Fotografía de autor

Brandon P. Fleming

Autor de Miseducated: A Memoir

1 Obra 52 Miembros 3 Reseñas

Sobre El Autor

Brandon P. Fleming is the assistant coach of debate at Harvard University and founder of the nationally acclaimed Harvard Diversity Project. Fleming was on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list and was recognized as one of The Root 100 Most Influential African Americans.

Obras de Brandon P. Fleming

Miseducated: A Memoir (2021) 52 copias, 3 reseñas


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The second half of this book was interesting and uplifting, especially toward the end, but I would have preferred a much shorter section on his melodramatic high school years and teenage sexual escapades. This man has an inspirational life story but I thought the book was not on par with his experience.
Iudita | 2 reseñas más. | Nov 2, 2022 |
I was expecting more analysis of the books that changed Brandon's life based on the marketing of this memoir, but it was still an enjoyable and inspiring read nonetheless.
BibliophageOnCoffee | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 12, 2022 |
Miseducated by Brandon P Fleming is an engrossing and uplifting read that first takes the reader down to the depths before scaling the heights. From the first paragraph I was invested in the story.

While this is certainly one amazing man's story and a testament to his strength and perseverance, it is also a statement about the many ways society is failing our people, particularly those who white America wants to marginalize. There are a lot of lessons one can take from this, both personal and conceptual, one of mine is the need for better representation on all levels of non-stereotypical models for young people to identify with and emulate.

With so much of television, film, and literature offering mostly negative stereotypes of Blacks in America young people don't get the chance to see the much larger numbers of positive role models and those who battle and succeed against a society stacked against them. I don't simply mean more stories like this one, though that is needed too. I am talking about the need for young people to have television shows and movies that portray people they can identify with. They need books written by and about people they can identify with. This isn't just some issue of diversity for diversity sake, this is about young people seeing other paths for them to follow, different examples of success, and yes, the periodic stumble as well. Whites can pick and choose from role models across the spectrum, from horrible examples to great people overcoming their own obstacles. Those examples are severely limited to everyone else, which to a young mind can serve as limits to what they believe they can do. Literature can open minds as well as doors to the future.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who likes reading about overcoming life's obstacles. Broadly speaking, I would recommend this to anyone who just likes a good book. Several times I was so caught up in the narrative, especially during the first part of the book, that it was as if I was reading a novel, expecting some kind of sudden solution like fiction always gives us.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via Goodreads.
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pomo58 | 2 reseñas más. | Jul 16, 2021 |



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