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In una cittadina del profondo sud, dove il Klu Klux Klan l'ha sempre fatta da padrone, un proprietario terriero appoggia il movimento nazista. Il Klan lo condanna a morte. L'uomo si difende e nella battaglia si trova accanto lo sceriffo locale disgustato dalle troppe malefatte della setta. Finale tragico. (fonte: retro del dvd)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 3 reseñas más. | Nov 25, 2023 |
A tiny southern city has only been rocked by a catastrophe: a young girl was raped. The snowy city fathers immediately announce the attacker had to be black, and put the blame on Garth, a young black guy. Assuming that the guys in white sheets are not intent on holding a fair and unbiased trial, Garth happens to the forests as the Klansmen lynching party hunts him down. (fonte: Imdb)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 28, 2023 |
A local Sheriff tries to keep the peace as racial strife hits his small Alabama town as tensions boil over when a black man is accused of raping a white woman. (fonte: Imdb)
MemorialeSardoShoah | 3 reseñas más. | Feb 22, 2022 |
A couple sharpshooters go on a crime spree.

2.5/4 (Okay).

This is remarkably similar to "They Live by Night," which was released the previous year (and which I coincidentally watched last month). This movie has a better story, following a traditional tragedy arc rather than They Live By Night's inescapable existential doom. And the action scenes here are handled better. But They Live By Night had a better cast; it had a love story and a sort of warmth that really made you care about the characters. This movie is stock Noir characters being horny and making bad decisions.

(May 2021)
comfypants | otra reseña | May 21, 2021 |
People either love or hate this book. While I like Vonnegut, Catch-22, etc, this book is unique. And entertaining. Kaufman's word choice is fantastic (yeah. he uses big words. Get over it and learn something) and he has great characters (a zany egyptologist who only wears dirty bathrobes, for example) and absurdly comical locales (a porn studio, old mansion, etc), and the circumstances that get the main character to Iraq are great. Tried to explain this book to a friend and came off sounding like a crazy person. The second half isn't as good but I was still more than willing to push through it and get to the end. Over all, I found this book entertaining, thought-provoking, and different.

(And better than his second book, Misadventure)
ellahill | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 25, 2012 |
This was the second (and last, as he died before it was published) book by Kaufman, who wrote Bowl of Cherries in his nineties. I liked Bowl of Cherries better -- I found it's craziness a little more entertaining and the vocabulary/word choice was just fantastic (in a $10 word kind of way). That, said, this was still a very enjoyable book (and unlike Bowl of Cherries, had a good second half). Whereas Bowl of Cherries was more Vonnegut, this is more Coen brothers.

Noir genre, ambiguously set in the 80s in LA, murder mystery: Jack Hopkins is a real estate agent with a checkered past, an obnoxious boss, whiny girlfriend, and what seems to be a life of a hit man in front of him. A real estate mogul wants Jack to kill his wife, while his wife (our femme fatale) has offered to pay Jack $10 million to kill her husband. But then she turns up dead. Add in private islands, monkeys, illicit affairs, murder, rubies, backstabbing and dealmaking and it's an interesting, fast-paced read. This is more than just a murder mystery -- the characters are great in and of themselves and the ending is more than a "voila the murderer is revealed" type of ending (it's deeper).

I'd give this a B+. It's a rare combination of a quick read with actual substance, the characters are great, and I was entertained. It's a pleasant weekend read, but not life-altering or going to stick with you for years to come. Kaufman is such a great storyteller, you wonder what he would've done with an A+ plot.
1 vota
ellahill | otra reseña | Oct 25, 2012 |
Comic noir about a real estate agent entangled in a very messy domestic menage-a-trois leading to several murders and other shenanigans. Stylishly written with a cast of eccentrics and losers, it's like GlenGarry Glen Ross crossed with Fargo. Fun from the cocreator of Mister Magoo. See my full review at my blog here:
1 vota
bostonbibliophile | otra reseña | Sep 13, 2010 |
This short novel is such fun and so depressing to read--it's a true satire and reminded me of "Catch 22" in its spoofs of the military but is about much more than those misadventures. Kaufman is--not surprisingly, given his roots in comics--a genius at coming up with iconic images for his young prodigy's misfortunes. The larger than life totems constructed of dung that represent other characters in the novel will in particular stay with you. Not a perfect novel, but pretty nearly a perfect satire--so 5 stars!
buckcheek | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 24, 2008 |
This novel is purportedly the first by the 90 year old screenwriter and WWII veteran. How he made it through a career in Hollywood -- including creating the character Mr. Magoo -- without writing a book, especially a book about all his adventures, is unclear. Nevertheless he's put together a very, very young, light novel. The book is unique and important--as an extension of the frivolous and unexpected meanderings of a Michael Chabon or Thomas Pynchon admixed with the theatricality and cinematics one would find in a feature film.

The vocabulary is startling. Without feeling like he's inventorying a daily super-hard word calendar, he's pushing the reader to consult her dictionary. Turning bits like 'phonetic dandyism' and 'lobotomized Esperanto so piss-elegant they self-destruct on the tongue into parody". However, the book seemed to tawdry and liscivious, gratuitously so. This was a turn-off, and continued throughout.

The book is set in a mix of locales, including Iraq - an interesting and in itself humorous and ironic choice in our contemporary Age. In all, perhaps not in a class of its own, it is certainly an original worth reading.
shawnd | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 19, 2007 |
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wdjoyner | otra reseña | Aug 22, 2010 |
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