Fotografía de autor

Jack Hunt

Autor de Days of Panic

65 Obras 308 Miembros 5 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Incluye el nombre: Jack Hunt


Obras de Jack Hunt

Days of Panic (2018) 45 copias, 1 reseña
All That Remains (2019) 15 copias, 1 reseña
Days of Chaos (2018) 14 copias
Phobia (2016) 11 copias, 1 reseña
All That Escapes (2019) 9 copias
Rules of Survival (2019) 9 copias
State of Decay (2016) 8 copias
State of Panic (2016) 8 copias
Days of Danger (2018) 8 copias
Anxiety (2017) 8 copias
State of Shock (2016) 8 copias
The Renegades (2016) 7 copias, 1 reseña
All That Rises (2019) 7 copias
All That Survives (2019) 7 copias
The Aging: A Novel (2021) 7 copias
Final Impact (2017) 7 copias
Days of Terror (2018) 7 copias
In Cold Blood 6 copias
As We Fall (2018) 6 copias
As Our World Ends (2020) 5 copias
Rules of Darkness (2019) 4 copias
Rules of Conflict (2019) 4 copias
Chaos Erupts (2020) 4 copias
United (2016) 4 copias
Strain (2017) 4 copias
The Agora Virus (2017) 4 copias
Rules of Engagement (2019) 3 copias
Extinct (2021) 3 copias
When the World Turns Dark (2022) 3 copias
When Humanity Ends (2022) 3 copias
When Hope is Lost (2022) 3 copias
15 Floors: A Novel (2022) 3 copias, 1 reseña
As We Break (2018) 3 copias
The Haze (2022) 3 copias
Colony (2016) 3 copias
The Wild Ones (2017) 3 copias
Aftermath (2016) 3 copias
Fortress (2016) 3 copias
Unstable (2019) 2 copias
Species (2021) 2 copias
Killing Time (2016) 2 copias
Mavericks: Hunters Moon (2016) 2 copias
The Year Without Summer (2018) 2 copias
War Buds 3: Overcome (2017) 2 copias
Primal (2021) 2 copias
The Wild Ones: Book 2 (2017) 2 copias
As Our World Falls (2020) 2 copias
Blackout (2017) 2 copias
Darkest Hour (2017) 2 copias
Her Final Hours (2023) 1 copia
War Buds: Under Attack (2017) 1 copia
When Survivors Rise (2022) 1 copia
War Buds 2: On Alert (2017) 1 copia
The Last Storm (2018) 1 copia
When Blood Lies (2022) 1 copia
Escape the Breakdown (2021) 1 copia
As Our World Burns (2020) 1 copia
Defiant (2016) 1 copia


Conocimiento común

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Not the worse book I've read, just very predictable. I finished it because it was very short.
larocco | Sep 6, 2023 |
I don't understand the high ratings for this book. ¼ of the way in, I stopped and had to confirm that this wasn't a Young Adults book. Cons: lack of character development, weird storylines, introduction of characters just to have them needlessly die off in the next chapter, and zero conclusion at the end of the book, not even a cliff hanger to get me excited for #2. Ugh..
jpbronco | Jul 5, 2023 |
It was a little slow getting started, But after a while it got better. Wished there was a book 2.
Rempala | Dec 3, 2019 |
This is a fast-paced read, and most of the primary characters are believable and engaging, but it's also got some problems.

First of all, there's the cover... now, I can't be specific here without giving something away, but what I can say is that this is the first book I've ever read that manages to include a spoiler on the cover. As in, if you've looked at the cover, one of the big elements that could have offered suspense is gone--from the book, from the series. It's that simple. Considering the cover also almost scared me off by including the dog--and I'm one of those people who's always terrified of seeing an animal on a dark book's cover because I fear the animal won't make it--I have to say that this might be the biggest cover failure I've ever encountered, professional and impressive as it may be. It almost scared me off--and I'm certain it will scare some animal-loving readers off--and it also offers a spoiler. That's almost impressive.

Of course, I'm not going to judge the book entirely by the cover (even if the cover did affect my reading enjoyment), and now I've read the book. Honestly, the flaws are hard to get beyond. The main character is the least interesting and developed of the characters--he, more than any other, feels like nothing more than a stereotype, so it's good that there are plenty of main characters, as they made the read. The other big issue is pacing--the ending chapters feel insanely rushed, and there are some big flaws in terms of what gets prioritized, attention/space-wise. While most of the book is well-paced, the last 60-80 pages feel like a downhill roller coaster rushing by in a blur.

So, all told, it's hard to have a good feeling about this book. The premise and the characters were there, and the writing is pretty decent (though the lack of commas just about killed me, as an editor), but I wanted a lot more. I'd Need a lot more in order to want to continue with the series.
… (más)
whitewavedarling | Nov 3, 2018 |



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