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K-lee KleinReseñas

Autor de Lazy Sundays

40+ Obras 372 Miembros 37 Reseñas


Marlobo | 2 reseñas más. | Dec 24, 2022 |
Very cute, light-hearted story. I enjoyed it much.

I enjoyed the two mc's Cody and Jayden and pretty much figured out that Jayden was the brother of Cody's future brother in law right off the bat. The awkward breakfast the morning after was hilarious :D

Jayden was a sweetheart that Cody underestimated. For some reason as soon as I started reading the story, I got this impression that Cody was a bit effeminate, but that feeling grew less as the story progressed.

Loved the HEA. Good job :)

Penumbra1 | 2 reseñas más. | Oct 11, 2022 |
I was given Lucky in Loveland through the ‘Don’t Buy My Love’ program for an honest and unbiased review. The story is told in third person through the eyes of Lucky and Jack. The title is a good fit for the story behind Loveland, Colorado, which is connected to Valentine’s Day.

2.5 Stars

When I read the blurb, I thought this would be the perfect story for me as I like sweet stories. Unfortunately, it left me disappointed. I couldn’t connect to Lucky or Jack as characters or as a couple.

Lucky is an ex-hockey player who now teaches hockey and sports to kids in Loveland. Jack is a kindergarten teacher and artist who’s just moved to town. He left California after his parents died because of unpleasantness with his sisters. The story opens with Lucky coming to visit Jack’s class. The first chapter is completely about Jack and Lucky in the class with the kids monopolizing all the scenes. It was a slow and boring chapter and I don’t think the best way to open a book. I immediately lost interest and found myself wanting to put the book aside, which I did frequently while reading this. I also wanted to skim read but didn’t, since I signed up to review.

The author told the story mostly through monologue with little dialogue. Each character told how they felt, told what they thought and described their environment and told their feelings. I wanted to feel what the MCs felt, to get into their lives. Instead, I never could. The writing kept me floating on the surface, never pulling me in. I couldn’t identify with the MCs and couldn’t feel the connection between them. Because of this distance, the book had a hard time keeping my interest. We are told about Lucky’s character through other townspeople, but we don’t experience his emotions or history through him except by being ‘told’. We also don’t really find out much about Jack.

I often found it difficult keeping the characters straight. They didn’t have the same first letter in the name so that couldn’t have been it. After a few chapters I realized why I was confusing them. Both characters have the “ck” in their names. Close enough to make the names confusing, also they didn’t seem that much different in personality other than Lucky was more open than Jack.

There are quite a few grammar errors, extra words and missing words in this book. I could see where it looked like the author had one idea in mind how to write a sentence, then changed her mind but didn’t correct the sentence by removing the previous words. At times the added words made it confusing enough I couldn’t figure out what the sentence actually meant. It would probably be a good idea for one or two more people to go over the book to find these mistakes since there are quite a few of them. Removing them would lead to a more pleasurable and smoother reading experience.

The story became a bit more interesting with Jack getting a phone call from one of his sisters towards the end. That subplot wasn’t finished, so we’re left with a cliffhanger. It looks like there will be another book after this one so hopefully that dangling storyline with be completed. The MC’s relationship ended on what I would call a HFN rather than a HEA.

Unfortunately, this book didn’t work for me for the reasons I mentioned. But I think from the other reviews listed, that many readers have enjoyed it. If you’re the kind of reader that doesn’t notice grammar mistakes, or don’t mind only observing the MC’s emotions and lives, then you’ll probably enjoy this book. There really isn’t any angst to this. In fact, that’s what I liked about the book, the author didn’t create an over dramatic story. It’s just the everyday life of two guys getting to know each other, which I think works. Not all stories need to contain angst or make a reader cry, life isn’t always like that. But at the same time without the issues causing the angst, we need to be able to even more clearly experience a person’s emotions and sensory input, which I don't think were conveyed well with any depth.

If you’re looking for a fast, sweet, no angst read focused around Valentine’s Day, you will probably like this. I couldn’t identify with Jack and Lucky, and the story didn’t pull me in with the author’s style of writing, but I was able to finish the book. I give Lucky in Loveland, 2 Stars.

Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
I only read about half the stories in this anthology. It's mostly a mixed bag. There were a couple I really like (one particular stand-out story is Clare London's "Say a Little Prayer"), most were just ok. With such short stories, I felt a lot of the sex scenes were totally unnecessary, and some stories seemed to be set up around the sex scene, with character/plot background just to pad it out so it wouldn't be totally about gratuitous porn. Meh, most of these were not really my taste, I suppose.

J.P. Barnaby, "End of the World As We Know It". Did not finish. The age gap involving a minor really puts me off.

J.C. Chase, "Open Tackle". 2 stars. The relationship between best friends and football teammates Owen and Rory change when Owen confesses his feelings for Rory, then runs off after taking Rory's stunned silence for a rejection. A basic misunderstanding plot, really common in yaoi manga, which I find rather unrealistic and gets resolved fairly quickly.

Jaya Christopher, "Cody and the Hermit". 2 stars. Cowboy Cody pines after a former childhood friend and longtime crush when said crush returns to his hometown after several years away. I didn't really find this one believable at all. The sex scene was also clearly tacked on and didn't really add anything to the story.

Poppy Dennison, "Blindsided". 3 stars. Boxer/fighter Noah is nervous about his upcoming fight, his fellow boxer comforts him. This is a plot that I like a lot and wish I could read as a full novel. As a short story, the ending is too easy and unsatisfying and would be better if it was more developed.

Rachel Haimowitz, "Jungle Heat". 2 stars. American Ranger Pete gets captured by a drug cartel, is given cocaine and raped. The story completely falls apart at the end when the love interest (a fellow Ranger) comes to save him, confesses and suddenly everything's ok???

Jambrea Jo Jones, "Wild Blue Yonder". 2 stars. Bruce leaves his lover and fellow soldier Rick when it seems like Rick can't offer him the commitment he wants.

Marguerite Labbe, "Tears of the Sea". 2 stars. David is tied up by Liam, his crush and the husband of his husband's twin brother, in an attempt to make him remember memories he lost. An interesting enough idea but terribly executed. It dragged on way too long and wasn't particularly well-written.

Clare London, "Say A Little Prayer". 5 stars. While working a summer job, Jonathan finds a winged and naked man on the beach waiting just for him. This was a real gem of a short story and absolutely compelling from beginning to end. I like how the "mystery" unravels itself slowly and allowed for the development of some really delicious tension and heat. This was also one story where the sex scene felt like it was important and fit into the story rather than being a gratuitous scene added in. (Ironically, this is one story where I wouldn't have minded more sex-- I guess because I was very invested in the two characters.) Lovely writing and wonderful story overall. I will definitely check out more of this author's work.

M.J. O'Shea, "Bridges". 2 stars. I've read this one before, my review is here. Sweet but ultimately forgettable tale of two enemies turned lovers.

Devon Rhodes, "His Last Resort". 3 stars. A college freshman comes out to his roomate.

Andrea Speed, "My Bloody Valentine". 4 stars. Cody takes Drew to an abandoned house for some spooky fun. Super short but packs a real punch.

V.J. Summers, "Liar, Liar". DNF. Didn't like the writing.

Bryl R. Tyne, "Alipio". 3 stars. A very poetic and dream-like short story about an artist who becomes infatuated with the slave who is his model.
serru | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 6, 2022 |
Scott can hardly believe he's landed Devon. Devon's edgy and rugged, sporting long hair and tattoos. Scott, in contrast, is geeky, straight-laced, and clean-cut. He's an accountant, and he lives many of the stereotypes. So when Devon turns into more than just a one-time thing, Scott can't help his surprise. The two fall into a routine. Devon shows up on Saturday nights, and they spend all day Sunday together. Devon's company feels right to Scott, and the time they spend in bed feels even better. But Scott realizes something after several weeks--they never go out. And the one time they did, Devon cut the date short and they headed home. Already insecure about being with Devon, Scott can't help thinking that Devon is hiding something. And the truth is that he is. But it's nothing like what Scott expects.

This novella is a short and engaging read. Although it jumps in after Scott and Devon have started their relationship, there's no problem being right there with them. And the author gets us into Scott's head right away. Early on, we know of his insecurities and we know his reservations. The story is all from Scott's perspective, so we, as readers, know just as much about Devon as the character does. And that makes it even easier to understand where Scott is coming from. (Though I found that I still wanted to shake some sense into him more than once.)

The theme of trust--acting because of insecurities and misunderstandings--is strong here. Forgiveness and admitting to one's mistakes also end up at the center. While none of these themes are particularly surprising in a romance story, the strong writing makes them resonate with the reader. Making something expected feel unexpected is a hallmark of good writing. And you'll find good writing here.
crtsjffrsn | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 27, 2021 |
Plenty of 4 and 4.5 star stories in this collection. I'll definitely be returning to some of these reads when I need some fluff.
Lillian_Francis | 3 reseñas más. | Jul 26, 2021 |
Okay let me first get my frustration out of the way. That cover! Hate it.
Loved Brett and JT. A very romantic story about love and loss.
The plot device with the letter infuriated me. JT had plenty of opportunity to put the letters back. It felt contrived for a confrontion from the moment it happened. And that really is my only criticism. No, too many sex scenes but I can skim them :) S yeah the letter thing was my only criticism in an otherwise sappy romantic read.
Lillian_Francis | 3 reseñas más. | Jul 26, 2021 |
J. P. Barnaby – It's the End of the World As We Know It - ★★★✩✩
L.C. Chase – Open Tackle - ★★★★✩
Jaya Christopher – Cody and the Hermit - ★★★✩✩
Poppy Dennison – Blindsided - ★★★✩✩
Taylor V. Donovan – Heatstroke - ★★★★★
Rachel Haimowitz – Jungle Heat - ★★✩✩✩
Jambrea Jo Jones – Wild Blue Yonder - ★★✩✩✩
Lissa Kasey & Xara X. Xanakas – Sink or Swim - ★★★✩✩
K Lee Klein – Outfoxed - ★★✩✩✩
Marguerite Labbe – Tears of the Sea - ★★★★✩
Clare London – Say a Little Prayer - ★★★✩✩
Belinda McBride – Free to Fly - ★★★✩✩
Michele L. Montgomery – Tears From Above - ★★★★✩
Cherie Noel – Kiss and Tell - ★★★✩✩
Lydia Nyx – Moon Over Montana - ★★✩✩✩
M.J. O'Shea – Bridges - ★★★★✩
SJD Peterson - Innocence to the Max - ★★✩✩✩
Devon Rhodes – His Last Resort - ★★★✩✩
Jaime Samms – Mourning - ★★★★✩
PD Singer – The Boy Next Door - ★★★✩✩
Andrea Speed – My Bloody Valentine - ★★★★✩
Damon Suede – Seedy Business - ★★★✩✩
VJ Summers – Liar, Liar - ★★★★✩
Bryl R. Tyne – Alipio - ★★★✩✩
Piper Vaughn – Wanting - ★★★✩✩
Missy Welsh – You and a Billion Blue Tiles - ★★★★✩
Eden Winters – Sweet Dreams - ★★★✩✩
NannyOgg13 | 3 reseñas más. | Apr 18, 2021 |
This was an OK story. It was very short, and I didn't find myself needing more at the end. The author was able to tell the story and wrap it up pretty nicely as a whole. There was one thing I didn't get Why did they get human status? According to what I thought I read, they become human and lose their Angel status if they enter a relationship with a human. Since neither were humans, why did it follow that path in the end?, but it was sweet overall.
ktomp17 | Mar 21, 2021 |
Another "Um... what was that story about?" Two in a row. On the same day. Am I lucky or what? :/
Mrella | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 8, 2021 |
Danilo et al are forgiven too easily. What's with all the conspiracy? Sadistic much? The poor guy lived 2 years of his life away from his country and his family, lonely and miserable, without knowing that the love of his life DID love him and care for him (though at some point I started seriously doubting it).
I had to give a star for the proper use of foreign language. Not too many authors can say that they did.
3.5 stars.
Mrella | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 8, 2021 |
Plenty of 4 and 4.5 star stories in this collection. I'll definitely be returning to some of these reads when I need some fluff.
Lillian_Francis | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 24, 2021 |
Okay let me first get my frustration out of the way. That cover! Hate it.
Loved Brett and JT. A very romantic story about love and loss.
The plot device with the letter infuriated me. JT had plenty of opportunity to put the letters back. It felt contrived for a confrontion from the moment it happened. And that really is my only criticism. No, too many sex scenes but I can skim them :) S yeah the letter thing was my only criticism in an otherwise sappy romantic read.
Lillian_Francis | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 24, 2021 |
As one of the group who worked on editing and proofing these stories and helped put the anthologies together I might be considered biased, but these anthologies are definitely worthy of the 5 star rating.
ShazOV | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 10, 2021 |
In reality a 4.5 star rating, just can't quite make it 5.

First of all let me say that I really enjoyed this book. I wasn't sure if it would be completely angst-ridden, especially with the blurb. But while there was that constant underlying thread of loss, of sadness and grief, it wasn't overwhelming nor did it take over in the book.

What I got instead was a slow build, slow burn relationship between a grieving, guilt-ridden man and a young guy trying to find his feet. There is an age difference in play here (roughly 14 years) but at no time did I find any extreme emphasis on this, which I appreciate.

The building of the friendship and the romantic relationship between the two MC's was, as I mentioned before, very slow. Which again fit the book to a tee. I love the time that was spent getting to know each other and dealing with the past. And when Brett and JT do finally get together, it's hot and sexy just the way I like as well lol.

So why not 5 stars? Well I had a few little niggles towards the end. Certain issues did seem resolved a little quicker than I think was realistic and once or twice I questioned an action or response. But overall this is a fantastic read that I would recommend for lovers of hot, sexy cowboys....
ShazOV | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 10, 2021 |
Bookbee1 | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 23, 2020 |
Bookbee1 | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 23, 2020 |
What a sweet, gentle, and utterly romantic story! Both Nando (whose stage name is Diamond) and Max have pasts they'd rather not talk about, but as soon as Max's insistent presence at Nando's performances opens up a whole new world for Nando, they both discover amazing things.

If you like-slow romances, if men who challenge themselves to try new things intrigue you, and if you're looking for a read that is as sweet as it is heartwarming, then you will probably like this free short story.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
The idea of separating your life into types of moments is interesting, and Bryan, one of the main characters in this story, has got that art down to a science. And when too many moments get filed under “awful” or worse, especially ones involving Chrys (his best friend and partner on the force), he knows it is time to take action. Except the idea of owning up to his long-held feelings for Chrys scare him to death and he keeps finding excuses. Watching him come to terms with his love for a man, struggling every inch of the way, was as nerve-wrecking as it was ultimately rewarding. I loved the suspense and the way K-lee Klein handled a tough “to come out or not to come out, that is the question” situation.

Bryan maybe a great cop, but his personal life is a bit of a mess. It looks like he’s got it more or less together after divorcing his wife in an amicable way. But inside Bryan, there is a lot of unrest. Chrys taking a couple of bullets for him is a true wake-up moment, and he finally admits, at least to himself, that he loves Chrys. But him looking for “the perfect” moment to tell Chrys that he has realized he loves him is counterproductive and seems to take forever.

Chrys lets slip that he loves Bryan when he is totally drugged and talking to his father, only hours after the shooting and still in the hospital. He has no idea Bryan is in the room, but his inadvertent admission may be the final nudge Bryan needs to come to terms with the fact he loves a man – and not just any man, but his best friend and partner at work.

If you like stories about previously married bisexual men coming to terms with the fact they are in love with a man, if two cops struggling to find a new normal sound interesting, and if you’re looking for a read that is as emotionally draining as it turns out to become hot and uplifting, then you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Amber Allure for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
After all the angst (on a relationship level) of book one—with Bryan afraid to come out, then determined to be courageous and tell his best friend the truth, then terrified to lose him, etc.—book two is a true emotional reward. It was great to see Bryan and Chrys get along so well physically, and their struggle with everything else is only to be expected. Going from best friends to lovers in everyday life is not an easy transition for these two men. Mickey (Bryan’s five-year-old son) is back as well, and he was definitely a delightful addition to all the increasing cuteness.

Bryan has come a long way. He has jumped into loving Chrys with single-minded determination, but the loving part is easy compared to figuring out the “living with a man” part. Small misunderstandings crop up all over the place—which is exactly what might happen in real life. Bryan is still fairly unsure about how to deal with their relationship when facing others (his son and ex-wife as well as guys at work), and his insecurity shows up on more than one occasion.

Chrys has changed from the gung-ho guy looking for danger in every corner. Well, at least his intention has changed. He is still very protective of Bryan, but I can’t blame him for wanting to make sure his new boyfriend is around for a very long time. He has as many problems figuring out the exact nature of their relationship as Bryan. Not the physical part, that is easy. But Chrys hasn’t had a long-term relationship before, so he is stumbling along just as much as Bryan, if for different reasons. Luckily, they are “fumbling in the dark” (pun intended) together.

If you liked ‘Never the Perfect Moment’ where these two men meet and become lovers, if you want to know what’s next for the two sexy cops, and if you’re looking for a read that is as entertaining and funny as it is hot, then you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Amber Allure for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |

OK, if I had a shelf titled Over-The-Top-Sticky-Sweet-M/M-Romance-In-The-Best-Possible-Way that is where this book would live. [b:Unbreak My Heart|18308403|Unbreak My Heart|K-lee Klein||25803782] is off-the-charts romantic and had two MCs I absolutely adored. I cried during the first 10 pages of this book, while reading a letter MC Brett had written to his dead lover Walt. I almost decided to stop reading, thinking it would be too emotional, but I kept going and I was rewarded with a beautifully emotional tale of two men falling in love. This is going right on my fuck yeah, 5 stars shelf because it is one of the most romantic books I have ever read, M/M or M/F. You are going to fall head over heels for Brett and MC J.T. No question in my mind.

If you like reading about friendship that turns into deep, emotional love, couples that wait until there is an emotional connection before having sex, broken down cowboys full of guilt and shame, overbearing but well meaning best friends and country Momma's, and more romance than you can shake a stick at, I can HIGHLY RECOMMEND [b:Unbreak My Heart|18308403|Unbreak My Heart|K-lee Klein||25803782] to you. I loved this fucking book!!!
gigi9988776 | 3 reseñas más. | Aug 25, 2014 |

I am officially in sequel heaven! Everything I loved about Unbreak My Heart was in this fantastic follow up along with a few new surprises and revelations. It was a short read that was incredibly romantic and overflowing with passion and is absolutely a must read if you enjoyed the first book. I've got my fingers and toes crossed Ms. Klein continues Brett and JT's wonderful story with more books in this series.

Highly, highly recommended! 5 stars, favorites shelf, fuck yeah, 5 stars shelf.

gigi9988776 | Aug 25, 2014 |
This was a well written novel that was not for me. Riley's lies/omissions made him an unlikeable character and all I kept thinking was Josh deserved someone better. 2.5 stars.
Penny01 | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 1, 2014 |
Fun rocker/Band love story. 3.5 stars
Penny01 | otra reseña | Feb 1, 2014 |
Funny tale about two men and the drama of bringing a baby(s) into their lives.
Penny01 | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 1, 2014 |