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2 Obras 74 Miembros 3 Reseñas

Obras de Anna Getty


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When I was growing up children in the United States were subjected to a daily litany of food wisdom from every adult around -

*Sit up straight, keep your elbows off the table!
*Clear your plate! Remember, there are starving children in _____________ !
*Eat it - it is good for you!

and last, but hardly least

Use it up! Wear it out! Make it do or do without!

I don't need someone to tell me to save my glass jars. Reusing them is a way of life, a life-long habit, along with using up the leftovers and turning the stale bread into croutons, bread crumbs, poultry stuffing and bread pudding. When I read that water used to steam vegetables should be used to water plants I cringe at the very idea of throwing away all those lovely vitamins instead of adding that water to the stock pot or using it as the liquid in your homemade bread.

I also happen to be a medical scientist. Underline & capitalize scientist. And I have to tell you, by far the greatest majority of "Green Tips" that Anna Getty includes are nothing more or less than propaganda. Let me give you an example:

Getty write on page 121 "Did you know. . . . about half of the tomatoes tested in 2004 contained pesticide residues. The frequency & levels of pesticides in imported tomatoes exceeded those in domestic fruit . . . . "

Here is what I think as a scientist -

*Who did this study? Where is the citation? Getty gives not a single citation for any of the purported scientific data that she claims. Without that, this information has no scientific validity at all.

*How many domestic tomatoes were tested? Where did they come from? How many imported tomatoes? What was their country of origin? Who imported them? Which pesticides were tested for? Who did the testing? And most importantly -

*How did these values compare to established acceptable levels?

All of these unsubstantiated claims originate with the Organic Center that Getty is associated with, a fact clearly stated by Getty on pages 10 & 11. In writing about the Organic Center Getty writes on page 10 "Learning about their work was a real awakening for me. I decided I wanted to be of service by spreading their message about the healing qualities of all things organic." Make no mistake, this is a book with an agenda, a work of propaganda full of unsubstantiated partial or outright mis-information.

Lets take salt - sodium chloride, NaCl. On page 174 Getty writes "Did you know. . . . Himalayan sea salt is the purest of salts, is uncontaminated by pollutants and toxins, and is rich in 84 minerals."

Hmmmm. You might have noticed that there is no "sea" in the Himalayas. Salt perhaps, but not sea salt. Chemically, "purest" means that NaCl contains nothing at all other than sodium (Na) and Chloride (Cl). Salt "rich in 84 minerals" cannot possibly be purest.

Now compare that to the familiar brand on your grocer's shelves - you know, the one in the blue box with the little girl carrying an umbrella on the label. The one that isn't "pure" because it says "Iodized" on the label. That salt contains iodine - a vital mineral that is absolutely essential for thyroid function and all too often missing in the diet. (The other major source is fish.) Iodine is present in salt for the same reason that the milk you buy contains Vitamin D - to prevent devastating diseases.

One other thing about that "green" "organic" salt. According to some in the green movement, our oceans are almost irretrievably polluted. How is it that the evaporation of water to produce salt magically carries with it all of that dangerous pollution? Hint: doesn't happen. Salt made from polluted water will be polluted. From a scientific point of view, an awful lot of this book is so much malarkey.

Finally, I am a mother and grandmother, one who has spent a lifetime feeding a family on a budget. I've shopped at the co-op for 40 years. I buy in bulk, I buy my spices without jars, I make all of our bread and baked goods from scratch. I also happen to live in an area where there are numerous sources for local, organic meat, produce and eggs. I have never once come across yogurt in glass jars - not even in some of the largest coops in the nation. I can tell you unequivocally that while organic chicken might be nice - if you can find it - I can buy 2 pheasants, a fairly substantial buffalo or venison roast, quite some little bit of local grass-fed beef, emu, duck, or local turkey for about the same price that I would have to pay for a single, rather small "organic" chicken. As a matter of fact, I can buy lobster for less per pound than I can buy organic chicken. This is not a book to be relied on for either advice or recipes if you happen to live on a grocery budget - even a fairly generous grocery budget.

This is not a book that I can recommend. I found only one or two recipes in the book that my family would eat, though the vegetarian among us might find another handful. (Of those, the Strawberry-Rhubarb Crumbles are accompanied by another unsubstantiated "Did you know" designed to convince the American buying public to never eat strawberries again.) "Easy Green Organic" is, in fact, a book I would advise you to leave on the shelf. Getty says that she would like to educate us. I would advise her to acquire a little more education herself first, paying particular attention to less biased sources. If you want to "go green" and want reliable help and advice along with attractive, thrifty recipes, buy yourself a copy of Forgotten Skills of Cooking: The Time-Honored Ways are the Best - Over 700 Recipes Show You Why instead. One of the best cookbooks I've seen in quite some while, worth every single one of all 5 stars!
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GrannySmith | Apr 3, 2010 |
Lots of recipes. I didn't find much I wanted to make in this book, but there's a great list of websites for resources in the back to help shoppers find green products.
infogirl | otra reseña | Feb 9, 2010 |
One of the worst Christmas craft books it has ever been my misfortune to come across. Greenie sermon on steroids, chock full of really bad and poorly thought out ideas ie using glue and real glitter on fruit as decoration and then eating the fruit.
GrannySmith | otra reseña | Jan 19, 2010 |


½ 2.5

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