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Obras de Jamal Greene


Conocimiento común

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A challenging book - a bit challenging to read because the sentence construction is sometimes a bit complex. But mostly because it challenges a lot of the “sacred cows” of American attitudes about constitutional rights. I don’t have the legal background to fully understand everything in the book but it definitely makes me think about constitutional rights a different way. I was irritated when I started the book that he didn’t define what he means by rights, I know there are many definitions and many kinds of rights. But by the time I finished the book I think I know why he didn’t bother, he’s trying to show that the whole concept of rights can be deemphasized in some ways.… (más)
steve02476 | otra reseña | Jan 3, 2023 |
Interesting Yet Ultimately Self-Serving Take On Rights. This book presents as an interesting and novel (at least in an American sense) take on rights - namely, that they are not absolute and should be mediated by government actions. Greene claims that this would ultimately result in less polarization, though he seems to ignore large swaths of what has led to the polarization currently facing America when making such claims. Still, even though blatantly written from a leftist perspective, the book mostly presents its theory in a reasonably well-reasoned approach and thus adds enough to the overall conversation that it should be considered. Ultimately, though, it becomes clear that Greene's entire premise of mediated rights is less a matter of principle or proposing a novel theory or (as he claims) more aligning American jurisprudence with that of much of the rest of the world and much more about defending Big Academia's right to discriminate against the disabled and against certain races, and to control speech in a totalitarian manner. It is this realization - very blatant in the closing chapters, particularly when discussing Affirmative Action and campus speech codes - that ultimately considerably detracts from the overall merit of the proposal, and thus dramatically weakens the entire argument. Recommended.… (más)
BookAnonJeff | otra reseña | Jul 11, 2021 |


½ 3.7

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