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A very good practical, on-point introduction about flashes
gabrielrondelli | otra reseña | Jun 2, 2024 |
I have LR 3 and have looked at the latest version, LR CC. This book seems to have 90%of all you need to know.
lcl999 | otra reseña | Oct 16, 2022 |
Pretty good resource and reference for Adobe's Lightroom computer application. It goes into techniques and procedures that one needs to know to use Lightroom efficiently and effectively. There are many illustrations and the explanations are easy to follow. Best used with your own copy of Lightroom so that the reader can reinforce learning.
buffalogr | May 14, 2020 |
As always, an easy and quick read. I have read other articles and instructions for flash and struggle to grasp it. This book has helped solidify the flash concept for me. It was extremely helpful, like all his books.
RunsOnEspresso | otra reseña | Mar 25, 2020 |
Excellent as usual. I marked several pages with ideas in mind to test on old photos. I feel this was a pretty straight forward, simply Photoshop tutorial.
RunsOnEspresso | Mar 25, 2020 |
It was well written and had a lot of useful information. I was hoping for more on how to decide settings and how the camera and light work together.
RunsOnEspresso | Mar 25, 2020 |
love all the tips for post processing, which is what I need the most help with!
RunsOnEspresso | otra reseña | Mar 25, 2020 |
While I consider my self more of a nature photographer than portrait photographer I want to up my game on portrait photos and there is a lot of info here. Of course it begs for the complementary text on using flash for portraits.
Great to see how much can be done without flash.
In many ways this is all about light with selection of lenses and camera settings all secondary to taking advantage of light.
waldhaus1 | Dec 9, 2019 |
Lighting and portraits is the primary focus
deldevries | otra reseña | Aug 25, 2019 |
A good book if you are getting into landscape photography. Scott covers much ground in a manner that is accessible, and full of humor. This is fun

Don't expect any in-depth treatment of the subject. I assume that this would be beyond the scope of the book.

Having said that, he does give a lot of useful tips, and these are scattered through the book.

So yes, go ahead. Read it. It's a fun read. If you are an instructor and want to teach someone the basics, then this is a valuable resource.
That is another reason to buy it! I am glad I did!
RajivC | Jul 21, 2019 |
I did find this interesting and it does have some good tips for people starting out with wanting to take photos that are more than random snaps.
This has some use to people with a point-and-click camera, but you'd get more out of it if you had one where you can change the lenses, etc (which I don't).
The book has also been out for a while now, so technology has evolved since it was published.
The basic skills it teaches are solid, though. Composition, lighting, how to avoid blurring, etc. I'm sure I've absorbed some new, useful information to get more good shots. What was a pleasant surprise is that some things I do intuitively are recommended anyway, so it was good to be validated on some aspects I already employed.
AngelaJMaher | 16 reseñas más. | May 12, 2019 |
Scott Kelby, the world's #1 bestselling Photoshop author, and the man who changed the Photoshop and digital photography world with his ground-breaking, award-winning "Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers" unveils an exciting, brand new way of thinking, and working in Adobe Photoshop that will not only change the industry again, but it will change the way we all work in Photoshop forever, so we can finally spend less time fixing our images, and more time finishing them.
mimelda | 4 reseñas más. | Oct 7, 2018 |
The first of a series. These are great snippets to pick up again and again.
deldevries | 16 reseñas más. | Jan 31, 2016 |
Solid information, went out and bought Volume 1!
deldevries | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 31, 2016 |
deldevries | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 31, 2016 |
Kirjaan on koottu satoja ammattimaisia digivalokuvaukseen liittyvää neuvoa, ohjetta ja vinkkiä.
jesse.rokka | Dec 15, 2015 |
From the back of the book:

This entire book is written with a brilliant premise, and here’s how Scott describes it: "If you and I were out on a shoot, and you asked me, 'Hey, how do I get this flower to be in focus, but I want the background out of focus?' I wouldn't stand there and give you a lecture about aperture, exposure, and depth of field. In real life, I'd just say, 'Get out your telephoto lens, set your f/stop to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and fire away.'

Mission accomplished. Fantastic photography resource.
liso | 16 reseñas más. | Sep 18, 2015 |
This book does not include the fundamentals, just a lot of special effects. Illustrations of tweaking do not show any change whatsoever, poor printing quality control probably. Topics such as simulating lens flare and adding fake grain are covered. Hey, I did not acquire good equipment to want to add those? I do not know anyone who would. The vignetting affect cannot be seen. Instead it looks like a simple adjustment of too much contrast. Poor quality control apparently in the book's printing or the examples chosen. A more important topic for a high-end book on this software would be how to get the lasso tool functioning again with the newest computers which have multiple input devices interfering with the mouse lasso function.
billsearth | Aug 28, 2015 |
This book was fantastic. Scott's approach to writing and teaching are great because he does things the way you do them in real life, not in some arbitrary sequence.
cmoewes | 4 reseñas más. | Nov 15, 2014 |
If you know Scott Kelby from his photography books, you'll know he has a very down-to-earth friendly way of writing - it's just like a friend talking. He wrote this book as an obligation to his belief that he should share his beliefs, and it's not that preachy or adamant or scary. It's kind of like Christianity 101, a beginner's guide to help you dip your toe in the water. As such, it's not very deep or insightful, but if you're curious about what a non-evangelical evangelist would sound like, this is a good example.
NellieMc | Apr 8, 2013 |
Great little hands on book which clearly demonstrates how to do all sorts of useful things with your iPod and iTunes store.
ruric | otra reseña | Dec 30, 2012 |
When you buy an expensive, professional program like Photoshop cS6, it is worth the time and expense to learn the ins and outs in an organized fashion. Sure, you can use what is self-evident and intuitive, but you won’t get anywhere near the full value of the product. Also, you will waste lots of time, unnecessarily.

Scott Kelby’s Photoshop CS6 book supplies this needed methodical training for digital photographers. The book is well made, with tons of enlightening, beautiful color photos printed on nice, glossy paper. The chapters allow you to pick and choose areas of expertise. You aren’t required to follow the book from A to Z. Instructions are clear and processes are broken down into logical steps that work. The “Photoshop Killer Tips” at the end of each chapter are worth the price of the book.

This book may be overkill for some. Not everyone shoots and edits video clips or creates HDR images (if you don’t know what they are you probably don’t need this chapter). However, the content provides enough valuable instruction to merit the purchase by amateurs, as well as professionals. For example, your female subjects would really appreciate retouching to soften skin and remove blemishes but also to sharpen and add contrast and brightness to eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes. Also, if you don’t know how to use “content-aware fill” you’re missing something very important!

A nice extra is that Kelby has a sense of humor, and incorporates a tough of weirdness in this book. Each Chapter has a short intro that really doesn’t relate to the Chapter. These few paragraphs are a bit of Kelby’s “stream of consciousness.”

Note: the introduction preceding Chapter one entitled, “Seven Things You’ll Wish You Had Known Before Reading This Book,” gives you a link to the Kelby Training website where you can download images allowing you to follow along with the book, at no extra cost, of course. This eliminates the need for including a CD in the book, and vastly improves the instruction.½
1 vota
brendajanefrank | Oct 15, 2012 |
Some genuinely useful and valuable SLR photography tips. I don't really get along with Scott's humour I'm afraid but, after the first chapter, it doesn't really get in the way.
Grid78 | 16 reseñas más. | Jan 19, 2012 |
Scott Kelby, jeden ze světově nejprodávanějších autorů populárních knih o fotografování, digitální fotografii a jejích úpravách, přidal třetí díl k předchozím Digitální fotografie 1 a 2. Kniha je koncipována opět stejným, v praxi již osvědčeným způsobem: na každé stránce jeden praktický tip, žádné teoretizování nebo zbytečné a zdlouhavé vysvětlování. Vše se odehrává ve stylu: „Chceš dosáhnout toho nebo onoho? Udělej to tak a tak.“ Scott sám v knize píše: „Já vám řeknu co a jak máte udělat, co a kde zmáčknout. A až dokážete dělat lepší fotky a bude vás skutečně zajímat teorie, jděte a kupte si některou z těch skvělých výkladových knih o fotografování.“ Třetí díl navazuje na oba díly předchozí, přináší nová témata (např. řešení problémů nebo sportovní fotografii) a rozšiřuje a doplňuje obě předchozí knihy (především v kapitolách o blescích, fotografování ve studiu, portrétní fotografii atd.). Na konci knihy samozřejmě nechybí několik receptů, návodů na to, jak vyfotit právě uvedený snímek.

Kniha je prostoupena nezaměnitelným Scottovým humorem a ironií, které někteří čtenáři milují a jiní je nedokážou přijmout. Občas se setkám s otázkou: „Není ten autor nějaký divný?“ – ne, nemyslím si to, Scott věcem kolem fotografování prostě rozumí, a proto si může dovolit vykládat je velmi jednoduše, bez berliček velkého teoretizování a přehnané odbornosti. Prostě: „... světlo postavte sem, expozici nastavte tak a tak, a výsledek bude přesně takový, jaký ho chcete mít.“ Kniha je určena všem zájemcům o fotografování.
guano | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 16, 2012 |
Scott Kelby, autor bestselleru Digitální fotografie, přichází s pokračováním, které navazuje přesně tam, kde první díl skončil. Kniha obsahuje zcela nová témata, o která Scotta čtenáři po dočtení prvního dílu žádali. Mezi ně patří například: fotografování s bleskem, fotografování portrétů, makra a také tipy pro vybudování vlastního studia.

Scott vám opět přináší rady, u nichž zjistíte „Aha, takže takhle to dělají“, oproštěné od složité odborné mluvy. Na rozdíl od jiných – skvělých – autorů se Kelby příliš netrápí vysvětlováním, řídí se spíše heslem: „Chceš vyfotit tohle? Udělej to tak a tak.“

Každá strana je opět věnována samostatnému problému, jehož zvládnutí zlepší váš fotografický um. Po otočení další stránky se dozvíte více o nastavení fotoaparátu, vhodných pomůckách a tricích, která pomohou vaše snímky přeměnit v „umělecká díla“. Scott vám také vysvětlí, které tlačítko na fotoaparátu zmáčknout, jaké nastavení použít a kdy je použít.

S téměř dvěma sty fotografických rad a vychytávek vám tato kniha pomůže vytvářet lepší, ostřejší a barevnější fotografie.
guano | 2 reseñas más. | Jan 16, 2012 |