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Jennifer DeLucy

Autor de Seers of Light

3+ Obras 140 Miembros 6 Reseñas


Obras de Jennifer DeLucy

Seers of Light (2010) 105 copias
Whisper of Light (2010) 29 copias
Circle of Light (2012) 6 copias

Obras relacionadas

A Valentine Anthology (2010) — Contribuidor — 7 copias


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Premios y honores
Goodreads Readers Choice Finalist 2010 - Best Author, Best Paranormal
Biografía breve
Jennifer DeLucy is the author of The Light Series, as well as a free-lance editor. Jennifer grew up in the valley city of Scranton, Pennsylvania, where she developed an obsession with all things literary and musical thanks to the influence of an extroverted and creative family. Currently living in the Midwest, Jennifer continues to pursue opportunities as an author, editor and musician. She is determined to put her love of the arts, nature and spirit to good use, broadening minds and opening hearts in every way she can.



Jennifer DeLucy’s Seers of Light is a journey of love, hope, and courage. The story follows Lily, a pathcrosser and empath, who is saved by Christian from a vampire attack. After a brief explanation from Christian, he takes her to Georgia to Abram and the other endowed people. There she discovers who she really is and her destiny, to battle evil spirits and beings. She trains with William, the vampire with a soul. Before their first training session Lily decides to hate him for what he is not who. He expects and puts up with her attitude stating that she can hate him all she wants just as long as she learns what she needs to survive. As the training sessions continue, she starts to see the humanity in William. Christian, seeing that Lily is being less hostile with William, becomes very clingy, even though they are not dating. He starts to follow her around like a “golden retriever.” When a coven of vampires located near her hometown starts to threaten Lily’s new happy life, she along with her new family, must defeat them, or die trying.
All the characters in Seers of Light were real. I found I had a lot in common with Lily. Although, I don’t think I’m quite as stubborn as she is. After spending most of her life seeing spirits and being empathetic, Lily is more than happy to go where she is accepted and even admired for her abilities. She is very kind, but also judgmental and a bit gullible. Her love interest in the story is William Maddox. I could talk about William for the rest of my life. In fact, I’ve reread Seers of Light so many times that I’ve actually lost count, all because of William. Even after reading it X amount of times I still feel my heart beat erratically whenever he walks in the room, or speaks, or is brought up in the conversation. Jennifer DeLucy did a marvelous job writing his character. William is a vampire who got his soul back. Everything about him is human except his body. The sentients, other endowed people, around the world aren’t too fond of him, nor is Christian. Christian spends most of his time voicing his hatred of William to his face. Poor William. He is so tortured but still strives to do what is right. Unlike Christian, William allows Lily to make her own mistakes and decisions. All I can say is that every time William did something or said something especially cute or witty I pretty much swooned- which was quite often. Christian bugged me. There were so many times when he interrupted William and Lily moments that got me out of my seat screaming “Shut up, Christian!” or “Go away, Christian!” But to be fair, Christian has problems of his own. By the end, I thought Christian was okay. Abram was kind of like the head of the house. If I had to pick an actor to play him it would be Morgan Freeman. He’s wise and very grandfatherly. The rest of the characters are beautifully brought to life and fill the novel with an amazing story.
Jennifer DeLucy explores love and courage in her novel. Love is a huge, and I mean gigantic huge, theme in Seers of Light. She forces the characters to examine their hearts and what it means to love. Love takes courage-it is a leap of faith. As a reader, I felt the love wrapped around the characters. To love someone, sometimes sacrifices must be made to keep or save that love. Seers of Light contained every form of love as well as the ups and downs of it.
Seers of Light is one of those books that I can’t recommend enough. I’ve read this book more than three times (lost count after that). After every reread, I dreamt about William. I’m not exaggerating. I did. This is the only book that I’ve dreamt about more than once. It will stick in your mind. It will make you reflect about your own life and how love has affected you. The smooth and easy flow of reality and the paranormal is proof of Jennifer DeLucy’s skill at story-telling. The paranormal aspect takes up a huge part of the book, but it is so completely believable that you barely notice it. There are so many books where the paranormal is just too unbelievable that it ruins the book for me. I’m so glad my library didn’t have this book. By buying a copy (kindle!) I am now able to bring it with me wherever I go. Which means, William goes with me everywhere ;) Goodness! Seers of Light is an exceptional novel. The characters are memorable, the dialogue is absorbing, the suspense is thrilling, and the romance is truly beautiful. I adored this book!
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bonbonsandreveries | 3 reseñas más. | Mar 20, 2011 |
I started missing everybody in this book around page 180. Jen's characters are so well developed, reading the book was like a long weekend with close friends, and the last bit was Sunday, when you knew that everyone had to go back home.Bring on Book Three!
traciolsen | otra reseña | Mar 13, 2011 |
Team William! Heh. I adored this book, and plan to reccommend it to everyone I know.Part romance, epic of course, part treatise to life your life fully, she creates an amazing blend of the supernatural and reality. The characters are so real, I honestly miss them now that I am finished! I love that they are engaged in a spiritual world doing very out of the ordinary things and yet they are incredibly down to earth. Reading Lily's story, I felt like, Hey I could do that! (but maybe that's just me). Ha. I am not doing this book justice, so I will conclude by saying, please read this book, it is swoony and gorgeous and smirky in all the right places. xoxo… (más)
traciolsen | 3 reseñas más. | Mar 13, 2011 |
Whisper of Light is the second book in the Light Series. I really liked the first book a lot, Seers of Light. However this book, I love. This book focuses on the West Coast Sentients that we first met in Seers of Light. The west coast sentients are a bunch of lovable misfits. The storyline centers around Nicole. Both her parents are sentients but Nicole doesn't appear to possess any special gifts. Her father is a jerk, to put it nicely, and her mom is having some memory issues. Nicole feels out of place in her own home, unloved by her dad, and lonely. I liked her character growth throughout this novel. I love how Jennifer DeLucy transformed her character. I think Nicole is someone who we all can relate to at some point in our lives. Nicole's world is rocked with the arrival of Christian. If you haven't read Seers of Light I don't want to ruin it for you but he had a rough time in that book. Christian arrives on their door step looking for a new start but also coming with emotional baggage of his own. Nicole has to learn to trust not only herself but Christian also. They have to work together to help save a little girl. I really like Christian. His character really opens up in this book. Jennifer DeLucy gives us more back ground information on him that makes him more likable and appealing. Overall I really love this story. This book was like my favorite kind of ice cream with awesomesauce poured all over it. If you haven't read these books you are missing out!… (más)
mt256 | otra reseña | Feb 11, 2011 |

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