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Justin Joschko

Autor de Yellow Locust

3 Obras 13 Miembros 4 Reseñas


Obras de Justin Joschko

Yellow Locust (2018) 10 copias
Whitetooth Falls (2019) 2 copias


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Yellow Locust by Justin Joschko is a far future dystopia where famine and war have decimated the North American continent. Selena and Simon Flood live in the tyrannical country of New Canaan. Following the fall of the tiny, prosperous territory of Niagara, New Canaan sets sights on the Republic of California, far across the Middle Wastes. When Selena's parents acquire data on a terrifying new weapon they make plans to get it to the Republic, a last bastion of democracy. The elder Floods send their children away first, with a copy of the data, and plans to meet them within two weeks. Unfortunately, Selena learns her parents were captured and tortured. Taking Simon, she flees for California, to complete the mission herself. Unfortunately, they must pass through the Middle Wastes, the vast bulk of the continent covered in the inedible vile wheat known as Yellow Locust.

In the midst of desolation, the pair come to Fallowfield, an oasis of greenery kept free of the Yellow Locust by a chemical called Compound L. Selena tries to find passage to California, only to learn that winter snows blocked the mountains, and she'd be lucky to find a caravan til spring. Unable to earn decent money in the fields, she turns to pit fighting, a forbidden hobby of hers, and here she catches the eye of Marcus who proposes to take her on a fighting circuit to earn money, then take her to California. Before they can make proper plans, treachery forces Selena to flee Fallowfield without Simon. As she works to get back to him, things within the town begin heating up as the sharecroppers plot rebellion against the merchants who have grown fat from their labours whilst leaving them to starve.

I absolutely loved this story! Yes, it was similar to many other dystopic stories out there today. It's a current popular genre. Yet while they all share similar themes by necessity, I find most enjoyable. What can I say? I love the genre. This story has not only the war element, but the far more terrifying and implacable element of man Vs nature. The Yellow Locust wheat has taken over the continent (perhaps the world, we don't know). It is the ultimate invasive species, outgrowing and overgrowing everything, and it's completely inedible. It makes kudzu look like a darling houseplant. Despite the thoroughly decimated population, New Canaan wants to make war on far California. Like The Handmaid's Tale, New Canaan, situated in the current 'Bible Belt’ of the US, has utterly trampled everything Christianity is supposed to stand for, ripping outdated obscurities from the Old Testament alone to justify horrendous and close-minded behaviour. I love stories where such societies get thoroughly trounced, and I hope it's the case here, but we’ll have to wait til the next book to learn more.

I liked the interaction between Selena and Simon. He's only eleven, and they come to have very different beliefs about what they should do now that their parents are gone. Simon doesn't have the constitution to travel through the harsh landscape like Selena does. He's young, and he's been pampered in a way. He thinks they should stay in Fallowfield. The Mayor has even given him a job making paintings. Painting was considered folly in New Canaan, so this turn makes Simon feel useful and appreciated.

Fallowfield has its darkness too, as much as New Canaan. There's the stark class disparity, enforced by the brutal Bernard, captain of the Shepherds, the ‘lawkeepers’. Really, they are all a bunch of bullies. And there's the pit fighting, which serves as a social release valve among lower classes not just in Fallowfield, but New Canaan, and other settlements as well. That's where Marcus comes in. He's a fighter, but he recognises Selena’s talent and makes a deal with her. She helps him get the cash he needs to pay back a steep debt, and he will see her safe to California. He was my favourite character. He's quite the mercenary, but a great person to have by your side in a serious fight.

Overall, a great read, and I really want the next one now! It's definitely meant for older audiences with the graphicness of some scenes.

***Many thanks to Chapter by Chapter Tours and the author for providing an egalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.
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PardaMustang | 3 reseñas más. | Jun 9, 2018 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I liked the setting of what might be a post - ecological warfare America. Joschko could have taken that a little further - a 'prequel' could improve YL after the fact.

Some highly accomplished writer whose name escapes me has noted that adjectives can be an enemy of good writing. An author should cooperate with the reader, providing the plot and action, while the reader provides the fine details of scenery. Joschko slows the reader down excessively with adjective - laden descriptions of events. One need not "dodge and parry quickly". Such actions always take place quickly. One only needs to dodge and parry.

Joschko also can get carried away with metaphors, similes, and the like to no useful end, like in the following:

"The farms were hard to tell apart in the dark, but Simon’s target was fairly easy to spot. The silo thrust skyward like some colossus’ skeletal finger, admonishing the gods for its premature burial. Its metal skin shone bone pale in the moonlight, the patches of rust like blood stains indifferently rinsed away. Simon gripped the ladder."

This text about a silo gets a bit over the top. Action and poetry do not always mesh well.

Stylistic criticisms aside, I liked the main character and would have liked to have seen into the head of her very introverted brother further. At this moment in American history, younger people need a lot of dystopian literature to help them better grasp the dystopian disunity in our post - Obama world. They also need strong female protagonists to stay inspired to achieve in a country where half of the population has endorsed misogyny. Yellow Locust helps in meeting these needs.
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Jeffrey_Hatcher | 3 reseñas más. | May 30, 2018 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Yellow Locust is an entertaining read taking place in the dystopian setting of America split into several small republics and city states fighting for control and fertile land after the biological weapon "Yellow Locust" has destroyed most regions' supplies and grounds. The book follows the journey of the two Flood siblings, Selena and Simon Flood, who are on the run from their extremist home state New Canaan after having obtained a data stick containing New Canaan's plans to conquer the free Republic of California - the only nation able to stand against New Canaan conquering the country and turning it into an extremist nightmare.

I did enjoy the setting of the novel a lot, and the author did a great job at world building and transporting the reader into the grim setting of the book. Fans of dystopian settings and strong female protagonists will enjoy this novel.
In that point however lies the small downside that kept me from giving this book a four-star rating: Selena and Simon are too one-dimensional in their characters. Selena is always ready to fight, always strong, and never leaves fight mode which is a missed opportunity for character building and progression. Simon on the other hand is portrayed as weak and gullible, even when confronted with hard facts, and only at the end magically snaps out of it for a moment. In that point I wish this book would have taken a less black and white approach and picked up some facets on the way because it ultimately kept me from forging a strong interest in the protagonists.
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sonoKoala | 3 reseñas más. | May 8, 2018 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
You do not know this America. For this America is cruel and a wasteland of Yellow Locust, a toxic weed that destroys everything in its path. Yellow Locust is America's own biological weapon used by the kingdom of New Caanan to control the country by wiping out the crop supply and contaminating the water. However, Selena Flood and her brother, Simon, have been given information by their parents that might combat this toxic weed if they can safely make it to the Republic of California. As Selena and Simon set off on foot to complete the task set before them, they find their journey more challenging than ever. Selena must fight and Simon must learn who to trust in order to survive.… (más)
alaws | 3 reseñas más. | Apr 27, 2018 |



½ 3.4