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Having grown up on a farm myself, this story had me cracking up at times at Elsie's character. Needing to do her part for the war, Elsie goes through the Women's Land Army program and once completed her father will get her a cushy position but the army has a different plan and she is sent off to Somerset dairy farm and here she will have to physically work and put to use her training. The third novel in the Homefront Hearts series, this rounded them all out and I really enjoyed this one. It brought back many memories of my childhood and I loved how realistic the author wrote the characters and situations that arose. This was another quick heartwarming historical read, another program that I did not know about during the war. Thank you to the author for the complementary novel. This review is of my own opinion and accord.
Chelz286 | Feb 11, 2024 |
I really enjoyed these little war romance novels. It's the midst of WWII and London has been bombed out and the shop Nora worked as a seamstress at, is no longer. With the help of her aunt, she sets out to open her own shop. Her skills are in need with people really only being able to having their clothing repaired or adjusted with the rations and coupons. But her new adventure is upended when a good friend asks for her help which is risking her business and her aunt takes in a new male tenant who makes her heart beat a little faster. Can she keep her business going, while helping her friend and maintain this new love interest or is all this juggling going to come crashing down? Everyone has secrets during the war, and it can be hard to keep those when it involves others. I really enjoyed Nora's story. Thank you to the author for the complementary book. I look forward to reading the next one in the Homefront Hearts series. This review is of my own opinion and accord.
Chelz286 | Jan 21, 2024 |
This is a story told from two very different vantage points, and while they are on opposing sides throughout the novel, in the end...they can truly see eye to eye.

Cora was an ambitious woman. She built herself up in life with a stable home, a stable husband, a comfortable amount of wealth shared, and a circle of friends that was enough...despite the blasted ladies group never inviting her to join them. Everything was fine, until it wasn't. One day, her world was turned in its head, and with the rug very cleanly swept out from under her, she was a ship lost in a storm...but only just. You see, her heart had found other ports in which to be harbored long before the disastrous event, and while it wasn't exactly perfect, the help granted with a full heart was much more than she could have hoped for at the time. She finds her footing again, however tenuous, and starts to believe things could be real once again...and sadly, the magic carpet ride she took not so long ago, starts all over again. How many times can a woman start anew before she throws in the towel? With Mrs. Pringle there never was a towel to throw in the first place.

Seriously, the way she kept putting on her proverbial big girl pants and got the job done was astounding, especially with the likes of Amelia running about trying to capture her own moment of glory while revealing all the reality behind the magic that people simply wanted to believe. I mean, Mrs. Pringle wasn't REALLY hurting anyone with her spiritual gests; in fact, some took great solace in the meetings she arranged. Amelia, however, would have none of it, and despite the challenges she faced, used the life of this woman, the trade she took on out of desperation, to make her own voice heard. Tit for tat, or something like that, actually pays off for BOTH of them in the end, hence the mention of them seeing eye to eye, but I shan't reveal all because discovering the story behind the magic is half the fun!

Suffice it to say, it's a great read for Historical Fiction fans with characters to love and loathe, and a fascinating look at spiritualists, magicians, and the like of the times.

**ecopy received for review; opinions are my own
GRgenius | otra reseña | Jul 31, 2022 |
I have read a couple of books that took place in this period of time when the interest in speaking the dead reached almost a frenzy like atmosphere. Everyone has lost someone close to them at some point in their life and the idea that you could contact them and know they are all right or get some advice or just to feel their love again is I think comforting to many people. That these feelings were taken advantage of by certain individuals was well, what a certain class of human beings has been doing to other human beings for time immemorial.

The Spirited Mrs. Pringle starts out with our heroine finding out that her husband, now deceased, has left her penniless. Not a good situation for a Victorian woman being without a man was definitely not how it was done. She thought she had it figured out but her new man turned out to be a serial philanderer. What is a woman to do?

Mrs. Pringle it seems, turned to speaking to the dead. With the help of an adoring friend she sets herself up as Madame Selene and starts channeling the spirit world until a reporter who is thwarted from covering a series of horrific killings of prostitutes decides to make it her mission to bring Mrs. Pringle down.

How does it all end? Well! You will have to read this vastly entertaining and just slightly dark read to find out. I read the book basically in one day (I had like two chapters left when I went to bed. Had I started a little earlier … ) and really didn’t want to put it down to cook dinner or to go to sleep with the little bit left but my eyes would not stay open. It was a wonderful distraction after all of the stress of packing up the house for our move from Montana to Vermont. It was a true delight to get lost in the story with the well drawn characters and defined settings that let me fall into the book so that I felt I was there.½
BooksCooksLooks | otra reseña | Sep 1, 2021 |
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