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Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I got this book from the October 2022 bunch. I tried to read it and just couldn't seem to get pass the first chapter...BUT...I picked it up again Tuesday afternoon and didn't put it down until I was finished with it! This story is about Maddie, who practices herbalism that she learned with people in her family and with the help of a book that is passed down, from healer to healer. Maddie was worried she wouldn't have someone to follow in her footsteps because her daughter wasn't interested...then her grand-daughter shows very promising interest... This book is full of lies, deceit and mystery...4 1/2 stars!!
DeanieG | 15 reseñas más. | Aug 17, 2023 |
Maddie Fairbanks is her dying Southern Appalachian town’s skilled herbal healer, something that, along with the influence of her late husband, has allowed her to have socially progressive views; including taking on a Black apprentice, Ren Morgan. Members of the town may grumble about it, but they know they need them both.

That is until a new reverend blows into town in 1917 and begins to preach on both the importance of racial segregation and the dangers of the harmful “herbal witchcraft” Maddie and Ren partake in. These teachings respark the local KKK chapter and they begin to threaten Maddie and Ren’s family’s - stop what you’re doing and leave town, or there will be trouble.

Will Maddie follow their demands or will she stay and fight to keep the home she’s created in Jamesville.

This took me a little to get into it, but once I did, I got lost in it quite quickly. I’m always interested in herbal medicine and especially the history of it as well, which is why I was interested and picked this book up.

This novel is told in third person, but would focus alternatively between Maddie, Ren, Hannah (Maddie’s granddaughter), and Carol. I could not stand Carol - very narcissistic and it drove me nuts. Of course, once we found out more and more about him, it explained a lot but when we first started out I could tell something was off with him and would roll my eyes every time his section would come up in the reading. Adele Holmes did a fantastic job at writing a despising character.

Overall, I can see those who enjoyed historical fiction enjoying this intriguing story about a herbalist living in a small, southern Appalachian town in 1917. It’s a great insight into that life and the history of women who couldn’t yet be doctor’s, but could mix herbs to keep their loved ones and community going.

*Thank you She Writes Press and Publisher’s Weekly for a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review
oldandnewbooksmell | 15 reseñas más. | Jun 13, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I have tried and tried to get into this book. I'm about halfway through and I just can't. I love the setting, the author is very good at describing it, and it seems to fit the story. However, the people don't fit the time or the place. The word choice and language, the character's interactions with each other, and with themselves, just doesn't feel natural or appropriate. Sometimes it feels choppy, other times the pages just seem like filler. There is a good story here, but it needs to be more true to the place and time.
sailorfigment | 15 reseñas más. | May 15, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Rating: 5 Stars!!
Thank you to Librarything and SheWritesPress for picking me to win this FREE ARC COPY in a giveaway on Librarything Website last year!!

This was my first time reading a book by Adele Holmes, MD so i wasnt sure what to expect but i have to say i really enjoyed reading this one especially since it was mainly about Natural Remedies to help heal diseases and illnesses long before Medication came to be.

The Characters were so interesting and enjoyable to read about. Maddie was definately my favorite mainly because of her determination to show people how Natural Herbs help with illnesses and diseases.

The Setting was beautifully described which made me feel like i was actually in Jamesville, near The Southern Appalachian Mountains, 1917 especially when the scenery was described.

Overall a Good Historical Fiction Novel about a Herbalist Healer who is devoted to healing a town of many illnesses despite what people say about her!! Can't wait to read more by Adele in the future!!
Sheila_Samuelson | 15 reseñas más. | Jan 30, 2023 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Winter's Reckoning is a beautiful and well written novel about life in Appalachia in 1917 where the separation of the races is enforced by the KKK and women are kept in their places as second class citizens.

Maddie is a 46 year old widow from Boston who is a healer. There is no doctor in the small town and the people rely on Maddie and her skills. Her socially progressive beliefs are not accepted by most of the town but her views are overlooked due to her skills as a healer. She's training a young black woman - Ren - to be her helper and this is also frowned upon by the people who believe that the races should be separated. When a charismatic new preacher rides into town, he stirs up the townspeople with his views on racial segregation and helps the local KKK chapter become active again. Maddie stands up to him and he starts the rumor that she is a witch and should be kicked out of town. If she doesn't leave, the KKK will hang her apprentice's father
Maddie is shocked and disappointed when the townspeople turn against her. She had moved to the small town from Boston after she married her late husband and always felt that she was accepted. She's not sure what she should do -- will the KKK really lynch Ren's father? She realizes that her life is really in danger after a night visit by the KKK and begins to believe that she needs to leave town to save the people that she loves - both black and white. Will she stay in town where she can protect her friends and family or will she leave town and let the new pastor control the beliefs of the townspeople?
susan0316 | 15 reseñas más. | Dec 26, 2022 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
This book seemed to start a little slow for me but once it caught my attention, I loved it. The characters, good and bad, were interesting. Some scenes were a little hard due to the content... KKK, mental illness. But the strong female leads overcame.
deechurch | 15 reseñas más. | Dec 24, 2022 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I loved it! When you can write a character that is despicable, and having the reader hate him, I'd say the author is pretty good!
croknot1 | 15 reseñas más. | Dec 9, 2022 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Won this off Goodreads give away.
I have never read anything, by this author before. I found her very interesting and had a way
with words that keep you reading.

The story takes place in Wother Appalachiess during 1917. It tells of fear and how it breeds hate.
What people don't under understand, they fear.. and this was a time of that in this small town.
It is a time of the Jim Grow laws and the KKK that ran things.

A young woman who is black is the assistant of Maddie Fairbanks a Herbalist/healer. She was the
one that the people went to since they did not have a doctor. Maddie was a strong person and defies the acceptence of seperation of race. This does not put her in good standing with some... She also believes in womens righ...

Love the characters and the story line.. I was hard to put down
dian429 | 15 reseñas más. | Dec 5, 2022 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Winter's Reckoning snagged me from the beginning and I could not put it down. I was prepared for it to be a heart-wrenching tale of mankind's evil treatment of each other, and it was that. However, it was also so much more. The story was gripping and beautifully woven. The characters came alive before my eyes, with very real and relatable failings and joys. I truly enjoyed the writing style and look forward to more by this author. **This was book was given to me as part of an Early Reviewer program**
1 vota
sskasser | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 25, 2022 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Racism, misogyny, the related violence and intimidation, and the brave men and women who will not let it stand. While the story is set over a hundred years ago, it could be an overlay on our society today. A great example of how one craven individual can bully a group of people under the guise of leadership until those that know better take them to task. Well written and will bring a slate of emotions to the surface as you take the journey. Enjoy!
1 vota
RogerKit | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 20, 2022 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
I was pleasantly surprised with this book! I’ve never read a book based in the Appalachian region. I enjoyed the main character, Madeline. She was strong and willing to stand up for what she believed in. This was a good, well-written and engaging book and I am definitely eager to read more from this author! It’s easy to see why this book was an honorable mention in the William Faulkner Literary Competition.
1 vota
S.V.H | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 18, 2022 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
Winter's Reckoning is the story of a woman herbalist/healer Maddie Fairbanks, her black female apprentice Renetta Morgan in the winter of 1917. It is set in the rural Appalachian town of Jamesville at a time when the KKK is returning to power due to ignorance, hatred and mainly fear directed at progressive notions such as education and equality of men, women, and blacks and whites. Maddie is a learned woman who takes care of her community through her knowledge of herbal medicine. She is training Ren, a young black woman and her granddaughter, Hannah with her craft. Her skills are much needed in their small community and she is highly thought of and admired. Enter a charismatic newcomer claiming to be the new reverend, Carl Howard. Maddie instantly dislikes him. He is pompous, arrogant and misogynistic. But he is also cunning and bowls over the towns people with his airs and charms. He is the ultimate con man who begins to turn the people against Maddie, her family and friends so that he may control the town and its wealth. Maddie, Ren and Hannah must band together and fight this evil, for that is what it is in order to protect and save their loved ones and their community. This book has a lot in common with where our world stands today, so Maddies story and triumph gives me hope. It took a few pages for me to get hooked in to the story but once I was there I could not put it down. Highly recommended.
1 vota
erinclark | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 16, 2022 |
Esta reseña ha sido escrita por los Primeros Reseñadores de LibraryThing.
This was an interesting read regarding the country herbalist women in the 19th century .
1 vota
sunqueen | 15 reseñas más. | Nov 12, 2022 |
In the small town of Jamesville in Southern Appalachia in 197, Madeline Fairbanks does her best to keep the town healthy with the herbal remedies passed down through her family. Madeline also tries her best to push the townspeople toward racial and gender equality with the help of her black apprentice, Ren Morgan. When the new reverend, Carl Howard strolls into town, he begins to question all of Maddie's beliefs. Reverend Howard also finds powerful allies in the newly formed KKK groups who are easily swayed to believe that Maddie's herbs are witchcraft and that segregation should be violently enforced.

Winter's Reckoning is a timely historical fiction story melding together medicine, magic and community for an exciting story. I loved Maddie's character immediately as she treated a bullet wound while showing her relationship and standing with the people of the town. I liked that Maddie and Ren had a dynamic relationship, they weren't perfect, but definitely had a mutual respect for one another and had each other's backs. Maddie's granddaughter, Hannah was enchanting and I knew she would be of importance as the book progressed. The setting of Jamesville was perfect and through the writing I could imagine the dusty streets with closed shops, the small homesteads and the parsonage. This was a seemingly perfect place for a person like Carl to take hold. The pacing of the story was a little slow in the beginning as everything was being set up; however, once Carl's intentions were clear and Maddie began to figure him out, I was enveloped in the many twists and turns. With an unexpected ending, Winter's Reckoning is an intriguing and hopeful read.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review.
1 vota
Mishker | 15 reseñas más. | Aug 24, 2022 |
Her ancestors were healers. Mysterious, wise, noble. They championed their ideals and frequently stood accused for them. Some were legends. She doubted such people still existed in 1917.

from Winter’s Reckoning by Adele Holmes, M.D.
Set in Southern Appalachia in 1917, Winter’s Reckoning is about Maddie, descended from generations of women who were healers. With progressive ideals, living in a community mired in prejudice, Maddie stands up to a con-man posing as a pastor and to the Klan.

Maddie mentors the young African American Ren in the arts of healing. It’s a stressed friendship, their relationship outlawed, and Ren bristling against Maddie’s assumed superiority. Ren is groomed and embarks on a secret affair.

Maddie is initiating her granddaughter into the healing arts.

The new pastor riles up prejudice as a way of asserting power, riling up the Klan against Ren’s family. Maddie is accused of witchcraft. All the women’s lives are in danger from multiple sides. Together they face the threats.

Maddie is a strong character, capable, open minded, and courageous. The young Ren willfully insists on taking responsibility for herself, but naively is manipulated by an unscrupulous con man. Hannah, Maddie’s granddaughter, is fascinated by the family history she eagerly embraces.

At the climax, Maddie, Ren, and Hannah face threats from nature, society, health crises, and their enemies. Storywise, I would have been happy to have several of those threats removed as unnecessary; misogamy and racism are large enough monsters to carry the story. The women’s friendships and mutual support give them the strength they need to overcome adversity.

The novel won honorable mention in the 2021 William Faulkner Literary Competition. Holmes’ debut novel will appeal to readers who love strong female characters, a vivid setting, and historical fiction that reflects ongoing societal issues.

I received an ARC. My review is fair and unbiased.
1 vota
nancyadair | 15 reseñas más. | Aug 4, 2022 |
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