lovecraft Code, which was originally to be named Lovecraft Codex but Levenda had to change it, does a rather trenchant job in bringing about a believable backdrop upon various esoteric subjects in an interplay of events that makes you question whether the book is fact written as fiction...or something else entirely.

Now, if you happen to have never read any of Levenda's work, but still appreciate H.P. Lovecraft's work, give this a shot. Levenda does a very commendable job in continuing "The Call Of Cthulhu" mythos but in a very modernized and yet precise setting.

The characters are believable, the story flows rather well, the historical individuals/backdrops the author chooses to include at certain junctures gives the book an even more vibrant feel. Heck, Levenda even deftly interlaces H.P. Lovecraft himself, as well as Himmler for a minute!

With all things considered, this book does not read like someone's first fictional novel. Lovecraft Code feels like a book composed by a seasoned writer of fiction. Then again, some might argue that Levenda has written books before, and that's correct. However, just because someone can write non-fiction books doesn't mean they can execute fictional ones. There are plenty of disasters out there, and this one is not one of them.

As a follow up to H.P. Lovecraft's renown " The Call Of Cthulhu" this book gets two thumbs up - and a few tendrils! - for a job well done. Definitely looking forward to more work from Levenda in the future.
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ZyPhReX | Jan 5, 2017 |
Qual è stato il ruolo della magia nella storia del Terzo Reich? Quanto hanno influito occultismo ed esoterismo sulle scelte di Hitler? Quali sono i presupposti dell'ideologia neonazista ancora oggi così viva? Su questi e su tanti altri inquietanti interrogativi indaga Satana e la svastica: una storia completa ed esaustiva dei retroscena e delle radici più oscure del movimento nazista, che mostra come il pensiero di un'ampia rete di occultisti diffusa in tutta Europa tra Ottocento e Novecento abbia influenzato notevolmente Hitler. Con grande imparzialità e sguardo distaccato ma penetrante , Levenda vaglia prove e testimonianze e descrive minuziosamente azioni e pensiero di quella schiera di occultisti che si raccolsero intorno al nazismo come simpatizzanti o protagonisti attivi, anche di primissimo piano (è il caso di Himmler e delle sue 88) . Dopo la fine della guerra e il crollo del Reich, l'autore segue le tracce dei nazisti in Germania e fuori, dalle «colonie» naziste sudamericane ai gruppi giovanili di neonazisti , skinhead e sette sataniche protagonisti di tristi episodi di cronaca contemporanea.… (más)
BiblioLorenzoLodi | otra reseña | Sep 22, 2014 |
This book presents a very different view of American history, based on years of original research, not fantasy or speculation.

Some say that mankind came to North America by walking across the Bering Straits, when it was frozen, and heading south. Others say that mankind traveled across the Pacific from China or Polynesia, and across the Atlantic from Europe and the Mediterranean. If the Bering Straits point of view is "correct," then some questions come to mind. How could an Egyptian mummy, tested in 1992, test positive for cocaine and tobacco, both supposedly indigenous to America? How could the sweet potato be known throughout the Pacific Basin as early as 400 AD, when it too is supposedly indigenous to America? There are documented reports of stones found all over America, written in languages that pre-date Native Americans.

Think of "wandering bishops" as the religious equivalent of "diploma mills," schools that give diplomas to anyone. If a person can prove that their consecration as a bishop of the American Orthodox Catholic Church, or the Old Roman Catholic Church, for instance, is valid, then any rituals they perform will have just as much weight as that of a Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox bishop. These "churches" have few, if any, parishioners; what they have a lot of are American intelligence agents.

Many other questions come to mind while reading this book. Why are there no Native American tribes indigenous to the state of West Virginia? Did you know that "Kentucky" means "dark and bloody place," and that the original name for Kentucky was going to be Transylvania? Was Sirhan Sirhan the world’s first programmed assassin? Did you know that there is a section of Appalachia that is home to more than the normal number of serial killers, a sort of Bermuda Triangle for serial killers?

I really enjoyed this book (first of a series). Anyone who likes hidden history, or things that will not be found in regular history books, should read this book. It does a fine job of showing that American history has a pretty strong occult streak running through it. Very highly recommended.
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1 vota
plappen | otra reseña | Jul 28, 2007 |

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