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Lorenz Font

Autor de Hunted

9 Obras 22 Miembros 2 Reseñas


Obras de Lorenz Font

Hunted (2013) 8 copias
Feather Light (2013) 5 copias
Pieces of Broken Time (2014) 3 copias
Indivisible Line (2015) 1 copia
Reckoning (2015) 1 copia
Tormented (2013) 1 copia
Tormented (2014) 1 copia
Ascension (2015) 1 copia
Rise of Alpha (2016) 1 copia


Conocimiento común

Lugares de residencia
Southern California, USA



Now, I am a HUGE fan of the vampire genre, both literary and cinematic. I’ll give most things vampiric a chance, especially if they put their own twist on the typical creatures of legend. This is the main reason I picked up Hunted, which proved true to its synopsis. It was a really interesting read that is definitely set apart from most (possibly all recent) depictions of vampires. Lorenz Font does a great job intertwining multiple character arcs together, showing how seemingly unrelated actions can massively affect the lives of others.

Font’s world of vampires isn’t your Stephenie Meyer’s version, nor is it reminiscent of Anne Rice. While the action and romance may make some believe this is like the Black Dagger Brotherhood, it really isn’t. Hunted stands on its own merits in a world belonging wholly to Ms. Font. Our protagonist, Harrow Gates, is extremely handsome. It’s the thing everyone notices and picks up on. This, however, is where his likeness to those of the male protagonists in the aforementioned series ends. You see, Harrow is actually incredibly likable. He is affable and seems to take things in good stride. He repays kindness with kindness, and at times, seems to even repay the harshness he receives with an understanding nod. While Edward (Cullen) and Louis (de Pointe du Lac) constantly mourn their loss of humanity despite the richness their current immortal lives offer, Harrow plods along and makes the most of his life. Sure, he feels sorrow for what he lost at times, but he seems to be okay with the life he has now, which is incredible given his immortality comes with a catch, a disease that affects those he comes into close contact with, both humans and vampires alike.

The secondary characters in Hunted are just as well developed as Harrow. Each have their own set of issues that drove them towards each other. Jordan, the reluctant vampire set upon destroying her maker. Allison, the innocent diseased vampire looking to bring back a sense of normalcy to her life after an attack left her motherless. Pritchard, a millionaire looking to protect humans and vampires alike from this seemingly incurable disease. Tor, a brawn over brains thug with a vendetta against the diseased. Even though this is only the first book in the Gates Legacy series, I’m astounded at how much Font was able to tell us about each of these characters, and can only imagine how these characters and their stories will continue to unfold and evolve as the series progresses.

While forging her own way in the vampire niche, Hunted also makes use of the traditional vampiric metaphors made popular by Stoker. The taking of blood is a metaphor for sex. It elicits the same sort of pleasure for the biter. The disease Harrow unknowingly introduces to the public shares attributes with HIV/AIDS. Both can be transmitted through sex, though in Harrow’s case, it can also be transmitted through biting. Font carefully navigates through this barely veiled metaphor, depicting multiple sides to the issue. Scientists trying to cure it, the infected parties trying to live responsibly to prevent others from catching it, other infected parties so angry at having caught it that they set out to infect others, the small minded that only want to destroy all infected regardless of contamination source, and then those that are in love with the infected, having to learn to maneuver through hoops at a chance of intimacy.

Overall, it is amazing that Font was able to introduce so much information at once in a book that is a relatively quick read. The negatives aren’t anything grand, nor do they detract from the story. The beginning may start a bit slow, though I think that is more due to the impatience of the reader to find out what is going to happen, rather than hesitant writing. The romances seemed to escalate from zero to fifty out of nowhere, but like I said, it doesn’t really affect the quality of the story.

I rated this book at 3.5 stars, but will round it up to 4 considering it is only the first book in a series, and therefore had a lot of groundwork to lay down.

//I received this title for free in exchange for an honest review//
Hunted Review Giveaway was originally published on By Lulu with Love
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heylu | Mar 4, 2016 |
3.5 stars rounded up.

This was a nicely paced enjoyable read about two people with a few issues to deal with. I was happy with the fact that it focused on the relationship between Parker and Kelly. Don’t misunderstand there was some angst but nothing that had to do with anyone being in danger or chased in any way. That was fairly refreshing.

Parker has to deal with his increasing blindness and face the fact that he really hasn’t dealt with it no matter how hard he pretends to. I liked him a lot, but thought he went way OTT when he found Kelly’s true identity. I won’t spoil it, but it was tough to read and forgive him, which I felt Kelly did way too easy.

I understood why Kelly kept her fame a secret. She wanted to be loved for the real person she was, not the one on the big screen. I think she should’ve divulged this little tid bit sooner; maybe Parker wouldn’t have gone so far off the rails. The knowledge of who Kelly was brought everything to a head and the two of them had to face their issues and do it on their own.

Overall, this is a heartwarming story with some wonderfully hot and steamy sex scenes and a happy ending :)

(Received arc from publisher for an honest review.)

Darker Passions

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Tala2cubs | Sep 3, 2014 |

