Fotografía de autor

Obras de Peggy Gillespie


Conocimiento común

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About the author: quoting from website, "Peggy Gillespie, MA, CSW, is the cofounder and director of Family Diversity Projects, a nonprofit organization devoted to helping eliminate prejudice, stereotyping, bulling, and harassment of people who are discriminated against due to sexual orientation, gender identity, race, national origin, religion and disabilities of all kinds. . ." About the book: Lesléa Newman, author of 'Heather Has Two Mommies' and 'Sparkle Boy,' said of this title, "These inspiring accounts offer indisputable proof that love conquers all. The words and photographs found here have the potential to save lives and make the world a safer place for everyone." This work contains a list of selected resources for exploring identity and for family members and allies. There is also a list of organizations to follow, support, and learn from. The full color photographs of individuals and families are especially enjoyable and affirming.… (más)
uufnn | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 4, 2024 |
Groundbreaking in its depictions of joy and community, Authentic Selves celebrates trans and nonbinary people and their families in stunning photographs and their own words. Foreword by transgender activist Jazz Jennings and her mom and fellow activist,Jeanette Jennings. Developed in collaboration with PFLAG National and Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund."
NFMeeting | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 8, 2023 |
Groundbreaking in its depictions of joy and community, Authentic Selves celebrates trans and nonbinary people and their families in stunning photographs and their own words. Foreword by transgender activist Jazz Jennings and her mom and fellow activist, Jeanette Jennings.

So often trans and nonbinary people’s stories are told only through the lens of their struggles and challenges, including their political battles for legal rights, but trans and nonbinary people live rich and fulfilling lives full of joy and community too. Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families is a sweeping compilation of life stories and portraits of trans and nonbinary people, as well as their partners, parents, children, siblings, and chosen family members.

The compelling stories in Authentic Selves provide a glimpse into the real lives, both the challenges and the triumphs, of these remarkable people and their families—people like Senator Sarah McBride, disability justice advocate Parker Glick, drag entertainer TAYLOR ALXNDR, September 11th first responder Jozeppi Angelo Morelli, model Lana Patel, youth activist Elliott Bertrand, and so many others—all of whom are working to create a more just, diverse, and compassionate world.

Developed in collaboration with PFLAG National and Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund.

-Amazon description
… (más)
CDJLibrary | 2 reseñas más. | Jun 9, 2023 |
I know I was supposed to hate this book because, despite its smooth talk about family diversity, it didn't capture the diversity of queer parents at all. But it warmed my heart right up anyway.
echo2 | Jun 12, 2008 |


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