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Deby Eisenberg

Autor de Pictures of the Past

3 Obras 68 Miembros 3 Reseñas

Obras de Deby Eisenberg


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Pictures of the Past by Deby Eisenberg is a novel that starts in 2004 in Chicago, Illinois and then goes back in time to relate the story (which seems to be very popular right now in books). Gerta Rosen is celebrating her birthday in 2004 by going to the Art Institute of Chicago. She sees a painting by Henri Lebasque titled “Girl at the Beach” (the English translation). When Gerta sees the plaque that states Taylor Woodmere donated the piece to the museum she is upset. Gerta remembers seeing the painting on the wall in a neighbor’s house in Berlin in 1938. Gerta remembers that the painting belonged to Sarah Berger.

The story is soon in the papers and Taylor Woodmere is under attack. Their family is known for their philantrophy and they are being accused of having Sarah Berger’s (a Jewish woman’s) painting. Taylor reminices and goes back to 1937. Taylor was being sent to Paris on business by his father. He was dating Emily Kendall (a demanding, spoiled brat) who was staying at their home in Kenilworth, Ilinois for the summer. Taylor buys the Henri Lebasque painting at the Paris Exposition intending it as a gift for Emily. Then Taylor meets Sarah Berger and falls for her instantly. When Taylor’s business is over, he accompanies the family back to Berlin (supposedly to look at Mr. Berger’s factory). At the end of his visit, Sarah plans to come to the United States as soon as she can. She does not feel that she can leave her family yet.

We then meet Dr. Sylvie Woodmere Hunt who is Taylor’s granddaughter. She is a clinical psychologist. She sees a little boy when she drops of her daughter for school. The little boy reminds her of Rusty. She played with Rusty one day at her mansion (Woodmere estate in Kenilworth). She never forgot that day. Sylvie was raised by her grandparents after the passing of her mother (her father was a drug addict).

Rachel Gold in 1968 is a college student. She meets Court Woodmere while working and falls for him. She soon becomes pregnant. Court gives her money for an abortion as well as the name of a doctor. Rachel ends up traveling to New York and stays with her Aunt Ida Leber. Rachel gives birth to a little boy and names him Jason.

Jason Stone is a lawyer. He is married to Lara and they have a young son who looks just like him. Jason was adopted by his stepfather when he was young. Lara tells Jason about the woman who stared at their son when she dropped him off at school.

These four people are tied together. The story tells of what happens to Sarah, Taylor, Jason, Rachel, and Sylvie as well as the painting. I enjoyed reading Pictures of the Past. It was not fabulous, but good. I give Pictures of the Past 3.5 out of 5 stars (above okay near like). There is a lot of history in the novel as well as characters. The book takes us through World War II to present day. I think with a little tweaking this book could have been better.

I received a complimentary copy of Pictures of the Past from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The review and opinions expressed are my own.
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Kris_Anderson | 2 reseñas más. | Aug 14, 2015 |
It is amazing to me that something that is an idea can evolve into a wonderful story. I admire an author that can take the idea and run with it. That to me is what Pictures of the Past is, a very well researched story that may be fiction but certainly could have been very real. A story told in different times, before and during WWII, in the 70's, 80's and then in the 2000's. With the different time frames and characters you would think the story would be confusing throughout but that is not the case. The story comes together seamlessly by the ending. To me that is the mark of a great author, to be able to keep the reader interested to the final page. Pictures of the Past tells the story of how war affects all those involved. How a race of people can be so bitter and hateful towards the Jews is beyond my scope of understanding.. I know this has all happened but the atrocities that were perpetuated are just beyond comprehension. The time and research involved can definitely be seen in the writing, the characters the reader can relate to and a story well worth the time to read. An amazing debut novel from Deby Eisenberg.I loved this story and highly recommend it. I hope to read more of Ms. Eisenberg's work.… (más)
celticlady53 | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 23, 2012 |
This book is beautifully written. It follows the stories of several people, all connected in some way by a painting. This book encompasses contemporary times, World War II, and the 1960's.

Every story is somehow tragically touched by the atrocities done to the Jews during WWII. The book opens when an elderly lady is taken to the Art Institute of Chicago and sees a painting that she remembers hanging in her neighbors home in Berlin. It was at the Berger family, a Jewish family. She sees this painting as another example of the Nazi theft of their victims priceless treasures.

The story then turns to illustrating a love story. This is the story of a young man and woman who are torn apart during WWII. He is an American and she is a German Jew. Taylor Woodmere purchased the painting for the woman he was going to marry. As soon as he met Sarah Berger, his plans for marriage changed and the picture ends up in her hands and home.

This story is mainly about Taylor and Sarah. It shows the great love they have for one another and the tragedy that became their lives when Sarah was swept in Hitlers plans to exterminate the Jewish people.

This book is about a sad and reprehensible time in the history of the world. Throughout the story her message remains one of hope and the resilience of the Jewish people. Deby Eisenberg has written a powerful novel and a wonderful love story.

Content warning: mild swearing and intimacy behind closed doors.
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Bookworm_Lisa | 2 reseñas más. | Feb 13, 2012 |



½ 3.4

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