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There are two ways to read this book:
(1) Take it completely seriously as written; and
(2) Read everything but the final 5 or so percent as parody.

Regarding (1): Don't do that. The main character is a terrible human being and you'll hate her in seconds.

Regarding (2): I did that. If you do that, it's an absolutely hilarious skewering of that girl, the one who goes off to play white savior because she owes it to the world and the less fortunate to share her beauty, style, and wisdom.

Also regarding (2): Be more prepared than I was and get ready to close the book fast when you get to the part where you realize you were meant to read it as (1), the character is one hundred percent serious, and also she prayed and now she's wonderful.

I gave it a second star for the laughs I got while reading it as if it were parody.

[I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.]

Highlighted Passages:

The night was like some wonderful dream come true, so perfect that it made me feel humble, like, too bad more people can’t have my life. But then I guess it wouldn’t be so special.

Then some parents got up and complained about glorifying sex and drugs, but Mr. Goldman explained that any teens in the movie who had fun would be killed.

I had a very unpleasant discussion with Miss Jones today. Sometimes she says the strangest things. Like today she said, “God help me, I’m very fond of you, Tiff.”
tldegray | otra reseña | Sep 21, 2018 |
Teenage homelessness and pregnancy. A story of a pregnant teenager who writes of her life as her way of asking for help. A story that I couldn't stop reading.
Bettesbooks | Dec 3, 2017 |
This is my favorite book that I have ever read. I was going through a vampire phase and checked out everything that was in the subject of Vampires in the library. I was shocked when I finished this book because it has little to do with vampires at all. This is the only book that I have ever cried during. This gets honors as my favorite book EVER.
SoulFlower1981 | Jan 20, 2016 |
Well, I certainly liked the idea of the book, but I'm sure it would've been better if the main character wasn't so completely shallow. She kept talking about how much she'd grown, but in actuality, she is exactly the same as she was in the beginning of the book. It was very fitting that she didn't get to graduate. Overall, I thought that was a pretty awful book. I do not recommend it.
CoalPaw | otra reseña | Jul 1, 2009 |
Gabe McCloud dies in a car accident, he was driving drunk and not wearing a seatbelt. Each chapter is told by different people including: his brother; his father; his girlfriend; his ex-teacher; his uncle; there are also extracts from letters he had written for English. The book shows how a death can impact on a community. The beginnings of healing are shown in the end of the novel, with a link made between Gabe's father and his girlfriend.
madhamster | Oct 21, 2008 |
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