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Brian JacquesReseñas

Autor de Redwall

167+ Obras 82,804 Miembros 476 Reseñas 128 Preferidas


Inglés (451)  Italiano (2)  Sueco (1)  Todos los idiomas (454)
I see some reports of language like hell’s teeth, hell and damn. Some violence.

Recommended for grades 5 and up.

Here is a link from Focus On The Family
FamiliesUnitedLL | 142 reseñas más. | May 5, 2024 |
A hugely entertaining book of high adventure. About a peaceful abbey fighting back against a rodent hoard, as they gain more allies in their fight, like the amusing basil. It's an highly enjoyable read, that took me no time to finish.
DragonFall53 | 142 reseñas más. | Apr 27, 2024 |
Animal fantasy
Independent reading level grades fourth through seventh
Teannawiggins21 | 142 reseñas más. | Mar 28, 2024 |
Loamhedge, the deserted Abbey, has been forgotten for countless seasons. What secrets do its ruins hold? When it becomes clear that wheelchair-bound Martha might be cured by a formula buried there, two old warriors are inspired by the spirit of Martin the Warrior himself to go on a quest for the ancient Abbey and three young rebels are determined to go with them. Meanwhile. the giant badger Lonna Bowstripe thirsts for vengeance as he relentlessly pursues Raga Bol and his murdering crew of Searats...who are on their way to attack Redwall itself. The valiant Abbeybeasts must defend their home, but how can they, when their boldest warriors are away on their quest? Will Redwall fall to vermin invaders at last?
PlumfieldCH | 6 reseñas más. | Mar 21, 2024 |
There has never been a Redwall hero quite like Rakkety Tam, the roguish Highlander squirrel who sets off for Mossflower Wood on a mercenary errand and loses his heart to the charms of Redwall Abbey. And there's never been a villain quite like Gulo the Savage: a vicious beast-eating wolverine who descends upon the Abbey in search of a relic called the Walking Stone. The return of the Long Patrol, the antics of a renegade vole thief, and the emergence of a new champion to wield the sword of Martin.
PlumfieldCH | 8 reseñas más. | Mar 21, 2024 |
Joined by Trimp the Hedgehog, Dinny Foremole, and Gonff--the ever-mischievous Prince of Mousethieves--it is that legend Martin hopes to discover when he embarks on a perilous journey to the northland shore, where his father abandoned him as a child. There, within the carcass of a great red ship--broken in half and wedged high up between pillars of stone--he finally uncovers what he has been searching for: the true story of the evil pirate stoat, Vilu Daskar, and the valiant warrior who pursued him relentlessly over the high seas, seeking to destroy Vilu at all costs, even if it meant deserting his only son.
PlumfieldCH | 5 reseñas más. | Mar 21, 2024 |
Years ago, the vermin clan of Sawney Rath kidnapped one of Redwall's own - a baby otter, destined to become their "Taggerung," a warrior hero of ancient legend. But as young Tagg grows, he rebels against his destiny. The young otter journeys in search of his birthplace, a member of Sawney's clan always near, out to destroy the deserter. With the feisty mouse Nimbalo, Tagg fends off the avenging vermin, but can he find his way back to the Redwall family from whom he was separated so long ago?
PlumfieldCH | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 21, 2024 |
The Tears of All Oceans are missing. Six magnificent rose-colored pearls, which inspire passion and greed in all who see them, have been stolen and passed from hand to hand, leaving a cryptic trail of death and deception in their wake. And now Ublaz Mad Eyes, the evil emperor of a tropical isle, is determined to let no one stand in the way of his desperate attempt to claim the pearls as his own. At Redwall Abbey, a young hedgehog maid, Tansy, is equally determined to find the pearls first, with the help of her friends. And she must succeed, for the life of the one she holds dear is in great danger...
PlumfieldCH | 7 reseñas más. | Mar 21, 2024 |
When the rat pirate Gabool the Wild attacks the mouse-ship carrying Joseph the Bellmaker, he plunders its magnificent bell in a fit of greed, and then pitilessly casts Joseph and his daughter Mariel into the raging sea. After she is rescued and brought to Redwall Abbey, Mariel sets out with three fearless Mossflower companions (and her trusty rope-weapon, the Gullwhacker) to track down Gabool and avenge her father - and thus begins an unforgettable battle!
PlumfieldCH | 17 reseñas más. | Mar 13, 2024 |
It has been four seasons since Mariel, the warrior-mouse daughter of Joseph the Bellmaker, and her companion, Dandin, set off from Redwall to fight evil in Mossflower. Nothing has been heard of them since. Then one night, in a dream, the legendary Martin the Warrior comes to the Bellmaker with a mysterious message. Clearly, Mariel and Dandin are in grave danger. Joseph and four Redwallers set off at once to aid them. As they push over land and sea, they cannot know the terrible threats they face. Will the Bellmaker and his companions arrive in time to help Mariel and Dandin?
PlumfieldCH | 18 reseñas más. | Mar 13, 2024 |
This is a kids book but written in verse and is a bit complex, Seems to have modelled itself a bit on Wind in the Willows. Great illustrations ...and that's the reason that i bought the book. I never did try reading it to my son....I don't think he would have been interested. But now, as i'm downsizing my library, it is one of the casualties. Two stars from me.
booktsunami | 6 reseñas más. | Jan 18, 2024 |
Meh, by far the weakest in the series at this point. Too much foreshadowing and pointless angst. Fine, no one likes teenagers, I got it.
Glorgana | 12 reseñas más. | Dec 27, 2023 |
A low point in Jacques otherwise delightful series. Grim, joyless, grinding, with mostly tired tropes from the previous books. The story feels like awkward fan fic, an unnecessary story shoehorned into the lore.
Glorgana | 23 reseñas más. | Dec 27, 2023 |
Love it. Not every recipe is what I had hoped (alas Deeper 'n' Ever Pie), but all are homey and approachable. The book also follows a cute narrative, and has lovely art.
Glorgana | 3 reseñas más. | Dec 27, 2023 |
The young haremaid Dotti and the badger-warrior Lord Brocktree--unlikely comrades--set out for Salamandastron together, only to discover the legendary mountain has been captured by the wildcat Ungatt Trunn and his Blue Hordes. To face them, the two must rally an army--hares and otters, shrews and moles, mice and squirrels--and execute a plan that makes up in cleverness what it lacks in force!
PlumfieldCH | 9 reseñas más. | Dec 26, 2023 |
Summary: The Badger Lord of the mountain fortress Salamandastron faces the overwheming forces of the Corpsemakers led by Ferahgo the Assassin and his son Klitch while Redwall Abbey is laid low by a deadly fever.

In this fifth book in the Redwall we are faced with the possibility of the fall of the mountain fortress of Salamandastron to evil forces and the extinction of Redwall Abbey to a deadly plague. So much will hinge on the actions of a few creatures we follow through the story.

The story begins with the restlessness of Mara, the young ward of the Badger Lord of Salamandastron, Urthstripe. She chafes under the discipline of the mountain fortress, and wanders off with Pikkle, a rogue hare with a huge appetite. They meet up with a couple of weasels who seem friendly enough that Mara invites them to dinner. Hospitality prevails but Urthstripe is suspicious and forces them to leave with the morning. He is right to do so, because they are spying out the fortress for Ferahgo the Assassin, an evil weasel who heads up a large band known as the Corpsemakers. One of them is Klitch, Ferahgo’s son, second in command, itching to take over. Mara resents Urthstripe’s coldness to her new friends and decides to run away. She is joined by Pikkle, they meet up with her weasel “friends” who take them to Ferahgo where they are held captive and questioned about the “treasure” in the mountain. They know nothing of this. Ferahgo sets his sights on conquest, eventually besieging, attacking, and through a secret agent, poisoning the food and water in the mountain.

Meanwhile, two stoats from Ferahgo’s group, unhappy with their lot, go wandering in the forests and find their way to Redwall. The Abbey, hospitable to all, welcomes them and the join a feast. That night, a storm descends, and a lightning strike looses the sword of Martin the Warrior that had been affixed to the weathervane, nearly killing Samkin the squirrel, who has been having dreams about Martin. They place it in the Great Hall by Martin’s Tapestry. The next morning the stoats are fooling with arrows in the hall and accidentally kill a brother. They flee, but before escaping, spy the sword, which they take to present to Ferahgo. Samkin and Arula the molemaid go in pursuit, only to find one dead along the way. They encounter a hermit, Furgle, who tells them it is Dry Ditch fever. They press on while Furgle goes to warn the Abbey. Too late. The sickness is spreading throughout the Abbey. Legend has it only the Flowers of Icetor in the North Mountains can cure the sickness. So Thrugg the otter, accompanied by Dumble the Dormouse set off to find the flowers, braving an attack of crows, only to find the flowers guarded by a majestic golden eagle, King MacPhearsome.

Meanwhile, Mara and Pikkle escape, and through a series of adventures join with an army of shrews. Samkin and Arula eventually join another group of shrews and recapture the sword. The groups face a lake serpent, Deepcoiler and a fearsome white badger who holds a stone sacred to the shrews. Eventually all go to relieve the beseiged forces of Salamandastron. Will they make it in time and defeat such a wily foe? And will Samkin and Arula find anyone alive should they make it back to the Abbey?

Jacques offers a clear contrast throughout the story between good and evil–courage, camraderie, hospitality, and integrity on one side and treachery, backbiting, servitude, and betrayal on the other. Even amid challenges, there is the love of goodness, of friends, and of food. Once again, Jacques creates a strong female character in Mara, as ready and courageous in battle as her guardian Urthstripe. And in a theme that has developed in these stories, the spirit of Martin continues to watch over the Abbey.
BobonBooks | 12 reseñas más. | Nov 8, 2023 |
It has been a long time since I read a Redwall book. I still enjoyed it but I can't say that it was one of my favorites.
cdaley | 9 reseñas más. | Nov 2, 2023 |
Enslaved by the evil ferret King Agarno and his daughter, Princess Kurda, the brave squirrelmaid Triss, along with Shogg the otter and Welfo the hedgehog, plans a daring escape by sea. In her flights, Triss happens upon Redwall, and the abbey creatures discover a new hero in her. Someone brave enough to carry the sword of Martin and face the evil that threatens them.
PlumfieldCH | 4 reseñas más. | Oct 31, 2023 |
The clever and greedy wildcat Tsarmina becomes ruler of all Mossflower Woods and is determined to govern the peaceful woodlanders with an iron paw. The brave mouse Martin and quick-talking mouse thief Gonff meet in the depths of Kotir Castle's dungeon. The two escape and resolve to end Tsarmina's tyrannical rule. Joined by Kinny the mole, Martin and Gonff set off on a dangerous quest for Salamandastron, where they are convinced that their only hope, Boar the Fighter, still lives.
PlumfieldCH | 38 reseñas más. | Oct 14, 2023 |
good - Elijah Heatwole
hcs_admin | 3 reseñas más. | Oct 11, 2023 |
OChiron | 18 reseñas más. | Sep 24, 2023 |
Welcome to Mossflower Wood, where the gentle mice have gathered to celebrate a year of peace and abundance. All is well...until a sinister shadow falls across the ancient stone abbey of Redwall. It is rumored that Cluny is coming--Cluny, the terrible one-eyed rat and his savage horde--Cluny, who has vowed to conquer Redwall Abbey! The only hope for the besieged mice lies in the lost sword of the legendary Martin the Warrior. And so begins the epic quest of a bumbling young apprentice--a courageous mouse who would rise up, fight back...and become a legend himself.
PlumfieldCH | 142 reseñas más. | Sep 23, 2023 |
Read at bedtime with daughter. Talking animals get into scrapes and have adventures, with much derring-do along the way. There's heroes, villains and a quest for justice, all broken into nice little digestible episodes. Just as much fun as I remembered from my childhood. Highly recommended for fantasy/adventure-loving 8-12 y.o. readers.
ropable | 38 reseñas más. | Aug 20, 2023 |
Summary: Mariel the warrior mousemaid seeks revenge against Gabool, the pirate king, with a company from Redwall, while Redwall fends off a group of pirate fugitives led by rebel Captain Greypatch.

Mariel the mousemaid awakens on the shore of the coast off of Mossflower Wood. She’d been thrown into the sea by Gabool, King of the searats, pirates headquartered in Bladegirt Fortress on Terramort Isle, in the sea to the northwest of Mossflower. Her father, Joseph the Bellmaker and she had been seized enroute to deliver a bell to Lord Rawnstripe, of Salamandastrom. She had nearly defeated Gabool when he attacked her, stunning him. Held by his underlings, she is thrown to the sea, assumed to have drowned. Knocked on the head, she remembers none of this. All she has is a rope, which she uses to fend off ravenous gulls. She dubs herself Storm Gullwacker and her rope Gullwacker.

Delivered from an attack of toads by the Long Patrol of rabbits, Hon. Rosie, Thyme, and Clary, she’s entrusted to Pakatugg the squirrel to take her to Redwall. She parts ways with the self-serving squirrel and decides to make her own way to, encountering Tarquin L Woodsorrel, an eccentric but courageous hare, who takes her there. Welcomed, bathed against her wishes, clothed, and nourished by the inhabitants, she joins in their Jubilee, during which verses are sung that are a prophesy of her–at which her memory is awakened.

She determines to go back to rescue or avenge her father against Gabool. But the companions she has met while at Redwall will not let her go along. Tarquin joins her along with Durry Quill the hedgehog and Dandin, who is carrying the sword of Martin, given him by Simeon the herbalist, prompted by a dream message from Martin. They are guided on the way by old prophecies–when they remember to pay attention to the signs. They survive many adventures, eventually finding their way to Gabool’s refuge.

Mariel is not the only one seeking revenge against Gabool. Separately, Lord Rawnstripe seeks revenge for badgers killed by Gabools searats. When a ship lands he slaughters them all and takes the ship, sailing for Terramort.

Meanwhile, Redwall faces its own challenges. Captain Greypatch, leading a group of searats who seize the Darkqueen after her previous captain, Saltar, is treacherously killed by Gabool who brooks no rivals. Gabool mobilizes his fleet to find the Darkqueen but she lands on the shore of Mossflower wood, capture Pakatugg, and the company, with their oarslaves, make their way to the outskirts of Redwall, deciding that would make a great fortress if they can displace its warriors. As at other times, bereft of their warriors, the residents of Redwall make up in resourcefulness and courage what they lack in might, confounding their enemies, who are dwindling and discontented. A courageous raid by the Long Patrol, now returned, rescues captive mice and Pakatugg, but at a cost.

Gabool is left alone in his fortress, growing increasingly paranoid, hearing the bell ring, not understanding the cryptic markings on it and dreaming of the coming of a giant badger until dream becomes reality and Lord Rawnstripe arrives, as do all the others who would avenge themselves against Gabool. Will any succeed?

I love the strong female characters, particularly the Hon. Rosie, Mother Mellus, and of course, Mariel. They hold their own with the men, and more! The contrast here, as elsewhere between the camaraderies of the Redwallians versus the discord among the evil searats is striking, and how evil self-destroys and consumes its own. The idea of being guided by the prophecies is one worth remembering for Christ-followers. I deeply appreciate the depictions of a clear line between good and evil and the examples of determination and courage. Jacques does all this moving back and forth between the different plotlines as we move toward climax and resolution.

I also love the joy in the commonplaces of food and drink. It occurred to me to wonder if the dishes described have been collected in a cookbooks with recipes. I discovered they have in the Redwall Cookbook! I wonder if people have Redwall feasts…
BobonBooks | 17 reseñas más. | Aug 13, 2023 |
Summary: Mattimeo, the spirited son of Matthias the Warrior, along with four other children, are kidnapped as an act of revenge by Slagar the Cruel. When Matthias and other warriors pursue, including the Sparra folk, Redwall’s remaining inhabitants must fight off an invasion of magpies and ravens.

Mattimeo is the spirited son of Matthias the Warrior of Redwall. When a guest of Redwall, Vitch, insults Matthias, Matthias violates the hospitality of Redwall to give Vitch a good beating. Turns out that Vitch, who is a spy for Slagar the Cruel, deserved far worse. Slagar, nursing a perceived grievance against Matthias going back to the invasion of Cluny the Rat, has been planning his revenge. He devises a plan to kidnap the children of Redwall including Matthias own Mattimeo, posing, with his followers, as a wandering band of entertainers who arrive in time for the great summer feast. With the help of Vitch’s intelligence, they drug the revelers, kidnap the children, pursuing a southward path to sell them as slaves to Malkariss, the rat king.

When Matthias and the revelers awaken, they find five of their children gone. Matthias with his impressive sword, along with Jess Squirrel and Basil Hare go off in pursuit, joined with others from Mossflower forest along the way including Orlando the Badger with his battle axe and Log-a-log and the shrews, staunch allies of the Abbey. They’ve also lost children and they join forces to recover them, relentlessly heading south, they know not into what.

This concerns the abbot who remembers that the founders came from the south. Perhaps they’ve left clues that could be of help to Matthias and his band. They find a map and a poetic riddle. But how to get them to Matthias? Enter Warbeak and the Sparras from the lofty parts of the Abbey. They volunteer to take the map to Matthias, leaving only the young and the old behind. This creates the second plotline of the story, the invasion of the ravens under General Ironbeak, assisted by magpies who occupy the heights of the abbey and gradually everything except for an underground shelter, amply stocked with food, a refuge for the now beseiged dwellers of Redwall, bereft of their warriors.

The plot goes back and forth between Mattimeo and the captives who grow up quickly, children no longer, Matthias, facing overwhelming rat forces, and the Redwall inhabitants, who must devise ways to fight off and defeat their bird foes.

Several things I enjoyed. First of all, Slagar is a truly savvy foe, clever in turning things to his own advantage, playing upon his followers ambitions while ruthlessly eliminating them when they’ve served their purpose, and never over-reaching. I also love how, even in hardship, the inhabitants of Redwall never fail to honor each other as well as enjoy a good meal! Even the prisoners look after each other and other enslaved, Mattimeo comforting fearful Tess, and becoming a leader in the process.

I also appreciate the combination of courage against overwhelming odds as well as the restraint against wanton killing. Yes, foes are killed in battle, but others are allowed to live, or they die by other means than at the hands of Redwallers. This mirrors the commitment of the Abbey to be a place of hospitality and healing. In contrast to cruel figures like Ironbeak and Slagar, the Redwallers expand their community and its alliances by hospitality and generosity and compassion and mutual aid. While not naive toward evil (perhaps careless and wanting in vigilance at points), they choose a world where beasts are won by kindness, if at all possible, and not brute force. These stories cultivate in readers both clear-eyed realism, and the love of goodness in creation and its fruits, and in peaceable community with one’s “fellow beasts.” They invite us to wonder whether this just be fantasy or worth pursuing in our own jaded world.
BobonBooks | 24 reseñas más. | Jul 13, 2023 |