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Lee HansonReseñas

Autor de Castle Cay

7 Obras 513 Miembros 11 Reseñas


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A believable mystery with good characters. Slow in the beginning, I had a hard time settling down to reading it as I thought the female lead had too much baggage, that was interfering with the story. Some of the plotting and circumstances of the mystery were so rather improbable that it was difficult for me to suspend my logical disbelief. So I put it down for a week and lo and behold when I picked up again within a chapter it finally started moving forward. From this point on (chapter 28) I raced thru the pages to a satisfactory end.½
Bettesbooks | 4 reseñas más. | Jul 18, 2016 |
loved it. Enjoyable, light, kept it interesting.
carolynsuarez | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 15, 2016 |
This was a pretty good book. I had a little trouble getting into it, but the plot picked up after the first few chapters and I found myself fully engrossed. An entertaining beach read with interesting characters and pleasing locations.
dd196406 | 4 reseñas más. | Dec 9, 2015 |
This was an enjoyable suspense book. I frequently look for Lee Hanson books because it has the suspense, murder, legal components that satisfy my reading pleasure. Very well written and a fast read.
MaryAnn12 | 2 reseñas más. | Apr 4, 2013 |
I really enjoy this series and I would recommend this to anyone who likes a mystery with a little romance added in. This proves you can write a good story that is enjoyable and yet contains no words to read over. This is the first in the series and very well written.
MaryAnn12 | 4 reseñas más. | Apr 4, 2013 |
I really enjoy this series and I would recommend this to anyone who likes a mystery with a little romance added in. This proves you can write a good story that is enjoyable and yet contains no words to read over. This is the first in the series and very well written
MaryAnn12 | 4 reseñas más. | Mar 4, 2013 |
This book started out great and stayed that way all the way through! Never knew what was going to happen next! Lot of twists and turns and surprises! Very enjoyable reading! Very well written and a great read.
MaryAnn12 | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 4, 2013 |
This was an enjoyable suspense book. I frequently look for Lee Hanson books because it has the suspense, murder, legal components that satisfy my reading pleasure. Very well written and a fast read.
MaryAnn12 | 2 reseñas más. | Mar 4, 2013 |
Julie O’Hara has written a book about reading body language and her publisher has kept her busy promoting it. She’s currently on the cruise ship Mystral, along with her boyfriend, PI Joe Garrett, to give a seminar, book signing and an interview before getting to relax for the rest of the trip. One of the women she meets, a well-known travel agent who books this trip often for her clients, comes up missing and Joe is the last person known to see her.

Both Joe and Julie offer their expertise in discovering what happened. Plenty of suspects with good motives are uncovered, but the mystery needs to be solved before the cruise ends and the suspects all go on their way.

What’s really cool about Julie is that she is a body language expert and we’re constantly given lessons on that art as she interprets different things for us when speaking to someone or just observing. And there is plenty to observe. Many individual stories are uncovered and we get some insight as to the workings on a cruise ship.

I was sucked into the story from the start and read it in one sitting. A great job on the characters, the setting and the mystery.½
dearheart | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 23, 2013 |
Julie is out for a run early one morning when she notices a swan boat on Lake Eola is loose and there’s a woman’s body in it. The police believe the woman slit her own wrist, but Julie can’t believe it, especially since Dianna seems to be urging Julie to solve her murder.

I had no idea when reading, that this was the second book in a series. I didn’t feel like I was missing part of the story, but I am now anxious for Amazon to come out with a Kindle version of the first book, Castle Cay.

Merlin, Julie’s working name, is a body language expert and she uses her ability when paired up with Joe, her private investigator boyfriend, to find the answers for Dianna’s parents. The things Julie is seeing when interviewing various people are shared with the reader to indicate if the person is lying, anxious, angry, etc, leading the reader to do their own speculating.

The story is filled with interesting characters, many of whom have a good reason to eliminate who we learn is a really nice person. The mystery grabbed me right away and one thing that struck me was how well the author used descriptions. That sounds like such an obvious thing that everyone does, but I thought the use was very well balanced between providing a detailed visual without overdoing it.
dearheart | 2 reseñas más. | Sep 3, 2010 |
This is the second book in the Julie O’Hara series, coming after “Castle Cay”. And to say that I was impressed is an understatement. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading “Castle Cay” and was worried that I might have a bit of trouble with this second novel, not knowing the characters or the author’s style. But I shouldn’t have worried. There will be no problem for you should you chose to start with this book as I did.

Julie O’Hara is a body language expert; one who has mainly worked with lawyers to aid in picking juries. Now Julie will be using her unique skills in solving what appears to all to be a suicide. After all, she is the first one to have found the victim and has seen the scene a little differently than the police did.

This novel had me hooked right from the start and the idea behind Julie and her career is a unique one (at least for me), since I’ve mainly only seen “body language experts” being used as secondary or tertiary characters. In my opinion this was a very fresh and clever way to leap into the mystery/suspense genre. This was plotted very tightly, with only just enough red herrings as was absolutely necessary. It took me by surprise when the true assailant was finally uncovered. The characters Julie and her boyfriend Joe, a private detective and her partner in this book, are engaging and very likeable.

The only flaw in this novel was that the dialogue between some of the characters seemed a bit stilted or stiff, but I think with further novels that issue will be cleared up.

Lee Hanson is an author to watch and I can’t wait to read the next novel in this series
Cats57 | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 30, 2010 |
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