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18 Obras 176 Miembros 3 Reseñas

Obras de Eric Jourdan


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Les mauvais anges is the story of teenage cousins Pierre and Gérard whose friendship develops into a passionate and all-consuming love affair during one of those idyllic long summer holidays in the country that French fiction does so well. With hindsight, one of the most remarkable things about it is that it was written when Jourdan was only sixteen (but that probably didn't seem so odd in 1955, given that an eighteen-year-old had taken the world by storm with Bonjour Tristesse the previous year).

One of the least remarkable things about Les mauvais anges, sadly, is that the book's "immoral content" immediately drew the attention of the authorities. France didn't exactly have literary censorship in the 1950s, but the committee that examined the book was able to ban booksellers from displaying the book or selling it to minors, so it was effectively killed, apart from translations and a few limited editions published by private subscription. A second attempt to publish it failed in 1974, and it was only with the 1985 reissue that you could buy it over the counter. (The introduction of the French edition speculates that the extreme length of this ban was at least partly due to defeatism or lack of interest from Jourdan and his French publisher - after all, they could have pointed to what Genet had got away with doing in print without any official interventions...).

So, how does it hold up? Not surprisingly, the many critics who contributed fore- and afterwords to the two editions I have all see it as a triumph of lyrical, passionate writing, a milestone in gay literature, etc. Up to a point, they are right. There is a freshness and originality, especially in the early chapters where the boys are discovering the nature of their attraction for each other, that really stands out. It is pretty obvious that Jourdan didn't have any good models to work from, and was forced to do without the repertoire of clichés we might expect. It is a stunningly vivid description of two teenagers with nothing else in their heads apart from sex, sex, sex and sex. But, as the book progresses, Jourdan seems to run out of steam a bit. He doesn't really manage to turn Pierre and Gérard into clearly distinct characters. They swap roles and attributes all the time, until you are puzzled to tell which is which. When one of them observes "We are Romeo and Romeo, we are Tristan and Tristan" I felt that he had hit the nail on the head. He could equally well have said "We are Narcissus and Narcissus."

The other thing I didn't get on with in the later part of the book is the eroticisation of violence that increasingly takes over the plot. And that's largely a matter of taste. There are valid reasons for putting rapes and beatings into a novel, and there's a case for using the description of violence as a metaphor for sexual passion, but when it goes too far - as it does here - it can easily become repulsive. And it leads Jourdan into an ending that I don't suppose anyone much over the age of seventeen can take seriously as a Grand Tragic Finale.
… (más)
1 vota
thorold | otra reseña | Aug 7, 2016 |
Eric Jourdan (16 anni quando il romanzo è stato pubblicato) deve essere stato un adolescente eccezionalmente precoce sia che abbia costruito con la fantasia questa storia (o sarebbe meglio dire diario di sensazioni), sia che abbia descritto,dilatandola, la propria formazione sentimentale. Il romanzo è l'espressione di una passione totalizzante vissuta da due adolescenti che, ognuno per proprio conto e per se stesso, si raccontano il lungo momento della scoperta dell'amore. I sue soliloqui, che formano il romanzo, hanno come unico oggetto un amore sentito come esperienza assoluta, sciolta da qualsiasi compromesso con la realtà quotidiana: il mondo esterno non esiste, se non come un ostacolo ad una totale fusione dei due amanti. L'eccezionalità di quest'opera non è di natura estetrica (certi passaggi sfiorano la banalità), ma sta nella possibilità che offre di leggerla come una testimonianza diretta dei pensieri, dei turbamenti, della visione del mondo di un adolescente.… (más)
gianoulinetti | otra reseña | Jul 11, 2008 |
Saccage est l'histoire d'une initiation. Fraîcheur, jeune homme révolté et séduisant est attiré aussi bien par les hommes que par les femmes. Il sème le trouble parmi sa bande de copains et s'enfuit pour atterrir chez une bourgeoise de province, qui tombe sous le charme de sa jeunesse et de son innocence. Mais très rapidement, Fraîcheur se lasse de leurs échanges sexuels... Texte inclassable, intemporel et fulgurant, avec des scènes de sexe d'une tension rare, Saccage met en scène un personnage rimbaldien en quête de " la jouissance avant toute chose ", dans tout ce qu'elle peut offrir de beau et douloureux. Une première version de ce livre, amputée des scènes érotiques (comme si l'amour physique pouvait être dissocié des pensées et des autres actes...) est parue à la fin des années 1950. Nous le publions aujourd'hui dans sa version intégrale.… (más)
antinous | Aug 30, 2007 |


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