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I listened to this book because I wanted to hear the stories in his own voice. I highly recommend doing that if you can ... it's a treat to hear Grohl's energy and emotion throughout.

Regardless of how you read this book, you simply must read it if you know anything about Nirvana, Foo Fighters, or Dave Grohl. He's led such an amazing life so far and has such an interesting outlook on life, it's worth your time hearing his stories.
teejayhanton | 44 reseñas más. | Mar 22, 2024 |
Excellent job of storytelling, and I teared up more than a few times, especially as Dave talked about the power of meeting your influences and idols. Love this one, and it's a great audiobook as the author read it himself.
patl | 44 reseñas más. | Feb 29, 2024 |
I was in my 20s and a fan of MTV in the early 90s. So, of course, I knew of Nirvana. I was, however, agnostic about their music as I was about the Foo Fighters'. I might be able to name a song or two from both groups but I had never bought any or even purposely sought them out. However, every time I came across a story about Dave Grohl, he just seemed like a cool guy. So, when I had an extra Audible credit that I needed to use before it expired, I bought the audiobook for The Storyteller (read by Grohl, himself).

After listening, my impression is confirmed. Dave just seems like a totally awesome, down-to-earth guy who had a couple lucky breaks but who mostly worked his you-know-what off to get where he is. I loved the stories of his life on the road, particularly in the early days (pre-Nirvana) when he was slogging around in a van, sleeping on people's floors and living on a per diem of $7.50 a day. The later stories, when he's finally hit it big and is hobnobbing with celebrities could get tiresome, especially when he expresses surprise that he's actually given good seats and backstage passes to a charity concert featuring some of his idols. But you really believe that he is a humble guy who is truly star struck and above all, grateful to meet his heroes and for all that he has. You finish the book thinking that Dave is not only a lot of fun, but more importantly, a good human being, a great friend and an awesome dad and family man. I'd love to hang with him. Might have to go out now and buy some Foo Fighters songs.
Josiereadmore | 44 reseñas más. | Feb 26, 2024 |
I love biographies of musicians and this one was an exception in that it wasn't centered on drug abuse. As a straight edge musician I'm always looking for a connection with these people, many who I've looked up to since I was a kid.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of the Foo Fighters or Nirvana, but it was definitely interesting to hear about their journey and how it all went down. He doesn't spend too much time on the details of Kurt's downward spiral, but enough to give you an idea of what happened.

After the initial history of learning to play and being in bands, the rest of the book centers on either Dave meeting famous people and sometimes performing with them, his experiences as a father and son, and then the occasional tour story. He seems extremely grateful for all the blessings he's received and really seems to care about people.

This was written before the death of Taylor Hawkins, so it's especially painful to hear Dave talk about him and their relationship with such compassion.
ragwaine | 44 reseñas más. | Feb 12, 2024 |
I was delightfully surprised by the approachability and openness of Mr. Grohl's memoir. I enjoyed reading about his childhood, his musical exploits, and the joy he finds in his family.
libwen | 44 reseñas más. | Feb 9, 2024 |
Audio version.

Dave Grohl loves his Mom, and his daughters, and he knows how lucky he has been in life. He’s lost a few people close to him and it seems that instead of making him sad and bitter it makes him love harder and more inclined to enjoy the time he has on earth since it can end at any minute.

If you like him, you’ll like this, even if it can get a little repetitive. I think it would be a great book to dip in and out of randomly since it doesn’t seem to be truly chronological.
hmonkeyreads | 44 reseñas más. | Jan 25, 2024 |
I found this honest and heartfelt and enjoyed reading about Dave's rise to the pinnacle of rock royalty after pay his dues with years of van travel and empty pockets. Interesting to understand the dilemma that posed for these rockers.
Suem330 | 44 reseñas más. | Dec 28, 2023 |
A good interesting easy read. I have to listen to his musical influences mentioned in the book.½
SteveMcI | 44 reseñas más. | Dec 21, 2023 |
I loved this audiobook read by Dave Grohl himself. Dave Grohl was the drummer for Nirvana and then started the band FooFighters. Though I wasn't the biggest fan of FooFighters, Nirvana was a pivotal band in my pop music listening and I've always thought Dave Grohl seemed like an interesting person.

In this book, he talks about his path to music and the support he got from his mother during his rocky climb to the top. Then his family and daughters takes precedence as he talks about his life as a famous rockstar and the touring and cool experiences that come with it.

I just liked him. He seems like a remarkably down to earth guy. I was most interested in the first half of the book where he talks about how he learned drumming (sort of an appalling lack of training to my classical musician ears!) and what he went through to finally make it. Throughout the book, he keeps his relationships with people central - it seems like this is the most important thing to him, and I respect that.

Very enjoyable if you're a fan, and maybe enjoyable even if you aren't.½
japaul22 | 44 reseñas más. | Dec 13, 2023 |
This is a book written during lockdown about the life that Dave Grohl has had up until now. A member of Nirvana, almost always overshadowed by the death of Kurt Cobain and leading the Foo Fighters, Grohl comes over as a family man.

This must be a deeply sanitised version of his life - maybe he is worried about who might read it. His daughters? Drugs are mentioned, weed in particular and also Cobain's habit because what the book focuses on is his journey from slight misfit to on the edge-of-society punk to drummer with Nirvana and then long-time Foo Fighter. Yes he had it hard - one parent, one sister, so little money, but not that hard. What he did have is the propensity for hard work and for getting on with people. As bands tour and meet up with other bands on the road with no money, some of them will meet up again once they are successful and will meet with other famous singer/songwriters. So it comes as no surprise that his meeting with Paul MaCartney is included or Iggy Pop amongst many others. What did come over clearly was the less-than-glamorous life of a band starting up and the way they have to live through lack of money.

I am not a fan of either of Grohl's bands and didn't really learn a lot about Grohl as a writer so the book didn't quite do it for me although I do think that there are many for whom it did. The font, supposed to look like his handwriting?, at various parts to emphasise a point was unnecessary and a little distracting. These weren't particularly important points and far better to let the reader decide what is important or not. If you have to make them this clear, maybe the storytelling is not quite working.
allthegoodbooks | 44 reseñas más. | Dec 1, 2023 |
I loved this book. It's written in such away You can almost near Dave Grohls voice as reading. Loved the stories he chose to share in the book. Any fans of Nirvana or Foo Fighters will love this book
Frogiekins04 | 44 reseñas más. | Oct 12, 2023 |
I wonder how many people would be surprised to know I like the Foo Fighters. I wasn't really into to Nirvana but they were part of the landscape of my youth and I remember when Kurt died. Even though their music wasn't my thing it was part of my life.
Dave Grohl is good storyteller. He write with compassion and tenderness that I'm not sure I was expecting. A lot of the F word but I think that's to be expected. However, even with that caveat his stories have an arch and he ties the moments together really well. It is like reading the journal of a rock music fan's dreams coming true. While you are in awe of the people he's met and worked with as he seems to be even more shocked by the events that have taken him to these places. He never strays from that humility and wonder of a fan and lover of music and the moments in his life brought together by music. I think that is what I enjoyed most is that I never felt that he even realizes that while he speaks of the legends and masters he's encountered that he is also a legend and master in his own right. It's because of that you can ride along with him in his story and feel like a passenger experiencing it with him rather than being talked down to or at.
MsTera | 44 reseñas más. | Oct 10, 2023 |
This is a book I would recommend to people who don't like reading. Dave really is a good storyteller in the simplest sense. The language is easy to follow and not unnecessarily complex. This does not make the book boring however. Dave has a wide collection of interesting stories that he has lived but also manages to describe the mundane stories in an interesting way.
matnac | 44 reseñas más. | Sep 10, 2023 |
To be honest, I didn't know who David Grohl was when I added this memoir to my To Read list. I knew he was a musician, but I had to look him up to see he rose to fame as Nirvana's drummer before fronting Foo Fighters. Ah, that explained it. Grunge never had much of a place in my musical pantheon, and both bands were on the periphery of my awareness.

But his memoir frequently cropped up on 'best,' lists and I do like memoirs so I gave it a shot.

It is indeed marvelously well written and he IS a marvelous storteller. As a stream-of-consciousness, run-on writer myself, I love his style. Unfortunately, as I've aged my attention-challenged brain has an increasingly hard time following stories with lots of side quests.

Mostly though, I can't fully appreciate Grohl's stories once he rolls out of his 70's childhood and into the world of 90's Alternative Music. My Alternative Music years were defined by GSU's album-88 and the early years of New Wave. I very rarely recognized names or other references made.

So, I suspect people just a tad younger or a great deal hipper would really appreciate this. As for me, my favorite 'rocker memoirs,' remain those by Steven Tyler and Alice Cooper!
Kim.Sasso | 44 reseñas más. | Aug 27, 2023 |
A great listen about every aspect of becoming a rock legend—a rock memoir like no other.
Hearing him talk about the Gold Coast, where I lived for years, was weird, but they took more advantage of the tourist mischief. Hearing about the landmarks and knowing where they went in their memories is so cool.
Elise3105 | 44 reseñas más. | Aug 13, 2023 |
Another road trip, another celebrity audiobook.

I'm a fan of Nirvana and the Foo Fighters, so this was an easy choice to cue up on the car speakers. Grohl is a funny and earnest storyteller, so he made a great traveling companion as I cruised down the (sonic) highways, spilling lots of anecdotes about all his many bands and the family he loves so much. And who'd guess he had so many Paul McCartney stories?

The audiobook includes some instrumental interludes by Grohl and a bonus story not included in the paper book.
villemezbrown | 44 reseñas más. | Jul 23, 2023 |
A very inspiring collection of life experiences from a true music lover and creator. I was a big fan when I picked up this book and now I love him even more. Dave wins all the prizes in my book.
Andy5185 | 44 reseñas más. | Jul 9, 2023 |
The music given to this world from Dave and his bands is music I have grow up with.
What I experienced was Dave's fantastic storytelling. The audiobook was a great experience and paired well with the curated playlist:
untitled841 | 44 reseñas más. | Jul 3, 2023 |
He's good at telling an engaging story. He sure loves his three daughters, and his mom. I wish he'd spoken more about his wife, though he did speak about her a little at the end of the book. He did not talk about writing The Umbrella Academy. He is a normal, everyday guy who uses words like "delightful, and who is just geeked out about music½
BoundTogetherForGood | 44 reseñas más. | Jun 17, 2023 |
I listened to this on Audio book.

I was surprised at how much I liked this book. I would describe myself as a very casual Nirvana Fan and someone who certainly has some familiarity with the Foo Fighters but could never name an album etc.

This memoir started a little slow or me and I definitely thought about putting it aside - but I continued on and I just really enjoyed it.

My major take away is that Grohl is just a really talented, modest and likable guy. He is upbeat in a way that is disarming for someone with his life and he is funny and just seems like someone who would be a great friend.

I like him more because of this book - and I think I will listen to the Foo Fighters with a different ear now that I have such a fondness for him.
alanna1122 | 44 reseñas más. | Apr 14, 2023 |
Dave Grohl has lived a fascinating life. Most of his stories are about crazy things that have happened to him on the road with one of his bands. It’s pretty amazing he is s so successful today, he had some pretty rough times in the beginning. He had real bravery to keep going when most people would have thrown in the towel. He also had a couple of what he would even admit, were lucky breaks.

I love that Dave is still completely down to earth. Even now, he’s amazed that he’s friends with Paul McCartney and other famous musicians. I wish he would have written more about his time with Nirvana, but it actually was a pretty short time in the grand scheme of his career. And he doesn’t even mention Courtney Love’s name, which I thought was telling.

This book was a joy to listen to because Dave is such a positive person. He’s downright bubbly and not jaded at all. He’s a great dad too. There aren’t many personal stories but it’s clear he loves his family. This was a great road-trip listen for my husband and me.
mcelhra | 44 reseñas más. | Mar 30, 2023 |
3.5 stars. Dave Grohl is great. I love the fact that he wrote this himself. And as the title indicates, it really is a collection of tales. The timeline is difficult to follow, especially for someone less familiar with his work.
CarolHicksCase | 44 reseñas más. | Mar 12, 2023 |
In The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music, Dave Grohl tells the story of his adventure filled life in his own words, using a very enjoyable and accessible writing style saturated with wonderful metaphors making for easily pictured descriptions. Also, the engrossing book includes multiple anecdotes detailing successes and tragedies including many events in the life of this remarkable and yet humble man. Stories include what inspired him as a young rocker and what inspires him now as well as the time spent creating what has become his career and the way family life has changed his perspective. In addition, Grohl talks about his time in Nirvana and the impact of Kurt Cobain's death on him personally and his desire to continue in rock and roll leading to the creation of The Foo Fighters. Overall, The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music is an entertaining read with a lot of heart, providing insight into the life of a rock and roll legend.
ftbooklover | 44 reseñas más. | Mar 8, 2023 |
I've always been a Dave Grohl fan and I feel confident that I always will be. He's always seemed so genuine and to have such a big heart and gives the best energy. So I'm biased. But this book was absolutely gorgeous. At the heart of it was a huge look at the relationship one has with their parents. The love he as a dad has for his daughters and the way he talks about the special bond between a father and a daughter made me tear up in multiple places, and the complete and utter respect he has for his mother is so heartwarming--and not only his own mother, but Jimmy's mother, his wife, all mothers. The way he's so humble and expresses gratitude for every moment just made me ove him more. Even if you're not a Foos or Nirvana fan, this is a great read. And Dave reading the audio just made it even better. This man inspires me and gives me hope in humanity, and is a true class act. And he has some really interesting stories to tell!
whakaora | 44 reseñas más. | Mar 5, 2023 |
Awesome book! Amazing stories about Dave and his adventures and a timeline of how he took a leap of faith, started from the bottom living in a van with his bandmates on tour. How he met and befriended so many artists, not in a bragging sort of way, but a sincere friendship with the people. He's an amazing storyteller, and you have a real appreciation for all the inspirations he got along the way, and the people he got to play with. He's soooo much more than "the drummer from Nirvana" and has established himself as a Rock God, who is both humble and inspiring himself. He's also kind of a dork, but in a fun way, where he's like a kid at a candy shop, showing off his excitement! I also listened to the playlist on spotify, that you can follow along with the book and the music that got him where he is today. Can't wait for his next book with the adventures he left out. Also look forward to more great music coming from him.
sjh4255 | 44 reseñas más. | Feb 9, 2023 |