Fotografía de autor

Sara FreemanReseñas

Autor de Tides

83+ Obras 258 Miembros 1 Reseña


A book of anguish, grief and longing, so viseral that it hard to look away. When her baby is born, a stillbirth, Mara wants to escape everything and everyone, even herself. She leaves Canada by bus, wanting to find a small, coastal town where she is unknown, where she can disappear. When she meets Simon, many months later, she finds herself feeling that maybe there is still a life to be found, one where she can start over. Be someone else. Simon too, however, is dealing with emotional devastation, and like the changing tides, life is never that simple.

An insulat, introspective novel, melancholy in tone and beautifully written. Reminded me a bit in tone and prose of [book:My Coney Island Baby|39868474].

ARC from Edelweiss.
Beamis12 | Jan 17, 2022 |